第31期 Issue 31 - OSHC

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日常容易損害眼睛的情況 Situations that may do harm to our eyes



We perceive the world and receive most of the messages in our daily life through “the window of the soul” — our eyes. Every day, we immerse ourselves in a series of tasks sitting glued at our office desk to read a document or operate a computer, all with our eyes. After work, our eyes are busy with TV programs, books or even several hours of video games. All these activities will make our eyes strained, dry and tired, and in turn hamper our health. In this Bulletin, you will find some situations that may do harm to the eyes in our daily life and work and their preventive measures, and learn some practical tips on eye care and protection.


我們在日常生活中不知不覺地便會觸犯一些損害眼睛的事情。例如:In our daily life, we tend to do something unconsciously that will do harm to our eyes. For example, we may:

‧ 雖然眼鏡度數變得不合適,但因怕麻煩而繼續使用不合適度數的眼鏡 Wear glasses of unsuitable prescription knowingly


Wearing glasses of unsuitable prescription will strain the eyes and may result in problems like ocular pain, headache, sore shoulders, dizziness and other physical discomfort. Therefore, you should have regular eye tests and replace the glasses according to the new prescription.

第31期 Issue 312008年9月 9.2008


‧ 使用電腦工作時不知不覺便向屏幕前傾 Lean forward unconsciously to computer screen while at


工作時應與屏幕保持舒適的觀看距離約350-600毫米。 Keep a comfortable distance of approximately 350-600mm

with the computer screen while at work.

‧ 長時間使用電腦工作 Use a computer for a long period of time

安排小休時間,讓眼睛可以休息。 Take a break and rest your eyes.

‧ 於擠擁的車廂中看報紙或書本 Read a newspaper or book in a crowded vehicle


If you read in a crowded vehicle, you tend to put your newspaper or book closer to your eyes. If it is a jerky ride, your eyes will be strained as they find it more difficult to take focus.

‧ 戴著隱形眼鏡睡覺 Sleep without removing contact lens


You should take off your contact lens before going to bed, even though the lens is designed to be worn consecutively. This is because the lens will become an additional burden to your cornea as there will be less secretion of tears while you are asleep.

‧ 躺下來看書 Read when lying down


Improper posture and poor lighting will tire your eyes. You should read in a proper posture under an appropriate environment.

‧ 沉迷於電子遊戲 Be addicted to video games

應避免持續玩電子遊戲。 Refrain from playing video games for a prolonged period.

‧ 不時開著電燈睡覺 Leave the lights on from time to time while asleep


Your eyeballs will react to light even if the eyelids are closed. Thus you have not truly rested your eyes if the lights are on.

‧ 戴著單焦點老花眼鏡看電視 Watch television with mono-focal presbyopic glasses


眼乾症 Xerophthalmia (Dry eyes)

護眼之道 Eye Protection Tips


Mono-focal presbyopic glasses may only be used for reading within a short distance. If you watch TV or anything in a long distance, your eyes will become blurred and strained.

‧ 邊走邊傳電話短信 Send an SMS while walking


Reading small words will tire your eyes easily, and focusing your eyes on a tiny spot while walking will just put a greater strain on them.



Xerophthalmia increases with the popularity of computers. While dry eyeballs are one of the primary causes of strained eyes, this means that there are insufficient tears to protect our eyes, rendering them dry and unhealthy.

Generally, we blink our eyes 20 times per minute, brushing our eyeballs with tears and supplying them with water and nutrition. However, statistics show that the frequency of blinking will drop substantially to one fifth of the normal frequency when we are gazing at the screen of the computer, television and video game. Our eyes tend to remain open more frequently when we focus on a few points at the same distance, which will reduce the tears on the surface of our eyeballs and render our eyes drier than normal. So if you want to rest your eyes, it is important to blink intentionally to maintain sufficient moisture on the eyeballs.


Your eyes are the window of your soul. As our age grows, we may overuse the eyes in our modern style of living. Along with some unhealthy living habits, this may bring us various ocular diseases. Learning more tips on eye protection will not only keep our eyes sharp and bright, but also lead us to a more healthy mind and life.



1. 個人衛生 Personal hygiene

‧ 早晚洗臉時,將眼睛的污垢抹掉,以保持眼瞼衛生,預防眼瞼發炎或瞼腺炎等毛病。

Wipe the dirt from the eyes when washing your face to keep away from eye inflammation, hordeolum and other ocular diseases.

‧ 不要與其他人共用毛巾或用手擦眼。 Never share towels with others and do not wipe your eyes with


‧ 不要借用別人的眼藥或眼鏡。 Never use others’ eye drops or wear others’ eyeglasses.

2. 日常生活 In our everyday life


Keep a balanced diet to get nutrients such as Vitamin A (from animal livers, carrots, dark green vegetables), Vitamin B Complex (from lean meat, beans),Vitamin C (from kiwi fruit, oranges), Vitamin E (from cashew nuts, peanuts), Anthocyanin (blueberries, black grapes), Xanthophylls (pumpkins, papayas) and ‘Essential Fatty Acid’ like omega-3 (salmons, sardines and tunas), etc.

‧ 不吸煙及酗酒。 Do not smoke or drink.

‧ 充足睡眠,使眼睛有充份的休息,減少疲勞。 Sleep enough to rest your eyes and prevent fatigue.

‧ 電視擺設的距離不宜太近,明暗對比不宜過強,觀看時室內應維持適度的照明,減少眼睛疲勞。

Mind the distance between the TV and the viewers. Refrain from tuning the contrast too sharp and watching TV without sufficient indoor illumination to prevent eye strain.

‧ 使用電腦時,也要確保環境光線充足,如長時間觀看電腦屏幕,應間歇遠望景物以放鬆及舒緩眼睛疲勞。

Use a computer in a well-lit place only. If you are required to gaze at the screen for long, take your eyes off the screen and flex your eye muscles by looking at a distance.

‧ 打掃工作及家居環境時,如清理天花板,應戴上保護眼鏡,使用清潔劑時要注意噴嘴的方向,避免噴入眼睛。

Wear goggles when you clean the working or living places (such as dusting the ceiling). Be careful not to point the nozzle of any spraying can at yourself.

‧ 空調冷氣要維持一定濕度,以免引起眼乾症狀。 Adjust your air conditioner to a sufficient level of humidity to prevent drying up your eyes.

職安健訓練課程 OSH Training Courses

圖書館 Library


‧ 進行戶外活動及工作時,應戴上具有防紫外光效能的太陽眼鏡。 Wear sunglasses with UV blocking function when you go outdoors for

work or other activities.

‧ 閱讀時要注意以下各點: When you read, ensure that:

1. 光線(燈光或天然光)要充足、平均、穩定柔和。 The light (artificial or natural light) should be sufficient, balanced,

steady and soft.

2. 桌椅高度要配合,令眼睛和書本保持適當的距離。 Your chair should be adjusted to a suitable height so that you can keep

a proper distance from the book.

3. 背部平直,保持正確姿勢。 Sit upright against your seat.

4. 紙質不應反光。 The paper should preferably not be reflective.

為了配合香港社會對安全健康訓練的需求,職安局舉辦了一系列的職業安全健康訓練課程,包括特別設計的內部培訓課程。以下是一系列適合文職工作的職安健課程,有興趣人士可致電本局職安健訓練中心23113322查詢。In order to meet the demand on occupational safety training from the public, OSHC organizes wide ranges of training courses which including tailor-made in-house training course for individual companies. The following are the safety training courses suggested for office setting. For further information, please contact our OSH Training Centre at 2311 3322.

1. 辦公室安全 Office Safety 4. 5S辦公室整理 5S Good Housekeeping for Offices2. 安全視察 Safety Inspections 5. 預防性壓力管理培訓課程 Preventive Stress Management Workshop3. 安全使用顯示屏幕設備 Safe Use of Display Screen Equipment

職安健資訊中心內的圖書館,藏有超過6,500本與職業安全健康有關的書籍、逾160種職業安全健康雜誌、期刊及通訊,為目前本港最大型之同類專題圖書館。本局圖書館每星期開放6天,時間如下: The Library located in our OSH information Centre has over 160 kinds of magazines, journals and newsletter; and about 6,500 technical books or videos in the field of occupational safety and health which is among the largest in Hong Kong. Our library is open 6 days per week at:

星期一至五 Mondays – Fridays :上午9:00至下午6:30 (9:00am to 6:30pm)星期六 Saturdays :上午9:00至中午12:00 (9:00am to 12:00 noon)星期日及公眾假期 Sundays and Public Holidays :休息 (Closed)地址 Address :九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號地下1室 Unit 1, G/F, No.1 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, KLN (Ngau Tau Kok MTR Station Exit B5)

5. 字體應清晰夠大。 The font size should be large enough.

6. 眼睛疲倦時要稍作休息,可遠望景或閉目養神。 You should take a break when your eyes are tired by looking at distant objects or simply closing your eyes.

7. 切勿在行車或床上閱讀。 You should not read in a car or your bed.

‧ 日常要注意眼睛保養,如眼睛或視力有任何不適或問題,應儘快向專業眼科醫生求助,把握時機,爭取療效。

Take good care of your eyes. Whenever you feel discomfort or notice any visual problem, you should consult an ophthalmologist without hesitation.

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有獎 問答遊戲 Quiz

© 2008 Occupational Safety & Health Council 職業安全健康局 9/2008(1)

職安熱線 OSH Hotline : 2739 9000

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個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

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參加細則 Rules for Participation

個人資料聲明 本局會保留閣閣下個人資料作推廣職業安全及健康之用,包括研究及統計。本局或需將資料轉遞予服務提供者、活動共同舉辦者和夥伴機構。若閣閣下不欲收到職業安全及健康訊息,請填寫此聲明末段所列方格。

□ 本人不欲收到上述訊息

We will keep your personal data for promotion of safety and health at work, including related research and statisical purposes. We may need to transfer such data to service providers, event co-organizers and partner institutions. If you do not wish to receive information and news relating to safety and health at work from us, please mark the box at the end of this Statement.

□ I do not wish to receive the aforesaid information and news

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地址 :中國香港北角馬寶道28號華匯中心19樓 電話 Tel :2739 9377 電郵 E-mail :oshc@oshc.org.hk

文 職 系 安 全 及 健 康 委 員 會 Sedentary Workers Safety & Health CommitteeAddress :19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, HK傳真 Fax :2739 9779網址 Website :www.oshc.org.hk

Occupational Safety & Health Council


文職系安全及健康委員會於本通訊內續設了一個有獎問答遊戲,藉此來提高大家對工作安全的警覺性,希望讀者們踴躍參加,若能答中以下三條問題,便可參加抽獎,有機會獲得價值$150購物禮券乙張,名額共5個。The Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee has included a prize quiz in this bulletin to help raise awareness of work safety. We look forward to your participation. If you can answer the following three questions correctly, you can enter the lucky draw and have an opportunity to receive one of a total of 5 shopping vouchers to the value of $150.

1 使用電腦時應與屏幕保持多遠的觀看距離? What is your appropriate distance from a computer screen?

A. 約300-500毫米 Approximately 300-500mm.B. 約350-600毫米 Approximately 350-600mm.C. 約400-600毫米 Approximately 400-600mm.

2 以下哪項不屬於是日常生活中容易損害眼睛的事情? Which of the following will NOT deteriorate our eyes in our daily life?

A. 在擠擁的車廂中閱讀 Read in a crowed vehicle.B. 邊走邊傳電話短信 Send an SMS while walking.C. 注視電腦、電視或遊戲機的畫面時,有意識地眨眼 Blink consciously when focusing on a computer, TV or video game.

3 空調冷氣要維持一定濕度,以免引起甚麼問題? Which of the following can be prevented by maintaining a suitable level of humidity when an air conditioner is on?

A. 眼乾症 Xerophthalmia (Dry eyes)B. 室溫過高 Room temperature becoming too highC. 室溫過低 Room temperature becoming too low