4 Hurdles to Media Transparency

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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4 Hurdles to Media Transparency(and how you can overcome them)



Technology takes control

$15.4billionAmount U.S. programmatic digital display ad spending grew

in 2015—accounting for the majority of display ad spending.

Programmatic media buying has revolutionized advertising, bringing efficiencies,cost savings and audience targeting…

…but it’s a complicated process that happens quickly and involves many third parties.

“Programmatic Direct Takes Majority of Programmatic Ad Dollars,” eMarketer, Sept. 2015


The cost of online corruption

$8.2billionCost of corruption to the advertising industry each year.

Because the programmatic environment is automated and complex, there are ways for the systems to be tricked andfraudsters to creep in with falsified traffic and inventory.

Industry organizations such as AAM, IAB, MRCand TAG are working on a number of projects to fight fraudulent traffic, piracy and malware.

“Digital Ad Industry Will Gain $8.2 Billion By Eliminating Fraud And Flaws In Internet Supply Chain, IAB & EY Study Shows,” IAB.com, December 1, 2015


The need for more clarity

90%Number of respondents in an ANA survey that said they are not fully confident that their digital working media meets industry viewability standards.

As ad viewability becomes the currency, what does that mean for the overall state of media transparency?

“The Critical Need for Accredited Third-Party Measurement for Viewability of Digital Advertising,” ANA, 2015


On the rise

Ad blocking’s estimated cost to publishers during 2015.

Intrusive ads that eat into users’ data plans, increase load times and bring up privacy concerns have caused nearly 200 million users to install ad blockers.


The 2015 Ad Blocking Report, PageFair.com, August 10, 2015

Transparency in Programmatic Advertising

Ad Fraud & Piracy

Viewability Measurements

Ad Blocking

All of these issues have a major effect on digital advertising.

What can you do to improve transparency and trust

The good news is that the industry is vibrant and growing, and smart people are working to clean up the issues, improve fundamental business practices and educate the next generation of media professionals.


10 Steps to Media Transparency

1 Follow industry standards

Standards set by organizations like AAM, IAB, MRC and TAG help create a common language to measure and monetize media.

1 Work with premium publishers

Premium publishers stand for quality and trust.


3 Know your media partners

Choose your media partners wisely.

4 Ask questions

And be prepared to answer them.

5 Follow the money trail

Transparency means knowing where the money is going and where ads are going to run.

10 Steps to Media Transparency

6 Ask your audience what they want

Then design rich user experiences based off that information.

1Focus on education

Understanding internal processes and how to apply industry best practices helps solve issues like fraud, malware, piracy and transparency.


8 Get certified and work with certified companies

Certification prove that technologies are functioning as they should.

9 Collaborate

It’s important to communicate with business partners and consumers to understand issues.

10 Be transparent

Because transparency builds trust, and trust builds a healthier media ecosystem.


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