51 Underground Body Building Lessons to Shock Your Body Into Explosive Growth Spurts Eating

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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BOdybuilding diet for gaining muscle and or building lean muscle mass


Underground Body Building Strategies To Shock Your Body Into An Explosive Growth Spurt!


Copyright 2008 by Detailed Health and Fitness Inc. All rights reserved.

Part One 10 Cutting Edge Eating Strategies Critical For Explosive Muscle Growth Strategy-1: How Much Food You Really Need To Eat for Explosive Growth Strategy - 2: What Foods You Must Eat (and avoid) To Boost Your Muscle Mass...Not Turn Into a Fat Pig!! Strategy - 3: Why You Are Cheating Yourself Out Of Lean Muscle Growth Every Meal And Dont Even Know It! Strategy - 4: A Simple But Overlooked Factor Critical To You Successfully Building Muscle! Strategy - 5: Gain A Powerful Muscle Growing Edge With Power Meals! Strategy - 6: How Underground Power Meals Load You Up And Energize You For Explosive Growth Spurts! Strategy - 7: Why Most Muscle Gain Diets Will Not Work For You. Strategy - 8: What Critical Food Added To Your Meal Plan Can Turbo Charge Your Muscle Growth! Strategy - 9: The Truth About Protein. Strategy -10: What You Must Know About Muscle Building Supplements That The Supplement Industry Desperately Hides. Bonus Underground Bodybuilding Supplements Tip: Bonus Underground Mass Building Meal Plan

No matter how much I ate or how hard I trained, I never got as large as I had wanted to be, OR SO I THOUGHT. Your program allowed me to get rid of my excess fat and turn what was left into muscle. Though I weigh about 5lbs less then what I originally did, my muscle mass has almost doubled. I weigh less then I did originally YET I look a lot larger then I previously did. Even some of my fraternity brothers noticed the change and we both know how big QUES can get. Thank you so much!!! God Bless Stephen White Jr.

Dear Friend, For Explosive Muscle Growth Spurts you must eat right! I have a confession to make. My personal quest for size got off to a rough start! A measly two pounds of muscle gain is all I had to show for after five long years of ball busting trail and error! I finally cracked the code and put it into this extensive course so you dont have the pain and frustration I suffered! Read this course and you'll not only know more than 99% of the "experts" out there but have the tools to feed your body for explosive growth! Sincerely,

James P. Jordan

A Short Note about Any Effective Muscle Building Program:Shocking your body into an explosive growth spurt takes much more than proper eating. You must follow a complete system that includes all the critical components. Any one critical component missing, lacking or not optimized for your unique genetic structure, and you cannot build muscle any better than completing a jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece! The following Parts of this course reveal all the critical factors you must follow To Shock Your Body Into Explosive Growth Spurts including: Innovative Underground Training Methods That Shock even Hard Gainers into Explosive Growth Spurts Rest And Recuperation: The Overlooked But Critical Factor For Explosive Muscle Growth Key Planning Strategies The Insurance your Explosive Growth Routine Must Have To Succeed. The Bottom Line Truth About Supplements and Explosive Growth The Best Weight Training Exercises For Explosive Muscle Growth


So make sure you verify your opt in at mailto:prospects@aweber.com to ensure you don't miss any of these critical lessons. By Time you are finished reading this course, you will be well on your way to knowing what it takes to shock your body into explosive growth spurts...naturally and consistently.

Strategy -1: How Much Food You Really Need To Eat for Explosive GrowthIn order to gain muscle most bodybuilding programs recommend you eat 12 - 14 calories per pound of bodyweight daily. Our studies have shown this is not enough for 76% of skinny males between ages 16 - 35. Our tests over the last 10 years have confirmed a total daily calorie intake of 19 calories per pound bodyweight effective. If you have been failing to gain muscle weight, the first step you must do is increase your daily calories to your bodyweight times 19. This amount of the proper foods (more on the right foods later ) has shown to kick start even the hardest gainers muscles into explosive growth! Of course, everyone is different so I recommend you start at 19 calorie per pound of bodyweight and adjust your calorie intake accordingly based on how your body responds. Here is an excerpt from my first book detailing how to adjust your calories and diet:

After two weeks following the training and meal plan weigh yourself and measure body fat: 1. If your weight has increased by two to four pounds and your body fat either stayed the same or decreased leave everything as is.( this is what you want) 2. If your weight decreased add another 800 calories daily until bodyweight stabilizes then calculate your calories by multiplying your new maintenance daily calories by 125%. 3. If your weight stays the same then add another 500 calories per day until weight stabilizes, then recalculate your calories by multiplying your new maintenance weight by 125%.

When you are eating this much, eating the wrong foods will turn your once skinny build into one more comparable to a Sumo wrestler! For Lean Muscle gain, you must eat the right foods in the right combinations and times.

Strategy - 2: What Foods You Must Eat (and avoid) To Boost Your Muscle Mass... Not Turn Into a Fat Pig!!Eating to support explosive growth is not as simple as just eating enough calories. You need to eat the right calories! You must eat foods dense in all the essential nutrients your body craves when it is being shocked into explosive growth! If you are missing even one crucial nutrient, no muscle growth can occur and you may actually lose muscle. This is assuming you have no previous muscle memory (had big muscles in the past). What are the right calories? Eat fresh live foods and stay away from heavily processed and refined foods. An example of a good nutrient dense muscle building meal is a steak with green vegetables totaling 600 calories. An example of a bad meal is deep fried chicken nuggets and fries for 1200 calories. Another example would be to eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast instead of a bowl of Captain Crunch Cereal. Many more examples and a complete listing of the exact foods your muscles need for explosive muscle growth are all presented in The Underground Mass Secrets Master Manual. The charts and step by step system makes this powerful and advanced knowledge accessible by even a simpleton!

Eat nutritionally dense foods and to get the most out of your meals by applying the next powerful strategy: Combine foods together that are compatible for best digestion (thus best delivery of necessary muscle building nutrients).

Strategy -3: Why You Are Cheating Yourself Every Meal And Dont Even Know It!Do you want to gain muscle without gaining excess fat? Or how about avoid indigestion? (Indigestion is a sign of digestive trouble. Poor digestion equals poor supply of muscle building nutrients). Or how about finally stop blowing those out of nowhere sick farts at work in class or worst of all when you meet new people in elevators! Putting a bit of effort to eat meals of compatible food combinations aids to digest a fuller extent of the foods you eat. This translates to more nutrients per calorie to support explosive muscle growth and reduced unwanted fat gain! I will give you some examples of good food combinations and bad food combinations:

Good Combinations: protein and fibrous carbs ( steak and spinach salad) protein and fats ( Chicken Cordon Bleu )

Bad Combinations: protein and simple carbs (many weight gain powders, most meal replacement bars ) carbs and fats (cheese bread, pizza)

Once you are eating good food combinations at each meal, you can gain an unstoppable muscle building momentum by applying the next strategy:

Strategy - 4: A Simple But Overlooked Factor Critical To Successfully Building Muscle!Eating consistently on a schedule is crucial to provide quality nutrients for muscle growth when your body needs it. A good rule to follow is eat a nutritious meal every two to three hours and never space two meals more than five hours apart. If you are eating the right foods consistently then your body will always be in a positive growth state. But for us hard gainers there are some underground secrets you can follow to really boost muscle growth from a nutritional stand point. The next trick can really Explode your muscle growth! Especially when combined with everything you have learned so far!

Strategy - 5: Gain A Powerful Muscle Growing Edge With Power Meals!By modifying your meals strategically at particular windows of opportunity during your daily routine, you can substantially increase and accelerate lean muscle growth! There are two Windows of Opportunity you must take advantage of if you really want to get your quickest and best muscle gains!

The two times specifically are breakfast time and after a specifically designed workout routine. I will get into the specifics of this exclusive and potent workout system in the next report Underground Training Strategies At these two times substitute your regular meal with what I refer to as a Power Meal

Strategy - 6: How Underground Mass Building Power Meals Load You Up And Energize You For Explosive Growth Spurts!Power Meals contain very specific foods combined with one purpose essential for explosive muscle growth. Rapidly and thoroughly replenish muscles with particular nutrients to minimize the occurrence of catabolic actions. (catabolic is opposite of anabolic ) Power Meals not only accelerate lean muscle growth but also minimize muscle tissue breakdown that is common from hard resistance training combined with poor meal planning. To make a power meal use a quick digesting source of protein and combine with particular energy foods which can also be digested fast. An example of this would be a quality whey protein or egg protein blended with certain fruits. Power meals are for specified times only. Too many power meals will compromise lean muscle growth by increasing fat gain and lowering your sensitivity to insulin.

Strategy - 7: Why Most Muscle Gain Diets Will Not Work For You.For the natural athlete it is crucial to feed your body the nutritional components it requires to produce testosterone at its peak potential. Low testosterone levels equal little or no muscle mass! For building muscle, you must have decent testosterone levels. This is the main difference why males are more muscular than females. It is because men have higher testosterone levels than females. Your body uses cholesterol to manufacture Testosterone (simplified). To give your body what it requires for optimal testosterone production, you must follow a balanced meal plan that provides ample amounts of the right fats. Most diets and meal plans are deficient or lacking the ideal amount and/ or types of fats critical for the natural athlete to optimize testosterone levels. In my Truth About Fats Revealed report, I summarize and reference over 200 scientific studies confirming the disturbing details.

Strategy - 8: What Critical Food Added To Your Meal Plan Can Turbo Charge Your Muscle Growth!Fiber is not talked about much in relation to gaining weight. Sadly the majority of muscle building routines fall short on results and more important sacrifice health by overlooking the indirect yet powerful muscle building benefits of a fiber rich meal plan. A healthy digestive system is key for optimum nutritional intake of the foods you eat. This translates into getting more nutrition to your muscles per calorie. Plenty of Fiber in your meal plan is essential to maintain a healthy digestive system

Fiber is The Turbo Charger your digestive system needs to maximize the movement and assimilation of food each day. Kind of like an assembly line! The more production you can get out of your digestive system the more you can fuel your muscles for growth!

Strategy - 9: The Truth About ProteinDo you really need the massive amounts of protein recommended by gym rats and bodybuilding magazines for muscle growth? It is crucial you get enough protein and spread it out throughout your day. Protein requirements have been exaggerated for many years in the interests to sell more protein. On the other hand, protein requirements are definitely higher for a person or athlete training to gain muscle than for a lazy couch potato hunting for his next show with a remote control! At least one gram of protein per pound of lean body mass is a good starting reference for muscle growth and up to 1.5 grams protein per pound of lean muscle is recommended under certain rare circumstances. These levels of protein are more than enough to ensure you get enough for muscle growth yet not strenuous to the average healthy active male. My Protein Exposed report goes into much more detail than is practical here.

Strategy -10: What You Must Know About Muscle Building Supplements.There are many supplements to choose from on the market and 99% of them are inferior to natural food. Natural food is higher in naturally occurring vitamins and minerals beneficial for muscle growth.

Stay away from weight gain powders. The majority are empty calories comparable to a fast food milkshake nutritionally. With a little upfront planning and armed with a few simple to make recipes, a natural whole food meal plan can be convenient, much better tasting thus increasing your chances of making healthy muscle building meals a part of your lifestyle. Believe me you wont even notice the little extra preparation when you realize your muscle growth! Save your Money. Until you are making solid muscle gains focus on your training and nutrition. Supplements have never been and can never be a quick fix or band aid solution for a poor muscle building routine.

Bonus Underground Supplements Tip:Lets get down to business here, most supplements have probably fallen short for you. Youve probably been disappointed with your results and felt your hard earned money went to waste! I bet in most cases you didnt even notice any difference when taking many supplements from when you were not taking them! Sadly you learned the hard way but dont write off every supplement because of a few (actually many) bad apples! Some supplements are worth trying assuming every other aspect of your muscle building routine is in place! Even the few good supplements will not make up for a deficient meal plan, recuperation routine or weight training ineffectively! When you have been following a complete muscle building routine consistently for long enough to get results, there are a few supplements worth trying that have shown solid and measurable benefit : Creatine monohydrate ( only monohydrate not any other type of creatine) L Glutamine ( in moderation and carefully) a good healthy protein powder without artificial sweeteners, colors and flavors. (more on choosing a good protein in my later report: Protein Exposed!).

Bonus Sample Meal Plan:As a little bonus here is a sample muscle weight gain meal plan for 2092 calories per day on your weight training days: Meal 1: -------1 banana 1 cup oatmeal Meal 2: -------1 scoop whey protein 1tbsp MCT Oil* Meal 3: -------4oz chicken breast 1cup spinach 1tbsp MCT Oil* Meal 4: --------1cup frozen strawberries 1 banana 1 kiwi 1 cup orange juice 2 scoops whey Meal 5: --------3 whole eggs 1 tbsp coconut oil Meal 6: --------1 scoop whey 1tbsp MCT Oil* 1/2 cup whole milk Daily Totals: protein 166 grams carbohydrates 144 grams fats 84 grams Calories 2092

Packing on muscle is no Fluke!Follow the above eating tips as part of a complete training and recuperation program. I have done all the work and put it into an easy to follow step by step system called "Underground Mass Secrets To Shock Your Body Into Explosive Growth Spurts" Go now to the web page below: http://www.gainmuscleandlosefat.com/bodybuildingold.html

Skeptical Underground Mass Secrets won't work for you?Read the testimonials below from ordinary hard gainers like you that took action:

10 Years Of Muscle Growth In 3 1/2 Months!Hi, Your program is great, after fighting and fighting to gain weight for years you have opened my eyes to allot of information that I didn't even think about. When I was in high school I was a 125 lbs and 6'2", let me tell you the psychological effects of that alone will sit with me forever. What ever I did didn't change my weight. I tried all kinds of workouts and nothing worked. Over the last 10 years I've managed to put on about 25 to 30 lbs. But still a 6'2" guy at about 155 lbs is still disappointing. I started on your program as close as I could, balancing work and the family and trying to get the time and energy to workout. That was in September, Its December 15th and I'm about 189lbs with a very slight increase in body fat( normally about 3%). That's 10 years of work in 3 1/2 months.

Thank you! Jason The only draw back that I have had is to go buy all new clothes. :-)

16 Pounds In Two Months!I can't believe the progress that I have made in the last two months doing this weight program. I started the program on april 4. I was 202 pounds. At the moment im 218 and if everything goes to plan by the end of august ill be 230. James thanks alot. Charles

25 Pounds In Ten Weeks!I am entering the tenth week on your program and have gone from 171 pounds to 196 pounds. 25 pounds may not seem like much but in the last five years of weight training i have never increased my body weight over 175! Thanks alot!" Ravi Sadasiwan Edmonton AB You can read more than 20 pages of testimonials about Underground Mass Secrets from real ordinary guys thankful they took action: http://www.gainmuscleandlosefat.com/testimonials.html

Underground Mass Secrets To Shock Your Body Into Explosive Growth Spurts is a complete step by step program I used to put on over 55 pounds of muscle in less than a year! It contains everything you require from diets and training routines to online help from me and all the members of our Inner Circle.

Go here now to find out more: http://www.gainmuscleandlosefat.com/grow.php Over 19,647 users in 129 different countries can't be wrong! God Bless!

James P Jordan Tomorrow watch for your Second Part of Your Gain Muscle Fast Mini Course: Training To Gain Muscle Fast.... --- Disclaimer ---The information contained in this Email is strictly for informational purposes. You should consult a physician before beginning any new nutrition, exercise, or dietary supplement program. The information contained in this Email is not intended to provide medical advice. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed health-care practitioner. The results, if any, from the supplements, diet and exercise programs will vary on an individual basis. James Jordan and Detailed Health And Fitness Inc. will not assume any liability, nor be held responsible for any injury, illness or personal loss due to the utilization of any information contained herein. --- End Disclaimer --I will reveal to you much more in tomorrows lessons.. So stay tuned! Best James Jordan http://www.gainmuscleandlosefat.com/bodybuildingold.html