4 th Grade Virginia Studies Review Are you up for the challenge?

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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4th Grade Virginia Studies Review

Are you up for the challenge?

People and Documents

1. Who spoke out against taxation without representation

by saying, “Give me liberty of give me death”? a) James Madison

b) Thomas Jefferson

c) Patrick Henry

d) George Washington

2. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

a) James Madison

b) Thomas Jefferson

c) George Washington

d) George Mason

3. Which document, written by James Madison,

states how our country will run?

a) Declaration of Independence

b) Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

c) Bill of Rights

d) Constitution

4. Who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights, stating that Virginians should have rights such as the freedom of religion and the freedom of

press? a) George Mason

b) Thomas Jefferson

c) James Monroe

d) Patrick Henry

5. The Virginia Declaration of Rights was the

basis for which document?

a) Constitution

b) Declaration of Independence

c) Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom

d) Bill of Rights

6. Who wrote the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom, stating that people have the freedom to worship who

they please? a) Thomas Jefferson

b) George Mason

c) James Madison

d) George Washington

7. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are also

known as the: a) Declaration of Independence

b) Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom

c) Bill of Rights

d) Constitution

8. Which document starts out with the phrase,

“We the People”?

a) Declaration of Independence

b) Virginia Statue of Religious Freedom

c) Bill of Rights

d) Constitution

The Revolutionary War

9. Who was the commander-in-chief of the

Continental Army?

a) General Cornwalis

b) James Armistead Lafayette

c) George Washington

d) James Madison

10. Who was a slave and a spy that served in the Continental Army and given freedom after the

war? a) Patrick Henry

b) James Armistead Lafayette

c) Thomas Jefferson

d) James Madison

11. Where did the English surrender?

a) New York

b) Yorktown

c) Jamestown

d) Richmond

12. Which of the following is NOT a reason the

Revolutionary War was fought? a) Taxation without representation

b) The colonists could not manufacture their own goods.

c) The population was moving westward.

d) The colonists felt they had no voice in the Parliament

13. Virginians who were loyal to England were

called _____________.

a) Patriots

b) Loyalists

c) Confederates

d) English

The Civil War

14. When new states from western territorieswanted to join the U.S., the northern states wanted

them to be what kind of states? a) Free states

b) Slave states

c) Confederate states

d) Loyal states

15. Which group of states seceded from the U.S.

after President Lincoln’s election?

a) Northern states

b) Southern states

c) Free states

d) Loyal states

16. An abolitionist is someone who --

a) Fought in the Civil War

b) Wanted more slaves

c) Wanted the war to end

d) Wanted slavery to end

17. Who was an important Confederate leader during the battle of Bull Run?

a) Jefferson Davis

b) Robert E. Lee

c) General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

d) Ulysses S. Grant

18. Who led the Union Army during the Civil War?

a) Jefferson Davis

b) Robert E. Lee

c) General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

d) Ulysses S. Grant

19. Who led the Confederate Army during the Civil War?

a) Ulysses S. Grant

b) Jefferson Davis

c) General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson

d) Robert E. Lee

20. Who won the sea battle that took place between two ships off of Virginia’s coast?

a) It was a draw

b) Monitor

c) Merrimack

d) Titanic

21. To whom did General Lee surrender to at Appomattox Courthouse to end the Civil War?

a) General George Washington

b) General Ulysses S. Grant

c) J. E. B. Stuart

d) Jefferson Davis

First English Settlement

22. Who financed the settlement at Jamestown?

a) King James of London

b) Mayflower Company

c) Virginia Company of London

d) Tobacco Company

23. In the 1600s, the only citizens who could vote were --

a) Indentured servants

b) African people

c) Adult men

d) Powhatan Indians

24. Where was the first permanent English

settlement in North America?

a) Williamsburg

b) Richmond

c) Jamestown

d) Hampton

25. Who granted the charters to colonize North


a) Captain John Smith

b) King of England

c) Virginia Company of London

d) Powhatan

26. When did Jamestown become the first permanent

English settlement? a) 1607

b) 1609

c) 1619

d) 1620

27. Which Native American group traded food

with the settlers?

a) Cherokee

b) Chicahominy

c) Aztec

d) Powhatan

28. Which hardship below did the settlers face?

a) Starvation and disease

b) No money to purchase items they needed

c) No guns for defense

d) Not enough boats for fishing

29. What was the impact of the arrival of women

to the Jamestown settlement? a) To help with tobacco farming

b) To establish families

c) To sew ripped clothes

d) To build new homes for the colonists

30. African Americans who came to Jamestownand worked for 5-7 years, then earned their

freedom were called --

a) Slaves

b) Indentured servants

c) Butlers

d) Abolitionists

The Branches Of Government

31. The first elected legislative body in America

was the ___________.

a) House of Burgesses

b) Congress of the United States

c) Parliament of England

d) Virginia Company of London

32. The House of Burgesses later became and

continues today as the ______________.

a) Governor’s Council

b) General Assembly

c) United Nations

d) House of Commons

33. Governor Tim Kaine is the head of the ______ branch of Virginia’s government.

a) legislative

b) judicial

c) executive

d) None of the above

34. The ________ branch of Virginia’s government

makes laws. a) legislative

b) executive

c) judicial

d) None of the above

35. The state courts and the state supreme courts are all

part of the branch of Virginia’s government. a) legislative

b) executive

c) judicial

d) None of the above

36. The _______ branch of Virginia’s government is headed by the General Assembly.

a) legislative

b) judicial

c) executive

d) None of the above

37. The two parts of the General Assembly are

the ________.

a) Senate and House of Superiors

b) Governor and senate

c) Legislative and judicial

d) Senate and House of Delegates

Great Review Today!

You’ve learned a LOT about

Virginia this year!