5 Tips to Deliver Remarkable Customer Service

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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How do you exceed customer expectation? (No, setting low expectations is not it…).


noam@wiserspread.com | www.wiserspread.com | 650.454.9544

5 Tips to Deliver Remarkable Customer Service


noam@wiserspread.com | www.wiserspread.com | 650.454.9544

What is Remarkable Customer Service

• Customer service is the point where customer expectations meet reality while

remarkable customer service is when reality exceeds customer expectations.


• So how do you exceed customer expectation? (No, setting low expectations is not it…).

noam@wiserspread.com | www.wiserspread.com | 650.454.9544


• Most of your employees will never see or speak with a customer, so it’s best to implement an internal customer-provider policy, this way, your organization will “speak” service, not just follow instructions...


• Customer Service is not just a department; it’s a culture.

noam@wiserspread.com | www.wiserspread.com | 650.454.9544

Be Loose

• When speaking with customer support representatives or listening to IVR (Interactive Video Recording) we usually hear the same boring scripts and templates; “Your call is important to us… one of our representatives will be with you shortly” be loose, communicate as a human being and not a machine.

• Examples? Eliminate call scripts! Don’t pass the customer to another department before another representative picked up or call your customer by name.


noam@wiserspread.com | www.wiserspread.com | 650.454.9544

Surprise Them

• Do the unexpected! • Once a week call a random

customer (not a manager) and ask him whether he satisfied with your service and solution. And what can you do for him?

• Very fast you will build a relationship with your customers from the bottom up. Or make small gestures to your quiet customers.


noam@wiserspread.com | www.wiserspread.com | 650.454.9544

From Customer Representatives to Trusted Advisors

• Show your customers that you have their best interests at heart, and you will deal with them with candour – always being honest about what you can and cannot do.



noam@wiserspread.com | www.wiserspread.com | 650.454.9544

Reshuffle your customer experience

• It’s sad, but customers do not see the internal amount of effort that is being invested by your business, so simply put yourself or someone you trust in the customer shoes and ask yourself if that is the experience you would like your customers to have.

• In other words – view the customer experience from the outside in.


IT TAKES MONTHS TO FIND A CUSTOMER….. Seconds to loose them