
Post on 13-May-2015

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Houseshare – Kasitova and Merrihall

NO. 4Bernice Kasitova

Bernice moved to Deasil Street following the death of her parents, whom she has been tied to due to their ill-health. She’d always planned to move from the village where she and Teresa had grown up, but hadn’t been able to. Her parents had her late in life, so she’d spent her youth and young adulthood caring for them in their dotage.

She’s a musician, learning early on in life that music lulled her parents to sleep when they were in great pain. Whenever she’d got an evening off, she’d gone into the city to party. To hear the music there and get a bit crazy, away from her troubles.She’s never had a job, living off her parents pensions. But that’s due to to change that in Appaloosa. Although she doesn’t have a clear plan yet…

Her best friend is Teresa, and though she’d felt betrayed when the letters had stopped and Teresa had disappeared, never stopped loving her. She hopes that one day Teresa will be able to open up about her past, but until then, she sees it as her job to remind her friend life can be fun whenever she gets a bit down.

NO. 4 Houseshare – Kasitova and Merrihall

Ambrose Merrihall

A classical musician, Ambrose is an able Pianist and can turn her hand to pretty much any other instrument if needed. She lives for her music, the only reason she isn’t married is that she honestly doesn’t notice men noticing her. People think she’s dim, but it’s just that she hasn’t a nasty bone in her body. It doesn’t occur to her that everyone isn’t as friendly and straightforward as herself.

She has breezed through life so far, despite being orphaned early. Her parents and latterly her agent to find her concerts and private performances to play. Her money goes into an account, and as there’s always been enough in it for her to buy whatever she’s wanted she’s never given her balance a second thought.

She met Bernice at a party thrown by Pablo, and then again at a gig in the city, and while chatting found that both of them were musicians and fancied moving to Appaloosa. A quick internet search and a few phone calls later and the two of them were on their way to Deasil Street.

The fight with her sister was all Trinity could think about. Since that day, Belladonna had tried to justify herself. There would be would dismissive comments about the so called charms of Appaloosa. She would point out every news item that showed the dangers of the outside world… It was time to raise the subject with her again. But how?

She wouldn’t get any answers from Jerix. She had to tackle Belladonna head on.

Trinity hesitantly brought up the subject as soon as her twin came downstairs. Did she maybe want to go out for lunch, get something they couldn’t do at home. Sushi maybe? Belladonna couldn’t believe they were going through this again, hadn’t she made herself clear? She just didn’t want to go outside.

She tried to stay calm this time, she really did. She tried saying she didn’t like sushi, or that she already had plans for lunch today. There was some chicken defrosting, it needed cooking up.

Trinity zeroed in on Belladonna’s angry reaction. She was normally so mild mannered, it had to be a cover for a different emotion. She tried again. She explained she was worried about her, she wasn’t sleeping for worry over what was really going on. Was she being threatened, bullied?

It worked. Belladonna was a good soul, who hated making a fuss. The thought that she was causing Trinity so much trouble made her open up where nothing else would.

The truth was, she was scared, terrified even. If a lovely person like Trinity could be a career criminal, imagine what nasty people were capable of. Moving to a new town where she didn’t know where was safe, or who anyone was, had just made it worse.

Trinity flew to give her sister a hug. She was so relieved to have broken though the barriers to find out what was really going on. She could understand where Belladonna was coming from, but was determined to have her out and about as soon as possible.

NO. 5 The Hennrick Household

Alfred Hennrick

A lifelong bachelor, Alfred had experimented with relationships and found them not for him. They were too… messy. He had been living in the city, but had found as he got older it became too noisy. Once the nocturnal lifestyle had been a draw for him, as he slept by day and worked at night – it was handy having everything open 24 hours.

Now, he had got to the point where he didn’t need to be in the city to do his job. As such, he took the plunge and relocated to a rural town. He had thought about going for the suburbs, but he wasn’t one to do things by half.

He felt calm and in control of his life, lacking nothing. Needing nothing. But perhaps his burgeoning friendship with Warren Bailey will open his eyes to new ideas.

Jen burst into the Bailey household in quite a state. She’d been away in the city seeing a lawyer, and had come home to find a new floor had been built above her flat. Teresa was shocked, they’d heard a bit of noise last night, but nothing to suggest a speed construction job.

Just like her flat on the ground, this new floor was basic, and had gone up overnight. Jen suspected they were pre-fabricated, only that could explain the speed.

That morning, a man turned up and put in a concrete car parking space. Jen stayed inside and watched out the window. She knew that renting rather than buying meant she would have less control over the property, but she hadn’t been expecting this.

By late afternoon, a small car drove down the street and parked up. A scruffy looking man got out and headed straight up the stairs to the new flat. Jen wasn’t impressed. Her flat had been advertised as being for professionals only, and this man didn’t look like he even had a job. This was the last thing she needed.

She got on the phone right away to the landlord, but he brushed off her complaints with a laugh. She had a cheap property in a nice area, who was she to complain about her fellow renters? She would just have to put up with it.

Was this new resident bad news as Jen seemed to think, or was he being judged unfairly on appearances?

No. 2The Bailey Family.Warren , Teresa and Megan

No. 6Jen Potter and ?

No. 1Trinity and Belladonna Darkstone

No. 5Alfred Henrrick

No. 4Room-mates Bernice Kasitova and Ambrose Merrihall

No. 3The Williams FamilyMarley, Aimee and Malika

No. 7Ariette Vickers, her father Harry and daughter Annette

Deasil Street

More Character Profiles.

Plus,How will Jen and her new neighbour get on?What bad news is set to befall Ambrose?

Find out next time on Deasil Street!

Next Time…