3 free and easy ways to get traffic

Post on 02-Feb-2015

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Hi, If you have a new website and are looking to get some instant traffic without all the hassles of SEO then these three will help you.


3 FREE and EASY Ways to Get Traffic to your Site

1. Blog CommentingBlog commenting can be a great way to get free traffic to your site.

Find suitable blogs in your niche

Make intelligent and respectable comments on the blogs

They will allow you to add your URL

Do not spam as your comment will most likely be trashed

1. Blog CommentingIf people like your comment they will click back to your site

If you can search for “comment luv” blogs as these allow you to post individual post URLs

This can also be a great way to build up relationships with other bloggers

Which in turn, will ultimately lead to more traffic......

2. Use Forum SignaturesFind a forum suitable for your niche market

Sign up and start to get involved in discussions

After a short while (usually around 10-15 posts) you should be able to add a signature that can contain a link back to your site

Again, like blog commenting – try to write intelligent, useful info so people can use it

This will lead to people clicking on your signature a heading back to your site

2. Use Forum SignaturesYou can form a trust with these people as you may speak to them frequently

Try to solve peoples problems

Try to help people in the forums

3. Build a FaceBook PageWith 80 Million users worldwide can you afford not to be involved in this social media giant?

Set up a FaceBook page similar to your site

Add links, pictures and content

Send the page out to all your friends – hoping that they may forward it on to some of theirs and so on.....

Drive traffic from the FaceBook page to your main site via links to it

3. Build a FaceBook PageRun competitions on your FaceBook page

Ask for peoples opinions on your FaceBook page

Participate in other FaceBook pages in your niche – drop your link in now and again to drive traffic to your site

So there...... 3 Very Easy Traffic Techniques

For tons more simple tips and techniques on blogging, SEO, Internet Marketing and making money online head over to the blog.

8 Guaranteed Free Traffic Methods!