3 where does water come from

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Where does water come from?

Specification detail

5.1c On a local scale, we obtain our water from reservoirs, aquifers and rivers.

Where does the water come from?


Aquifer: here Underground deposits of sand, gravel, or rock saturated with water.

Porous rock: Can absorb water, much like a sponge, as it has tiny holes in it. Chalk is a

good example.London is built on sand and gravel, but underneath this

is a thick layer of chalkOver thousands of years, the rain that fell in London

collected in this chalk.We can now drill through the sand and gravel and pump

the water from the aquifer.On p146 is a diagram of the London Basin, copy this

diagram and explain where and how we obtain our water.

In the UK: here

Where does the water come from?


Homework: Kielder Water reservoirs

Using p147Create a leaflet for the Kielder Water

reservoirsYou must explain where it is and include a

map (Google maps)You must explain what a reservoir isInclude a fact file of information about

Kielder WaterMention the process of making clean water

available in your house.

Kielder Water