5-Minute Presentation

Post on 16-Dec-2014

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I’m Jocelyn…

and this has been one interesting journey for me…

I’ve ventured into the unknown…

…and jumping into a different world…

has been overwhelming.

There were choices I had to make…

… and this was my first choice..

(and this one is made out of food ;-)

I mean these were my first choices!

ED 451 Audio Visual Technology!

…then I registered for…

we needed to use these…

and there was more to do…

but it was interesting!

Hmmm…. What are

those tools??

We were given…

From the BIG ones….

to the small ones…

and I felt like this!

But we chatted…

and we texted…

until everyone knew what to do.

I researched countless hours…

I read and…

I read…

until I understood what’s it’s about.

I proceeded with…

It took countless seconds…

countless minutes…



countless days…


it just took a lot of


But after using


my brain was working out

and learning new things!

I even asked him

for help!

So I used some tools…

and I’ve finally had time

to try this out!

Then I had to choose


It was my first time using this…

and the winner is…


My favorite!

I’m a frequent user of…

But I got to experience

a lot more…

and by using all of these


I was able to do…

Lesson Planning

we even played games…

My technology experience…

has it’s highs…

but also has it’s lows…

…has it’s pros

but also has it’s cons…

It was about learning

how to be successful.

It’s either I stayed with this…

or move onto this!

Now I am able to…

better lessons for…