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3D phenomenological constitutive modeling of shape memory alloys based on microplane


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2013 Smart Mater. Struct. 22 025017


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Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 025017 (11pp) doi:10.1088/0964-1726/22/2/025017

3D phenomenological constitutivemodeling of shape memory alloys basedon microplane theory

R Mehrabi and M Kadkhodaei

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 84156-83111, Iran

E-mail: kadkhodaei@cc.iut.ac.ir

Received 11 August 2012, in final form 13 November 2012Published 9 January 2013Online at stacks.iop.org/SMS/22/025017

AbstractThis paper concerns 3D phenomenological modeling of shape memory alloys usingmicroplane theory. In the proposed approach, transformation is assumed to be the only sourceof inelastic strain in 1D constitutive laws considered for any generic plane passing through amaterial point. 3D constitutive equations are derived by generalizing the 1D equations using ahomogenization technique. In the developed model, inelastic strain is explicitly stated in termsof the martensite volume fraction. To compare this approach with incremental constitutivemodels, such an available model is applied in its 1D integral form to the microplaneformulation, and it is shown that both the approaches produce similar results for differentuniaxial loadings. A nonproportional loading is then studied, and the results are comparedwith those obtained from an available model in which the inelastic strain is divided into twoseparate portions for transformation and reorientation. A good agreement is seen between theresults of the two approaches, indicating the capability of the proposed microplaneformulation in predicting reorientation phenomena in shape memory alloys. The results of themodel are compared with available experimental results for a nonproportional loading path,and a good agreement is seen between the findings.

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction

Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are one of the most popularsmart materials, with the ability to release residual strainand return to their initial configuration when heated upto a particular temperature. Due to phase transformationsduring thermomechanical loading, the constitutive modelingof these materials is complex. The first models werephenomenological ones, describing superelastic 1D loadings(Tanaka 1986, Liang and Rogers 1997). Then, a new classof phenomenological models appeared based on a phasediagram and developed within a thermodynamic frameworkthat was able to simulate more complex thermomechanicalloading, such as the shape memory effect and heating/coolingunder a constant stress (Brinson 1993, Boyd and Lagoudas1996, Lexcellent and Leclercq 1996, Bo and Lagoudas 1999a,Morin et al 2011). Most of the models developed in recent

years focus on different particular key points of SMAs,including tension–compression asymmetry (Raniecki andLexcellent 1998, Grabe and Bruhns 2009) and a descriptionof internal loops and cycling effects (Tanaka et al 1995,Bo and Lagoudas 1999b, Lagoudas and Entchev 2004). Thelatest models were implemented in FEA packages and used todesign devices with complex shapes under thermomechanicalloading (Popov and Lagoudas 2007, Zaki and Moumni 2007,Hartl et al 2010, Mirzaeifar et al 2010, Oliveira et al 2010).Qidwai and Lagoudas (2000) proposed a Gibbs free energyfunction that takes the transformation hardening into account.Lagoudas et al (2012) developed return map algorithms forthe numerical implementation of this model into a finiteelement program.

One of the main challenges in SMA modeling issatisfying the deviation from normality rule in the case ofnonproportional loading, as shown by Lim and McDowell

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Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 025017 R Mehrabi and M Kadkhodaei

(1999). Peng et al (2001) defined generalized equivalentstress and strain to be used in the constitutive equations ofshape memory alloys for modeling SMA responses undernonproportional loading paths. Bouvet et al (2004) conductedseveral experiments on polycrystalline CuAlBe to investigatemartensite reorientation in proportional and nonproportionalloadings. They also proposed a non-associated flow rulecorresponding to a phase transformation surface to assessthe inelastic strain of the alloy. The phase transformationsurface and the numerical values of coefficients in themodel are obtained based on the behaviors observed in theexperiments done on CuAlBe. This model can only predictthe superelastic behavior of SMAs. Later, Saint Sulpice et al(2009, 2012) developed a 3D macroscopic model for thestudy of superelasticity in SMAs under cyclic multiaxialnonproportional loadings based on experimental works.

Another class of models for studying the behavior ofSMAs under nonproportional loadings directly considersthe martensite reorientation by dividing the inelastic straininto two different terms for transformation strain andreorientation strain. Panico and Brinson (2007) proposeda phenomenological model based on the thermodynamicsof irreversible processes to investigate nonproportionalmultiaxial loadings. This model was able to evaluate theself-accommodated and oriented martensite. Furthermore,according to the loading direction, the reorientation of theproduct phase was considered. Arghavani et al (2010) studiedSMA behaviors under general loadings at small and finitedeformations. They proposed a constitutive model basedon continuum thermodynamics with internal variables inwhich pure reorientation was decoupled from pure phasetransformation in order to study the reorientation phenomenain nonproportional loadings.

In most of the existing three-dimensional phenomeno-logical models, some of the material parameters cannot bedirectly evaluated and must be calibrated by comparing theobtained responses with experimental results. An alternativemethod for constitutive modeling of SMAs is based onmicroplane theory. In this approach, there is no separateexpression for martensite reorientation, and all materialparameters can be easily determined from uniaxial tensiontests at different temperatures. The main idea in microplanetheory is to consider a 1D model for some directions onselected planes, called microplanes, passing through anymaterial point. Then, the integral form of the principleof complementary virtual work is employed to obtain 3Dconstitutive equations. Brocca et al (2002) suggested theapplication of microplane theory in SMA modeling, thenKadkhodaei et al (2007, 2008) developed this idea byproposing a model which was proved to satisfy deviationfrom normality. This model is able to simulate both the shapememory effect and superelasticity in shape memory alloys.

In this paper, first, the constitutive model based onmicroplane theory is proposed. A numerical procedure isthen developed to implement the proposed model as auser material subroutine (UMAT) in the ABAQUS/Standardcommercial code. Stress–strain diagrams for tensile and shearloadings as well as the strain–temperature response under a

constant axial stress are obtained using the present modeland are compared those reported by Qidwai and Lagoudas(2000). The results obtained from the both approaches areshown to be in a very good agreement, indicating thecapability of explicit microplane theory in employing 1Dconstitutive models to predict the behavior of shape memoryalloys under various types of loading. The nonproportionaltension–torsion loading–unloading path studied by Panicoand Brinson (2007) is investigated by the microplaneformulation, and a comparison of the results shows thecapability of the proposed model in predicting reorientationphenomena under such loadings. Finally, for experimentalvalidation, the nonproportional tensile stress–shear stresstest studied by Sittner et al (1995) is investigated. Theempirical findings are compared with the numerical resultsof the Panico and Brinson model and those of the presentmicroplane formulation. The good agreement seen betweenthe results indicates the reasonable accuracy of the proposedmicroplane approach in studying the SMA behaviors atdifferent conditions.

In summary, this paper is organized as follows:section 2 addresses the formulation of the present microplaneconstitutive model, while section 3 compares the predictionsof the microplane model in uniaxial loadings with the resultsshown by Qidwai and Lagoudas (2000). The Panico andBrinson model as well as the numerical simulations forcomparison of the present model against theirs is presentedin section 4. Experimental validation of the proposed modelusing the empirical findings of Sittner et al (1995) is done insection 5. Finally, some concluding remarks are provided insection 6.

2. Microplane formulation

Here a three-dimensional macroscopic constitutive model forSMAs based on microplane formulation is briefly explained.Referring to figure 1, for any microplane passing througha material point, the normal and shear stress vectors areobtained using the projection rule in the form:

σN = Nijσij, Nij = ninj (1)

σT = Tijσij, Tij =(nitj + njti)


ti =σiknk − σNni√σjrσjsnrns − σ



where σN is normal stress, σT is shear stress, and ni representsthe components of the unit normal vector n to the plane.

To obtain normal and shear strains on each microplane,1D constitutive relations between the projected stresses andthe corresponding strains are considered. Since the martensitictransformation is associated with shear deformations, the totalinelastic strain is assumed to be only due to shear strainson the microplanes. So, only for the shear direction on eachmicroplane, a 1D SMA constitutive law is used and a linearelastic stress–strain relation is considered for the normaldirection. Considering the volumetric–deviatoric split for the


Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 025017 R Mehrabi and M Kadkhodaei

Figure 1. Stress components on a microplane (Kadkhodaei et al2007).

normal stress as

σV =δij

3σij, σD = σN − σV =

(ninj −



)σij (3)

the following local constitutive equations are assumed for thevolumetric and the deviatoric parts of the normal strain as wellas the elastic part of the shear strain

εV =(1− 2υ)σV

E(ξ), εe

D =(1+ υ)σD


εeT =

(1+ υ)σT



in which υ is Poisson’s ratio and E is Young’s modulus, whichis a function of ξ .

The effective elastic modulus is calculated in terms of themartensite volume fraction using the Reuss model for SMAbehavior (Brinson and Huang 1996):


=(1− ξ)




where EA and EM are respectively the elastic moduli ofpure austenite and pure martensite phases. To obtain theinelastic strain for shear directions, the 1D integral formof the Lagoudas constitutive equations is employed. Thetransformation shear strain is stated as

εtr= H · ξσ (σ ,T) (6)

in which H is the maximum recoverable strain and ξσ (σ ,T)is the stress-induced martensite volume fraction, which maybe expressed as a function of the effective stress, σ , andtemperature by means of a phenomenological relation.

The principle of complementary virtual work may bewritten as

4π3ε : δσ = 2


(εNδσN + εTδσT)d� (7)

where � is the surface of a unit hemisphere representing allpossible orientations at a point. Substituting the relations (1),(2), (3), (4) and (6) into (7) and considering the independenceof the components of the virtual stress tensor, the macroscopic

Figure 2. Stress–temperature phase diagram.

strain for any desired stress and temperature is explicitlyobtained in the following form

εij = εeij + ε

trij = −



+1+ υE(ξ)

σrs ·3


(NrsNij + TrsTij)d�

+ H · ξσ ·3


Tijd�. (8)

3. Comparison between microplane formulation andQidwai and Lagoudas (2000) model

In this section, the proposed approach is compared withQidwai and Lagoudas (2000) model by employing the 1Dform of their 3D constitutive equations. However, Qidwai andLagoudas predict the martensite volume fraction by using anevolutionary equation, but explicit relationships suggested byLiang and Rogers (1997) are utilized in microplane model.Accordingly, in terms of the effective macroscopic stressacting on the material point at which the microplane isconstructed, the stress-induced martensite volume fraction isstated as:

A→ M : ξσ =1− ξ0


TMs − TM


(T − TM

f −σ



+1+ ξ0


for CM(T − TMs ) < σ < CM(T − TM

f ) (9)

M→ A : ξσ =ξ0




TAf − TA



(T − TA

s −σ


)]+ 1


for CA(T − TAf ) < σ < CA(T − TA

s ). (10)

In these relations, ξ0 is the martensite volume fractionprior to the current transformation, TM

f ,TMs , TA

s , and TAf are

transformation temperatures, and CM and CA are the slope ofmartensite and austenite strips in the stress–temperature phasediagram shown in figure 2. The regions in which forward andreverse transformations take place are shown in this figure.


Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 025017 R Mehrabi and M Kadkhodaei

Table 1. Material parameters of the constitutive model used from Qidwai and Lagoudas (2000) model.

Materialconstant EA (GPa) EM (GPa) υ H (%) TA

f (K) TAs (K) TM

s (K) TMf (K)

CA = CM(MPa K−1)

Value 70 30 0.3 5 315 295 291 271 7

Figure 3. Superelastic behavior of SMA in a uniaxial state of stressat T = TA

f .

To obtain numerical results, the microplane equation (8)in conjunction with relations (9) and (10) are implementedas a UMAT for ABAQUS. The integrals are numericallycalculated using the method proposed by Bazant and Oh(1986). The material parameters are given in table 1.

At first, a simple tensile loading–unloading at T =TA

f is simulated, and the corresponding stress–strain curvesobtained using the microplane model and return mappingalgorithm for the Lagoudas model are shown in figure 3. Asthis figure shows, the response obtained from the microplaneformulation correlates quite well with that obtained from themodel proposed by Lagoudas. The slight discrepancy betweenthe results in the forward and reverse transformation regionsis associated with the use of harmonic functions (9) and (10)in the microplane formulation, and more consistent resultsare obtained if a linear relation is utilized for ξ . Shownin figures 4(a) and (b) are stress–strain diagrams at twodifferent temperatures above TA

f . A comparison between thesefigures indicates that the proposed explicit microplane modelcan easily reproduce the results obtained from the implicitevolutionary equations proposed by Qidwai and Lagoudas(2000).

In order to show consistency between the two modelsat different conditions, strain–temperature response under theconstant axial stress of 50 MPa is studied and shown infigure 5. The SMA is initially at a temperature below TM

fin the full martensite phase while the dead load causes 5%strain. Then its temperature increases to above TA

f so that fulltransformation from martensite to austenite is induced and thetransformation strain is totally recovered. Cooling the alloy tobelow TM

f again produces a 5% strain, and this cycle repeatsupon cyclic heating–cooling of the SMA. It is seen that theresults of the two approaches are very similar to each other.

Figure 4. Superelastic behavior of SMA in a uniaxial state of stressat two different temperatures: (a) Return mapping algorithm for theLagoudas model and (b) microplane model.

Figure 6 shows a thin-walled SMA tube with a radius of3 mm, thickness of 0.3 mm, and length of 50 mm subjectedto torsion at one end while the other end is fixed. Figure 7shows the shear stress–strain curve of this torque tube attemperature TA

f . In this case, the maximum transformationstrain H is taken to be 1% (Qidwai and Lagoudas 2000).As is seen, the proposed microplane model can predict theSMA behavior in torsion fairly well although 1D constitutiveequations related to uniaxial response are utilized as the basicrelations in deriving equation (8). The shear transformationstrain in pure torsion should be

√3Hξ (Kadkhodaei et al

2008), and equation (8) yields the following result:

γ tr= 2εtr

12 = 2Hξ ×3


T12d� = 2Hξ × 0.895. (11)


Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 025017 R Mehrabi and M Kadkhodaei

Figure 5. Strain–temperature hysteresis curve at a constant stress.

Figure 6. Schematic of the finite element model for a thin-walledtube under pure torsion.

Figure 7. Shear stress–shear strain diagram of the SMA tube underpure torsion at T = TA

f .

This means the existence of around 3.3% error in themicroplane results which is due to errors in the numericalevaluation of the integrals.

The good agreement between the results of themicroplane approach and the Qidwai and Lagoudas modelindicates the following two major abilities of the proposedmodel:

• When 1D loadings are studied, microplane formulationgives the same results as if the 1D constitutive laws

were directly used although 1D constitutive laws for thenormal and tangential directions of each microplane arenot the same as those utilized in a directly macroscopic 1Dconstitutive model.• The microplane model employs explicit constitutive

equations and can be more easily utilized than implicitconstitutive models.

After exhibiting the capabilities of the proposedmicroplane model in uniaxial loadings at various conditions,investigation of this model in some multiaxial loadingsfollowed by experimental validation of the results arepresented in the next sections.

4. Comparison between the microplane approachand Panico model under multiaxial loadings

When subjected to nonproportional multiaxial loadings,thermomechanical behaviors of an SMA are accompaniedby martensite reorientation. As the SMA microplanemodel considers the possibility of martensitic transformationon several planes with different orientations, only thetransformation strain is taken into account and no separateexpression is attributed to reorientation in the inelastic partof strain. However, the proposed microplane approach is ableto predict martensite reorientation in the 3D macroscopicresponse. To show this, the nonproportional loading pathstudied by Panico and Brinson (2007) is investigated bythe microplane model as well, and the results are comparedagainst each other.

Panico and Brinson (2007) proposed a model in whichmartensite reorientation is explicitly taken into account. Theadditive decomposition between elastic and inelastic strains isstated as:

ε = εe+ εin. (12)

The increment of inelastic strain is divided into twoportions, which originate from transformation of the parentphase and reorientation of previously developed orientedmartensite:

εin= εtr

+ εre, εtr= λtrXtr,

εre= λreI : Xre (13)

where λtr,re are positive Lagrange multipliers, and thefourth-order tensor I is defined as:

I =(I′ − n⊗ n


in which I′ is the fourth-order identity deviatoric tensor, n =εin/‖εin

‖, and Xtr and Xre are following thermodynamicaldissipative forces:

Xtr = σ′− ρ[(T1η0 −1u0)+ Hξσ ]


√3/2γ ‖εin‖

, Xre = σ′ (15)

where σ′, ρ, η and u are deviatoric stress tensor, materialdensity, the specific entropy, and the specific free energy,respectively. For brevity, the evolution equations of this model


Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 025017 R Mehrabi and M Kadkhodaei

Figure 8. Critical stress–temperature phase diagram.

are not included in this paper and interested readers arereferred to Panico and Brinson (2007).

Panico and Brinson utilized the phase diagram shownin figure 8. Accordingly, in order to be able to compare theresults, the microplane equations in section 2 are used andthe relationships suggested by Brinson (1993) are utilized forξσ (σ ,T). Referring to figure 8, the evolution equations forξσ (σ ,T) at different regions in the phase diagram are:

Conversion to Detwinned Martensite:For T > TM

s and σ crs +CM(T−TM

s ) < σ < σcrf +CM(T−

TMs ):

ξσ =1− ξσ0


σ crs − σ


× [σ − σ crf − CM(T − TM

s )]


1+ ξσ0

2. (16)

For T < TMs and σ cr

s < σ < σ crf :

ξσ =1− ξσ0


σ crs − σ

crf× [σ − σ cr

f ]


1+ ξσ0

2. (17)

Conversion to Austenite: for T > TAs and CA(T − TA

f ) <

σ < CA(T − TAs ):

ξσ =ξσ0


{1+ cos

TAf − TA


(T − TA

s −σ



where ξσ0 represents the detwinned martensite volumefraction prior to the current transformation.

At first, calibration is done to obtain the materialparameters of microplane formulation based on those utilizedby Panico and Brinson (2007). The values of these parametersare listed in table 2. To show the validity of these numbers,the uniaxial stress–strain responses obtained from the presentmicroplane approach and Panico and Brinson model at threedifferent temperatures are compared in figures 9(a)–(c). Agood agreement is seen, indicating the reasonable accuracyof the obtained material parameters.

Shape memory effect at T = 310 K is considered infigure 10, and the present results are compared with thosepredicted by Panico and Brinson (2007). This figure shows

Figure 9. Numerical simulations of quasi plastic andsuperelasticity at different temperatures: (a) T = 310 K, (b)T = 320 K and (c) T = 330 K.

the ability of the proposed microplane model in predictingheating recovery after the removal of stress. As is seen, thetwo models produce very similar results in predicting thesuperelasticity and shape memory effect for 1D loadingconditions.

After material parameters identification, in order toinvestigate martensite reorientation, the nonproportional


Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 025017 R Mehrabi and M Kadkhodaei

Figure 10. Numerical simulation of shape memory effect at T = 310 K: (a) microplane model, (b) Panico and Brinson (2007) model(reused from Panico and Brinson (2007), copyright 2007, with permission from Elsevier).

Figure 11. Nonproportional loading at T = 320 K: (a) axial stress–shear stress path, (b) axial strain–shear strain response, (c) inelasticstrains for different loading stages in the microplane model and (d) corresponding results in the Panico and Brinson model (2007) (reusedfrom Panico and Brinson (2007), copyright 2007, with permission from Elsevier).


Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 025017 R Mehrabi and M Kadkhodaei

Table 2. Material parameters of the constitutive model calibrated from the Panico and Brinson (2007) model.

Materialconstant E (GPa) σ cr

s (MPa) σ crf (MPa) υ H (%) TA

f (K) TAs (K) TM

s (K) TMf (K)

CA = CM(MPa K−1)

Value 68.4 90 160 0.36 3.8 319 317 310 306 10

Table 3. Material parameters of the constitutive model for CuAlZnMn calibrated from Sittner et al (1995) experiments.



σ crs

(MPa)σ cr

f(MPa) υ

H(%) TA

f (K) TAs (K) TM

s (K) TMf (K)

CA(MPa K−1)

CM(MPa K−1)

Value 30 88 585 0.3 49 260 248 239 223 6.7 2

Figure 12. Responses of CuAlZnMn under uniaxial loading atT = 285 K: (a) tensile stress–strain and (b) shear stress–strain.

loading simulated by Panico and Brinson (2007) at 320 Kis studied in figure 11. According to figure 11(a), a square-shaped path of axial stress–shear stress loading–unloading isconsidered. The amounts of the applied stresses are such thatthe material fully transforms to oriented martensite duringthe axial loading AB, and the entire subsequent parts ofthe loading involve only reorientation of the product phase.

Figure 11(b) shows the corresponding axial strain–shearstrain response obtained from the two approaches. Althoughsmall differences are seen between the numerical results, theproposed microplane model can describe the reorientationphenomenon in SMAs under nonproportional loadings ina good qualitative manner. However, since there are noexperimental results regarding this response, some thoroughinvestigations are needed in future studies.

Figures 11(c) and (d) respectively show variationsof the inelastic strain components at different stages ofthe loading–unloading path obtained from the microplaneapproach and from Panico and Brinson (2007). These resultsindicate coupling between the inelastic axial and shear strainswhich has been experimentally observed in nonproportionalloadings of SMAs. For instance, within the loading path BC,where the shear stress is increased and the axial stress is heldconstant, an increase in the shear strain but a decrease in theaxial strain is seen. During the unloading path CD, the axialstress is decreased to zero and further to compression witha constant amount of shear stress. Although the axial strainsubstantially decreases during unloading, the shear strainincreases due to the maintained constant shear stress. 1Dconstitutive models cannot study these behaviors in multiaxialloadings, but the proposed approach is able to predict suchresponses, although only 1D constitutive laws are employedfor each microplane. In fact, in any multiaxial loading, acombination of all the involved stress components leadsto the individual strain components since ξσ is consideredas a function of the effective stress and the componentsof the tensor T depend on the amount of all the stresscomponents according to equation (2). It should be noted thatthe inelastic strains are completely recovered upon unloadingsince the temperature is above TA

f , and this indicates that theproposed approach is able to model superelasticity in a biaxialloading–unloading path.

The maximum recoverable strain in this case is H =0.38, and it is seen in figure 11(c) that the amount ofεtr

11 is 0.38 at the end of loading path AB, meaning thecompleteness of the forward transformation. However, whenthe load direction is changed by applying shear stress inBC, εtr

11 still evolves along with changes in the shear stain.This shows that the model is giving inelastic strains due tomartensite reorientation since no more inelastic strain due tothe transformation is expected. From the theoretical point of


Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 025017 R Mehrabi and M Kadkhodaei

Figure 13. Comparison between the experimental and numerical results for a nonproportional multiaxial loading at T = 285 K: (a) Tensilestress–shear stress loading–unloading path. (b) Shear strain–tensile strain diagram. (c) Tensile stress–strain diagram. (d) Shear stress–straindiagram.

view, the last expression on the right hand side of equation (8)equals the inelastic strain. Accordingly, a multiplication of ξσand


Tijd� produces the inelastic strain, and the integralitself may evolve for a fixed amount of martensite volumefraction. In other words, this integral may be attributed to theportion of inelastic strain due to reorientation. This statementcoincides with what is considered by Arghavani et al (2010)who decompose the inelastic strain rate into two portions: onefor pure transformation and another for pure reorientation.Therefore, although only transformation is considered in the1D constitutive laws, the reorientation phenomena can becaptured with the use of the proposed microplane approachbecause the resultant of all the transformation strains intangential directions on all microplanes passing through amaterial point gives rise to the whole macroscopic inelasticstrain of that point.

5. Comparison with experimental results

To show the validity of the obtained results from the presentmicroplane approach, the experimental findings reported by

Sittner et al (1995) are utilized, which have been widelyused in previous models (Panico and Brinson 2007, Arghavaniet al 2010, Lagoudas et al 2012). These experimental resultsbelong to a nonproportional combination of tension–torsionloadings on a polycrystalline thin-walled tube fabricated fromCuAlZnMn. Material parameters, provided in table 3, areobtained from the calibration of stress–strain responses forpure tension and pure torsion. A comparison between theexperimental data and simulation results using these materialparameters for pure tension and pure torsion are shown infigure 12. All simulations are performed at a temperature ofT = 285 K, in agreement with the experiments.

Figure 13(a) shows the rectangular tensile-shear loadingpath studied by Sittner et al (1995). As is seen, the axialstress is first applied; then the shear stress is applied whilethe axial stress is constant. Afterwards, the tension andthe shear stresses are respectively removed. The reportedexperimental findings, the numerical results presented byPanico and Brinson (2007), and those obtained by theproposed microplane approach for shear strain–tensile strain,tensile stress–strain, and shear stress–strain are respectivelycompared in figures 13(b)–(d). A reasonable similarity is


Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 025017 R Mehrabi and M Kadkhodaei

seen between the results, indicating the ability of the presentmodel in reproducing the main characteristics of shapememory alloys under nonproportional loadings shown in theexperiments.

6. Conclusions

In this study, a constitutive model is proposed for shapememory alloys based on microplane theory. 1D constitutivelaws are considered for any generic plane passing thorougha material point and are generalized to 3D equationsusing a homogenization technique. The inelastic strain isexplicitly stated in terms of the martensite volume fraction,and comparison of the results with those obtained by theincremental model of Qidwai and Lagoudas (2000) indicatesthe effectiveness of the present approach. It is also shownthat, if a 1D macroscopic constitutive model is appliedin microplane formulation, the results of that model isreproduced in uniaxial loadings. The nonproportional loadinginvestigated by Panico and Brinson (2007) is further studiedby the proposed approach, and a good agreement is shownto be between the results obtained from the two models. Inthe nonproportional loading case, the amounts of the appliedstresses are such that the material fully transforms to orientedmartensite during the first axial loading, and the wholesubsequent parts of the loading only involve reorientationof the martensite. This indicates that microplane theory isable to take martensite reorientation into account althoughno separate expression corresponding to reorientation isconsidered in the fundamental 1D constitutive equations. Theempirical findings for a nonproportional tensile stress–shearstress loading–unloading reported by Sittner et al (1995) arecompared with the numerical results obtained from Panicoand Brinson (2007) and those from the present approach. Thegood agreement seen between the findings show the capabilityof the microplane model in studying the behaviors of shapememory alloys under general multiaxial loadings althoughonly 1D constitutive laws are utilized in the microplaneformulation. The simple construction of this approach is verybeneficial in determining the necessary material parameters aswell.


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