500 Projects Distilled into 5 Key Lessons - Experience of Online Engagement in Australia Bang the...

Post on 09-May-2015

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Demonstrable responsiveness

The Lake Macquarie Council waste management team made 62 comments on their own forum to either respond, thank or follow up on participant comments. www.haveyoursaylake


5968 Site Visits1966 Visitors286 Comments

“Hi Chookman,

A 2 bin system achieves the same reduction to landfill as the 3 bin system - it recycles the general waste and turns it into a compost through an alternative waste treatment system. The benefit with a 2 bin system is people don't need to sort their food waste from everything else in their general kitchen bin, it remains business as usual, which caters to those people who are reluctant to make the effort to do this sorting.”