3 things parents can do in nurturing the ideal child

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1. Inculcating our Islamic teachings and values in the lives of our children2. Spending quality time with our children3. To correct and explain our children’s mistakes


Friday Sermon

Instilling Religious Values In Our Children

3 June 2011 / 1 Rejab 1432

Let us contemplate on the words of Allah:

“ And those who pray said: ‘O Allah, bless us with pious wives and offspring who are appeasing to our eyes,

“ ...bring blessings to our lives and guide us so that we will be a people with taqwa.”

Al-Furqan ayat:74

In nurturing the ideal child…

...surely pure aspiration of both parents would not be su!cient.

Instead it needs constant nurturing, guidance and teachings from both

parents from a young age.

Amongst the things that we can do...


Inculcating our Islamic teachings and values in the

lives of our children

This includes the practice of daily prayers and the manifestation of Islamic values in our daily lives.

Through the noble values we manifest, it will be emulated and embodied by our young.

This would facilitate the child’s learning process as the child would already have been used to practising good values...

...even before then gradually appreciating its meaning as

they grow older.


Spending quality time with our children

Let us try to perform congregational prayers together as a family at least once a day or once a week.

Then, share with our children the life stories of Prophet s.a.w. or other successful personalities.

Do remember to relate these stories to the various challenges

our children face in their daily lives as children or teenagers.

By establishing a strong rapport since young,

our relationship and bond with our children will be stronger

resulting in bringing them closer to us.

This in turn will make it easier for us to advice them from

time to time.


Do remember to correct and explain our children’s


...while they are still young, so that they may remain guided.

Let us internalise Luqman Al-Hakim’s advice to his child...

“ O my child, perform your prayers, perform and obey His commands,

“ O my child, perform your prayers, perform and obey His commands, abstain from what He prohibits and be patient with the calamities that have fallen on you.

“ Indeed, those are issues that require immediate attention.”

Surah Luqman:17

Apart from developing strong bonding with our children...

...there is also a need to instill in them strong religious values

from young.

This educational process can be further enhanced...

...if parents take a more active role by getting their children to share and discuss what they have learnt from

the lessons,

to enable them to have a better understanding of how it can be


May Allah shower us with blessings and wisdom to guide our children to be pious and righteous


...and protect us and our children from the degradation of the world

and hereafter.

May Allah bless our children...

...so that they will bring goodness and prosperity wherever they are.

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