3 famous christmas church plays

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Plays are organized in churches throughout the United States during Christmas.“A Christmas to believe in”, “The Mission” and “Soapy Smith’s Winter Wish” are three popular plays that are enacted during the festival.


3 Famous Christmas

Church plays


Plays are organized throughout the U.S.in churches and schools during Christmas. People of all age groups participate in these events

The play is based on two narrators. One of the narrators does not believe in the Nativity Story. The other person is trying to convince him that the story is true. As the story is being narrated by the ‘believer’ narrator, respective characters enact their roles on the stage. The actors come to the ‘non believer’ narrator from time to time to ask him if he still doesn’t believe the story. The narrator is finally convinced about the story.

The scene opens with Jesus Christ missing from his heavenly home. All the Guardian Angels are called for an emergency meeting. They starttheir mission of searching Christ based on the path taken by the Son of God on his last visit to earth. With a lot of searching, Jesus was spotted in a church. The surprising element in the play is that mission of the angels still continues on earth

This is a story within a story. In the story a homeless man is narrator the story about Soapy Smith a bankrupt Wall Street broker. Due to the losses incurred by him, Smith is homeless now and has no option but to spend the night in chilly cold weather outside. In order to escape the cold he is committing a series of petty crimes so that he is arrested and put in a prison. He is failing in his Endeavour every time. He has a change of heart after visiting a church service. This church Christmas play will be liked by people of all ages