30 Essentials for the Journey of Life

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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We are all travellers on the path of life. Working towards a common final

destination, what differentiates the achievers in life from the failures is not

the amount of perishable possessions we accumulate, but the lasting

treasures we inculcate & nurture within ourselves.

Life does not need to be an existence characterised by hatred, grief,

regret, uncertainty & mediocrity. Days are not meant to be periods of

wakefulness where you force yourself to trudge through a bunch of

activities related to your marriage, business or family simply because you

have to. You have the innate ability to make the changes required to

transform your “existence” into a “life”.

Read, practise & share the general advices contained in this booklet and In

so doing, start to live the life you have been created to live.

Every moment of your life that passes by is an opportunity to succeed, to

progress, to achieve, to change. Start living your life, start achieving …

Junaid Kajee

Manage your time well. Time wasted is opportunity wasted.

Postpone doing something/making that

important decision today & regret will be your pastime


Guard your health today & it will guard you tomorrow.

Your body & mind have been given to you to use & nurture,

not abuse & destroy


Focus long enough on the things you don’t have &

eventually you will become blind to all that you have been

blessed with


Be kind to them even when they’re mean to you


The ability to control your anger is an invaluable one. Never ever

speak or make a decision in anger


Never dwell upon the good that you have done for others & the bad that

others have done to you


You will never laugh every single day of your life, then again neither

will you cry every single day


Eat, sleep, drink & spend in moderation. You will enhance

you health & wealth in this way


Replay the hurt of the past long enough & you will have no present

or future to look forward to


Forgive others as much as you would like to be forgiven. In forgiveness lies true freedom


Irrespective of the amount of talent or knowledge your may have, you

will achieve nothing without making a concerted, committed

effort to achieve your goals


Ensure that you know what your goals in life are. You can’t achieve what you can’t focus on


Remember, that there will always be somebody with more

knowledge than you


You may never forget but you can ALWAYS forgive


Stay very far from jealousy. It leads a person to do terrible



Make sure your loved ones know you love them. Say it to them, show

it to them


Spend your time worrying about what others are saying & doing

and you will never live your own life. To start living you need to start



In every sphere of life, consistency will always lead you

to mastery


Honour lies hidden in humility. Be humble & you will be



Help others & help will find its way to you


Speak only when necessary. Those who speak less, listen more. Those

who listen more will inevitably learn more


A wise teacher once said “There is nothing wrong with

keeping wealth in your pocket or your hand, there is something very

wrong when wealth enters your heart”


Don’t stress over the things you can’t control. You harm not only yourself but those around you as



A kind gesture brings recurring rewards. Be kind to everyone you

come into contact with & reap innumerable rewards


No value can be placed on peace of mind & contentment of the heart. Focus your energies on achieving the lasting wealth of inner-peace


One sure way to ensure you never find true peace is to

harbour hatred for someone


When Fear says “What if you don’t succeed?”, take a moment

to reply “What if I do?”


You will never always have the things you want, but you will

always be blessed with the things you need


Take a few minutes each day to ask yourself :

a) How much closer to my goals have I come today?

b) If I die today will I be happy with my achievements so far?c) What have I done to benefit

someone else?


Your past made you who you are today, it doesn’t need to make you

who you will be tomorrow. Use your innate courage + the time & opportunities you have today to

change your tomorrow