3 Myths About Potentials

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People remain captivated in their lives due to some myths and assumptions concerning their potentials. These are nothing but prisons we have imposed to ourselves, living as hostages of pre-existing stereotypes. It’s time to realize the truth behind those myths and free yourself from those golden handcuffs that keep you tied up and make you ignore reality.


3Myths about potentials

Photo from flickr by Max Braun

Myths About Potentials

Photo from flickr by Max Braun

People remain captivated in their lives due to some myths and

assumptions concerning their potentials.

These Are Nothing But Prisons

We Have Imposed To Ourselves, Photo from flickr by Ramona Forcella

Photo from flickr by Max Braun

Living As Hostages Of Pre-Existing Stereotypes

Photo from flickr by Max Braun

It’s Time To Realize The Truth Behind Those Myths

And Free Yourself From Those Golden Handcuffs

Photo from flickr by itsokstay_calm

That Keep You Tied Up And Make

You Ignore

Reality.Photo fromflickr by Sebastian Niedlich

Be Free To Chase Greater Ambitions That Will Make You Feel Complete.

Photo from flickr by Truthout.org


No 1

Myths about potentials

Photo from flickr by Max Braun

‘’Potentials Can Be Achieved’’

Photo from flickr by Max Braun


Photo from flickr by Max Braun


Potentials Are A Process Not A Dastination


You May Run Out Of Time

Photo from flickr by Alan Cleaver


You May Run Out Of Time

But You Can Run Out Of Potentials

Photo from flickr by Alan Cleaver

Developing Your Potentials Is Like

Photo from flickr by Philip Edmondson

Photo from flickr by Philip Edmondson

Chasing Your Own Shadow:

Developing Your Potentials Is Like


Photo from flickr by Vincent van der Pas

You Move On And On But


Photo from flickr by Vincent van der Pas

You Move On And On But

You Can Never Reach It

Live Your Trip

Photo from flickr by Ian Iott

Photo from flickr by Ian Iott

Don’t Be Afraid Of Changes And Embrase



No 2

Myths about potentials

Photo from flickr by Max Braun


No 2

Photo from flickr by Max Braun

‘’Potentials Are A Privilege Of

Talented People’’

Photo from flickr by Max Braun


Photo from flickr by Max Braun


We’re All Talented And

Have Potentials

You Are Talented And Have Potentials

Photo from flickr by Chris Smith

Find Yourself A Guide,A Mentor

Photo from flickr by Studio Grafico EPICS

That Will Help You Discover Your Talents

Photo from flickr by Nathan Russell

Photo from flickr by Live Life Happy

We Have All Been Given Potentials But

Photo from flickr by Live Life Happy

We Have All Been Given Potentials But

Finding Them Is Something That Requires Strategy.

Most People Are Very Talented

Photo from flickr by H

Most People Are Very Talented

Photo from flickr by H

But Unfortunately

Lack Opportunities

Look Around You

Photo from flickr by adesigna

Look Around You;

Photo from flickr by adesigna

Opportunities For Development Are Everywhere


No 3

Myths about potentials

Photo from flickr by Max Braun


No 3

Photo from flickr by Max Braun

‘’Potentials Develop Vertically,As If

You’re Going Up The Stairs’’

Photo from flickr by Max Braun


Photo from flickr by Max Braun


Potentials Develop As If

You Are Moving On A Chess Table

Don’t Look Up; Look Around You

Photo from flickr Robert Couse-Baker

Photo from flickr by Ranil Amarasuriya

You Don’t Live In A Totally Vertical


Photo from flickr by Taymaz Valley

Sometimes You Make Small

Steps Moving One Square At A


Some Other Times You Move

Like A Rook

Photo from flickr by Richard Rosalion

Some Other Times You Move

Like A Rook

Crossing Longer Distances

Photo from flickr by Richard Rosalion

And Others Like A Knight,

Photo from flickr by Richard Rosalion

You Overcome Your

Difficulties,Using Your Creativity

Photo from flickr by Richard Rosalion

And Others Like A Knight,

Retreating Is Both Offensive And Productive

Photo from flickr by John Morgan

Retreating Is Both Offensive And Productive

Photo from flickr by John Morgan

If,This Way,

Photo from flickr by violscraper

You Are Going To Avoid Barriers And Problems

Photo from flickr by Robert Couse-Baker


Your Trip Is Going To Be Full

Of Work;

Photo from flickr by Robert Couse-Baker

This Work Is Nothing Else Than Love Made Visible, If Your Talents And Virtues Give Life To

Your Plans

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