3. Metallurgical - IJMMSE -Tailoring of Microstructure of - Reham Reda

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  • 8/12/2019 3. Metallurgical - IJMMSE -Tailoring of Microstructure of - Reham Reda


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    International Journal of Metallurgical & Materials

    Science and Engineering (IJMMSE)

    ISSN(P): 2278-2516; ISSN(E): 2278-2524

    Vol. 4, Issue 3, Jun 2014, 29-44

    TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




    1,2Central Metallurgical R&D Institute, Helwan, Egypt

    3,4Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt


    The aim of this work was to correlate the microstructure characteristics and the abrasive wear resistance of

    Ti-6Al-4V castings via different cycles of heat treatment. Nine heat treatment cycles were performed on the as-cast

    specimens of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Three of them were called single stage heat treatment cycles (SSHT) that involved solution

    annealing at 900C, 935C and 980C for 10 min followed by water quenching. The other six cycles were called duplex

    stage heat treatment (DSHT) and involved solution annealing at 900C, 935C and 980C for 10 min, furnace cooling to

    600C and 700C, followed by isothermal holding for 30 min and subsequent water quenching. The characterization was

    conducted using microstructure investigation along with hardness and abrasive wear tests. The worn surfaces were

    observed using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in order to investigate the working wear mechanism. After SSHT, an

    increase in the hardness and abrasive wear resistance was recorded as compared with the as-cast condition. This is

    attributed to the formation of martensite phase in the microstructure after quenching from SSHT temperatures. On the other

    hand, DSHT have little effect on the hardness values while effectively enhance the abrasive wear resistance over the as-

    cast alloy and SSHT. This may be attributed to stress induced martensite transformation (SIM) of the retained -phase,

    which formed in the microstructure after DSHT, during abrasive wear process. Controlling and adjusting the composition

    and volume fraction of the different phases in the microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V castings during DSHT promote abrasive

    wear resistance by turning the wear mechanism to scratched wear mechanism.

    KEYWORDS: Ti-6Al-4V Implant Castings- Single/Duplex Stage Heat Treatment- Microstructure- Retained

    -Phase- Hardness - Abrasive Wear Resistance - Worn Surface


    Current uses of Ti-6Al-4V castings, as implant material, include cast hip and knee joints prosthesis in addition to

    dental implants such as crowns and bridges.[1,2] There are a trend to use Ti-6Al-4V alloy in the as-cast condition in order to

    reduce the cost of processing.[1,3]The disadvantage of Ti-6Al-4V alloy is that it has poor abrasive wear resistance, which

    results in the wear of the implant during its fixation in the body. Implant wear is a common phenomenon, which results due

    to high friction between artificial implant materials when in contact with natural bone. The artificial joints can withstand

    cyclic loads acting on them higher than the healthy and natural joints.[4] The corresponding wear of the implant results in

    the accumulation of wear debris in the body tissues, which results in inflammation, pain and loosening of implant resulting

    in shorter life period of the implant,in addition to mechanical and chemical instability of the implant.[2]

    Ti-6Al-4V alloy is of +-type that is characterized to be sensitive to microstructural variations. Major

    microstructural parameters affecting mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy are composition, size, volume fractions and

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    30 Reham Reda, Adel Nofal, Abdel-Hamid Hussein & El-Sayed M. El-Banna

    Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9076 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

    morphology of - and -phases. Many researchers have tried to obtain the desired mechanical properties by controlling

    these microstructural factors through heat treatments or thermomechanical treatments. [5-9]Many authors[3,6-9]stated that the

    presence of retained and transformed -phase in the microstructure enhanced the properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys. In the

    present work, the effect of controlling the microstructural characteristics via heat treatment on the abrasive wear resistancewas studied. Nine different heat treatment cycles were conducted in an argon atmosphere on Ti-6Al-4V cast specimens.

    Then, the specimens were characterized using microstructure investigation along with hardness and abrasive wear tests.

    The worn surfaces also investigated using scanning electron microscope (SEM).


    Material and Methods

    The specimens used in this study were cut using Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) from the as-cast Ti-6Al-4V

    alloy ingot into dimensions of 12mmx12mmx7mm. The chemical composition is given in Table (1).

    Heat Treatment

    This study involves 9 heat treatment cycles, see Figure 1. and Figure 2. Programmable furnace with a controlled

    atmosphere was used for all heat treatment cycles. All heat treatment cycles were carried out in an argon environment.

    In this study, the solution treatment temperatures for the cast Ti-6Al-4V alloy were selected to be below beta transus

    transformation temperature (T) to avoid grain coarsening and formation of high fraction of brittle martensite after

    quenching. Twas measured using heat-flux differential scanning calorimeter (heat-flux DSC) to be 987C. The performed

    heat treatment cycles can be divided into two parts, as will be discussed below.

    Single Stage Heat Treatment (SSHT)In single stage heat treatment (SSHT), the specimens were heated up to different temperatures in + range

    (900C, 935C, 980C). The specimens were isothermally held for 10min, followed by water quenching, as shown in

    Figure 1.

    Duplex Stage Heat Treatment (DSHT)The duplex stage heat treatment (DSHT) involved heating specimens up to +range (900C, 935C, 980C) and

    isothermally held for 10min, followed by the furnace cooling to lower temperatures (600C and 700C as shown in Figure

    2), and isothermally held for 30min. Finally specimens were water quenched down to room temperature.


    Microstructure Investigation

    The as-cast and heat-treated specimens were prepared by standard metallographic techniques which consist of

    polishing and etching in an etchant composed of 10% HNO3, 5% HF, and 85% distilled water. After etching, the

    specimens were investigated by an optical microscope. X-ray diffraction analysis with CuK irradiation was used for

    microstructural characterization. X-ray diffraction measurements were made using the angle 2 from 34 to 42.

    The volume fractions of the different phases were measured by the image analyzer and X-ray diffraction.

    Hardness Test

    The average bulk Vickers hardness (HV30) of the specimens was measured. The applied load was 30kg, loading

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    Tailoring of Microstructure of Ti-6al-4v Implant Castings for Abrasive Wear Resistance 31

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    time was 15 seconds and the speed of the indenter was 100m/sec, according to ASTM E92. The sample surfaces were

    removed by 3mm to eliminate any oxidized layer prior to the hardness measurement. Five readings were taken on each

    sample and the average of them is reported.

    Abrasive Wear Test

    The wear tests were carried out by the laboratory pin-on-ring method. The wear test conditions are given in

    Table (2). The pin-on-ring abrasive wear test involved high stress, two-body abrasion, in which one end of a rectangular

    pin specimen was fixed against rotating abrasive hardened stainless steel ring. Prior to testing, the samples and ring were

    ultrasonically cleaned and washed in acetone.

    Abrasive wear behavior was studied by determining the weight loss and investigating the wear mechanisms via

    scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at different magnifications. Specimens were weighed using scale with a sensitivity of

    0.1 mg. Each reported wear value was the average result obtained from two separate measurements.


    Microstructure and Phase Transformations

    Microstructural Characteristics of Cast Ti-6Al-4V AlloyMicrostructure of the as-cast Ti-6Al-4V alloy is shown in Figure 3. The bright regions correspond to -phase,

    forming a typical Widmansttaten structure, whereas thin dark regions between -plates are -phase.[3] In the

    Widmanstatten microstructure, -phase is formed along prior -grain boundaries, and colonies of lath-type and lamellar

    structure are present inside prior grains. and platelets are known to have different Burgers direction.[1]

    X-ray diffraction pattern of the as-cast alloy is shown in Figure 4. Reflections of and phases were detected indiffraction patterns of the as-cast alloy. It should be noted that reflections are rather weak, suggesting a relatively low

    volume fraction of the -phase.[3]The volume fraction of -phase was detected by XRD to be 10%.

    Malinov et al.[10] calculated the amount of retained -phase from X-ray diffraction patterns to be 92% and

    reported that the amount of retained -phase is independent on the cooling rate. They[10] found that the only difference

    between the X-ray diffraction patterns after different cooling rates was in the relative intensities of the different {h k l}

    planes of the -phase. This was probably due to preferable orientation of the -phase under different cooling rates.

    Effect of SSHT on Microstructure and Phase TransformationThe microstructures after different single stage heat treatments (SSHT) are shown in Figure 5. Water-quenching

    from the indicated temperatures in + range leads to the formation of acicular ' martensite structure by diffusionless

    transformation of -phase, as previously reported.[1,3,5,10,11]-phase, in the as-cast structure Figure 3, appears as thin dark

    areas between -lamellae, in other words, -phase appears as delimits of -lamellae. These areas are likely to transform to

    martensite upon water quenching from high temperatures in +range. Therefore, the formed martensite phase appears in

    the optical micrographs also as a thin dark layer surrounding -lamellae. Optical micrographs of the alloy quenched from

    900C and 935C are shown in Figure.5. a-b, respectively. The microstructures formed in these conditions are a mixture of

    acicular ' martensite and structures with plates formed inside and at prior -grain boundaries. Pwith more globular

    structure also begins to appear after quenching from + range along with lamellar structure. The microstructure

    quenched from 935C has higher fractions of ' martensite phase than quenched from 900C. The optical micrograph of

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    Tailoring of Microstructure of Ti-6al-4v Implant Castings for Abrasive Wear Resistance 33

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    Holding at 600C or 700C will only permit the redistribution of the alloying elements due to diffusional process

    at these high temperatures. Water quenching from these temperatures prevents the decomposition of -phase; hence higher

    amount of -phase is retained to room temperature.

    Figure 9. presents the volume fraction of - and -phases after DSHT. The microstructures after DSHT at 600C

    had lower amount of retained -phase than microstructures after DSHT at 700C for all first stage temperatures. As the

    temperature in the first stage increases, the amount of -phase formed at this temperature increases through +

    transformation while furnace cooling from the first stage temperature leads to +transformation to take place. The

    kinetics of the transformation from the certain temperature in the first stage to 600C or 700C can be correlated to the

    volume fraction of - and -phases (Figure 9). It can be concluded that as the first stage temperature increases, the kinetics

    of the transformation increase, i.e. +transformation rate increases which results in decrease in the fraction of -phase

    with increasing the first stage temperature. For example, in the case of DSHT at 600C, volume fraction of -phase is the

    highest after DSHT from 900C and lowest from 980C, while from 935C is intermediate value between them. Volume

    fraction after DSHT at 700C is changed in the same manner as at 600C.

    As it is well known for Ti-6Al-4V +Ti-alloy that V is -stabilizer which forms and enriches -phase, while Al

    is -stabilizer which forms and enriches -phase. Since -phase is the strengthening phase in these conditions, i.e. when the

    microstructure consists only from - and -phases, therefore, V content and distribution are the key factors that control the

    mechanical properties of the alloy. Figure 10. presented the chemical composition of both - and -phases after DSHT.

    -phase is lean in V content (Figure 10. a). As shown in Figure 10. b, -phase formed after DSHT at 600C is richer in

    V content than that formed after DSHT at 700C. Hence; -phase formed after DSHT at 600C is more stable. This can be

    illustrated by the fact that V concentration in the -phase increases with decreasing its fraction as the second step treatment

    temperature decrease from 700C to 600C. This is accompanied with decreasing V content in -phase and increasing its

    Al content.

    On the other hand, for DSHT at 600C, the highest concentration of V content in -phase is obtained from 900C

    and the lowest from 980C, while an intermediate value between them is obtained from 935C. The concentration of V is

    changed in the same manner after DSHT at 700C from the same temperatures. This is in contradiction with the above fact,

    where the fraction of -phase isnt inversely proportional to its V content. This may be attributed to increasing V content in

    -phase as the first step in the DSHT temperature increase from 900C to 980C. As presented in Figure 10, this increase

    in the V content in -phase is accompanied with decreasing in its Al content.

    It is reported[6] that upon furnace cooling from a predetermined temperature, the -phase may decompose,

    depending upon its composition. There may also be decomposition of the -phase during the isothermal step of DSHT,

    again depending upon the -phase composition. The decreased solubility of alloying element in -phase during slow

    cooling induces precipitation of -phase.[11]In our study, XRD was not detected any precipitates.

    Finally, we can state that the phase transformation, i.e. fractions of the phases and their compositions, occur

    during DSHT is controlled mainly by V and Al diffusion. The decrease in the V content in -phase is compensated by its

    increase in the -phase and the increase in V content is accompanied with decreasing in Al content in the same phase.

    This may be controlled by the diffusivity of V and Al in Ti.

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    34 Reham Reda, Adel Nofal, Abdel-Hamid Hussein & El-Sayed M. El-Banna

    Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9076 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0


    Effect of SSHT on Hardness

    The change of hardness after SSHT and DSHT is shown in Figure 11. In SSHT, the hardness increases as the

    SSHT temperature increases, as a result of formation of ' acicular martensite with increasing volume fraction as the SSHTtemperature increases, as reported in Figure 7. These hardness results were in agreement with pervious results.[2,3,9,13]It is

    reported[13]that the grain refinement due to the bcc to hcp transformation and an increase in dislocation density caused by

    the rapid cooling to form martensite contribute also in enhancing the hardness values. SSHT at 980C exhibited the

    highest hardness values, while the as-cast alloy had the lowest one.

    Effect of DSHT on Hardness

    DSHT leads to little change in the hardness values as compared with the as-cast alloy. Solid solution

    strengthening of -phase is the main factor that promotes hardness in DSHT. DSHT at 700C enhances the hardness more

    than at 600C. This is attributed to higher volume fraction of -phase at 700C, as reported in Figure 9. After analyzing the

    hardness results and correlating them with the microstructure characteristics (Figure 9. and Figure 10.), it can be concluded

    that the hardness depends on the fraction of the harder phase (-phase), as reported previously,[8] more than on its

    composition, e.g. saturation with V that enhances the strengthening by solid solution strengthening mechanism.

    Among the different DSHT cycles, DSHT from 900C at 700C results in the highest hardness value where the

    hardness increase by 4.1% as compared with the as-cast alloy. The corresponding microstructure consists of the highest

    fraction of supersaturated retained -phase with fine precipitations of , which cause the strengthening effect. On the other

    hand, DSHT from 980C at 600C resulted in a reduction in hardness value as compared with the as-cast alloy which

    correlated to the lowest retained -phase fraction obtained, as presented in Figure 9. These results are contrary to the

    results obtained by Meyer et al.,[7] who reported that after quenching from above or below -transus temperature and aging

    at 600C or 700C for 60 minutes, the hardness obtained by aging at 600C is higher than at 700C. They[7] assumed that

    aging at 700C leads to an overaging effect, resulting in a decrease in hardness when compared to the condition aged at

    600C. We should point out that the procedure of heat treatment of our study and the study of Meyer et al. [1] are different.

    They[7] tend to quench the sample after annealing in - or +- range for 60 min. followed by aging at 600C or 700C for

    60 minutes. This procedure resulted in aged microstructure, that consists of aged martensite (temper martensite),

    e.g. martensite decomposed to -phase and -phase decomposed to -phase. Therefore, the obtained -phase is lean in the

    -stabilizer and cannot contribute in the strengthening effect, which was caused by the fine precipitations of . Otherwise

    our results, the hardness value obtained after DSHT at 700C is higher than at 600C. This is attributed to increase the

    volume fraction of the supersaturated retained -phase at 700C over 600C, which resulting in higher solid solution

    strengthening effect; hence increasing in the hardness value.

    Abrasive Wear Resistance and Worn Surface

    Figure 12. shows the effect of SSHT and DSHT on the weight loss of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy.

    Effect of SSHT on Weight Loss and Worn Surface

    After SSHT, the weight loss decreases compared with the as-cast alloy. As the SSHT temperature increases, the

    weight loss decreases.

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    This is attributed to the formation of acicular martensitic structure after quenching from these temperatures and

    increasing its fraction as the SSHT temperature increases, as illustrated in Figure 6 and Figure 7. These results seem to be

    in agreement with our microstructures and hardness results.

    SEM observations of the worn surfaces of some selected samples after SSHT (Figure 13) confirm the above

    results. It seems that the worn surface of the as-cast alloy showed coarse and thick wear tracks with deep wear grooves

    Figure 13(a, b), While the worn surface of the alloy after quenching from 935C, Figure 13(c, d), show less damage.

    Both worn surfaces have been shown micro-cutting and micro-ploughing wear mechanisms. This micro-cutting mechanism

    occurred by stainless steel ring that cut into the soft microstructure and form chip, as indicated by the arrow in Figure 13

    (b, d), at high magnification. Worn surface of the alloy quenching from 980C, Figure 13(e, f), showed only scratched

    surface due to formation of high amount of ' martensite.

    I. Cvijovi-Alagiet al.[13]reported that the wear resistance of Ti-6Al-4V alloy is very sensitive to heat treatment,

    which modifies the microstructure. The grain refinement due to the bcc to hcp transformation and an increase indislocation density caused by the rapid cooling to form martensite contribute also in enhancing the hardness values;

    hence wear resistance. This grain refinement of the microstructure after quenching from +range results in dissipation of

    a large amount of the energy produced by sliding; hence leads to higher resistance to cracks formation on the surface of

    worn specimens.

    It is worth to mention that, in normal cases, as the hardness of a surface increases, a corresponding increase in the

    wear resistance can be expected due to a decrease in the plasticity of the surface and absence in adhesive wear

    mechanisms. The results in our study confirm this fact. Contrary to the normal cases, Feng et al. [14] found that the wear

    resistance of Ti-6Al-4V alloy decreased as the surface hardness increased. In the author point of view, this may be

    interpreted by that quenching in the study of Feng et al.[14] was conducted from 1000C that is above

    -transus transformation temperature; hence the obtained microstructure consists of 100% martensite. This structure

    results in brittle fracture behavior of the surface. In the present study, quenching were undertaken from different

    temperature in +-range; hence the resulted microstructure consist of a mixture of -, - and -phases. We can say that

    the presence of this mixture of the soft - and -phases along with hard -phase lead to enhance plastic deformation wear

    mechanisms, e.g. micro-cutting and micro-plowing wear mechanism. These plastic deformation wear mechanisms turn to

    scratch wear mechanism with increasing the volume fraction of martensite phase from 28% to 80%, as SSHT

    temperature increases from 900C to 980C. On the other hand, increasing the volume fraction of the hard martensite

    phase to 100% by quenching from above -transus transformation temperature, may lead to turn the scratch wear

    mechanism to brittle fracture behavior where the microstructure consist of fully brittle phase.

    Effect of DSHT on Weight Loss and Worn Surface

    Weight loss decreased by 58.2% and by 78.5% after DSHT from 900C at 600C and 700C, respectively, as

    compared with the as-cast alloy while after DSHT from 935C at 600C and 700C, weight loss decreased by 55.9% and

    by 69.4%, respectively, as shown in Figure 12. On the other hand, DSHT from 980C also decrease the weight loss by

    53.7% and by 65.9 at 600C and 700C, respectively.

    As stated above, the microstructures after DSHT consists only from - and -phases, where there is no presence

    of acicular martensite. Usually, as it is well known, as the hardness values increases the weight loss decreases. In our

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    36 Reham Reda, Adel Nofal, Abdel-Hamid Hussein & El-Sayed M. El-Banna

    Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9076 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

    study, the hardness values after DSHT is approximately at the same level of the as-cast alloy and lower than the hardness

    values after SSHT (Figure 11). Contrary to our hardness results, the weight loss after DSHT is lower than in the case of the

    as-cast alloy and after SSHT from 900C and 935C, as shown in Figure 12.

    In these structures, the abrasive wear resistance is enhanced by the strain-induced marten site transformation

    (SIM) of metastable -phase to ' marten site during wear process. This process of plastic deformation allows the matrix to

    dissipate the mechanical energy introduced by each abrasive particle into a larger volume, with less damage per unit

    volume. As the martensitic layer is subsequently removed by the various micro-cutting of abrasion, the underlying -phase

    is once again exposed to the higher strain levels by the abrasive, and the process repeats itself. This transformation process

    may also contribute to wear resistance by ensuring that a portion of the mechanical energy introduced by the

    tribo-environment is used in the phase transformation rather than in the debris generation. Ganesh et al.[4] refered to this

    phenomena previously. It is reported[5]that the strain induced transformation of retained to martensite always produces

    the orthorhombic ".

    In the present work, the author proved the occurrence of SIM transformation through comparing the change in

    hardness of the worn surfaces before and after wear test. Although, evidence of this phenomenon is not apparent in optical

    micrographs, its occurrence is strongly manifested by an increase in hardness of the worn surfaces of the samples subjected

    to DSHT, as shown in Figure 14. After DSHT from 900C at 600C and 700C, the hardness value of the worn surfaces

    increase by 5.3% and 9%, respectively, as compared with before the wear test, see Figure 11. On the other hand, after

    DSHT from 935C at 600C and 700C, the hardness value of the worn surfaces increase by 5.1% and 6%, respectively,

    while after DSHT from 980C at 600C and 700C, the hardness value of the worn surfaces increase by 4% and 4.9%,

    respectively, as compared with before the wear test (Figure 11). The increase in the hardness of the worn surfaces confirms

    that there is SIM transformation occurred during the wear test. The increases in the hardness values decrease as the first

    stage temperature increase and as the second step temperature decrease from 700C to 600C. This is attributed to the

    change in volume fraction of the strengthening phase -phase after DSHT, as presented in Figure 9. Since -phase is the

    responsible for SIM transformation; hence as the volume fraction of -phase increases the increase in the hardness value of

    the worn surfaces becomes higher; hence wear resistance is enhanced. This may be also related to the stability of the

    -phase after DSHT, e.g. V content, see Figure 10. As discussed before, as V content increase in the -phase the stability

    and hardness of -phase increase. Therefore, the formed SIM on the surface is rich in V content and become more resistant

    to wear process.

    The worn surfaces of some selected samples after DSHT are shown in Figure 15. It can be seen that worn surfaces

    of all samples exhibit similar appearances. The improvement in the wear resistance obtained after DSHT is in agreement

    with their worn surfaces features that reveal a smooth worn surface with some light scratches inside. The wear track after

    DSHT at 700C from 900C is moderately fine as compared to from 935C and 980C. Worn surface of the samples after

    DSHT at 700C from 900C and 935C (Figure 15(a, d)), showed scratched surface with less micro-chipping wear

    mechanism. In this case, the wear mechanism can be defined as scratched wear mechanism. The surface of Ti-6Al-4V

    alloy after DSHT from 980C at 700C, Figure 15(e, f), at the contact spots, was deformed due to the mechanical and

    adhesive forces applied by the stainless steel counter disc. Namely, during sliding the material at the contact spots is

    bunched up and pushed forward, forming strip-shaped wedges. Moreover, the wedges were compressed and rolled onto the

    front surface of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy blocks forming the worn surface morphology showed in Figure 15(e, f).[13]

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    The aim of this work was to tailor the microstructure characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V implant castings for the

    abrasive wear resistance via heat treatment. Different SSHT and DSHT cycles were conducted and the

    microstructure-abrasive wear resistance relationship was established.

    After SSHT, , retained and phases were observed in different combinations depending on the SSHTtemperature while along with retained phases, in different fractions and compositions, were formed after


    The increase in the hardness occurred after SSHT is due to the martensitic transformation while, in the case ofDSHT, the main strengthening mechanism is the solid solution strengthening of -phase by V.

    DSHT have little effect on the hardness values while DSHT effectively enhance the abrasive wear resistance overthe as-cast alloy and SSHT. This may be attributed to stress induced martensite transformation (SIM) of theretained -phase that formed in the microstructure after DSHT.

    Controlling and adjusting the composition and volume fraction of the different phases in the microstructure ofTi-6Al-4V castings during DSHT enhance abrasive wear resistance by turning the working wear mechanism to

    scratched wear mechanism.

    The best heat treatment temperature that promotes the abrasive wear resistance should ensure the stability of-phase; hence its retention at room temperature. The fraction and composition of the retained -phase in the

    microstructure are the key factors to enhance the abrasive wear resistance of Ti-6Al-4V castings.


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    Table 1: Chemical Composition of the Studied Alloy

    Element Al V Fe C O N H Ti

    wt. % 5.89 4.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0016 0.0053 Balance

    Table 2: Abrasive Wear Test Conditions

    Specimen size 5 mm 10 mm 12 mm

    Disc material Stainless steel

    Load 50N

    Rotating speed 265 rpmWear type Dry

    Test temperature Room temperature

    Test time 30 min.

  • 8/12/2019 3. Metallurgical - IJMMSE -Tailoring of Microstructure of - Reham Reda


    Tailoring of Microstructure of Ti-6al-4v Implant Castings for Abrasive Wear Resistance 39

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    Figure 1: Schematic Drawing of SSHT Cycles

    Figure 2: Schematic Drawing of DSHT Cycles at Different Temperatures: (a) 600C and (b) 700C

    Figure 3: Microstructure of the as-cast Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Reveals Widmansttaten + Structure

  • 8/12/2019 3. Metallurgical - IJMMSE -Tailoring of Microstructure of - Reham Reda


    40 Reham Reda, Adel Nofal, Abdel-Hamid Hussein & El-Sayed M. El-Banna

    Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9076 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

    Figure 4: X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of the as-Cast Ti-6Al-4V Alloy

    Figure 5: Optical Micrographs of the Microstructure after SSHT

    from: (a) 900C; (b) 935C and (c) 980C

  • 8/12/2019 3. Metallurgical - IJMMSE -Tailoring of Microstructure of - Reham Reda


    Tailoring of Microstructure of Ti-6al-4v Implant Castings for Abrasive Wear Resistance 41

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    Figure 6: X-Ray Diffraction Patterns after SSHT from Different Temperatures

    Figure 7: Volume Fraction (%) of the Present Phases after SSHT

  • 8/12/2019 3. Metallurgical - IJMMSE -Tailoring of Microstructure of - Reham Reda


    42 Reham Reda, Adel Nofal, Abdel-Hamid Hussein & El-Sayed M. El-Banna

    Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9076 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

    Figure 8: Optical Micrographs of Ti-6A1-4V Alloy after Different

    First and Second Stage Temperatures of DSHT

    Figure 9: Volume Fraction (%) of the Present Phases after DSHT

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    Tailoring of Microstructure of Ti-6al-4v Implant Castings for Abrasive Wear Resistance 43

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    Figure 10: Alloying Contents (%) in - and - Phases after DSHT: (a) - and (b) -Phases

    Figure 11: Effect of SSHT and DSHT Cycles on Hardness

    Figure 12: Effect of SSHT and DSHT Cycles on the Weight Loss

  • 8/12/2019 3. Metallurgical - IJMMSE -Tailoring of Microstructure of - Reham Reda


    44 Reham Reda, Adel Nofal, Abdel-Hamid Hussein & El-Sayed M. El-Banna

    Impact Factor (JCC): 2.9076 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

    Figure 13: SEM Micrographs of the Worn Surfaces after SSHT at Different

    Magnifications: (a-b) As-cast; (c-d) SSHT at 935C and (e-f) SSHT at 980C

    Figure 14: Change in the Hardness of the Worn Surfaces of the DSHT Specimens

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    Tailoring of Microstructure of Ti-6al-4v Implant Castings for Abrasive Wear Resistance 45

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    Figure 15: SEM Micrographs of the Worn Surface after DSHT at Different

    Magnifications: (a-b) 900C-700C; (c-d) 935C-700C and (e-f) 980C-700C