5 Renovation Mistakes to Avoid At All Costs

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Renovation 5 MistakesTo Avoid At All Costs


Using the First Contractor You Find:

If you’re not doing research on your contractor, you’re setting

yourself up for failure. Be prepared to ask for references

and talk to previous customers to make sure that the contractor

can be trusted to deliver results and act honorably.


Setting an Unrealistic Budget:

Does living with a half-finished kitchen or demolished bathroom sound like your idea of a fun

time? Of course not. Set yourself a strict budget and allow 10% wiggle room to prepare for the

unexpected surprises that are bound to show up during the renovation process.


Getting Too Flashy:

Always consider what future buyers are going to think of the renovations you are planning for your home. A purple paint job may feel like the

perfect tone to match your sense of style, but don’t expect the average

buyer to agree. If you are planning on moving out in the next few years, consider making your renovations

friendly for a wider audience.


Forgetting the Proper Permits:

There is no excuse for forgetting the paperwork or the necessary permits for your renovation. Make sure that your contractor knows the ins and outs of your renovation procedure so that you aren’t surprised with huge fines down the line

for a missed piece of paper.


Imposing Your House on the Neighborhood:

Always make sure that your planned renovation fits in with the surrounding neighborhood if you plan on selling in the foreseeable

future. That $100,000 kitchen renovation might not make sense if buyers don’t care about stainless

steel appliances. Your money might be better spent on smaller,

more practical renovations if that is what the market dictates.