5 books everyone should read

Post on 06-Apr-2017

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Books Everyone Should Read

A list by iMustRead.com

The Diary of a Young Girl

A book by Anne Frank

This book needs no introduction. This is one of the books that you must have spent your childhood with. It is an all-time favorite book of all the readers. No matter, how much they grow in their lives, they like reading this book again and again. You must have read this book as a student, but now it's time to read it again and tell yourself how much powerful hope and strength is.



This book teaches you the power of courage and valor. Grab the book again, and start reading it. Let this book remind you that though there is evil in the world, but we must not let it win over good.


Highly Recommended. Must Read.

Attitudes of Gratitude

A book by M.J. Ryan

This book is one of the most popular book of M.J.Ryan. The author tries to tell us through her book the importance of gratitude. She basically uses cutting-edge brain science to make us acknowledge the fact that gratitude creates a very strong state of happiness which helps us see beyond the lens of right and wrong.



This book teaches us the importance of appreciation, joy and gratitude. It also explains us that when we feel appreciation, we feel younger, happier, and healthier.

It teaches the ways to unlock the vigor of life. So, go to any library located nearby, grab this book and start reading it. You will love it, which is for sure. Trust us.


Highly Recommended. Must Read.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

A book by Stephen R. Covey

One of the best and most read self-help books of all time, is this book. It is my personal favorite. It was first published in 1989. It has been sold more 25 million copies worldwide. This book presents an approach that can help a person channelize his effectiveness within to attain all his goals by aligning himself to the true north principles of a morality.



This book helps a person become proactive, envision what he wants to be in the future and distinguish between what is urgent and what is important. Highly recommended!


Highly Recommended. Must Read.

The Power of Now

A book by Echkart Tolle

This book gives a very simple--to live in the present because it is the only road to happiness and satisfaction. This book can be considered an excellent manual of how emotions and thoughts block our path of attaining genuine happiness and peace in life.



This book is a true depiction of a Latin aphorism Carpe Diem (Seize the day). This book inculcates this idea in the mind of a reader that those who make the most of the time they have, are the ones who succeed.


Highly Recommended. Must Read.

Man’s Search for Meaning

A book by Viktor E. Frankl

This is a simple yet an amazing book. In this book the author Viktor E. Frankl shared his own experience of being in a Nazi death camp. He shared his struggles in this book while describing a psychotherapeutic method that he used to cope with the sufferings.



This book has a very simple yet effective message that we don't choose miseries but we choose the methods of coping with them.


Highly Recommended. Must Read.

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