5 Questions People Forget to Ask Before Designing Presentation

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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When it comes to presentation we make one common mistake – we sit down to our powerpoint or keynote before we answer most crucial questions about our presentation. The answers to those questions set the structure, help come up with catching narrative and great design with top architecture information structure that your audience will fall in love with.


by Espresso 1882

5 Questions People Forget to Ask Before Designing Presentation

5 best beans blog

do I really need a presentation? 1The first question is crucial. Maybe you can use other forms of communication to achieve your goal. Most people resort to slides simply because they’ve always done it this way. Be brutally honest and choose other forms when possible. A speach? Mail perhaps? Or maybe just a simple mind map created during a meeting. Do not let routine trick you into one more presentation you are going to hate.

MY TIP Imagine communicating what you have to without slides to see how it feels CLICK TO TWEET

why am I presenting?2Motivation is what distinguishes the great from mediocre. Our minds follow those who know why they do whay they do. Make sure you explore the proper motivation behind your presentation. This will help you define structure, come up with the coherent story and make it easier to convince audience. Motivation breeds emotions and science proves emotions drive attention.

MY TIP Think of one simple reason why you communicate. Think of the change you make. CLICK TO TWEETMY TIP

Who am I presenting to?3Communication is a game between two actors – you and your audience. The more you know about your audience the better your presentation will be. The symbols, the design style, the narrative, the metaphors and cultural referrences must be used with your audience in mind always. Remember – you are presenting to bewilder them, not yourself. To flirt you need to research first.

MY TIP Don’t think demographic, think psychographic. What does your audience care about? CLICK TO TWEETMY TIP

how am i going to present?4


This question can be only answered once you know your motivation and discover all you can about your audience. How is about the style, the story, the narrative and all the “design” aspect of the presentation. How is also about usability. How you structure information and make it degestible for the audience you’ve researched.

Usability first – make your slides consistent. Use text formating and typography wisely CLICK TO TWEETMY TIP

what is supposed to happen?5


This question is complimentary to why. You know why you communicate and you have to know what you expect will be the result of your communication. Without a clear objective you will not know if your communication was successful. What is your audience suppose to do after you finish?

Always measure the outcomes to track your progress in presentation craft. CLICK TO TWEETMY TIP

5 Questions People Forget to Ask Before Designing Presentation

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PHOT0 CREDITSPhoto Credit: Lotus Carroll via Compfight cc Photo Credit: Franck Vervial via Compfight cc Photo Credit: ores2k via Compfight cc Photo Credit: push 1 via Compfight cc Photo Credit: _Ganesha_ via Compfight cc Photo Credit: Pensiero via Compfight cc