3. Assembly of a Wall- 3rd semester individual work Emanuele Bianco

Post on 24-Mar-2016

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Assembly of a Wall with cost and micro production time simulation.

Individual part by Emanuele Bianco 3J group 2

Assembly of a wall- table of contents

1. Documents 2. Wall chosen 3. Wall assembly-timber frame 4. Wall assembly-plywood 5. Wall assembly-insulation 6. Wall assembly-lathes 7. Wall assembly-cladding in walls workshop 8. Wall assembly-assembly wall with gr.floor 9. Wall assembly-cladding at gr.floor workshop 10. Wall assembly-assembly with ceiling 11. Wall assembly-plasterboards 12. Wall assembly-connection with foundation wall n 1 13. Wall assembly-window profile 14. Wall assembly-connection between two units top view 15. Wall assembly-connection between two units section 16. Production flow chart walls 17. Time estimation 18. Manufacturing cost 19. Cost comparison

Overview of the walls in unit 1 and Wall chosen

Overview of the production flow of wall n. 1 between the workshops

Standard wall construction

Connection between two units/ top view details

Connection between two units/section


Production flow chart details

120.30 H for manufacturing of Wall n 1 in fabric

Micro production time simulation details

Manufacturing cost/ elemental cost sigma ( blu book netto uden salær)


Manufacturing cost wall n 1: 14270,285DKK

Database Sigma cost wall n 1* 20078,00 DKK


Cost comparison details

1: Manufacturing cost wall n 1: 14270,285DKK 2:Database Sigma cost wall n 1* 20078,00 DKK

Cost reduction: 29 %