3 pm3 t_1%20-%20activity%20sequencing

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Slide 1

Activity List

Resource Plan

Network Diagram

Integrated Schedule

Duration Estimate

Activity DefinitionActivity sequencingActivity ResourceEstimatingActivity Duration EstimatingScheduleDevelopment

#3PM3_T_B Planning Time

Activity SequencingActivities are sequenced by creating a network that defines the relationships between the various activitiesMethod:Define relationshipsSelect network formatMap activity list into network

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeSequencing RelationshipsRelationships between tasks are defined by either:Resource constraints = sharing common resources dealt with in resource estimating section laterLogical constraints = logical connection between the activities, eg. Cant review the report until it is written, cant approve it until it is reviewed, etc.

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeExample Logical RelationshipsWe need complete the work, inspect and ship it. (Finish-to-start)The shipping paperwork does not depend on the work being done, but we dont want to delay shipment for it, so we want it done once the inspection is complete. (Finish-to-Finish)We want to warn our customs broker once we have drawn the shipper number, which is the first thing in preparing the paperwork (Start-to-Start)

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeDetermining DependenciesWithin work packages:Work package associated with one organizational functionthe functional lead or team member will usually understand and specify relationshipsBetween work packages:These connections often lostThis is where WBS Dictionary discipline is valuable forces team members to think about the inputs to, and outputs from their Work Packages

#3PM3_T_B Planning Time

Creating LinksUse the Link toolUsually creates default dependency (Finish-to-Start FS)Enter into Activity ListInsert Pedecessor ColumnType in predecessor and type of dependencyUse Task Info box

Never create links between Parent or Work Package linesChoose an activity usually the first one

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeLinking between Parents/Work PackagesRealistic schedules are 100s to 1000s of activities longRolling up before linking allows us to see the big picture, and establish connections between activities that are not near each otherRemember that dependencies only occur between activitiesEg. Here we are linking the Optical Test Meter and Optical Test parent activitiesNote the connection is between activities 53 and 30, not 36 and 11

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeNetworking Techniques

Complete WorkInspect WorkShipShipping PaperworkCall Customs

GANTT Chart with precedence arrowsCommonly usedNot a network diagramClear presentation of SS and FF relationshipsDifficult to see relationships to tasks other than those nearbyPrecedence Diagram Method (PDM) (Activity-on-Node, AON)Convenient presentation of FS relationships for large networksEasy to summarize activity details in nodesFF/SS relationships difficultArrow Diagram Method (ADM) (Activity-on-Arrow, AOA)Rarely usedOnly FS relationshipsMay require dummy tasks to fully define

#3PM3_T_B Planning TimeViewing the networkMost scheduling applications will have a PERT or Network view Switch to this:Move the nodes into an aesthetically pleasing networkreality check the completeness of you dependencies

#3PM3_T_B Planning Time