5 Reasons Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization

Post on 21-Jun-2015

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In the book Good To Great, by Jim Collins –  Fred Purdue gives us this vision of leadership, “My job is to turn over rocks and look at the squiggly things, even if what you see can scare the h_ll out of you.”   Instead of ignoring rocks, fearing the squiggly things that are beneath them, or defending your opportunities to improve. Create a culture that encourages everyone to be explorers and to intentionally turn over rocks and examine those squiggly things.


5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization


5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization:

1. Exploring is an adventure: learning how things work and why they work that way makes your every cell in your body dance!

2. In your explorations, you turn things over and look underneath them. You dig in the dirt and examine everything you find.

5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization:

3. “Squiggly things” don’t scare you, they just make the adventure that much more exciting.

You don’t judge what you see as good or bad. Instinctively you simply seek first to understand, what it is, what it

does, how it works, and why it works that way.

5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization:

4. Your sense of adventure makes it easier for you to learn quickly.

5. Your enthusiasm engages others, causing them to want to explore with you.

5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization:

In the book Good To Great, by Jim Collins – Fred Purdue gives us this vision of leadership, “My job is to turn over rocks and look at the squiggly things, even if what you see can scare the h_ll out of you.”

However, as humans we tend to reflect this quote by Dave Ramsey, “We are all defensive of our mess.”

5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization:

Instead of ignoring rocks……Fearing the squiggly things that are beneath them.…Or defending your opportunities to improve.

Create a culture that encourages everyone to be explorers and to intentionally turn over rocks and examine those squiggly things.

5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization:

Encouraging your people to be curious and to explore will unleash talents that are currently untapped and under-utilized.

Your organization will learn faster, become more customer service focused more employee centered and more prosperous.

5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization:

1. When was the last time you spoke directly with your customers about your organization and listened for opportunities to improve their experience?

Your Adventure Begins By Looking Under A Few Rocks:

5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization:

2. When was the last time you spoke directly with your front line employees about your organization and listened:

…For ways to better support them?

…Or for opportunities to remove barriers that are limiting their ability to provide efficient and effective service both internally and externally?

Your Adventure Begins By Looking Under A Few Rocks:

5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization:

3. Have you ever measured how long it takes for organizational development opportunities to reach decision makers and to be implemented in your organization?

4. How long is too long? …1 year? …4 years? …20 years?

5. What do you lose during that time? …Customers? …Employees? …Revenue?

Your Adventure Begins By Looking Under A Few Rocks:

5 Reasons - Curious Leadership Will Strengthen Your Organization:

Don’t be afraid of what you will find. Focus instead on how much stronger your leadership and your organization will be.

Go on, turn those rocks… Squiggly things can be fun!

Your Adventure Begins By Looking Under A Few Rocks:

"Silos & the turf wars they enable, devastate organizations. They waste resources, kill productivity & jeopardize goal achievement."

Patrick Lencioni

"When people see a lack of alignment at the top, they know... they don't have to align.“

Ken Blanchard

"Once people have experienced real synergy, they are never quite the same again."

Stephen Covey

"INSANITY: Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results."

Albert Einstein
