5 Proven Tactics To Get Your Posts Read Till The End

Post on 07-Apr-2017

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5 Proven Tactics To Get Your

Posts Read Till The EndHow content marketing experts skyrocket their readers time on page.

80% of your readers don’t finish your posts.

To be more specific, the average visitor reads 28% of an article, at most.

Why it matters?

Because it lowers your dwell time (the time visitors spend on your page) and ultimately affects your ranking.

The bad news is, it’s not just about content quality.

The good one is: there are tried and tested tactics that helped bloggers skyrocket their posts time on page!

Keep reading: we studied what content experts do and put together a list of 5 proven tactics to get your visitors read your posts till the end.

Write A Terrific Intro.

How badly can an intro affect my retention rate?

1“After only 140 words, 32% of visitors have already left my article! “

[Wilson Hung,SumoMe]

Leverage Fear

Emotions drive actions, and fear is one of the strongest motivating emotions.

You can leverage fear following these steps:

● State the fear (or cause of fear)● Illustrate the fear● Transition to your solution

[Neil Patel, Quicksprout]

Use The AIDA Technique

Attention: attract your reader’s attention with a bold surprising claim.

“80% of your visitors don’t read your posts till the end.”

Interest: step two is generating interest by saying more about the topic.

“Why it matters? Because it lowers your dwell time (the time visitors spend on your page) and ultimately affects your ranking.”

Desire: here’s where you make clear to the reader why he should care about your content.

“The good news is: there are tried and tested tactics that helped bloggers skyrocket their posts time on page!”

Action: make it clear what your reader is supposed to do to apply what you thought them (either at the beginning or at the end).





Use The Inverted Pyramid Approach.

2 Journalistic approach used to earn readers attention quickly.

At the post level: work on your post introduction: make it clear but interesting (add copywriting hook).

At the paragraph level: make your point after the opening of each paragraph, summarising what the paragraph is about.

At the sentence level: ditch the passive voice, place the most important information at the beginning.

[Tomasz Tunguz]

Stop Wasting Your Subheads

Avoid3Plain label subheads: they are used simply to name sections. They are boring and don’t generate user’s interests.

Spoiler subheads: give away the main point of the paragraph. They don’t stop skimmers, but help them go faster and bounce earlier.

Cryptic subheads: avoid being “too creative” or you’ll end up being more confusing than compelling and get your readers wondering “what the hell is he talking about” instead of “I want to read more”.

Stop Wasting Your Subheads

4 Elements of Killer Subheads





[Gary Korisko]

Turn Serial Skimmers Into Avid Readers

4“You know as well as I do that it’s not exactly uncommon to be lured in by a compelling headline, click through to the article and find weak content.

Because of that, readers have become expert scanners. We’ve all learned to scan content and determine if it piques our interest in mere seconds.

If it doesn’t grab us, we bounce – plain and simple.“ - Gary Korisko

Use Bucket Brigades

“Mini-moments of seduction” that keep people on your page.

[Brian Dean] [Demian Farnworth]

Use Block Quotes

1 - Attract scanners attention, make them stop to read the quote.

[Brian Dean]

2 - Act as evidence in your post and help you win readers’ trust.

Speak Your Readers’ Language

5 1 - Helps them understand and connect with your content.

2 - It improves your keywords game

[Brian Dean]


How To Make Early Leavers Count

“No matter what you do, some of your readers will leave before getting to the end of your post.

Not placing your CTAs strategically can cost you dozens of new leads.” - Contentools

Use Pop Ups

1 - Use pop ups and scroll boxes asking for your readers email.

[Wilson Hung,SumoMe]

Use Content Upgrades

2 - Use content upgrades: free “bonuses” you give to your visitors in return for their email address, or a referral.

[Brian Dean]

Measure Your Readers Behaviour

3 - Use Content Analytics, a free tool that tells you:

● Average read % for every one of your blog articles● A visual scroll map of your visitors● Where your visitors stop reading

[Wilson Hung,SumoMe]