5 Ways To Transform Your Sales Copy

Post on 12-Feb-2017

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First, let’s introduce you to …Paradem, a global software company. Its mission? To “develop technology to work

alongside you – letting computers do what computers do best, and humans do what

humans do best”.

This is what you see on Paradem’s homepage.

The text in white changes every few seconds.

What do these share in common?

1. They use “you” and “your” to capture your attention.

2. And they tailor their sales copy to what you want …

Work faster and more effectively, you say? That’s exactly what we

need round here!

Work faster and more effectively, you say? Now

you’re talking ...

3. While also showing you what you don’t:

By doing so, Paradem successfully negotiates their customer’s wants and desires as well as their fears – a skill crucial to captivating sales copy

that works.

4. Paradem uses just a

pinch of industry-specific jargon.

This is a great way for you to build trust with your reader.

It subtly lets them know that you know what you’re talking about, while keeping the rest of the copy succinct and fuss-free.

5. Last but not least, Paradem invites you to see for yourself all the amazing work they’ve done.

Their site is full of glowing testimonials that tell a story.

The focus is always on one person.



1. Use “you” and “your” to capture your reader’s attention.2. Tailor your sales copy to their wants and desires.3. Use your reader’s fears. Show how your product/services will help them avoid

what they don’t want.4. A little industry-specific jargon never did any harm. In fact, it can help build

trust, showing your reader you know what you’re talking about.5. Invite your reader to explore your work and testimonials. Even when you’re

talking about your past work, the focus is still on them.

5 Ways to Transform Your Sales Copy

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