4 Easy Steps to Create a Killer Headline

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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In a sea of surging brands clamoring for the masses' attention, it can be quite difficult to create a content that stands out. Various social networking sites are considered an ideal platform to share your blogs. As more and more brands flood in these social media sites, it is very critical to effectively capture your audience's attention. So how do you do it? Simple -- create a killer headline that would make your target audience want to click on the link and read your content.

More often than not, marketers fail to craft well-thought-out headlines. In fact, some writers just put together sloppy words that are too basic and dull to be considered as catchy. After all, why would you bother spending an extra hour on a title when it only takes up a little part of your content piece? We hate to break this to you, but content headlines are more than just that. It's the icing of the cake plus a cherry on top. Quality content with good visual graphics is useless if people just glide through your headline like it doesn't exist.

Headlines don’t have to be too long, or else you will lose your audience's interest. A maximum of 70 characters is the ideal length. To optimize your headline, you may also want to include relevant keywords at the start of the title. It is the very first thing that they will read, so better give it your best shot! In order to hone your headline-writing skills, check out these tips and tricks from peepJuice®!

1. MAKE USE OF NUMBERS!It's as simple as it can get. If you'd try to observe closely, you will see that most contents that go viral on social media sites have numbers in their headlines. Why? Because it works in catching people's attention! Having a variety of elements, such as the right combination of words and numbers, in a headline makes it less plain and monotonous.

2. POWER UP WITH ADJECTIVESAdjectives are indeed one of the many splendid things ever created in the history of linguistics. By definition, adjectives are words used to describe a person, a thing, or a situation. By simply adding attention-grabbing, describing words, you double up the chances of your headlines to be noticed. Words such as interesting, stunning, incredible, absolute, amazing, fun, extraordinary, and many other adjectives add an extra spice to your headline.

3. UTILIZE THE 3 W’s AND HThe 'what', 'why', 'when', and 'how' trigger words are probably the most beat-up, overused elements in creating headlines. 'Why' and 'how' are the most commonly used because they are more persuasive in compelling the readers to take action which is to click the headline and read the entire piece of content.

4. INCLUDE A VALUE PROPOSITIONGiving your audience a hint on what they would get if they read the content is a good way to entice them to actually click on the headline. By simply making a statement or a promise that your audience will reap something valuable out of your content, you are subconsciously daring them to immediately take action. After all, the whole point of writing your content in the first place is to inform, entertain, and engage your target audience, right?

Till next time peeps!-

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