3 negative effects of climate change

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Negative Effects of Climate Change

Learning Objectives

•Explain how a changing climate could affect farming and crop yields.•Describe changes in sea level recently and in the future.•Know some of the global impacts of sea-level rise.•Use an example to show what the impact of sea-level rise could be locally.•Know the impacts of retreating glaciers.


• Explain how a changing climate could affect farming and crop yields.

• Describe changes in sea level recently and in the future.

• Know some of the global impacts of sea-level rise.

• Use an example to show what the impact of sea-level rise could be locally.

• Know the impacts of retreating glaciers.

Negative Impacts of Climate Change

• Changing Patterns of crop yields – Equatorial countries will suffer a decrease

in crop production due to longer periods of drought

– Tanzania and Mozambique will have shorter growing seasons

– India could lose 50% of available agricultural land due to desertification

– OXFAM – Expansion of the Sahara Desert

Rising sea levels• UK 5,000 years ago• Between 1993 and 2006 sea levels

rose by 3.3mm• If this continues it could result in

88cm by the end of the century• Low lying coastal areas and cities are

at risk of flooding, including London• Pacific islands are already being

affected by rising sea levels• Maldives• Sea levels map

Sea level rise

Retreating Glaciers

• BBC Glacial retreat• Most world glaciers are retreating,

thought to be because of rising temperatures

• Glaciers at the poles are melting and this could affect ocean currents

• Arctic melting could divert the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic, leading to colder temperatures in northern Europe

• Arctic Sea Ice


• Use an example to show what the impact of sea-level rise could be locally.

• The Gaurdian • Use this website to find an example of what the impact

of sea-level rise would be to the UK• Use the same website to find an example of one other

country that is will be effected. Describe how this country will be effected.


Negative effects of UK climate change

Using UKCIP02 predictions

Warmer temperatures in the UK will be welcomed by many people and may also bring opportunities:

Tourism may increase due to warmer temperatures, bringing economic benefits.

Nice weather may mean people participate in more outdoor activities, improving their health.

It may be possible to grow new crops such as grapes, sweetcorn and sunflowers.

Are there any benefits for the UK?

Positive or negative effects?

Task: Label the changes on this map

Rank them in order of importance (1=most, 8=least)In your books:-


Reporting climate change