520 AUTHOR I N DEX W eh r , Ri cha rd F., 496 Wheatl ey ... · Lactones, sesquiterpene, in all...

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Saitoh, Masaji, 65 akamoto, M asao, 65

Sato,lCenzo,443,450 Schreiner, Elisabeth, 37

halita, Alan R., 413 Shaw, C. M., 160 Singh, B., 233

mith, J. A., 160 Smith, J. Graham, Jr., 170

mith, Kenneth R., Jr., 150 ~ndcrgaard, J ~rgen, 365 pence, Doris, 170

Stoughton, Richard B., 405, 410 trauss, JohnS ., 139, 240 wanbeck, Gunnar, 248

Tabachnick, Joseph, 24 Towers, G. H . N., 233

Uzuka, Makoto, 65


van H eeke, Eric, 222 van Mullem, P . J., 324 Verbor, Julian, 261

Wehr, Richard F., 496 Wheatley, Victor R ., 288, 413 Wilborn, "'Walter H .. 338 Wildnauer, Richard H., 483 Wilkie, Bruce r ., 53 Wilkinson, David I.. 132 Winkelmann, R. K., 256 Wolf, Benjamin, 103 Wolf-Ji..irgensen, Per, 178 Wolff, Klaus. 37

Yardley, H. J., 174

Zachariae, Hugh, 178, 196 Zackheim, H erschel S., 479 Zeliekson, Ah·in S .. 213, 272



Absorption of organic compounds, 399 Acetate-1-C14

, incorporation into fatty acids of epi­dermal cells, 132

Acid, fatty, effect on growth of Corynebacterium acnes, 48

Acid phosphatase activity, localization, in keratoacanthoma 126 . ' m unkeratinized oral epithelium, 416

Acne lipid composition

of comedones, 487 of skin urface, 487

pustular, bacteriology of, 252 Aging skin, effect of autotransplantation, 200 Albumin, rabbit serum, specificity of, 32 d-Aldosterone. intracutaneous, effect on eccrine

sweat gland function, 450 Amino acid incorporation, effect of paromycin on

405 ' Announcements

Abridged Index Medicus 102 ' Acknowledgment, 102, 259

Earl D. Osborne Fellowship, 441, 518 Information Resource on Animal Models and

Genetic Stocks, 101 Meeting D ates, 101, 180, 259 Notice, 260, 355 Scientific Exhibits, 354 \-,...T orkshops. 260, 355

Anthralin, treatment of psoriasis, 410 Antibodies

penicillo:vl-specific IgG, 222 rabbit, specificity to rabbit serum albumin 32

' to haptene NIP, 103 Appendages, skin

in bat wing. 1 in vivo observations 1

' Atopy, granular layer thickness in, 11 Autotransplantation in aging human skin, 200


Bacteriolog~· of pustular acne, 252 Benzyl alcohol, human percutaneous penetration

of, 386 Biochemistry, epidermis, 24 Birefringence in trichoschisis, 496 Blood flow, cutaneous, in psoriasis, 381 Bulb resection, olfactory, 424

c Canis familiaris, development of cutaneous and

oral pigmentation, 304

Capsaicin effects on epidermallysosomes, 170 effects on human skin, 170 effects on liver, 170

Castration, effect on epidermal neoplasms, 479 Cells


basal, separation and cultivation of 279 differentiating, separation and culti~ation of 279 epidermal '

effect of puromycin on, 405 acetate-1-Cu incorporation into fatty acids, 132

Langer hans degradation of exogenous protein by, 37 intracellular transport of exogenous protein by

37 ' uptake of exogenous protein by, 37

Merkel, ultrastructure, 150 pigment, DNA, RNA and protein synthesis, 463

Comedones, lipid composition of, 487 Composition

chemical, of skin surface lipids, 139 lipid

of comedones, 487 of skin surface, 487

Compounds, organic, absorption through skin, 399 Contraction, isometric, of epidermis and stratum

corneum, 298 Corynebacterium acnes

effect of fatty acids on growth, 48 fine structure, 338


Damage, DNA, in human skin disease, 181 Degeneration, malignant, behavior of virus in 324

' Dermatitic effect of nonionic surfactants, 510 Dermatitis, allergic contact

from Compositae, 233 from Frullania, 233

Dermatoglyphics, review, 261 Dilatation, cutaneous arteriolar, by ultraviolet ir­

radiation, 332 Dithranol, effect on glyceraldehydephosphate de­

hydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate activi­ties, 121

DNA in light sensitive skin disease

damage, 181 repair, 181

synthesis effect of puromycin on, 405 of pigment cells, 463


Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, connective tissue disease in animals, 377


Epidermi biochemistry

ammonia content, 24 free amino acids, 24 pyrrolidone carboxylic acid content, 24 urea content, 24

i ometric contraction of, 298 Epidermodysplasia verruciformis, malignant de­

generation in, 324 Epithelium, unkeratinized, acid phosphatase levels

in, 416


Flora, skin, techniques for sampling, 160


Gland, sweat eccrme

effect of intracutaneous d-aldosterone, 450 effect of intracutaneous hydrocortisone, 450 training, in paraplegics, 229 variations in, 443

Gl ucocorticoids nnd Hageman factQr activation of human plasma

kallikrein, 196 and kinin formation, 196

Glucocorticosteroid treatment of psoriasis, 410 Glucos -6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities m

p oriasis and neurodermatitis, 121 Glycosaminoglycans dermal, in psoriasis, 316 Gl.veraldehydephosphate dehydrogenase, activities

in psoriasis and neurodermatitis, 121 ranular layer thickness in atopy, 11 in ichthyosis vulgaris, 11


H aarscheibe, human, ultrastructure, 150 Hag man factor activation

and glucocorticoids, 196 of lmman plasma kallikrein, 196

H ail y-Hailey di ease, lectron microscopic study, 368

Hair cycle, human, 65 defect, con(Tenital trichoschisis, 496 di a es. mechanical properties, 248 root, cell-free protein synthesis, 108 waves, olfactory bulb resection, 424

Hnptcne NIP, antibody to, 103 Hi tamine, skin, influence of anti-lymphocyte

erum, 178 H~·drocorti one, intracutaneous, effect on human

eccrine sweat gland function, 450


Ichthyo i , granular layer thickness in, 11 Infe tions skin, experimental production of, 319

Inflammation, ultraviolet, 365 International Pigment Cell Conference, ab tracts,

82 Irradiation, ultraviolet, cutaneous arteriolar dilata­

tion, 332


Kallikr in, human plasma, H ageman factor activa­tion of, 196

Keratinocyte, phagocytic nature, 272 Keratoacanthoma

untreated, localization of acid phosphatase ac­tivity, 126

vitamin A acid treated, localization of acid phosphatase activity, 126

Kinin, formation, by Hageman factor activation, 196


Lactones, sesquiterpene, in allergic contact derma­titis, 233

Lipase, pancreatic, inhibition of, by tetracyclines, 413

Lipids human skin surface

anatomical variation, 240 chemical composition, 139

of comedones, 487 of skin surface, 487

Lipogenesis, cutaneous, model systems. 288 Lipoly is. in organic solvents, 395 Li,·er. effects of capsaicin, 170 Lyso omes. epidermal , effects of capsaicin. 170


Molanocyt s, ultraviolet irradiated, 213 Mchnogenesis, 213 M ethyl cholanthrene, induction of epidermal neo­

plasms b~r 479 Mitotic index, effect of puromycin on, 405


Nature, phagocytic, of keratinocyte, 272 Neoplasms, epidermal, effect of castration on, 479 Neurodermatitis

glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activities in, 121

glyceraldehydephosphate dehydrogenase activi­ties in, 121

Newborns, transepidermal water loss, 483


Occlusion, treatment of psoriasis, 410


Paraplegics, eccrine sweat glands in, 229 Penetration, human percutaneous, of benzyl alco­

hol and testosterone, 386


Phenomenon, delayed blanch, in children, 256 Phospholipids, in cultured guinea pig skin, 174 Photobiology, cell, tissue culture techniques, 164 Photosensitivity, salicylanilide, 145 Phototoxicity, cell, tissue culture techniques, 164 Pigmentation

cutaneous, in fetal dogs, 304 oral, in fetal dogs, 304

Program Spring meeting, Society for Investigative Derma­

tology, 346 Thirty-firt Annual Meeting, 427

Protein exogenous

degradation by Langerhans cells, 37 intracellular transport by Langerhans cells, 37

uptake by Langerhans cells, 37 syntbe i ~ of pigment cells, 463

Protoporphyria, hepatic, 53 Psoriasi

cutaneou blood flow in, 381 dermal glycosaminoglycans in, 316 glucose-6-phosphate activities in, 121 glyceraldehydephosphate activities in, 121 mitotic index of, 410

Puromycin effect on amino acid incorporation, 405 effect on D~A synthesis, 405 effect on mitotic index, 405


Radioactive tracer techniques, nonionic surfactants, 510

Repair. DNA, in human skin disease, 181 Retention, epidermal-dermal, 386 Ridges

epidermal clinical significance, 261 genetics, 261

RNA syntbe is, of pigment cells, 463

s Salic:ylanilide photosensitivity, 145 Serum, anti-lymphocyte, influence on skin hista­

mine, 178 Skin

effects of capsaicin, 170 surface, lipid composition of, 487

Society for Im·estigative D ermatology

Spring program, 346 Thirty-first Annual MeetinO', program, 427

Solvents, organic, lipolysis in, 395 Specificity, dermal 472 Stratum corneum

isometric contraction of, 29 regional differences

in age effects, 19 in sex effects, 19 of cell sizes, 13, 19

Sulfur, low content, in tricho chi is 496 Surfactants, nonionic dermatitic effect, radioactive

tracer techniques, 510 Sweat ()'lands

eccrme effect of intracutaneous d-aldosterone. 450 effect of intracutaneous hydrocortisone, 450 training, in parapl gics, 229

S~·nthesi , cell-free protein, hair root, 108


Testosterone, human percutaneous penetration of, 386

Tetracyclines, inhibition of pancreatic lipase, 413 Ti sue

connective. di ea e, in animals, 377 cul ture, in cell photobiology and phototoxicity,

164 Tricho chi is. 496

u UJ t ra tru cture

human H aarscheibe, 150 localization of acid pho. phatase activity m

keratoacanthoma, 126 Merkel cells, 150

Ult ra,·iolet, reaction of salicylanilide, 145 Unresponsiveness, immunological, dermatologic im

plications of, 355

v Virus, behavior in malignant degeneration, 324

w '~ ater loss, transepidermal of human newborns, 48it


133Xenon, cu taneous blood flow measured by, 381