4 th Edition Copyright 2004 - Prentice Hall12-1 Psychological Disorders Chapter 12.

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Copyright 2004 - Prentice Hall 12-1

4th Edition

Psychological Disorders

Chapter 12

Copyright 2004 - Prentice Hall 12-2

Abnormal Behavior

• By the standard of statistical rarity, behavior is abnormal when it is infrequent.

• Dysfunctional behavior interferes with a person's ability to function in day-to-day life.

• The criterion of personal distress is frequently used In identifying the presence of a psychological disorder.

• Departures from social norms are used to define deviant, and therefore abnormal behaviors; social norms, however, can change over time and vary across cultures.

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Abnormal Behavior

• Insanity, is a legal ruling that an accused individual is not responsible for a crime.

• Contrary to the public's understanding of the insanity plea, such pleas are infrequently used and rarely successful.

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Abnormal Behavior

• The medical model views abnormal behaviors as no different from illnesses and seeks to identify symptoms and prescribe medical treatments.

• The psychodynamic model considers abnormal behavior as the result of unconscious conflicts, often dating from childhood.

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Abnormal Behavior

• The behavioral model views abnormal behaviors as learned through classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and modeling.

• The cognitive model suggests that our interpretation of events and our beliefs influence our behavior.

• The sociocultural model emphasizes the importance of social and cultural factors in the frequency, diagnosis, and conception of disorders.

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Classifying and Counting Psychological Disorders

• The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) provides rules for diagnosing psychological disorders that have increased reliability.

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Classifying and Counting Psychological Disorders

• Epidemiologists study the prevalence and incidence of accidents, diseases, and psychological disorders.

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Classifying and Counting Psychological Disorders

• Phobias, alcohol and drug abuse or dependence, and major depressive disorder are among the most common psychological disorders.

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Classifying and Counting Psychological Disorders

• Many people suffer from more than one psychological disorder (co-morbidity).

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Anxiety, Somatoform, and Dissociative Disorders

• Anxiety involves behavioral, cognitive, and physiological elements.

• Phobias are excessive, irrational fears of activities, objects, or situations.

• The most frequently diagnosed phobia is agoraphobia.

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Anxiety, Somatoform, and Dissociative Disorders

• The DSM-IV also lists social phobia and specific phobia.

• Classical conditioning and modeling have been offered as explanations for the development of phobias.

Copyright 2004 - Prentice Hall 12-12

Anxiety, Somatoform, and Dissociative Disorders

• Most people who have the diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder have both obsessions and compulsions.

• Obsessions are senseless thoughts, images, or impulses that occur repeatedly; they are often accompanied by compulsions, which are irresistible, repetitive acts.

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Anxiety, Somatoform, and Dissociative Disorders

• Somatoform disorders involve the presentation of physical symptoms that have no known medical causes, but psychological factors are involved.

• Among these disorders are hypochondriasis, somatization disorder and conversion disorder.

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Anxiety, Somatoform, and Dissociative Disorders

• Dissociative disorders involve disruptions in some function of the mind.

• In dissociative amnesia, memories cannot be recalled; in dissociative fugue, memory loss is accompanied by travel.

• Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality) is characterized by the presence of two or more personalities in the same individual.

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Mood Disorders

• The symptoms of depression include sadness, reduced pleasure and energy levels, feelings of guilt, sleep disturbances, and suicidal thinking.

• The lifetime prevalence of depression is twice as high among women as among men; prevalence rates around the world are increasing.

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Mood Disorders

• Suicide, which is often associated with depression, is one of the leading causes of death in the United States.

• The risk factors for suicide Include being male, being unmarried, and being depressed.

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Mood Disorders

• The risk factors for suicide include being male, being unmarried, and being depressed.

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Mood Disorders

• Bipolar disorder involves swings between depression and mania.

• The symptoms of mania include euphoria, increased energy, poor judgement, decreased sleep, and elevated self-esteem

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Mood Disorders

• Mood disorders tend to run in families, which suggests genetic transmission.

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Mood Disorders

• Depression may involve low levels of norepinephrine or serotonin.

• According to the learned helplessness model, depression can also be brought on when people believe that they cannot control outcomes.

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Mood Disorders

• A refinement of the learned helplessness model, the hopelessness model, suggests that typical ways of explaining negative events may be at the root of depression.

• Cognitive explanations focus on how errors in logic contribute to the development of depression.

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• Schizophrenia affects approximately 1% of the population.

• Although it is often confused with dissociative identity disorder, the two disorders are different.

• Schizophrenia is characterized by a split between thoughts and emotions and a separation from reality.

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• The symptoms of schizophrenia are classified as positive (distortions or excesses) or negative (reductions or losses).

• Positive symptoms include fluent but disorganized speech, delusions, and hallucinations.

• Negative symptoms include poverty of speech and disturbances in emotional expression such as flat affect.

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Schizophrenia• The DSM-IV lists five

subtypes of schizophrenia: catatonic, disorganized, paranoid, residual, and undifferentiated.

• Schizophrenia tends to run in families.

• The risk of developing the disorder increases with the degree of genetic relatedness between an individual and a family member who has schizophrenia.

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• Evidence of various brain abnormalities, including larger ventricles, in people with schizophrenia suggests a possible biological cause.

• The neurotransmitter, dopamine, seems to be involved in the development of schizophrenia.


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• Environmental influences on schizophrenia include stress and hostile family communication

• A predisposition to schizophrenia may be inherited, with the actual development of the disorder requiring the presence of other factors.

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Personality and Sexual Disorders

• Personality disorders are long-standing dysfunctional patterns of behavior.

• A person with antisocial personality disorder displays few of the signs usually associated with psychological disorders, such as anxiety.

• They are often described as deceitful, impulsive, and remorseless.

• Low levels of arousal may play a role in the development of this disorder.

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Personality and Sexual Disorders• Gender Identity disorder (transexualism) is a sexual

disorder in which a person believes that he or she should have been a member of the opposite sex.

• Paraphilias are disorders involving sexual arousal in unusual situations or in response to unusual objects.

• Fetishism is a paraphilia in which a person is sexually aroused by an object such as boots.

• One of the explanations for fetishism and perhaps other paraphilias is classical conditioning.