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Post on 16-Apr-2017

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The Pillars of the EarthVs



Hispania is moreHistorical than The Pillars

Hispania is the largestseries

THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH1: Anarchy2: Master Builder3: Redemption4: Battlefield5: Legacy6: Witchcraft7: New Beginnings8: The Work of Angels

HISPANIATítulo Original: Hispania - La leyendaTemporada: 1CapÍtulos: 9Género: HistóricaAño: 2010Duración: 75 min. aprox. c.u.Idioma: Español

The Pillars is betterto learn art than HISPANIA

The Pillars is bloodierthan Hispania

In Hispania actresses areprettier and sexierthan in The Pillars

Bishop Waleran Bigodis worse thanPraetor Galva

Viriato is stronger and

braver thanTom Builder

This work has

been done by

• Ignacio González

•Pedro Medina

•Ignacio Cuevas