5. Gardens Gardens have often inspired artists. Images of gardens appear in Ancient Egyptian and...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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5. Gardens • Gardens have often inspired artists. Images

of gardens appear in Ancient Egyptian and Roman wall paintings and in Persian and Indian miniatures. Monet created his own gardens at Giverny, which inspired many of his later paintings. More recently, artists such as Niki de Saint Phalle and Ian Hamilton Finlay have used their own gardens as the setting for art works.• Research appropriate sources and create

your own response to Gardens.

Katie Allen

• Katie centres her work primarily on the landscapes of her native South Wales , their changing seasons and shades, transforming

them into a rich textile of patterns, forms and colours. The paintings when viewed as a whole are of recognisable landscapes and natural forms - trees and plants, insects and birds - but on closer inspection

become detailed abstract patterns composed of intricate designs and subtle colour harmonies.