5150: Free Trader Beowulf

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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5150: Free Trader Beowulf


"This is Free Trader Beowulf, calling anyone ...

Mayday, Mayday ...

We are under attack ... Main drive is gone ... Turret number one not responding ...Mayday ... Losing cabin pressure fast ... Calling anyone ... Please help ...

This is Free Trader Beowulf ... Mayday..."

— From the tabletop RPG Traveller


Because everyone needs a classic science fiction role-playing game that's spanned decades ofenthusiastic fans and a good ten or more major editions to inspire yet more crazy action in one ofthe best ship-focused tabletop "immersive game" systems in the world.

And because I can. I won't lie; that's a great motivator.

The line on the cover of the original Traveller was one of the most compelling pieces of short fictionto ever catalyze old-school role-playing, and it still has the power to forge imagination into action.

What's going on with the Beowulf? Who are they under attack by? Is there anything you can do? Ifyou try to do something, is it a trap? Are you simply outclassed? Is it pirates? Is it a vast Space Hulkjust waiting for you to plunder it? Is anyone going to get out of this alive?

One short piece. One short bit. And yet – one of the most story-forging ideas to get kicked around.

It's about time someone did an integrated 5150 treatment of Free Trader Beowulf. I make nopromises to be able to do justice to Traveller in general, but the Beowulf? Maybe I can give yousome things to think about.


You take advantage of the fact that the Two-Hour Wargames game lines include an entire panoplyof games in the 5150 setting, their far-flung future which includes games running from theindividual/small-party pseudo-RPG scale with Urban Renewal through ground combat withplatoons of soldiers in Star Army, through fighter-scale ship engagements with Fighter Command,and full-scale space-based conflict with Star Navy.

With all of those tools at your disposal, how can you now find the fate of the Beowulf something

worth pursuing?

Rules Tweaks

Fighter Command

Hangars for Cargo

Assume that Hangars in Fighter Command can be changed out for cargo capacity just as in StarNavy on a 1:1 basis if you've access to a capital ship refitting dock. See page 41 in Star Navy formore detail on the value of cargo and how it's stored.

Fighters, bombers, and assault boats cannot be fielded from within cargo bays (though someoneparticularly cunning might camouflage their craft bays as cargo bays if they were goingpirate-hunting).

Taking a hit to a cargo bay can seriously impact the value of what you're carrying. If a filled cargobay is takes a hit, reduce the Cargo Value multiplier by half.

Since Fighter Command doesn't have ship Classes like Star Navy, we need to build a new table tocalculate Cargo Values.

FC Class to Cargo Multiplier

Type Base ValueLight CapShip (Belter, Runner, Freighter) 3Medium CapShip (Tanker, Star Liner) 4Heavy CapShip (Grand Freighter) 5Massive CapShip (Supertanker) 6

Number of Cargo Bays on Typical Transports

Type BaysBelter 1Runner 3Freighter 6Tanker, Star Liner 8Grand Freighter 10Supertanker 16

To fully calculate the value of the cargo, you need to know what's in the bay. For each bay on theship in question, add 2d6 and consult the following table. (Tankers and Supertankers only roll 1d6.)

Cargo Table

# Result<= 5 Commodities (CV 1x)6 - 8 Goods (CV 3x)9 - 10 Rarities (CV 5x)11+ Contraband (CV 10x)


You've managed to waylay a Supertanker on its own, taking out the two pesky mediumescort fighters. It has 16 bays, and rolling 1d6 on the Cargo Table for each, you find 3bays of Goods (CV 9) and 13 of simple Commodities (CV 13), totaling 22 CV, x6 for beingSupertanker bays, for a total of 66 CV. Not a bad haul for an easy target almostguaranteed to be carrying goods easy to roll over.

Later, you've taken down more likely, if smaller, quarry: three Gaean Runners. Each has3 bays. The first has 3, 9, 5 for the cargo rolled, 2x Commodities (CV 2) and one ofRarities (CV 5). The second sports 10, 9, 3 for 2x more Rarities (CV 10) and one moreCommodities (CV 1). The third is carrying 6, 6, 10, so 2x more Goods (CV 6) and anotherRarity (CV 5). 29 CV total, x3 for Runner-sized bays, and that's a total of 87 CV. Nearlyhalf-way to a straight-out Recruitment Roll1 to add to your little pirate fleet.

Urban Renewal

Metal Madness (Toxic Build-Up)

Metal Madness is a system included in Urban Renewal as a means to limit the use ofEnhancements (cybernetic implants), Loops (software that runs on implanted cybernetics), andStims (performance-enhancing drugs). By those rules, a person with Enhancements runs theongoing and accumulating risk of losing their minds and becoming a violent psychopath, with nomeans of managing that descent. Once that spiral begins, there is no real way of stemming the tide,until the character is blood-soaked and dead.

That doesn't lead to particularly interesting play. There's no real tension and no realdecision-making enabled thereby; its the same old "cyberpsychosis" construct from everycyberpunk game ever. It is, in short, dull.

Instead, replace it with Toxic Build-Up.

Toxic Build-Up

Using Enhancements2 is hard on the body. Replacing flesh and bone with metal and carbon fibreputs strains on the connective tissues, joints, and biological filtration systems that keep the averageGaean Basic alive. Neural interfaces bridge the gap between flesh and metal with syntheticneurotransmitters and electro-stimulation that pushes the limit of what the brain and nerves arecapable of. This is no way to treat a body unless you want it to start collapsing on you with very little

warning, indeed.

Increasing Toxic Build-Up

Every time you add an Enhancement, add the MM rating to your Toxic Build-Up score. As you addor remove further Enhancements, TBU can increase or decrease. Running Loops in BlendedEnhancements can push this up, as the interface between the CPU and a user's consciousness putsa lot of stress on the neurological interfaces and parts of the user's body that weren't designed tobe driven like the software commands.

The lowest your TBU can be is equal to the sum of the MM values of your installed Enhancements.

The first time in an Encounter that you use a Physical Enhancement in an extraordinary way,increase your TBU by 1. Use in a way that doesn't exceed Basic norm doesn't increase your TBU,but if you're getting the bonus you'll accumulate toxins.

Every time you run a Loop, increase your TBU by 1.

Stims increase your TBU by 1 every time you dose. If your next Encounter would trigger rolling onthe Toxic Build-Up Power Table, treat REP as -1 for the purposes of referencing the TBU TargetNumber.

Whenever your character is exposed to stress (significant stress: direct violent conflict, battle, asocial encounter that goes horribly wrong), typically at the beginning of an Encounter or battle,compare your TBU to the Toxic-Build-Up Power Table.

Toxic Build-Up Power Table (TBU Power = (int(TBU / REP))+2 )

Current TBU Compared to REP TBU Target Number0 < TBU <= 1x REP 21x REP < TBU <= 2x REP 32x REP < TBU <= 3x REP 43x REP < TBU <= 4x REP 54x REP < TBU <= 5x REP 65x REP < TBU <= 6x REP 76x REP < TBU <= 7x REP 8

Once you have the target number, make a test on the Toxic Build-Up Power Effect Table by rollingthe character's Reputation in d6, looking for successes, compared to the Toxic Build-Up Power in d6,also looking for successes.

Toxic Build-Up Power Effect Table (REP d6 vs TBU Power d6, counting successes)

# of successesmore If Character has more If TBU has more

0 +1 to TBU +1 to TBU

# of successesmore If Character has more If TBU has more

1 no effect -1 to one Skill (or -1 to REP if not using Skills),+2 to TBU

2 -1 to TBU -1 to two Skills (or -1 REP if not using Skills), +4to TBU

3+ -2 to TBU -1 to three Skills (or -2 to REP if not usingSkills), +6 to TBU

The modifiers to Skills and Reputation only apply to the current Encounter or Scene. The increasesto TBU are ongoing, and every increase carries with it an ever-increasing chance that the characterwill be seriously debilitated. Since these things only are checked when the user is stressed, it'stypically the worst kind of time for that to happen.

Decreasing Toxic Build-Up

Toxic Build-Up can be diminished. There are three means by which TBU may be lowered.

Successes on the TBU Power Effect Table. While this can be fairly effective for low levels of TBU●

and characters with strong will and self-control, it can be extremely difficult to count on in thelong term or with extensive modifications.Simply not using Enhancements. Given time to heal, the body flushes toxins. For every Encounter●

in which no Enhancements are used, roll (REP)d6; each success reduces TBU by 1.Medical intervention. A doctor or medic in a well-equipped medical facility can agressively flush●

the toxins from Enhancements out of the body, but the process is painful and can have long-termrepurcussions on the health of the patient. If playing Urban Renewal, you'll need to find a doctorwilling and able to do the procedure3. If in Star Navy or Fighter Command, you may have accessto a doctor on a ship or nearby station.In any case, one a doctor willing to perform the procedurehas been arranged, roll on the Toxic Build-Up Treatment Table.

Toxic Build Up Treatment Table (2d6 vs REP)

# passed Result2 TBU reduced to 2x minimum, REP -1 for In Sight Tests only in next Encounter1 TBU reduced to 3x minimum, REP -1 for next Encounter0 REP -1, TBU unchanged

Social Implications

Gaean society looks down on Enhancement and Stim users with no small additional measure offear. Particularly in the case of Physical Enhancement users in places like New Hope and on thefringes of the Gaean Empire, frequent and skilled maintainance is not really available. While streetdocs are more than happy to put in slap-dash components that fell off the back of thatimport/export trader's ship, fewer of them have the talent to maintain the gear and fewer still havethe inclination to maintain the users. As a result, many with Enhancements accumulate near-fatallevels of neurological degeneration sooner or later, giving rise to tales of psychotics on mindless

rampages and incredible acts of physical destruction.

The vast majority who waste away, rocking themselves in a corner and mumbling nonsense makefor much less gripping reading.

Neither the Gaean Star Army nor Star Navy, despite being the best equipped and best maintainedmilitary forces in the Six Circles, engage in Enhancement outside of a few Specialists, generally indata analysis or astrogation. The costs and risks associated with maintaining such an array ofmedically draining personnel on a wide scale are simply too extensive and such modificationswould decrease the uniformity that makes fielding such a large military possible in the first place4.

Continuing stories and news coverage of Enhanced burn-outs going on crime sprees (to financetheir dreamed-of toxin purge), violent murder kill-fests (as they reach the breaking point on PEPand/or SAV), and the general disdain by Gaean Basics for the alien and Other solidly maintains ageneral social exclusion of the Enhanced. By comparison, Stim-users are considered reprehensiblebut redeemable (not the least reason that they tend to burn out and die in far less obvious ways).

Fighter Command

Running Loops

For obvious reasons, Enhancements tend to be rare amongst dedicated spacers. Between the needfor frequent maintainance and medical oversight, their tendency to get damaged, and the difficultyof replacement, Gaea Prime has determined that there's a much greater return to be had inupgrading the ships and other hardware that their crews are equipped with.

That doesn't keep everyone from using them. Physical Enhancements are useful in areas likeconstruction and security for habitats with fragile outer shells. For pilots, however, BlendedEnhancements provide them with an array of possible advantages if they're willing to accept thecost.

The basic Enhancement CPU provides jacks for interfacing with specially equipped vehiclecomputer networks. Once connected, Loops can affect the performance of the pilot by enhancingsensor recognition, expanding the range of action, or guiding weapons without the messyintermediary of flesh. Sometimes Loops are deliberately leaked to the less savoury portions of the6th Circle populace to act as experimental testbeds for software intended to be added to thecontrol systems of more mainline designs from each of the Empires. Not all of these work asintended.

Loops are generally useless for commanding the crew of a capital ship, though in somecircumstances various Data Storage libraries or Loops which boost PEP Tests can be useful in someSkill Challenges.

Available Loops

Loops tend to be more specialized than full-on Pilot Attributes. They add conditions in which the

bonus cannot be applied or specific types of target.

Loop Effect

Evasion -1 Modifier to result if attack comes from the front arc (Aspects 6, 1, 2) whenrolling on the Fighter Damage Table (FC, p27])

Visual Integration Visual range increases to 6". Triggering In Sight on another fighter outsidetheir visual range gives them a -1d6 to the In Sight Test

G-SmoothingSpecial Maneuvers which involve hard but not complete 180o course changes(High Energy Yo-Yo, Yaw Reversal) get a +1d6 to execute as the Loop smoothsthe motion arc


Counts as a Data Storage Loop and thus takes two slots. A deep database onone particular kind of ship (Hishen Light Fighter, PDF Dreadnaught) whichallows two rolls on the Fighter Damage Table or Capital Ship Damage Table,picking the result the pilot prefers

Missile Modelling When taking damage from one kind of missile (FF, IR, Swarmer), roll twice onthe Fighter Damage Table and choose your preferred system

Ship Designs



Free Trader Beowulf

The Free Trader Beowulf herself is an aging, rickety brick of a ship with more in common with atug-boat than a squeaky-clean cargo hauler. Which is just fine, because it's not particularlywell-known for being squeaky clean either in cargo or crew. After all, someone has to carry food,weapons, and other less savoury things back and forth within the Outer Rings -- and sometimesback in more "civilized" space.

If you've got a job, if no one else can help, and you've got the money, the crew of the Beowulf canprobably see it through.

Star Navy

In Star Navy terms, the Beowulf is a highly modified Merchant Trader5, swapping out half the cargospace for increased engine power and a heavy missile launcher turret on the belly. While this cancut significantly into the ability to move goods, out on the 5th Ring and beyond, being able to fightoff a pirate assault -- particularly when carrying a gut full of medical supplies, cryo-suspended cattle,or things less worthy of discussion in polite company, can be the difference between living to sellthe goods and not living at all.

As specified on Star Navy page 26, the Beowulf suffers a -1 to REP when firing the Guns (that is,they fire at REP 4 with the default Crew).

REP Class Thrust Hull Shields Guns ML Cargo Bays5 3 3 4 1 1 1 3

Damage Track

Thrust Hull Shields Guns Missiles CargoOOO OOOO O O O OOO

Fighter Command

Unique ID: GP MerchCarg Heavy Frigate Beowulf Type: Non-Military Class: LightCapShip (so designated as an armed and armoured transport)

Shield Value: CSLPS

Speed: 3 Acceleration: 1/2 Turn Rating: 2

Defensive AA Turrets: 1 Main Gun Batteries: 1 Projectile Torpedoes: 1

Repair Rolls: 1

Crew Reputation: 5


MaxSpeed Thrusters AA

TurretProjectileBattery Shields Hull Bridge Cargo


O (-1 REPrest ofMission,cannot berepaired infield)

O (Captaintakes RecoverFrom KnockDown, -2 REPrest of mission,cannot berepaired infield)

OOO(treat asHangar)

Character Designs

Captain Marlin Rath (Gaea Prime Basic)

Male Basic, approximately 1.7m tall, generally physically unremarkable, originally from Gaea Primeitself but after a bit of a run-in with the constabulary over the intersection between another man'swife (possibly one politically active, wife or husband -- hard to say) and a lift-truck full ofquestionably sourced mood-elevators, thought it prudent to move on out of the 1st Circle.

Getting into piracy was just a temporary thing. Getting into a Zhuh-Zhuh pirate ship that apparentlywent rogue from their Imperial military -- that was an absolute accident. The first chance Marlin hadto get out of there, he used his smooth-talking silver-tongued nature to convince the captain of themissile frigate he was on that they had enough to go legit. Mostly. And the Basics generallypreferred to deal with other Basics, not "trusted aliens."

Uranth-Ta conceded the point and when they managed to land a beat-up old Beowulf, they headedto the edges of everybody's empires and only occasionally looked back.

Urban Renewal

Reputation FITness PEoPle SAVvy5 3 5 4

Attribute Name Effect

Ambidextrous The character ignores the shooter firing with Off Hand penalty whenshooting

Smooth Counts a +1d6 to taking a People related Challenge

Profession: Exotic -- Off-World Import/Export (Merc) PEP Weapons: 2x BAP

Type Range Targets ImpactType 43 Projectile Pistol (BAP) 12 1 or 2 2

Armour: No (it doesn't foster trust) Com-Linked?: Yes Home: Free Trader Beowulf

Fighter Command

Marlin is a capital ship commander and fighter pilot so takes a Capital Ship Attribute as well as aFighter Pilot Attribute as his choice.

Personal Attributes

Attribute Effect

Disciplined Crew Your ship's crew is well drilled and responsive. Count a +1d6 whentaking the Repair and Ship Down Tests

Poser Will roll only 1d6 when taking the Received Fire and Ship Down Tests

Crew & Race Attributes

Type Special Attribute EffectFree Company Risk Adverse Count a -1 to REP when taking the Ship Down Test

Preferred Fighter

Type Class Speed Acc Turn Guns Hardpoints Std Load DecoyWasp Lighter Fighter 5 3 3 2x Rail 2 2x FF 2

XO Uranth-Ta (Ex-Zhuh-Zhuh Empire Gorantha)

Male Zhuh-Zhuh Gorantha, approximately 2.2m tall, broad even for a Goranthan Zhuh-Zhuh.Serving on a Zhuh-Zhuh missile frigate wasn't his idea of a life's calling -- overall he'd have preferredto go into architecture -- nevertheless he gave into the pressure both of his peers and his family in

order to secure the -Ta legacy into the future.

Going into piracy definitely wasn't on the To Do list, but when his entire fleet was wiped out in onlya few exchanges of fire with a Hishen battlecruiser, Uranth wasn't one for foolish sacrifice. Beforehe could arrange communication with the Zhuh-Zhuh fleet command and inform them of hisstrategically planned survival, his crew (one of the most species-mixed in the Ring) were alreadycheering, raising drinks, and trying on silly voices.

He could see which way the wind was blowing, and that way was toward piracy. In a matter ofmonths, he and the tiny Zhuh-Zhuh frigate had turned up a truly uninspiring record of poor piracy.In the mean-time, half the crew had been replaced by even less competent reprobates along theway and Uranth had enough. When Rath suggested getting out of the piracy business and goinglegit, he jumped at the opportunity, skimmed what little he could off the piratanical takings, and letthe fast-talking Basic talk him into going into serious debt to buy the beat-up Beowulf.

Urban Renewal

Reputation FITness PEoPle SAVvy5 5 3 4

Attribute Name Effect

Climb Able to climb trees, walls and along roofs as if moving normally.Muggie-Zhuhs and similar, may attempt to Fast Move.

Natural Armor The body structure of the Zhuh-Zhuh (not Muggy Zhuh-Zhuhs) allowsit to take the Recover From Knock Down Test with +1d6 bonus.

Rage Counts a +2d6 when in melee.

Resilient Once during each Encounter the character will treat its first Out of theFight result as a Knocked Down result instead.

Slow Mover Normal movement is 6". Will only roll 1d6 when taking the Fast MoveTest, applies to Zhuh-Zhuhs only.

White Knight May not shoot or melee anyone unable to defend themselves. Notaffected by Fear.

Profession: Exotic -- Shipping Freighter XO (Merc) SAV Weapons: Pistol, SynthironKnockle-Dusters

Type Range Targets ImpactArson-Luge Elegar Pistol (P) 12 1 or 2 1Synthiron Knuckle-Dusters (2HW) +2d6 Melee

Armour: No (he's tough enough) Com-Linked?: Yes Home: Free Trader Beowulf

Fighter Command

Uranth is a pure capital ship commander, so pulls twice from the Capital Ship Attributes. Despiteeverything, he retains his Zhuh-Zhuh command training, even when in command of the Beowulf ontrade runs.

Personal Attributes

Attribute Effect

Accurate GunneryYour ship's gun crew are veterans of many battles and able to laydown a devastating barrage. Count a +1d6 when rolling on theCapShip Ranged Combat Table.

Disciplined Crew Your ship's crew is well drilled and responsive. Count a +1d6 whentaking the Repair and Ship Down Tests.

Crew & Race Attributes

Type Special Attribute Effect

Zhuh-Zhuh Superb Reflexes Counts a +1 to REP when attempting any SpecialManeuver Test.

Preferred Fighter None: Uranth-Ta much prefers the bridge of the Beowulf

Tech Specialist na'Tat Li Mae (Hishen)

Hishen na' clade, approximately 1m tall, pale for a Hishen. Need someone to manage all thesensors on your ship at the same time, calibrate your engine coils, control energy distribution incombat, maintain your fighter craft, crawl into tight maintainance spaces to plant incindiary bombs,intimidate recalcitrant brokers, find the best deal on replacement parts to fix your broken downhunk-of-junk spaceship in the middle of feces-knows-where, and all while wearing a broad,unctuous smile on their face?

Well, bugger off, because na'Tat isn't having any of your crap. Oh, she -- he -- whatever, clone races-- can get the job done, no question or hesitation, but that slight hint of a smile on thebroad-mouthed, flat face? That's just the way it's built. That's not an emotional response. In fact,ask around, and you might even discover that na'Tat seems to have only two emotions:

Annoyed and pissed-off.

On the other hand, no one can make the Beowulf dance a little jig while eking out a tiny extra bit ofthrust like sie can. Just don't ask if it's satisfying. The Hishen have a well-deserved reputation forcruelty to lesser races (and everyone's a lesser race to a Hishen) and a love of enslaving sentients.na'Tat's room might not have been cleaned in a while and you might end up press-ganged.

Why's sie the Tech Specialist on the Beowulf? You ever see a Hishen get that good a position inmost pirate fleets?

Urban Renewal

Reputation FITness PEoPle SAVvy5 4 3 5

Attribute Name Effect

Cruel Counts a +1d6 when taking a People related Challenge against thosewith a lower Rep.

Slight Counts a -1d6 when in melee.

Slow Mover Normal movement is 6". Will only roll 1d6 when taking the Fast MoveTest.

Sure Handed Counts a +1 to Skill when taking a Fitness related Challengespecifically involving the use of the hands as the primary factor.

Profession: Joes -- Flight Engineer (LWC) SAV Weapons: BA Pistol, Flashbangs, Enhanced1HW

Type Range Targets ImpactTundral Falcon .50cal (BAP) 12 1 or 2 3Flashbangs (FBG) 6/24 12" circle N/APowered Electro-Active Flanger (E1HW) +2d6 Melee

Armour: No (they make it that small?) Com-Linked?: Yes Home: Free Trader Beowulf

Fighter Command

na'Tat has never had any interest in the command of capital ships and if left in command, by intentor circumstance, has no particular facility for it. Fightercraft, on the other hand, are something sienever found enough time to indulge in and all-too-rarely has access often enough to show off hirinclinations. Fast hands and sharp eyes make a forminable pilot.

Personal Attributes

Attribute Effect

Exceptional Pilot Counts a +1d6 bonus when taking the Landing and Collision ReactionTests and when attempting a Special Maneuver.

Initiative Counts one REP higher for activation purposes when operating alone.

Crew & Race Attributes

Type Special Attribute Effect

Hishen Slight When outnumbered by 2:1 or more will count a -1d6 whentaking the Ship Down Test.

- Evil Never helps or recovers friendly ships or Pilots.

Preferred Fighter

Type Class Speed Acc Turn Guns Hardpoints Std Load Decoy

Shuriken Bomber 3 2 22x Mass, 2xLaser, 1 AATurret Aft

12 1x IR, 1x HARM,2x Torpedoes 2

Jacker "Zero" (New Hope Basic)

Female Basic, admitting only to being "from" New Hope (despite no one being "from" New Hope),approximately 2m tall, built very much like the front end of a cargo loader. Zero, despite beingnowhere near the stature of Uranth is considerably broader than the Basic average. Physicality isthe furthest thing from her mind, being on the run from some rather unsavoury types back in NewHope City who were more interested in digging out the data storage in her brain than paying herfor carrying it. Not being interested in a low-cost lobotomy, she hired passage on the Beowulf inone of the ship's earliest tours under current management. She threatens to leave and never comeback at nearly every port, but somehow ends up on the ship just before casting off every time.

She may be na'Tat's best friend in the cosmos. This has led to persistent rumours of weird sexualdeviancy, but so far no cameras or other systems have evidence. Yet.

Zero has a couple of Blended Enhancements, and has the unusual payload of two CPU implants (oneither side of her skull, behind and beneath the ears). As such, she can usually run 6 Loops at oncebefore needing to check for CPU Overload. Often there is a Data Storage Loop running on each CPU(ship specs, system intel, mission specs, whatever might come in handy to have in hand, along withfull sets of identification for the whole crew), along with 1 other Loop, typically Targeting andImaging when expecting trouble ground-side. If piloting a fighter, these may swap for Evasion andVisual Integration (see Rules Tweaks: Fighter Command: Running Loops).

Urban Renewal

Reputation FITness PEoPle SAVvy5 3 4 5

Minimum TBU: 6

Attribute Name Effect

Hard as Nails Once during each Encounter the character will treat its first ObviouslyDead result as a Knock Down result instead.

Tough Once during each Encounter the character will treat the first RunAway result as a Duck Back result.

Profession: Criminal -- Net Runner (LWC) SAV Weapons: BA Machine Pistol, knives -- lotsof knives

Type Range Targets ImpactOozron Tek-7 (BAMP) 12 3 2Sharpened Data Plugs (1HW) +1d6 Melee

Armour: Yes (whenever and wherever she thinks she can get away with it)Com-Linked?: Yes Home: Free Trader Beowulf

Fighter Command

Zero does everything she can to stay off the bridge of a capital ship with that many people payingattention to her and all their beady little eyes. No, if she has to be out there, she wants it to be justher, jacked head-first into the ship, with Loops giving her the edge over the pure fleshies and thehowling solar wind scouring her glass eyes.

Personal Attributes

Attribute Effect

Rage Count a +1d6 bonus for attempting Special Maneuvers when behind anenemy.

*Drunk (orDruggie) *6

Roll 1d6 at the start of every Mission. If the score is higher than thePilot's Rep or a "6" is rolled toss another 1d6 and consult this table: (1 -2) Takes the Afterburners Test with only 1d6. Will also Side Sliprandomly halfway through its move, once per activation. (3 - 4)Performs as if has Slow to React Attribute. (5 - 6) Performs as if hasIceman Attribute.

Crew & Race Attributes

Type Special Attribute EffectFree Company Risk Averse Count a -1 to REP when taking the Ship Down Test.

Running Loops: Evasion, Visual Integration, Systems Data-Dump: Pirate Light Fighter --Barracuda

Preferred Fighter

Type Class Speed Acc Turn Guns Hardpoints Std Load Decoy

GA-22 MediumFighter 4 3 3 2x Laser, 1x

Rail 4 2x Rockets, 2xFF 1


Urban Renewal

Get the Money and Run (Cargo)

Keeping a Beowulf in the air is no picnic, especially with the cost of provisions, repairs, theoccasional loss during percussive maintenance -- it all adds up over time to big numbers. Thatmeans a crew needs big scores or a lot of tiny scores to keep the sky open. In the Central Rings,that's mostly tiny courier jobs for mostly shady people, because that's the only work you can get ifyou're not signed up with one of the major shippers or their privateers. Outside the Centrals,though -- that's a very different thing. Oh, there are tentacles of the big boys out in the Outers, buta small cargo with some hustle and a gun or two can make big money if there's a large hold thatneeds to go somewhere fast.

If it wants to avoid a little Imperial Entanglement, so much the better.

The Set-Up

The Beowulf's crew is looking for a little work on New Hope, the place their last fare decided hewanted to get off. (That does have the advantage of leaving the cargo deck relatively clean; no leakyvats of living synthveal this time!) Unfortunately, you show up on New Hope without having a plan,a plan will find you in short order. That finding probably involves the maglev train.

Looking for a job can take many forms. Hanging out at the seedy bar at the Spaceport, drinkingdrinks until the right little weasley-looking guy skitters off the street. Heading uptown to the highclass part of town, to press the flesh, smile vapidly, and seal the deal. Maybe even headed to CityHall itself to cut a little inside action deal with the Gaeans to move something off-planet they'drather a lot of people never heard about.7

Before that mojo can start being worked, first there has to be a little footwork.


Find a lead on a job offer and the hook-up that can provide it.●


As many of the crew of the Beowulf as desired. (Probably Rath and Uranth-Ta, but go with what●

you like)


Based on the Lead●


Based on the Lead●

Special Instructions

Pick the Day Part●

Determine who's the Lead and where they're at●

Decide to follow-up or stop looking●

The Lead

There's a job out there with the Beowulf's name on it. The real question is who knows about it?Who is The Lead?

Use The Employer table from p95 of Urban Renewal to determine what Circle they're from. Use thewhole Meeting the Employer section there to set up the actual encounter with them. Definitelydon't overlook the Travel Encounters and Defining Moments whenever the crew arrives somewhere.

Things can go South in a hurry if a bad situation pops up, so don't be shy about bugging out andheading back to the ship if things get too hairy. There are always more jobs; there are not alwaysmore cheap body parts and long jail sentences can really cut into operating profits.

The Lead will have provided a reference to someone looking to do a little business. The next step isto go back to the top of the Job Offer Encounter on p94 and head back in again from the top, withthe following differences:

Day Part will be (1) the same, (2-3) one later, (4-5) two later. or (6) three later.●

The Job Type Table on p95 is completely changed.●

Job Type (1d6)

Mover: (1-3) Cargo Transport, (4-5) Personnel Transport, (6) Escort Shaker: (1-2) CargoTransport, (3-5) Personnel Transport, (6) Escort Exotic: (1) Cargo Transport, (2-4)Personnel Transport, (5-6) Escort Ordinary Joe: (1-4) Cargo Transport, (5-6) PersonnelTransport, -1 Shady Criminal Element: (1-3) Cargo Transport, (4-5) Personnel Transport,(6) Escort, +1 Shady

Shady Jobs

Some jobs are Shady; that is, they involve moving illegal goods, illegal people, perfectly legal goodswith incomplete or falsified paperwork, spies, assault squads, and generally things someone wouldrather get off-planet without other folks knowing about it.

Shady Cargo Table (1d6 modified by Job Type)

(1-4) It's straight, or straight enough. (5-6) It's shady.

Jobs aren't obviously shady in every case, of course. Sometimes they sneak up. (1-5) The job isexactly what you think it is, shady or not, but on (6) the job is the other way around. What youthought was a nice, easy milk-run of meteoric iron to the sticks turns out to be a cover for high-endenhancements. What you thought was taking a mob boss off-planet under cover of darkness underthe cops' nose turns out to be an Average Joe with a grandiose sense of theater.

Shady jobs always involve a little more care than others. The big problem is, of course, at theSpaceport itself. If it's a shady cargo, there's one more Encounter on the way out with theauthorities. If the job only appears to be shady, that Encounter still happens.

For extra excitement, only resolve whether the deal is really as shady as thought or not if/when theauthorities go over the Beowulf's cargo.

Spending Time in the Shade


Get to the Beowulf and off planet with as little incident as possible●


As many of the crew of the Beowulf as desired. (Probably Rath and Uranth-Ta, but go with what●

you like.) Any crew not taken or who didn't go looking for a job are on board the Beowulf itselfand can emerge, armed and armoured if they like.


Set up the table in accordance with the Intersection directions on p51, except each building is a●

ship on the Spaceport tarmac.Ships are treated just the same as buildings, except more likely to be hostile if you come barging●

in unannounced. (1-4) you can't get into the ship at all; the doors are locked, ramp up, etc. TheDefining Moment is executed as usual except that the PEF being resolved inside is consideredHostile unless you've had contact with them before (1-2) and ended on good terms.


Beowulf crew start at the edge of section 8.●

The Beowulf is in the center of section 5.●

(1-2) They're bringing the cargo in itself on a truck, (3-6) the cargo is already loaded on the●


Special Instructions

PEFs on the tarmac will (1-3) be GP police or customs agents who are naturally paranoid, have an●

anonymous tip-off, or just don't like your face, otherwise roll for who they are as usual. When youresolve them, if they're cops or customs, they'll head straight for your group, get within 3", andattempt an Oi, What's All This Then? Test.

Oi, What's All This Then? PEP

Succ Agents More Beowulf More

0 Repeat, with another Even treated as +1 PEPfor Agent

Repeat, with another Even treatedas +1 PEP for Beowulf crew


Agents suspicious, but have nothingactionable; treat as +1 PEP for Agents on thenext shady cargo Beowulf run on or off NewHope

Beowulf crew look clean and talk agood line; the ship can lift off attheir leisure


Agents draw weapons and demand toinspect the cargo; proceed to In Sight withBeowulf crew counted as Active; +2 PEP toAgents on the next Oi, What's All This Then?

Beowulf crew shake hands, smile alot, and bid the Agents a great day;+1 PEP to Beowulf crew on theirnext Oi, What's All This Then?

On a particularly unlucky day, multiple police groups can emerge from PEFs and force multiple Oi,What's All This Then? Tests.

The Beowulf crew always has the option of surrender if they get caught out engaging in smugglingor other illegal acts. If so, or they're rendered compliant by other less voluntary means, p66 inUrban Renewal, specifically starting with the section Justice For All8 will be worth looking at.

Job Descriptions

Cargo TransportGoods, material, equipment, sometimes even living organisms both flora and fauna, becausethere's no telling what someone will pay for out there. Cargos tend to be bulky and hefty -- ordisturbingly small and lightweight. A much needed genetic sample might only weigh a coupleof kilos but be worth chartering a whole ship for. Several crates of heavy constructionequipment might make all the difference to an out of the way space station.

Shady cargos run the typical gamut: guns, germs, butter, drugs, stims, enhancements, cratesof heavy cargo equipment dodging berthing fees, genetic samples of deadly infectiousdiseases, interdicted animals which might constitute an eco-catastrophe released on an alienworld, alien life forms who'll hunt you through the corridors of your own ship to infest yourstill-living flesh with their young -- the usual.

Personnel TransportPeople want to get off-planet for a myriad of legitimate reasons. Tourism is a surprisinglypopular one, especially for cheap no-name haulers on the rim. Business is likewise right upthere, because sometimes there's nothing like sealing a deal with a handshake. Getting out ofa bad relationship and running as far away as you can from the pain makes for great barsongs. "Looking for yourself" is a story as old as the first sailors on the salty seas and still justas compelling.

Shady people want to get off-planet for a bevy of perfectly legitimate reasons, too. Crime bossunhappy you schtupped her daughter? That pregnant daughter? Been stealing a little off thetop for the last few months? World-weary assassin going to run that last big score so you canbuy new eyes for the girl you blinded during a job years ago? Computer engineer taking off toa corporate competitor with the plans of the next big thing in hybrid thrust engines? Psychicmurderer kept in a state of suspended animation being escorted back to Gaea Prime by abounty hunter? Rogue Hishen looking to go home and return to the slave-owning high-life?

EscortDeep space is never a place where anyone can be alone. Sometimes people need to haveanother ship ride along, for extra firepower or sometimes just for a distraction or scapegoat.

Shady escorts generally involve running interference for ships involved in untoward dealings,whether that be engaging in the other kinds of shady cargo running or intimidation displays,distractions for criminal operations, or being effective information carriers by escorting otherships on legitimate business but broadcasting a concealed beacon burst on entry to thetarget system. When the police want to check your ship out for shady escort business, it'sgenerally going over your flight logs and data systems with a fine toothed comb.


The crew of the Beowulf only are as good as who they are, whether it be Raith's fast-talkingdevil-may-care chicanery or Zero's dead-lift. They wouldn't -- literally couldn't -- be running theBeowulf unless they were basically covering expenses. As such, there's no real question as towhether they make enough scratch to keep the ship running. The real question is do they get betterat it?

P96 in Urban Renewal talks about the wages you can earn for planetside jobs on New Hope,rendered in terms of the number of possible advancement rolls for Reputation and Skills you canget as a result of succeeding at the job. Unlike working dirt-side, the Beowulf gets paid no matterwhere they are so long as the cargo gets run safely and effectively; no need to head back to NewHope to get your chit.

Wages Per Job Type (x2 if Shady; x1.5 if Criminal Element is Employer)

Job Type Base WageCargo Transport 3Personnel Transport 5Escort 4

Carrying cargo out to the rim with no threat? Easy-peasy; 3 advancement rolls (see p57 of UrbanRenewal), distributed over your crew however you like. Running guns to Gaea Prime? That's chancy,but there are a lot of ways to smuggle goods on a spaceship. 6 advancement rolls is hefty, 9 ifyou're dealing with actual criminals. Transporting a mob boss out from under the nose of his ownorganization to give evidence to the GP police? 10 base, 15 if he initiated the contact. Runningpeople is the most dangerous cargo.

Star Navy

Mayday, Mayday

Operating out in the 6th Ring is not safe, by any description. Few of the jobs that run that far outfrom the inner systems aren't covered in dirt and sometimes blood. Once out there, plenty of goodpeople need good work done -- but there are a whole lot of people who aren't so good to maketheir day a whole lot less bright.

The Beowulf is out there in the middle of one such mess, beacon screaming away into the void,looking for some of those good people to come on by and help them out. But it's the 6th Circle, andas Virgil put it:

Here you will find the heretics and followers of every cult and pagan sect, all buriedtogether, burning in eternal fire.

-- Canto X

Pirates, freebooters, military stratagems, and all matter of thing could have snared the Beowulfhere.

Nothing is forbidden. Everything is permissible.


Determine the status of the Beowulf and render assistance, if at all possible. A viable military threatshould be driven from the area or destroyed utterly. In the absence of a visible threat, the Beowulfshould be repaired in place or towed to the nearest repair facility. A significant bounty will be payedto anyone who provides assistance to a disabled vessel, in accordance with Gaean law.


The Beowulf with guns and missile launcher apparently disabled, drive off-line, and 1/2d3 Hull●

damage streaming atmosphere.Choose as many ships as you like, but not less than one squadron. They can be from any available●

faction:Pirates, looking to board and plunder the Beowulf for themselves.❍

Gaea Prime Space Navy, offering legally required aid and defense (though well outside their❍

usual patrol routes).Free Company mercenary forces, looking to help or even recruit.❍

Zhuh-Zhuh patrol group, on their way to offer assistance in accordance with Gaean law.❍

Xeog cultists, looking to press-gang, convert by the sword, or simply plunder the Beowulf.❍

Hishen slavers, popping by to grab a quick and easy snatch from a ship who'll never be missed.❍

Local Planetary Defense Force, (1-3) looking to provide assistance as best they can -- or (4-6)❍

snatch another ship to add to their limited forces; could go either way.The contacted other force can simply be chosen or roll on the Contact -- Ring 6 table on p39 of●

Star Navy, with the motivations suggested above. (Of course, just because they're there to helpdoesn't mean that they want help in helping.)


The Beowulf placed in the middle of Section 5.●

Asteroids (Star Navy, p23) are distributed as usual but do not move.●

Your forces may enter at any inclination up to 45 degrees anywhere along your side within 1 foot●

of the edge, with speed for each ship between 1 and the Thrust of each ship.There are no opposing inbound forces.●

Three PEFs are placed in the asteroid field by rolling 1d6 for each and placing one in that Section,●

out of Line of Sight of the entering force behind an asteroid if at all possible.

Special Instructions

PEFs activate after the player's first full set of orders and maneuver without concern for inertia or●

thrust, according to the Mayday, Mayday PEF Movement Table.PEFs resolve within 12 inches of one of your active ships with Line of Sight or 6 inches of one of●

your active ships without Line of Sight.To resolve a PEF, use the Patrol PEF Resolution Table ** in **Star Navy, p 33. Enemy Morale is●

considered to be 3 for this mission.Once any ship comes within 6 inches of the Beowulf, its true purpose will be revealed! Roll for●

successes on the Mayday, Mayday Beowulf Plan Table.Help Is On the Way! (Star Navy, p25) is definitely in play! Of course, it being the 6th Ring, the●

Controlling faction is the Hishen, and they want slaves. Depending on what forces are involved,this might be considerably more desirable than the alternatives or might be just the additionalconfusion and cover that the Beowulf needs to get away.

Mayday, Mayday PEF Movement Table 2

Successes Movement

0 Move 3 inches further from the nearest opposed ship, staying out of LoS ifpossible

1 (1-4) Hold position, (5-6) move toward nearest PEF2 Move 4 inches toward farthest opposed ship, staying out of LoS if possible

Mayday, Mayday Beowulf Plan Table 2

Successes Status Effects


Dead ship;engines arecompletelyblown

(1-4) Boarding meets no resistance as all on-board are deador disabled; (5-6) the crew still lives and intends to repelunfriendly boarders though at an additional -1 to theBoarding Table (Star Navy, p16). The ship can be towed bythe largest ship in the controlling fleet at the cost ofreducing Thrust to 1 and counting maneuverability as thenext larger ship Class

1 Disabled butrepairable

Everything is just as it appears. A friendly boarding party canget the engines back online in 1d6 turns. Escorting theBeowulf off the edge of the board counts as a victory forthose who want to protect and rescue the ship. A successfulhostile boarding party can bring the engines back online in1/2d6+3 turns

2 It's a Trap!

The Beowulf is the stalking horse for the opposing force.The engines come back online next turn along with the gunturret and missile launcher. 1/2d3 of the apparent Hulldamage turns out to be cosmetic only. She joins theopposing force with the intent of destroying or capturingyour fleet, whichever fits the motivations of the force.

Victory Conditions

No force wants to see the Beowulf destroyed but certainly may choose to attack it with crippling orlethal intent if they believe an opposed faction will take the prize. Ultimately, victory consists ofgetting off the board with the Beowulf, either under its own power, under your control, or towed. If

all opposing forces are destroyed, you can proceed to do as you will.

If the Beowulf herself ends up being a trap, success can still be achieved by disabling and capturingher. It's just going to be a little more complicated than expected when you set out.

Fighter Command

This Is Free Trader Beowulf

Carrying cargo through some of the dirtiest, least law-abiding, generally unpleasant parts of thegalaxy is a thankless job -- except for the huge piles of money that pretty much go right back intomaintaining the ship before you start parting out the crew shares and figure out the losses on thelast pile of junk you got saddled with and ended up carting about for months in the back of Bay #2.

And the pirates. There's always the pirates.

Sometimes, they are you.


The Beowulf has just hit orbit after a rather troubled surface launch involving men with guns andquite a bit of shouting. That isn't entirely unheard of, but it seems they've taken a particular interestin the ship's departure and have the resources to make it no small challenge. Shady dealingssometimes have awkward repercussions. If the Beowulf can just make it far enough out of thegravity well to engage the FTL drives, there'll be no catching her.

At least today.

To claw up out of the gravity well, the Beowulf must successfully make it from the edge of section 8to move off the board in section 2 three times. Should they succeed, they successfully jump out andget away. Should they fail, it might be a fine time to pull out Star Navy and hop over to the scenarioMayday, Mayday in this fine book.

The opposing force wants to capture and board the Beowulf far more than they want to destroyher.


The Beowulf and one flight of fighters piloted by any two crewmen. Their prefered fighters are●

listed with their character profiles. If playing with original characters or none, the flight is made upof one Free Company GA-35 Heavy Fighter and one Free Company GA-22 Medium Fighter asfound in the QRS.Determine whose interest has been roused by the Beowulf. You can simply choose the List or use●

the following table:

This is Free Trader Beowulf Opposition 2d6

Roll Forces2 -- 3 Xeog4 -- 5 Zhuh-Zhuh6 -- 8 Planetary Defense Forces

9 -- 10 Hishen11 -- 12 Pirates (or other sketchy criminal bastards)

Specific enemy forces will be determined in the Special Instructions section.●


Divide the board into nine equal sectors and generate terrain normally (as on p41).


The Beowulf and her Flight will enter the table from the edge bordering section 8.●

The Beowulf's Flight will receive one extra 2HP missile per fighter until expended. Docking and●

rearming will only replace this missile once.PEFs are generated and deployed as outlined in the PEF section.●

Special Instructions

Determine the Investment Level of the hunt for the Beowulf (p45). Note the maximum IL for the●

folks in pursuit. Treat all maximum IL numbers as if Controlling the area.There is a chance of Inclement Space Weather (p45). Check every time the Beowulf enters at●

section 8. Once it begins, it lasts until the end of the mission.Determine Intel Level (p45). The Beowulf has Investment Level 5 for the purposes of this test.●

The first time you resolve a PEF use First Contact (p47).●

Subsequent PEFs are resolved normally (p49).●

Random Events (p53) are strongly recommended.●

Neither side receives reinforcements.●

Repeat the above every time the Beowulf enters a new phase and enters in section 8. This may●

result in the hunt intensifying or fading, or even bad intel leading to being in a very bad situation.Play continues until the Beowulf has exited the map in section 2 three times, or is disabled or●



Remember, the Beowulf is playing to get away -- body counts are not on the agenda. Using terrain●

for cover and keeping the speed up while avoiding big threats are the rules of survival.The Beowulf has two cargo bays converted to flight bays, allowing it to recover, rearm, and●

relaunch both fighters at once. Once recovered, the fighters can be relaunched in 1+1/2d6 turns.If rearming both at once, roll individually.Good luck! If all else fails, surrender and start sending a request for help into deep space.●

Someone might help you!


FC Class to Cargo Multiplier

FC Class to Cargo Multiplier

Type Base ValueLight CapShip (Belter, Runner, Freighter) 3Medium CapShip (Tanker, Star Liner) 4Heavy CapShip (Grand Freighter) 5Massive CapShip (Supertanker) 6

Number of Cargo Bays on Typical Transports

Number of Cargo Bays on Typical Transports

Type BaysBelter 1Runner 3Freighter 6Tanker, Star Liner 8Grand Freighter 10Supertanker 16

Cargo Table

Cargo Table

# Result<= 5 Commodities (CV 1x)6 - 8 Goods (CV 3x)9 - 10 Rarities (CV 5x)11+ Contraband (CV 10x)

Toxic Build-Up Power Table

Toxic Build-Up Power Table (TBU Power = (int(TBU / REP))+2 )

Current TBU Compared to REP TBU Target Number0 < TBU <= 1x REP 21x REP < TBU <= 2x REP 32x REP < TBU <= 3x REP 43x REP < TBU <= 4x REP 5

Current TBU Compared to REP TBU Target Number4x REP < TBU <= 5x REP 65x REP < TBU <= 6x REP 76x REP < TBU <= 7x REP 8

Toxic Build-Up Power Effect Table

Toxic Build-Up Power Effect Table (REP d6 vs TBU Power d6, counting successes)

# of successesmore If Character has more If TBU has more

0 +1 to TBU +1 to TBU

1 no effect -1 to one Skill (or -1 to REP if not using Skills),+2 to TBU

2 -1 to TBU -1 to two Skills (or -1 REP if not using Skills), +4to TBU

3+ -2 to TBU -1 to three Skills (or -2 to REP if not usingSkills), +6 to TBU

Toxic Build Up Treatment Table

Toxic Build Up Treatment Table (2d6 vs REP)

# passed Result2 TBU reduced to 2x minimum, REP -1 for In Sight Tests only in next Encounter1 TBU reduced to 3x minimum, REP -1 for next Encounter0 REP -1, TBU unchanged

Job Type (Urban Renewal)

Job Type (1d6)

Mover: (1-3) Cargo Transport, (4-5) Personnel Transport, (6) Escort Shaker: (1-2) CargoTransport, (3-5) Personnel Transport, (6) Escort Exotic: (1) Cargo Transport, (2-4)Personnel Transport, (5-6) Escort Ordinary Joe: (1-4) Cargo Transport, (5-6) PersonnelTransport, -1 Shady Criminal Element: (1-3) Cargo Transport, (4-5) Personnel Transport,(6) Escort, +1 Shady

Shady Cargo Table

Shady Cargo Table (1d6 modified by Job Type)

(1-4) It's straight, or straight enough. (5-6) It's shady.

Oi, What's All This Then?

Oi, What's All This Then? PEP vs PEP

Succ Agents More Beowulf More

0 Repeat, with another Even treated as +1 PEPfor Agent

Repeat, with another Even treatedas +1 PEP for Beowulf crew


Agents suspicious, but have nothingactionable; treat as +1 PEP for Agents on thenext shady cargo Beowulf run on or off NewHope

Beowulf crew look clean and talk agood line; the ship can lift off attheir leisure


Agents draw weapons and demand toinspect the cargo; proceed to In Sight withBeowulf crew counted as Active; +2 PEP toAgents on the next Oi, What's All This Then?

Beowulf crew shake hands, smile alot, and bid the Agents a great day;+1 PEP to Beowulf crew on theirnext Oi, What's All This Then?

Wages Per Job Type

Wages Per Job Type (x2 if Shady; x1.5 if Criminal Element is Employer)

Job Type Base WageCargo Transport 3Personnel Transport 5Escort 4

Mayday, Mayday PEF Movement Table

Mayday, Mayday PEF Movement Table 2

Successes Movement

0 Move 3 inches further from the nearest opposed ship, staying out of LoS ifpossible

1 (1-4) Hold position, (5-6) move toward nearest PEF2 Move 4 inches toward farthest opposed ship, staying out of LoS if possible

Mayday, Mayday Beowulf Plan Table

Mayday, Mayday Beowulf Plan Table 2

Successes Status Effects


Dead ship;engines arecompletelyblown

(1-4) Boarding meets no resistance as all on-board are deador disabled; (5-6) the crew still lives and intends to repelunfriendly boarders though at an additional -1 to theBoarding Table (Star Navy, p16). The ship can be towed bythe largest ship in the controlling fleet at the cost ofreducing Thrust to 1 and counting maneuverability as thenext larger ship Class

Successes Status Effects

1 Disabled butrepairable

Everything is just as it appears. A friendly boarding party canget the engines back online in 1d6 turns. Escorting theBeowulf off the edge of the board counts as a victory forthose who want to protect and rescue the ship. A successfulhostile boarding party can bring the engines back online in1/2d6+3 turns

2 It's a Trap!

The Beowulf is the stalking horse for the opposing force.The engines come back online next turn along with the gunturret and missile launcher. 1/2d3 of the apparent Hulldamage turns out to be cosmetic only. She joins theopposing force with the intent of destroying or capturingyour fleet, whichever fits the motivations of the force.

This is Free Trader Beowulf Opposition

This is Free Trader Beowulf Opposition 2d6

Roll Forces2 -- 3 Xeog4 -- 5 Zhuh-Zhuh6 -- 8 Planetary Defense Forces

9 -- 10 Hishen11 -- 12 Pirates (or other sketchy criminal bastards)

See Recruitment Rolls in Star Navy, p40 and p51. ↩1.See page 69 in Urban Renewal for the original rules for Enhancements, page 73 for the original2.Metal Madness. ↩This can be quite the trial in and of itself. See page 94 of Urban Renewal for the Job Offer3.Encounter as an example, except you're looking for a Doctor to do the job. For even more detailin such things, see New Hope City PI. ↩In situations where Enhanced Basics might otherwise be considered, the Star Army has no4.hesitation in deploying synthetic humans, Symons, to do that dirty work. They have the greatadvantage of being far more resillient and effective than un-Enhanced Basics but require muchless maintainance in the long run. (See Star Army page 74.) ↩Page 50 for the original stats in Star Navy. ↩5.In this case, Zero is not actually on a drug but instead this reflects the effects of a flaky6.connection between the system's interfaces and her jacks. ↩How could this possibly go wrong? Never. Obviously impossible. ↩7.Metallica might have a thing or two to say on the subject. ↩8.