3 Supplements That Can Stop or Even Reverse Aging

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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One of the main causes of aging is weakening communication networks in cells between the

genome and the mitochondrion.

A mitochondrion is like a digestive system of the cell that draws energy out of glucose to

produce action-ready molecules called adenosine

triphosphate (ATP).

ATP molecules supply cells with chemical energy—similar to what electronic devices get

from batteries—and that helps us move, think, and overall

keeps our bodies alive.

The energy needs of cells, however, fluctuate, and as a result mitochondria have to

communicate with the genome, which announce the cell’s

current energy needs.

The problem is that this communication network

deteriorates as we age, and that deterioration damages our


Many scientists now believe that nicotinamide adenine

dinucleotide (NAD⁺) is the main messenger.

Nicotinamide Riboside

Nicotinamide Riboside (ND) is a naturally occurring NAD⁺, which

has been studied in clinical trials.

Human longevity studies could prove NR’s value for life

extension, but you don’t know effects on a life span until

you’ve waited long enough for test subjects to die.

Some scientists, however, believe we already know

enough to warrant use of this precursor for life extension.

Free Report on Today’s Anti-Aging Supplements Find out in this must-read report:• What’s so special about mitochondrial cells—and how their study

pointed scientists to new ideas on anti-aging therapies• The four NAD+ precursors that might literally make you younger—how

they work, what they’re called, and where to get them• The organic compound that could help end Alzheimer’s and

Parkinson’s diseases

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Destiny Vandeput
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One important study showed that rats suffering from induced stroke regained their ability to

learn when treated with oxaloacetate and acetyl-L-


Another study reported that OAA increases energy

production in the brain, reduces inflammation in the body, and stimulates neuron growth in


Mitochondrial processes are similar across mammalian

species, so anything that helps mitochondria in mice will likely

help mitochondria in you…


Ubiquinol is another supplement for ATP energy

production, which appears to be especially active.

Should You Take Them?

Each compound increases NAD⁺ via a different pathway, so they

might complement one another.

In time, clinical trials will nail down the most beneficial

combination and dosages of NAD⁺ precursors.

Free Report on Today’s Anti-Aging Supplements Find out in this must-read report:• What’s so special about mitochondrial cells—and how their study

pointed scientists to new ideas on anti-aging therapies• The four NAD+ precursors that might literally make you younger—how

they work, what they’re called, and where to get them• The organic compound that could help end Alzheimer’s and

Parkinson’s diseases

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Destiny Vandeput
added a comma after publication