5 Crazy Interview Questions to Hire the Perfect Candidate

Post on 14-Sep-2014

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Most of the time, applicants already have an idea of the set of questions to be asked during their scheduled interview. They are used to the common questions interviewers throw that’s why their answers sound rehearsed and unoriginal. To help interviewers know more about a candidate and see if they are a right fit for the job and company, it is necessary to probe deeply.



1. Tell me a Joke

This isn’t a question of humor but a test of how fast an applicant can come up with a witty answer. It doesn’t matter if it’s not funny enough, what matters is how he delivered the joke to make it appear funny which is part of good communication.

2. An advice you can give to a child

It is a test of how he can impart knowledge without using deep terms and probably concepts that may not be understandable by young children yet. It is better to let

him explain something that is not work-related so he can talk freely.

3. What would you change about yourself?

The question is not a judgment on the person’s character or choices but will reveal how deep his level of awareness about himself, and the excuses he has for not

changing or altering behavior.

4. If we appoint you as CEO, will you accept?

It is important to know if an applicant is ready for big challenges such as this. It measures the amount of trust and confidence a person attaches to himself and if it

borders on being arrogant and cocky.

5. What does bike and bed have in common?

This will test the critical and creative thinking of an applicant and his determination to prove that they have something in common when in fact they don’t have any

correlation at all.

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