4 Days of Intensive Master Tung Program...WHAT DOES THE 4 DAYS LOOK LIKE •Day 1 - Top Ten Tung...

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4 Days of Intensive Master Tung Program

Brad Whisnant , DAOM, L.Ac

Mastering Mirrors and Images


• Day 1 - Top Ten Tung points for clinical success for a host of issues

• intro, theory basic, 10 points

• Day 2 – Treating Back Pain with Master Tung Points

• It’s the number one reason patients come see us! We better be able to master it! Sciatica, disc, stenosis, muscle and radiation. Learn the theory and how to choose Tung points for the best and instant success

• Day 3 – Treating Neck and Shoulders with Master Tung Points and Balance Method Points

• Tung and Balance method fusion for the best results for very common complaint. Step by step instruction that is easy to follow and makes sense

• Day 4 - Internal Medicine

• Treat the 5 Zang organs. Treat the most and common internal disorders of the LU, HT, SP, KD, and LV.


• Who's was here Last year? How has it been?

• Coaching, before and after seminar. 1 hour, 100$ come up and let me know if your interested, ill do a few hours before and or after class. We can chat about anything

• Who uses Balance method I ching and Tung points?

• Amazing huh?

• Issues?

• Stumbling blocks?

• What are you missing?

• Those that don’t do it, whats the biggest issue?

• The secret to Tung points for internal, its more than just channel and mirror


• Passing around an email list


In 2007, I graduated from acupuncture school, and needed a break. I started a non-profit, and went volunteering for the

next 3 years. I volunteered in India, Vietnam, Honduras, Guatemala, and in America and at the same time ran a clinic in

Oregon and Washington. 2007-2010)

• I failed miserably the first two years in acupuncture practice. It was spectacular! ☺

• Plastic surgeon, detox center, MD, allergist clinic, nurse practitioner, bio identical, spa, wellness center, therapy

combo, solo practice, house calls, group, volunteer, working hourly, ER hospital, herbal house call van deal, old

folks home, 4 overseas volunteer trips. My biggest week was 35, after 2 years. (2007-2009)

In my clinic, I see 100 people a week on my own, each patient individually, no group treatments, no assembly line acupuncture . I see 25-30 people

a day, and I work Mon-Thursday, 3 tx rooms. My wife runs the front office, I do all the herbs, treating, insurance, cleaning, laundry, make

herbs, ordering of supplies and materials. We have only been open since 2010 March. We were at 76 people the first week. I DIDN’T KNOW

ANYBODY IN MY AREA! It was a small town, 12,000 people mostly of fisherman/farmers/blue collar workers, no acupuncture ever in

the town

My success was because of results, and that is attributed to Master Tung and Dr Tan method.

If I can do this? YOU ALL CAN!!! I’M NOT SPECIAL!


• I have been taught Tung Acupuncture by Wei Chi Young and I have been taught distal acupuncture by Dr. Richard Tan. To them I owe everything I have learned.

• I spent years at Dr Tans clinic shadowing Dr. Tan and following him around to every city that he taught at every weekend. Many long weekends with Dr. Wei Chi young as well.

• I had the chance to “practice” all these points overseas, doing volunteer work, treating 100 patients a day. Volunteering is important. It allows you to treat for free thus it allows you to treat without fear. It allows you to experiment without worrying about booking the next appt. You can test, try, retry, rethink, and all the time you’re helping others. People come for months, you can see the evolution of your treatments…what is working? What is not working? Why not? Why is it?

• Its important to have busy clinic, not a busy clinic where your minions treat everybody, BUT WHERE YOU AND I ACTUALLY TREAT/NEEDLE PEOPLE

Treat as much as you can, you will get better with experience

RESOURCES• 65,000+ patient treatments done by myself in 7 countries

• Common sense, deductive reasoning, trial and error, Experience

Wei chi young, Master Tung acupuncture, 2005

Wei chi young 4 years of his lectures and classes

Dr Tan, 4 years of his seminars all over America

Dr Tan 3 years off and on in his clinic and his teachings

Dr. Maher, “Advanced Tung style acupuncture”

Daniel Kwoen, “Spark in the Machine”

All forms, pictures, images were purchased, permission granted, and licensed in accordance with current legal requirements

INTRO• I have spoke with Elotus.org for about 6 years,

• 50+ seminars on Master Tung, Balance Method, Bloodletting, Practice Management

• Taught at Emperors College, East West College

• Speaking both domestically and internationally

• Site for all my classes, some free, some paid, free to join


• App on blood letting

• Medical guide to bloodletting search on App store

• Run my own free medical camp overseas during my time off

• 7 books written on Master Tung and the Balance method. • Our newest book just out last week, purchase THRU GEORGNINA!!!! Please!!!


• “The biggest reason people don’t succeed is because they don’t expose themselves to the existing information” - Jim


• I'm just Brad. I have no magic needle, no golden touch, I have no privileged information or powerful potions. If I can do it, anybody can! Step by step, needle by needle, and patient by patient. We learn. All this information is available to everybody. There are no secrets! The secrets we gain are thru treating patients.

You just need to PRACTICE and CRITICALLY think

“low back pain”

INTRO• We will get into theory, but I hate this nonsense of endless theory!

• Be careful of rich theory, because in Chinese medicine many theories depending on the time frame in which they were taught CONTRADICT each other.

• Can we all just K.I.S.S. Please?

• I'm looking for results that theory will support, not looking at theory and hoping for results

• The clinic results PROVES our theory

• Successful clinic will need to be 85%+ effective on TX's, min…

INTROTheory has been around for uuuhhh about 5000 years

Just pick a theory that makes sense for you

Ill introduce different theories on different points so you get an idea lets name a few

It works regardless


• Only two types of people heal everybody?

The devil and liars

As long as you are treating successfully 85% plus in your clinic? As per defined by your patients? You will be super busy.

• You need to fail, practice, try again, think, learn, succeed, fail, get back up, learn some more, practice more. This is why TREATING is so paramount to

your success!

INTRO 80/20Top complaints 95% of all cases (over last 6 years 65,000+ cases in my clinic)

• Upper neck/shoulder• Low back• PAIN anywhere• Sciatica• Joint pain, knee, elbow, fingers toes, shoulder• Headache, trigeminal neuralgia, TMJ jaw pain• Sleep (too much too little)• Digestion, GB, IBS, constipation/diarrhea, “spleen qi xu” ☺• Stress/depression/anxiety/fatigue/libido/no zest for life• The big 3, heart issues, Type 2 diabetes, Cholesterol• Female issues, menstrual, hot flashes, etc.• Allergies/breathing• Fertility (male and female)• General wellness, general issues, neuropathy, numbness, weirdness• Last resort -Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, tinnitus, MS, auto immune, etc.

• Yes I see many others, like hypoxemic respiratory failure or scarlet fever, but do we see this all the time?


• Dr. Tans death

• We need to briefly discuss this

• Everything over the next 4 days is from the Classics, Wei Chi Young, I Ching, Chao Chen, Richard Tan, Cole my teacher from school in 2004 and my personal experience of 65,000+ treatments both domestic and internationally. That’s important to note


• 85%+ success with all patients as per defined by patients not you

• 90-100% instant pain relief, on 85%% of the time

• 90-100% instant internal relief (assuming we can tell) 85% of the time

• If you are 75% or better? With your patients? You will always be busy!• It better last longer than 30min

• Be able to fix most if not all conditions 2-30txs

• Be able to know if you can help somebody or not under 5 visits

• 1-70 my average, person is 100% fixed no matter what issue, no matter what pathology, easy difficult ,chronic acute, and I have no idea why



• Just so you have the info….

• I wont bore you, at least ill try no too ☺



• There are 20 ways to “theorize” why and how Tung points work

• Ill focus on Channel and image • Its very easy

• Make sense

• I was student of Dr. Tan

• That’s how Wei Chi Young taught us (more theory, but there was emphasis on this)

• These two ideas? Can explain 100% of all points and indications, usually ☺

BASIC METHOD• Its unfortunate that people think all this originated in 2006

• In my school in 2004 we had a teacher that distal/tan/tung his name was Cole, he was a student of Dr. tan from 1990s

• Cole is by far the best distal practitioner I have ever seen, much better I and id say, better than Dr. Tan. For sure he's better than anybody out there right now.

• I shadowed cole for years at after school internship program where cole would treat 80 people in 4 hours all distal tan and tung. I watched him for years, 3 days a week

• Cole does “body mapping” Cole is an unknown because FB and the internet weren’t around when he learned. He takes Tan system and have found unique relationships to certain muscles and groups.

• Cole was spreading the image, expanding the image, being redundant, using multiple channels and multiple images since the 1990’s. This is where I learned all this and its only correct that not only Dr. Tan and Wei Chi young be thanked but Cole as well

• With out Cole? I would not know Dr. Tan, with out Dr Tan I would not know Tung.



• LING SHU, chapter 26

• “The only way to treat is to determine what channels are involved”

• Chinese classics and the Bible. ☺ careful…..


• I'm a student of the late Dr. Tan 2004-present. BUT!!!

• The “Balance Method” was first used and termed by Chao Chen, not Dr. Tan

• Dr. Chao Chen created an acupuncture system based on the Yi Jing (I Ching).

• Dr. Chen published seven books in the mid-1970s.

• He explained the ba gua/Chinese medicine relationship and how to balance the channels.

• He uses the xian tian ba gua, the hou tian ba gua and the tai yang ba fa. Xian tian ba gua is Fu Xi's ba gua.

• Each of the 14 channels equates with a gua (trigram), and they balance one another


• “and world-renowned teacher Dr. Richard Teh-Fu Tan. Dr. Tan has stated at his workshops that he deeply studied Dr. Chen's work, and credits it as the foundation of his own treatment methods.”

Acupuncture today, October, 2003, Vol. 04, Issue 10, Twicken


• “Chinese medicine views qi and blood stagnation as the causes of many types of pain. The basic goal is to move qi and blood to eliminate stagnation and pain. Dr. Chen found in clinical practice that the most effective and efficient way to eliminate stagnations and create normal energy flow was to follow the form of the ba gua by treating the balancing point. By combining numerous principles of the Yi Jing, classic Chinese medical theories found in the Nei Jing and principles of Chinese metaphysics found in Chinese astrology, Dr. Chen developed a powerful and effective method to find optimal balancing points. “

- David Twicken, Acupuncture Today, October, 2003, Vol. 04, Issue 10

BASISC METHODSystem #1: Anatomical Image/Name pair

• 1) pairs channels with same Chinese meridian name

• 2) Hand channels treat foot channels and vice versa.

• 3) Yin channel treats for yin channel, and yang treats yang

• 4) Treats contra lateral side (opposite side)




• Very powerful relationship, in particular for Limb pain, my top choice



• Shin splints at St36= LI10-11


• System #2: The Branching Channel system

• 1) Uses Yang channels to treat Yin channels (and vice-versa).

• 2) Uses Hand channels to treat Foot channels.

• Hand Tai yin=Foot Tai Yang LU=BL

• Hand Shao yin=Foot Shao Yang HT=GB

• Hand Jue Yin= Foot Yang Ming PC=ST

• Hand Tai Yang= Foot Tai Yin SI=SP

• Hand Shao Yang= Foot Shao Yin TW=KD

• Hand Yang Ming= Foot Jue yin LI=LV

• Very powerful relationship for pain on the torso and internal issues. One of my favs.



• Back pain, LU=BL



• System #3: TCM Zang Fu, Organ Pair

• Treats the Zang-fu paired channel.







• Anybody know “why” the organs are paired that way? Side note

• Usually only use for internal issues. Can you guess why?

BASISC METHOD• System #4: The Chinese Clock -- Opposites

• 1) Is based on the Chinese Clock.







Very powerful relationship, amazing for Torso pain, best choice



• GB HA, HT3, HT3.25

• Stuffy nose in the ST channel area, PC3, PC3.25

• SI14-15 pain, LV4-5-6

BASISC METHOD• System #5: Chinese Clock -- The Neighbor System

• The pairings are always with the neighbor of the same polarity: Yang with Yang, Yin with Yin.







BASISC METHODSystem 6 Each Channel treats itself, and Dr. Tan and Maser Tung did this was not created in the early 2000s

Simple, can be either side, MUCH BETTER, if same side

The Channel treats itself









• Low back pain on BL channel, BL65-62-60

• Shoulder pain on TW channel, TW3

• LI1-2-3 to fix LI in the Face

• Etc etc etc

• (also called a guide in Tung system)


• Those 6 systems I learned from Dr. Tan• 12 and 12, 24 more, 12 magical

• They are from his books, and seminars

• Please continue your study with the appropriate people

Beyond “just” the 6 systems of Dr. Tan Balance

• Dr. Chao Chen has many books that ARE NOT translated.

• He continued for another 30 years

• I spoke with a student of his top student

System 7 (I feel more of Tung system but both, see Henry Mccann)

• Indirect

• System 1 and system 3= system 7


• HT/KD and HT/SI= KD/SI

• PC/LV and PC/SJ= LV/SJ

• LI/LU and LI/ST= LU/ST

• SI/BL and SI/HT= BL/HT

• TW/GB and TW/PC= GB/PC


• HT/KD, HT/SI= KD/SI 22.08 -09 SI channel fixes KD issues

• LI/ST, LI/LU= ST/LU 88.17-18-19 is on ST channel for Lung isues

• LV/PC, LV/GB= PC/GB 11.13 is on PC finger treats the gallbladder

• KD/HT, KD/BL= HT /BL so great for upper back pain? The jing jin and Muscle tendions say so? No its because it the HT fixes the BL up in the neck. So many reasons why these things work

• Its amazing to me to people think THEIR theory is the only way an answer could exist. There are 10 ways to understand and theorize any relationships. Hence its called THEORY!

System 8

• Forget the names of the channels…..just know….

• ANY Tai yin gets ANY tai yang

• ANY shao yin gets ANY shao yang

• ANY jueyin gets ANY yangming

• Powerful relationships


• Tai yin (any) fixes Tai Yang (any)

• LU fixes SI and BL. LU fixes digestion, (SI is part of that)

• SP fixes SI and BL 66.10-11 on the SP chnnel fix BL2 headaches

• SP fixes damp of SI that dredges fluids

• Jueyin fixes yangming

• PC not only fixes ST but also LI, PC gets digestion

• Shao yang fixes Shao yin

• TW not only fixes KD but fixes HT, TW 33.04-5-6 fixes heart issues.

SYSTEM 9 (misc balances just keep in mind)

Watch your Guas and Yaos

BL gets LV why?

KD gets GB why?

PC and HT interchangeable with Shao yin shao yang 3/6 balance why?

Its not about channel balancing! Its about balancing the guas. The channel doesn’t make the balance, the gua makes the balance and a channel is attached to it. Big difference in thinking.

Ashi or spread the image?• I was at Dr. Tans clinic from 2004 to 2007

• I followed Dr. Tan around all over America from 2004 to 2008

• There was 2 Dr. Tans

• Seminar and Clinic

• Do you even get what it was like for Dr Tan?

• His first seminar, ever, we spoke about it at lunch one day.

• Dr tan toe and thumb? 17 needles? Dr. tan and the du line off the head for the spine? 15 needles?

• Dr tan and just running 10 needles up the KD and LV for his neck and back pain combo? Is 1,000,000 million dollar neck pain combo?

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• Who cares?

• Why is it important?

• Does it help clinically?

• Do our patients benefit?

• Can we help with suffering and loss?

Mastering Mirrors and Images



Mastering Mirrors and Images



Mastering Mirrors and Images

• Is this a new idea?

• NO! Its been around for 5000 years• In EVERY ACUPUNCTURE SYSTEM

• In the Classics

• Defined by research

• New ideas all the time

• Master Tung system A CORNER STONE of its system

• Dr. Tan, a corner stone of its system, from Chao Chen, from I Ching, etc etc etc

Mastering Mirrors and ImagesThe Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine (Nei Jing). Chapter 25 of the Nei Jingstates: "Man corresponds with nature: In heaven, there are Yin and Yang, in man, there are 12 large joints of the limbs," and "When one understands the principles of the 12 joints, a sage will never surpass him."

Chapter 27 of the Nei Jing states: "Diverse pricking to the right side or to the left, contralateral insertion of pricking the upper part to cure the lower disease, and pricking the left side to cure the right."

- David Twicken Acupuncture today, October, 2003, Vol. 04, Issue 10

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• Chapter 25 of the Nei Jing states: "Man corresponds with nature: In heaven, there are Yin and Yang, in man, there are 12 large joints of the limbs," and "When one understands the principles of the 12 joints, a sage will never surpass him.

• These principles are the basis for the lower left part of the body treating the upper right side and the upper right side treating the lower left, the lower right side treating the upper left and the upper left treating the lower right. This is the foundation of Dr. Chen's balance method.

• “David Twicken, Acupuncture Today” October, 2003, Vol. 04, Issue 10

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• Biao You Fus Poetry

• “treat problems on the left with points on the right”

• “treat local problems with distal points….”

• “treat disorders on the head with points in the feet”

• Dr. Wei Chi Young, Master Tung Acupuncture 2005

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• Dui Ying Zhen FA (corresponding needling method) IN 1979• “against” means “reversed’

Hands along feet, Hands against Feet

Hands along Torso, Hands against Torso

Feet along torso, Feet against Toros

Upper and lower corresponding's, (head/throat, head/sacral, head/feet)


wei chi young, Tung Acupuncture

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• Dr. Wei Chi young, 1975, Tungs Acupuncture

• “Dr Young brought forth the term “Balance Needling method” as to “needle the lower if the disease is at the upper, needle the right if the disease is on the lef ”

• “This idea originated from Nei Jing” Dr Young, Master Tung Acupuncture

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• 3 jiaos and 12 segments

• Any bone is upper, middle, lower jiao• LI3 (headaches) LI4 is digestion, Ling gu is low back

• Any bone is 12 segments• Secret insomnia point? Ohhhh secret….

• Head, neck, upper limbs, lung/heart, liver, stomach, duodenum, kidney, low back, low limbs, thigh, foot

• And again, “any insomnia?” use your theory, what kind? That’s IMPORTANT

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• SuJok, Hand acupuncture

• Kyoro Hand acupuncture (dr tans favorite)

• Face images, Master Tung

• Full, ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16th, copy of copy

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• Now you KNOW your “empirical” points?


• BL40 back pain

• LI4 master of the Face

• SI3 master of the neck

• PC6 digestion

• KD1 heart problems

• Jing wells fullness in the head

• ST36 digestion

• SP6 neck problems, hormones, lower jiao

Mastering Mirrors and Images


• No

• This is where you learn, Theory vs Clinical application

• The best images? MOST HOMOLOGOUS.

• The 3 arm yin finger tips to elbows.

• Dr. Tan said “give me a good enough pair of glasses and ill take any cell on your body and image or mirror it”

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• What is a homologue?

• And why do we care?

• Why is it important?

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• Sternum=thoracic spine= (vice versa)

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• Dr. Wei Chi young, Mastering Tung Acupuncture

• “Body correspondence”

bone for bone (page xxxix)

Tendon for tendon (page xi)

Muscle for muscle (page xi)

Vessel for vessel (page xii)

1999, “body tissue correspondence was taught” at First National Symposium on Master Tung Acupuncture” given by Dr. Wei Chi young.

Mastering Mirrors and Images

SAME FOR SAME• Muscle for muscles

• 44.06, 33.15, 88.25, 77.08 systemic tx for muscle issue

• Joint for joint• SI5, LI5, KD6, BL62 systemic tx for joint problems

• Tendon for tendon• LU5, PC3 bilateral, 77.01-2 bilateral systemic tendon tx

• Vessel for vessel• 44.-08-09-10, 22.05, 66.03-4, 88.01-2-3 systemic vascular issue

• Homologous structure• Exact problem structure, with 88.25, examples???

• Bone for bone• Gu Ci Yi Er San, mu guan and gu guan, 77.27, 11.27 points 1-3-5 systemic bone tx,

• Overall a very important concept

Mastering Mirrors and Images

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• EXEPTION (only 1 ☺)

• Elbow for Knees= AMAZING

• Knees for elbows= NOT SO GREAT

• Why?

• Theory? And Clinic proof?

• Homologous and Embryology help us understand this problem

Mastering Mirrors and Images

• This is idea is very powerful

• Based in embryology not theory

• If you gave me one thing to chose points from? Id chose this


TOP 10 POINTS (my opinion)


• Does not mean they are top 10 points.

• It means its my stupid opinion

• That’s all

• Ask me in 2018 and Im sure a few will be different!!

• Chinese medicine is DYNAMIC not STATIC!

• Please find your own top 10 points

• Don’t follow, lead


TUNG POINT 88.25• NEEDLE LOCATION/TECHNIQUE- Perpendicular insertion, through the IT band to the lateral

side of the femur. You must insert the needle and touch the bone.

• This is point is The TCM POINT GB31. Many people say either it find it middle of the femur on the GB channel or where the patients fingers tip touch the IT band on the GB channel.

• Reaction areas: all 4 limbs, lung


• Back pain, lower back pain, lumbar vertebral pain, hemiplegia, facial paralysis, neck pain, dizziness, distending feeling of the eye, numbness of the hand and arm, and leg pain and enervation. In the center of the median line of the lateral thigh. Migraine, low back pain, cervical spondylosis, numbness and pain of the hand and arm, facial paralysis or pain, dizziness, tinnitus, leg or knee pain, hemiplegia, bone spurs, lack of strength in the nerve


• Most if not all our patients have stress (for many reasons), pain (for many reasons) and sleep issues (many reasons) and 88.25 Is the single best point for any and all of these points.

• This point needs to be needled to the lateral side of the femur, its vastly important that you touch the femur. I have used these points as premier points for all sorts of head, face, eyes, ears, tmj, headaches, face, teeth, jaw pain. Any problem in the head? This is also my first point I think of !

TUNG POINTS 88.12-13-14

TUNG POINTS 88.12-13-14• REACTION AREAS: Kidney (superficial depth). Liver (middle depth), Heart (deep level)

• CLASSICAL INDICATIONS Liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, body swelling, blurry vision, fatigue, back pain, eye pain, chorea (e.g. Parkinsonism), leukemia, multiple sclerosis Hepatocirrhosis, hepatitis, enlargement of bones, spinal periostitis, fatigue due to hypofunction of the Liver, soreness of the lower back, blurred vision, eye pain, hepatalgia, indigestion and leukemia (very effective).

• CLINICAL APPLICATION• The main point is 88.12, and sometimes only this point is used. If 88.13 or 88.14 is used, always

include 88.12, which is the most important point of the three. This is my favorite set of points. They are great for many things. The reason is that all our patients have liver issues, fatty, depressed, and stagnated livers. They have blood circulation problems, Qi and blood imbalances and stagnation. The heart and liver are the two most diseased organs in Western culture.

• These points are clinically important for fatigue, eye issues, allergies, bone spurs, and liver pain. This is the most underused channel for the treatment of pain. It is the most undervalued pathology when it comes to patients with headaches, fertility, allergies, sleep problems, fatigue, pain, digestion, and “just not feeling right.” These points should be used for more than just Western-defined cirrhosis of the liver, or the treatment of Hepatitis C.

• These are some of the most important points I used on my wife to stop the early delivery of our son.

• Another patient had fatigue.. Her liver was blocked, stagnated, and overworked. These points, 88.12, 88.13, and 88.14 relieved her headache immediately.

• These points are like Ling Gu, an entire book could be written about them. They are useful for odd diseases such as shaking diseases, like Parkinson’s.



• LOCATION and NEEDLE TECHNIQUE: 5 cun up enter line on mid leg, 7 and 9 up. Perpendicular insertion


• Heart diseases, pericardial pain, pain on both sides of the heart, rheumatic heart disease, dizziness, vertigo, palpitations, gastric disease, limb pain and cerebral anemia, acute pericarditis, rheumatic fever, palpitations, dizziness, vertigo, cerebral ischemia, four limb pain, gastritis, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy


• These points are some of the most commonly used points in the modern clinic, due to the fact that most of our patients have some type of heart, Qi, or blood problem at the root of their disease. Even in Western medical clinics, the number one killer in America is heart disease. Heart disease and all the Western and Chinese manifestations that come from a poorly functioning heart are numerous.

• These points are indicated for finger pain, but I do not use them much for that.

• These are my favorite points to use on myself after a long week of working and standing on my feet. They treat chest palpitations from stress, disturbed sleep from too much work, fatigue, and edema in the lower legs from standing all day.


TUNG POINTS 77.27• LOCATION AND NEEDLE TECHNIQUE-This is a three point unit, located on the line that

connects the head of the fibula and the lateral malleolus. The points are located at the ¼, ½, and ¾ units.

• Perpendicular insertion on the tibia, on the gallbladder channel. The needles must tap the tibia for the best results. Insert the needle 1 to 1.5 cun deep.

• CLASSICAL INDICATIONS-Tonsillitis, mumps, laryngitis, abscesses, tumors, pain in the shoulder and arm.


• These points are very strong. They are similar to 77.05, 77.06, and 77.07, in that they treat all systemic stagnation, Qi stagnation, blockage, masses, tumors, injuries from trauma. I often alternate between 77.27 and 77.05, 77.06, and 77.07.

• Point 77.27 can be used for any type of trauma, pain, or injury, regardless of the location. They are very effective to treat any type of systemic pain, blockage, or trauma.

• I used them a lot for shingles, rib pain, chest pain, and GB or LV issues.

• Some common indications are: tonsillitis, tumor, cancer, pharygitis, and pain in the shoulder or arm. Mumps, laryngitis, abscesses, tumors, fibrocystic breasts, acne, trigeminal neuralgia, swollen hands and arms, and elbow pain are more indications to use these points.


TUNG POINT 77.08• LOCATION AND NEEDLE TECHINQUE- Three cun inferior to ST 35 on the lateral tibia.

• Although some texts cite different depths having different functions, in clinical experience this is not my experience. In my experience, you must get the Qi with patients. Since there are so many anatomical differences in our patients, I have found the clinical references to needle depth and functions to not hold true.

• CLASSICAL INDICATIONS• Asthma, toothache, dizziness, palpitations, coronary artery disease, vomiting, and sudden turmoil.

• CLINICAL APPLICATIONS• This point is in the top three points in the Tung system. It is very close to ST 36, Most patients have

fatigue. Since this point is an earth point on the earth channel, it is tonifying. The TCM name is Leg Three Mile, which means that we can walk an additional three miles after this point is needled.

• It is an amazing point for any face problem, wind attack, headache, tooth or eye problem due to the channel relationships and the images.

• Since it has the reaction area of the heart and lungs, and the ST channel runs up the leg and chest, it is great for all respiratory diseases. It treats weak lung Qi, and weak heart Qi. It also treats Western defined heart diseases..

• This is usually used with 2-3 additional Tung points, like 77.09 and 77.10. However, this point is extraordinary on its own. This point, unlike many others, can stand on its own.

• 77.09 great point for shoulder pain, much like TCM ST38• 77.09 is 4.5 down, 2.5 more down is 77.10, 2.5 down more is 77.11

TUNGS POINTS 77.01-2-3

TUNGS POINTS 77.01-2-3• Points 77.01, 77.02, and 77.03 77.04 are always used in combination. I find that using 2 or 3

of the points is sufficient but at times do use all 4 points if needed.

up from base of heel 3.5, 2 more, 2 more, 2.5 more

• These are your first choice to treat neck pain on the bone, cervical issues from C1 to C7, and thoracic from T1 to T4.

• In the clinic I typically use the points as follows• 77.01 treats C1-2• 77.02 treats C2-4• 77.03 treats C4-7/T1• 77.04 treats T1-T4

• These points clinically treat the spine, the DU and Bladder channels on the neck. I will often combine these three points with Ren 24 to treat neck pain. (Master Tung was a master at the 14 TCM channels, its “ok” to use Tung points with your TCM points. You just need to know the healing mechanisms and when it IS and is NOT appropriate to combine TCM and Tung points.


TUNGS POINTS 66.05• REACTION AREA- Stomach, intestines, Duodenum, uterus

• LOCATION AND NEEDLE TECHNIQUE- In the depression anterior to the junction of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones. Perpendicular insertion. This point is at the juncture of the of 2nd and 3rd bones,

• CLASSICAL INDICATIONS• Enteritis, gastritis, abdominal distension and appendicitis.

• CLINICAL APPLICATIONS• This is a wood point on the earth channel. This explains how it harmonizes so many things, such

as the lower Jiao (uterus), the middle Jiao (stomach and intestines), and the upper Jiao (the head, nose, jaw, and eyes).

• This point is very helpful when a patient has a headache, but does not know where on their head it hurts. It is also useful if they feel like their eyeballs are stiff, painful, or they have a headache behind their eyes.

• This point is used every day for most patients with headaches. It is especially used for pain in the area of Yin Tang, but it is also used for other areas on the head. Any female disorder, or any disorder of the head, TMJ, ear, head, nose, jaw, etc.

• It is definitely one of the Top Ten Tung points.• Migraines (especially effective when bled), gastritis, appendicitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea,




• The points move Qi and blood and stop pain on the entire Du channel, in particular mid thoracic and lower back from T12 to S4.

• They strengthen Kidney Qi. They free the channels, the Du and KD, and harmonize constriction…

• Moves qi and blood and stop pain on the entire DU channel, in particular mid thoracic and lower back (T12-S4).

• Treats Kidney vacuity, supplements the kidney. frees the channels (the DU and KD) harmonizes constriction,

• The Kidneys govern the bones, and they treat bone Bi syndrome.

• REACTION AREA- Liver, kidney

• NEEDLE TECHNIQUE/LOCATIOIN• LI12 is first point, then 2 cun proximal, 2 cun more proximal, tap the bone

• CLINICAL APPLICATION• These points are more effective than Ling Gu to treat lower back pain. They are

extremely effective, and they are less painful for patients. These three points treat the upper, middle, and lower part of the spine. Whereas Ling Gu is just one point and it treats lower back pain. The Bone Spur points are used 70% of the time, and Ling Gu is used 30% of the time. They are extremely effective points.

TUNG POINTS Fan Hou Jie+ 2 more needles


• LOCATION AND NEEDLING TECHNIQUE – This point is located one cun distal to Ling Gu. The needle is inserted next to the thumb bone. This point is on the other side of 22.01.

• CLINCIAL APPLICATIONS – This point is great for stiff upper back and shoulders, and for shoulder pain. It is most famous for shoulder pain, and it treats any type. The etiology of the shoulder pain is irrelevant. This is the first choice to treat shoulder pain. This point usually clears all channels and relieves the pain.

• It also treats the upper back due to the fact that it is on the LI and LU channels. The LU treats the BL, which covers a large area of the upper back. It treats the LI channel via the Jing Jin theory, which treats the trapezius muscles and subscapularis. These two channels treat many channels in the back. The thumb joint images the upper back and shoulder area.

• I usually combine Fan Hou Jue with Ling Gu. Most Tung teachers would say that you always combine Ling Gu with Da Bai. In my experience, I prefer to combine Fan HouJue with Ling Gu, rather than combining Ling Gu with Da Bai.

• “new idea for modern clinics of combining Ling Gu and Fan Hou Jue.”

The 10th point?

• It can be any point

• 10th point stands for freedom, for choice, for education, for the clinic, for your own personal touch, style, abilities.

• Watch, let me ask some people- tell me your clinic? Ill give you 10 to research and implement

• The 10th represents your clinical evolution, your constant state of change and development because why? Because you are a clinician.

• Nothing is STATIC! Its always dynamic!










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