4 th grade Excel. Omemc Omemc.

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Sports Equipment4th grade Excel


How to video

Select several items from the list, and enter your choices and the prices into your spreadsheet.

Make sure that the items and item costs are entered into separate, but adjacent columns.

For example items should be entered in column A and costs should be in column B.


Add title to cell A1 Bella’s New Sports Equipment List. Highlight Cells A1-E1 and click Merge and Center.

Enter the name of each item you choose starting in Cell A3.

Enter the price of the items starting in Cell B3.

Step by Step

Highlight all prices and click the $. Then click the autosum button on the right side of toolbar under Editing.

Highlight all item names and prices. (do not highlight total column) Then click Insert- Column and choose graph that includes a title.

Click on each bar in the graph and change the color using color fill.

Click on the title to change it, type title. Use clip art to insert an image on the side of your

information. Use print preview to make sure all items are on a single page.

Step by Step