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FNESTO JUTIOf, COT.TEßI Rsms Must Knock OverCOS For Lec,gue Title

By DON SHROYERCoach Hans Wiedenhoefer will tafte his Fresno Junior Col-lese ightlege Minthe the

ñNt¡¡D ll r ^¡coÉ¡rD



NEW F.A,THERS DONT FÄDE Ä\¡¡.ã,Y - THEY IUST ACTTH.A,T IM.A,Y . . . Donald N. Sb¡oyec Rcmpoge sports editor,is possing out cigcus since his wife, the for¡¡rerEllen Allen, left, presented him with o six pound sevenounce bcby girl. Mrs. Shroyer wqs q member ol the Rom-poge stoff last yeor.


vot. vl

June Graduates

Begin ApplicationThirty.six Fresng Junior Col-

lege students have already appliedfor the associate of arts degree.

'Willa Marsh, tr'JO's dean of stu-dents, announced 100 studentsn¿y be eltgible for the detree.She has asked them to notify herif they will be candidates for thedegree and, if so, to file imme-diate application with Mrs. LenaM. Fuller, the registrar.

FJC's graduating class lastspring totaled 48; there were 50sophomores who g¡aduated inJune of 1952.

The students who have alreadyapplied for the degree are John-nie Carter, Yiola Gilpin, CaroleGostanian, Mrs. Rosetta Guernsey,Eivelyn Hamby, Dorothy L. Harris,Richard E. Lo?ÃDo, Ilarold E.Haynes, Arthur Lea, Lottie V. Lee,Kenneth I.undburg, WiUie L.Mayfield, Bennie Moritz.

Larry Parker, Robert Perry,Davicl J. Rabon, Kaye FrancesRhem, I¡awrence Schmitz, flenr.yScrog.€ins, Donald N, Shroyer,Joyful Smith, Richard L. Smith,Patsy J. Still, Neil H. Ulsh, tr'reclValenzuela, Jr., Jesse If. Waller,ìfary E. Wright, Haruo Yamao"ka,Ja,mes IVhite, Floyd White, Shige-ko Shimokubo, Mineko Kuramoto,R. Garry Clemnitt, Blanche Mil-hahn, Bertha Hodge, and OliverRigglns.


In þehalf of Retl Key, FJC'sstudent service organization, Iwould like to extend our sincereappreciation for the help and co-operation of the clubs, students,alumni, faeulty and custodians inmaking this year's Red Key Car-nival a bit success.

For their wonderful supportand cooperation, f would also liketo express our tratitude to Miss'Willa Marsh, dean of Students;N. T. Goolsby, head custodian, andMerle Sons, JameslDinsdale andWalter Ridge, shop instructors.

The individual Retl Key com-mittee chairmen for their hardwork on oYer-all preparatioDs forthe carnival and the Retl Keysponsors, Dr. Rolf Ordal and StaD-ley,Bennett, also deserve a hugenote of thanks.-Thanks!

Patr,StillRecl Key President


EVENTS ON CATENDARNOVEMBER19-Future Businees Leaders of

America, noon, B-3,

20-Rally, l0 â.h, MemorialAuditorium.

20-Newman Club, noon, S-10.

2Elntervarsity Club, noon, B-11,21-FJC vs. College of the Se-

quoias, Visalia, 8, p.m.

25-F,reshmen meet, noonl S-10.

DECEMBER4-Freshman dance, Lafayette

School, 9 p.m.

.4, six pound, seven ounce babygirl, Donna Uicheüe. was born toDonald Shroyer, Rampage sportseditor, agd l[rs. Shroyer, the for-ner Ellen Âllen, on liovember 13

in the Sequoia Ilospital-Shroyer and Urs. Shroyer

were edftor and assistant editor,respectively, on the Rampage lastyear. This year Shroyer writes the

sBorts nelYs.

The proud papa is passing outcigars and showing Donna Michel-le's picture to everyoDe on thecampus.

Donna Michelle, their firstbaby, has a nervous papa forget-ting he is a sports editor: hernote the Rams were playng theGiante Friday in one paragraphand Saturday in the nert..,

Donna Michelle, papa ¿ndmama reside at 3877 White Ave-nue.

Shroyer is happy to say Ellenis doing fine.


TAKES VACATION"îhe Rampage staff will again

take a holiday due to thé Thankg-givint Vacation, and the lack oftime to put out the paper," an-nounced Haruo Yamaoka, Ram-page editor:

The next issue of the paper willbe prlnted December 10..


(Bee Photo)

?..Cr rarntng tourse

Thirty-si¡ student nurses aretaking their academic training attr'resno Junior College in tlre co-operative prot¡:un betseen tr'JCand the Fresno County GeneralHospital.

Kenneth Hald, the instructor incharge of the profæsional nursingpr,ogram, said all student nurseswho have studied ar FJC the pastfive years have passed their stateboard examinations-

Their courses and instructorsinclude anatomy, physiotogy andmicrobiology, Hald;,psychology,John Mock; sociolog¡, Dr. Lucile'Williams, and dietetics, Mrs. Mil-dred Botsford.

In addition to the cooperativeprogram, tr'JC offers a year of pre.clinical nursing to qualify candi-dates for admisslon to all schoolsof nursing.

Hald said students who takeone or two years of class workcan qualify for an ¿ssociate ofarts degree at FJC. then they areplaced as apprentices in hospitalsand medical centers in prepara-tion for the national registry er-amination for registered labora-tory technlcians. Hald said he hasplaced every studeDt in the pro-gra.m in jobs.

HaJd also sai<l that trrJC offerspre-courses in medlclne, denüstry,antl publlc health to prèparestudents for medlcal aud d.entalêchools.

College Athletic Association.Actually it is not a case of the

rinner takes all, for the COS

Giants can onty Blay the spoilersrole i¡ Saturday's contest becausethe COS eleven has already beenlogically eleminated through pre-vious le¿gue action. On the otherhand. the Rams must win thisga¡De to becomé 1953 champs.Should Fresno not win, the leatuewould have co-champions inPorterrillc and tr'resno.

The Porterville Pirates werebeaten by the Rams for the onlyIeague loss on the Pirate schedule.The Pirates c-onclud.ed their leagueaction on ¡m'istice Day when theydowned the Tafù Cougars in Taftby the score of 28-13. In adtlitionto the win oeer Taft, the Pirateshave victories over College ofSequoias and Reedley JuniorCollege.

The Giants have had a prettyrough season thus far and inleague action have only won onecontest, that belng a Yictory overthe Reedley Junior College Tigers.In their other tro or¡tints, theGiants lost to Po¡terville and Taft.The Giants, howeyer, are currently

g on a three-gane winningstreak and are improving Fitheach contest.

The Rams are currently enjoy-i'tg a flvega4lg, wlDDiBg. g!reg,k,which began when the Rams upsetSan Bernardino a little oYer amonth ago. The Rams then roaredtb¡ough three straitùt leagUeopponents and scored a impressiyevictorT over tle S¡n Jose Froshlast seeh end-

IT'iedenhoefer rill most llkelygo rith Nieh Dillddo and NickCeppaglia at the eDds, Tom Ryanand Charles Itatl¡ff at the tackles.Dlck Yecny and Tex Rankin theguards, and Don liloppenbu¡gi overthe ball. In the backfield wlll beMillartl Ifampton at fullback, twoof the folloring five, John Souza,Jim Travis, Bilt Smtth, tr'loydWhite, and Iloyd Vlillts, at thehalfs and l-ee Storelee at quarter-back.

Pigskin RalliesEnd Tomorrow

The last footbail rally of theseason rill be held tomorlow at10 a-m. in the Memorial Audi-torium. Classes will be dismissedto enable all students to attend.

the rally will Brecede the finalgame of the season to be held infisalia $aturday night against theCollege of Sequoias.

å'n outstandingi program hasbeen planned by Shi¡ley Hansen,who is in charge of the rally.

Ollver Riggens is scheduled fora rendition of "Cry" in panto-mime. Hawaiian dancers, namelyLee Stoíelee, Carmen Ðanni, NickDi Liddo, Johnnie Souza, and Al-len Eldred, doing the hula, willput in an appeariance.

Dances by Sandra Sims andanita Ferrell, a skit with Sam theRam III, Art lyler and his drums,the pep girls, a rootint seetionand a talk by Coach Hans Wieden-hoefer will also be featured.

"Thig is the last football gameof the season and all are urged tosee the game and Bu¡¡port' ourteam, Remember, we h¿ve to beatCOS or we will be tied for thechampionship," sald Miss Hansen.

F JC PresidentSeen On TV

Stuart White, F resno JuniorCollege president, Erwin A. Dann,assist¿nt superintend.ent of schoolsln charge of, secondary education,and Lawrence E. Toaldhunt€r, as.sist¿nt superintendent of schoolsin charge of elementary education,recently Barticipated in a TV pro-gram discussing "Schools are BitBusiness."

The program, tlt'now YourNeighbo¡, aired. over KMJ-TV,discussed the building programwhereby tço new junior highs andthe Roosevelt auditorium are be-ing built and the proposed senlorand junior highs. Dann also spokeof the teacher shortage, d.emoc-racy in the high schools, the ac-crediting of Fresno schools, andthe growth and scope of the schoolsyslem.

Scene trro showed. Toddhunter,who pointed out that Fresuo her-self has grown rapiclly as well asher schools. He used a map toshow the location of the tlifferentschools, and made tlie statþmentthat schools being used today lookmuch different than the oldschools, in that they stress colorand beau,ty,. - r --. - -' -- ---

White, the thlrd on the program,spoke of the growth of the Xlres-no Junior College. IIe told of thedifferent sectio¡s represented bythe student body and used. a chartto shoìr the veterans who are en-rolled in the junior college.

The program closed wlth a dis-cussion led by KMJ announcerJack Ilall, of the most heart--warming human element of therlivi{ons represented aDd a shortcredo from each of the men,


FIELD TR]PSThe Future Business Leaders

of Âmerica will tour through thelocal utility comBany next Tues-day at 3 p.m.

FJC's FBLA was represented atthe central regional conferenceof the orgänization in Madera byBettie lversen, Nancy Moore, Âu-rora Morris, frene Papadakts,Gladys Popp, Miltlred Shaw, Lou-ella 'Williams, Mary Ann Bartho-lic, Carol Deetqr, 'Wesley Goodalland Joe Marcelli, Mrs. Edna lfaft-ley and Miss Nancy Webster, whoare the sponsors of the club, andStanley Bennett, economlcs ln-structor.

Ronald Liles, president, saidthat all FJC students are invitedto go on any field trip conductedby the FBLÄ.


Lietutenant Commander A. D.Ashmore,' of the US Navy, "willcome aboard" the tr'resno JuniorCollege campus on 'Wed.nesday,

December 2, to discuss the cur-rent provisions and opportunitiesof the Naval Äviation Cadet Pro-gram and to conduct ltrtervieÌ¡swith prospective àpplicants fromthe school.

The officer will be located inthe Ramble Iûn betw'een the hoursof 9:80 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Rampage Sports Student ilursesEditor Becomes

Take AcademicProud Fath e r

Publisheal weekly by the Joune¡ism sbdents of the tr-resno Junior

college, 1430 O Street, l*resno, cal¡forai¡, aod composeat Èt the ceut¡alCaltfornlaTypog¡aphicservice,phoneS-2320'Unsig¡etletlltorlalsarethe exp¡esslon of the edito¡.

r¡Esl! J¡fl¡l stlLlBE


.--.......--....---Jlaruo Yamaotsa

Business Manager. *-Mary Brumfleld

Sports Edlto¡ Donald N. Sh¡oYer

AdverttslngMa¡sggrs.....BlÐDcheMtlhahn'ShtrleyIla¡senErchrnte Ealltor -----.A.nne Eobson

Cl¡culation Manager-.....-- ------Ollver Riggf¡sPhotog¡aphe ck Dickason' Terry Scharton

Artisl------- -------'-' Ronalil Covlello

Reporters-Marga,ret Slsne¡os, Mtltlreil Shaw, W' Nell Radley' IvaEendrir, Eddie Perez, Beverly Crane, and Äutl¡t Sowell


Associ:ted Colle6lie ftes

Do You Hove Trosh ConPhobio? We Hope Nofl :n':

Are you allergic to trash cans ?

.It seems most of us are. We don't think what this school FJC'S MafChingwould look like if we all started throwing papers around, -d Band ReCgiVgSno one ever pick them uP.

\{ho goes around piiting up vour candv wrappers, coke f¡çgllgnt Ratingbottles, and cigarette butts ? Nobody erse, but the custo<lran r  ratins of excellent was sivenstaff. headed bv N. T. Goolsby. You rarely see them' but they

I to rr".r,o Junior college'e bdnd

gfind away thoroughly and quietly. Without their work, Fres- | for their participation in the .{r-

no Junior College's campus would be an absolute mess- I mtstrce Dav's paraûe'


A little cooperation from some of us in the way of doing

little things would make our c¿mpus â campus to be proud of'Don't throw papers and cigarettes around so carelessly or

leave bottles lying on the ground for other students to fallover them; after all, people will judge you on the appearance

Of yOUf CAmpUS. -MAHGAtlts I ÐtÞNEñvÐ luarsuru. olt t^uçrrçuu ""*"*:

I considering the size. Al Neissiur

PATROI,{ IZE OUR ADVERTISffi.S I ïT:i ;Ï :li.':i",'"i:ft"J"".i1iå

I Tne band will play for the






Raln clocheSnall, medlum,

largc. 2.0oo

Fulton at Fresno




forIteeplngyou drtwhen lt

drlzzlc¡- âOt

I ookfngterrlflc,

besldesl0 to 18





T\po hundred years ago BenJamin Fla¡klin flew a kite toDrove his theory about electricity; today Ïil. J. Ridse teachesthe fundamental facts about eþctrons and protons to 44 FJCstudents in his electrlcity classes'+

electrical motor I


dge has tausht I

classes for seven Iyears. i

In the rray of motors, Ridge has i

firs!.hatrd knowledge since he ran ì

his or-n motor repair shoP for 28.years.

Ridg€ saial, "The industrial fleldelectricity offers many opportu-nities to toungi men slnce it is anopen field and since television hasuoomå the market. Electricityhas become as essential as air inour moderu world today."

Rock grinding, reupholsterYand geology occupy most. of hisspare time. He has been married

years and thinks FJC is ahool.

The band is enthu'siastic andenjoys working together, saidC. Lowetl Spencer, FJC's banddirector.

Lowell also said that the judgespraised FJC's band for their good-

-MARGARET SISNEROS I marching and excellent sound,

major and band members.

ChristEa-s assembìy and the fresh-man danee to be held December '1.




We need representatives in Yourlocale to help fill out an organiza-tion for business surveys, Polls,and public opinions . . , Ideal Parttime work.. Choose Your oslrhours Your nearest telePhonem:y be your place of business forsrureys not requiring the signa-tu¡es of those interviewed . .

Senrl $1 for administrative gua¡-antee fee, application blants, ques-tionnaire, plan of operation, andall details on how you may u¡Ân-age a survey group for us.GAI,DEN STATE and NATION-ÂT.SURVEYS, P. O. Box 83, Cçdar Grove, New Jersey.


Ieurs E. ì¡/ELDEN...T&lHeod

Conf ab

BR0lrilrE ]r[Uil(ETE

CAJtlTRÂ-flash llodelcomerq

- 7.2O

Flosh Attochment - 4.(þ

Welden To Attend

Ch¡iasoJames E. Welden, chairman of

rhe trade and industrial educa-tion dirisioD, will attend the forty-seventh annual national cgnven-tion of the American VocationalAssociation in Chicago, November22 to 28.

Speakers at the convention willinclude Harold E. Stassen, UnitectStates foreign operations adminis-tralor; ]frs- John G. Lee, Presi-dent of the League of WomenVoters; Governor WiUiam G.

Stratton of llliDois; Lee M.thurcton, US commissioner of ed-ucation, and Congressman 'Wat-

kins Abbitt of Virginia.


-{ll reteraDs çho plan to enrollfor the spring semester at FresnoJunior College are advised bYKeith Emmert, veterans coordi-nator, to make immediate apPli-cation to the Veterans Adminis-tration for their certificate of eli-gibility.

Emmert said, although tbe VAis nou' processing applicationsmore rapidly than last year, it will[ake about six weeks for a veter-an to receive his first subsistencecheck after the first day of classin the neç- semester.

If he saits until he registers toapply for the certificate, Emmertsaid the dela-v would be betweentwo and three months.



l2ló Von Ness

N/DooR PAK\I ^t:,*t'ene


with the


l.læember 19, 1953

Club News ReporierAsks For Assistonce

The club Ders reporter, IvaMae HBndrix of tbe Rampate staff,asks all publicity chairmen of alltr'resno Junior College clubs whowish to publicize their clubs, toplease leave news about theirclubs ln the Rampage offiee orto eontact the reporter on or be-fore Monday of the week of puÞlication.










I umsr rn$ttt sllccEs

r ÍtP?tR lllsr0¡J!

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rllrg $n'oep

J srnn Br nE mßtmts

Deep raglan shouldersBal Colla¡, whole back76 inches'round tùebottom in new twee&and exclusive Saxoniee


" N ationolly A d tt e úis e d M ¿r c hø¡dk c"

r 247 FUTTON

lìloveûbcr l9 r953 RAAAPAGE

Fresno Scores lmpressive Rams Play Title DecidingVictories Over Opponents Game ln Visalia Stadium

The Fresno Junior Oollege Rams continued their winningways these past two weeks as they posted two more impres-sive victories to their srowins 1953list. Ttre Rams marked upsive victories to their growing Ttre Rams marked up

edlev Tisers.32 to 7.a league win when they downed the Beedley Tigers, 32 to 7,in R¿tcliffe Stadium Saturday, November 7.Stadiqm Saturday, November 7.

Friday nlght proi'ecl to be

Pogc Threc

unhappy F'ritlay the thirteenth forthe San Jose tr'rosh as the Ramssloshed through a sea of mud todorrn the frosh, 25 to 13.

Millard llampton, tr' re s n oJunior College's star fullback;who thrillèrl the fans with an 85yard touchdown run, proved toomuch for the Reedley Tigers as heled the Rams to an easy rictoryover the Tigers.

TIP Rams took adYantate ofearly first quarter breaks to pileup a 13 to 0 lead as quarterbackLee Storelee supplied the firstbreak when he intercepted a Reed-Iey pass on the Tiger 45 yard line.

Seven plays later the Rams w

and raced all the way, to give theRams a 19 to 7 halftine edse.Snyder's boot was wide.

The third quarter saw plentyof action &s the tç'o teams see-sawed back and forth across themiddle.of the field with neitherteam scoring

The final stanza, which' re-quired forty minutes to play, sawthe Rams have trro touchdownscalled back because of penaltiesbefore they managed to push oneover when Willis wiggled fromthe ten-yard line marker to score.This time Stryder's kick was againwide, and the Rams led,, 25 to 7.

A few plays låter halfback Jim

Travis c¡oesed the goal line on a3l-yard run, only to have lt calledback because or an oîfside penalty.tr'our plays later quarterbackStorelee passerl to Tralis on theTiger five, where travis scootedacrosÊ for the Ram's final score.Snyder's final conversion try wasgood. A little orer a minute re-mained .to be played before thefinal gun.

Fumbles deninafsd the grid-iron of San Jose as 23 were re-corded during the Ftesno JuniorCollege Rams and San Jose Froshtilt playeal there Friday night'onthe rain-soaked turf-

The Rams tot the best of theSpartan I¡rosh to the tuDe of 25to 13.

The many fumbles figured innearly all of the seores fsr bcrth

(Coitinted on Pzge 4)

The Ediror's De*

By DON SI'n a poppa! Yes!.

tm! Ellen's flne!It's a tirl,

Oh! Thls aln't the "BitthE'column; this is a sports Got¡unD(wpp¡6sdry¡; let's get o¡ riththe alrorts news.

The time has come! By 10:30thi¡ Setu'rday nitht the FresnoJunior College Rams should knowif they are the 1953 champs of theCeDtral California Junior CollegeAthletic Association or co-cham-pioDs of the league v¡ith Porter-ville Junior College.-

The contest will be played inVisalia at 8 p.m. in the MineralKing Borl.

It certainl]- is a shame that Ramfullback Xiffard Hampton delayedjoining the FJC grid.ders earlierthis season Ehen practice ses-sions began- Elampton just start-ed hitting sn all fours during theReedley contesr- Previously he

HROYERonly showed occasional spurts ofgreatness that is within him,Eampton potentially is a Juriorcollege All-American, but thethiDg that will (Iefeat his beingcalled to the select circle will behis ¡roor showlng in the earlypart of the season.



ANDscHoor suPPUEs


leading, 7 to 0. On the ensuingkickoff, Reedley's Darl Alexanderfumbled-and the RaEs recoveredon the Tiger ?9.

Fred Snyder bucked for two andStorelee stepped back and fireda pass to halfback Lloyd V/illis,v'ho eaught it on the Tiger 20 andraced to the 10 before he fumbledas he was being tackled.

However, Snyder came alongand scooped up the ball andscampered across the goal linefor the Rams' second seore.Snyder's second conversion trtrvas w-tde and the Rams led, 13-0.

The Tigers marked up theironly score in the second quarterwhen quarterback Od.ell Young-

Lrüre. -rfay .rao.wln s coDverslon lrywas good.

Jadwih then kicked olf to full-back lfampton, who fumbled riththe ball on his own 15, finallt gota good hold on the ball, and start-ed to his right to follow his inter-ference. He eut back to his left,sh¿kiÈg one tackler åfter another.

lffinttt*" #"1#l'*"*



IUCI$ES ]EAD AEAIilIlast yeæ a úEy of leading cotlêgesthroughout tbe countr5r showed thatsmokers in thæe colleges preferredLuckies to any otùer cigmette.

This year anolüer ¡atioo-wide sr¡rvey

-based on thousands d ach¡al studentinterviews, and tepreseatative of aIIstudents in regular colleges-shows thatI¡rckies lead again æer all brands, regu-lar or king size...aú by awide mat4ìn!The No 1 reasm: I¡¡úies taste better.

Smoking enjoymeat is all a matter oftastg and the fact d 6e matter is Luckiestaste better-fc 2 reàsons. L.S./M.F.T.

-Lucþ Strike meeos ûae tobacco. AndLuckies are made better to taste better.So, Be Happy-Cro I¡¡ctryl






lrjrWhere's you! iingle?Ifs easier than you thint¡ tomake $25 by vfriting a LuclryStrike jingle like those you aeiein this ad. Yes, we need jinglec

-and we pay $25 for every o¡e¡ we uset So send as mot¡y en you

like to: IIappy4oLuclry, P. O.Box 67, New York 46, N. Y.

,%"-"â^/"^f AuERtca'sLEAD¡N.MANUF^.'.RERoFc¡o^a'rr'g

RAIAPAGE , November 19, 1953

Fresno JC Defeats

Sl Frosh, Tigers(Continaed from Page 3)

teams; botli teams recovered 8

fumbles each. flowever, the Ramsfumbled 12 times while the SPar-

tans lost control of the ball onlt i

lCagets Prepare For

Season OpenerBY EDDIE PEßEZ

Much sPeed and scoring abilitYis being shown to Ram cage men-tor Joe KellY in Preparing fo¡,what is expectèd to Prove thetoughest casaba schedule in thehistory of FJC.

Edison Eigh, which last Year oi-fered the Rams a scoring cluet inDon Steitz and HueY Davis, againcomes through in Producing anddelivering highlY touted ,ca'g'estars Ra¡; \ñilliams, Harvey Green,Cleo Coleman, Odell Johnson andErnie Slade.

.AlI sere members of EdisonHtth's r-alley championship squadlast yeer aDd are expected to stepin as the starting Ram quintet inthe olleDer with Castle tr'ield inlterced.

Tbe "Izittle Man," Don Steitz, isespected to be somewhat of a

Five Sfudenfs W¡ll AtiendSfofe Conclove A-t Asìlomor

Five Flesno Junior College student body offcers will at-tend the sixteenth semi-annual California Junior CollegeStudent Govemment .Association Conference in Asilomar,Pacific Gmve, from t

lbey are Gerald body president; Carol


The first score ot tbe game rasmade during the second quarterwhen halfback Floyct \lrhite bulletlover the Dine for a Ram score'which followed a Ram recoveredfumble on the SPartan 26-Yardline.

The Spartans scored a littlelater in the second quarter whenTuck llalsey, a former HanfordIligh School Star, scored from 24

yards out to tie the game, 6 to 6.

The score remained the same athalf time.

Ram star fullback Hamptonscored next when he scamBered

Frosh LeadersWork On Dance

The actint freshnian President'

han, secretary; Frances Purroy,president of the Associated Wom-en Students, and lI¿ruo Yamaoka,student publication commissioner.

They will be accomBaniecl byJoseph YI. King, the council ad-viser, who is a member of thestate liaison committee bêtweenthe student government associa-tion and the ealifornia State Jun-ior College Association.

of Edison; Cecil'Roberts of For-ler; Sam Duncan from R'oosevelt'and two returniDg members oflast year's Ram sqgad, Bill Nichol-

Vallejo Junior College ig theprincipal host for the meeting,assieted by Napa, East ContraCosta, lfest Contra Costa, SantaRosa, Stockton, Hartnell; andMonterey Peninsula Junlor Col-leges, the City College of SanF'rancisco and the College ofMarin,

Fresno Junior College was hostto the stat€ conference in the fallof 1f| 51.

Jean Bartlow, announced the

fr€shman class is working on a

December 4 dance, which will -be

at the Lafayette School.

The funds still have to be

raised. F reshmen meet every 'Wed-

nesday in S-10 at noon. The froshleaders report they need a lot ofsupport.if this dance is to go overright, and ask if You have anyJOE IGLLY

. . New bcsketboll coachfor 15 yards during the thlral I t='i:'* * .:" """quarter, with Storelee adding I i oroblgm to the opposing teams

-^:-¿ úi+È r;. .^-oa.oln- I ! ritl his speed and deadly accur-another point with his converslon I a---r-^r aea¡rrnm rhê ônê-vârr

ÞPççq @us

I son bucked orer from the one-yaro i act- Ee should blend in beauti-

try' 1.. .L^ ôñ^¡]ÃñÀ ôñ^thêF ¿L^ ^+L^i ^+ñ+Â'- Eôn r¡"-ptoo to Storelee laterar I line to gi'¡-e the spartans another : fully rith the other starters. He

i score- is an e¡-Edison ace.early in the fourth qua¡ter gare i score' an ex-'E'.'rtsor aue'

the Rams another toueldown, and i l\ fâE minr¡tes l¡efore the fiDal i Gerald Bender, a 6 foot' 3 inchf ne lf alus äuuluEl LUUç¡¡uu w u' 4!s ¡

tÈe R¿ms sere leadiDg, 19 to 6. I Sto on thê SÞar- Genter from Sanger' wlll also Þe

San Jose tot back ioto tn" pie'i tans ays Hamptou one to see plenty of action'

ture wheD they recoveted the Ualt I laa for aDotber Other prospective cagers are

on the Fresno 2? due to a fumbled i*o."- Derey Krie' Otiver Riggins' Johu i son and Bob Zimmerman.DRIVE SAFELYI