55225285 Astro Secrets

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RULING PLANETS ASTRO SECRETS PART - VI BY K. SIJBRAMA,'IIAM 5/0. (idle) SothlCa /oMr>I\ln, .iyothilh Manhilnd Prof: K.S. KRISHNAMURT. KRISHMAN & CO (K. P. ASTROLOGY) 19 CHILD BIRTH - HeMRY ... . .... ............................. .... .... ..... 7J FOREIGN TRAVEL - WHEN? ..................... ............................. 79 RULING PLANETS NEVER ERR ........ . . ..... .... ..... .... ..... ..... ... 83 ASTRDLOGlCAc ANALYSIS OF ASSCONDlriG CHILD AND SAFE ROlJRN ............. . ............................................... 37 5TE"LlAR ASTROLOGY RP ........................ . . ..... 91 THE REAl. APPROACH TO K.P. HORARY ....... .. . . RULING PLANETS SOLVE PROBLEMS .... 105 INTERVIEW ..... ... .......... . ....... ................................. 109 APPUCATION OF RULING PLANETS .................................... 113 RULING PLANETS NEVER FAll ............................................ 117 RULING PLANETS - MINOR EVENTS ................................... 121 FOONG OF MARRIAGE WITHOUT EXAMINlriG THE HOROSCOPES K.P Oi'iLY ANSWER ................. ............. 127 K.P. STANDS THE TEST WHEN IT 1S CHALLENGED! ............... 133 PURCHASE OF VEHIUE THROUGH BANK ............................. 139 CONSIDERATION OF RUllNG PLANETS . .............. .. . . 145 ~ U M B t R SHO'WS THE DATE OF MARRIAGE ........... OVERSEAS TRAVEL .......................... . ............. .. 159 PLEASE TELL ME THE WHEREAB0ur5 OF MY FATHER'S CASH ........... ............. 169 IS lOST PROPEKTY RECOVEAAEIlf1 ................................... 113 OiA.HGE Of RESIDENCE TtlROUGH K.P ................................. 179 KP OJSPAl DAS.-. SYSTEM RESEA!\CH m DY ... ............... 183 FLIGHT OF 9.V J. ........ ............................................... IS9 llME ry RESTClRAnON Of El ECTRICTN RUlING PLANETS REVEAl. .. ................ 195 K. P. SYSTEM WONOfR Of RUUtlG P\..AN1"S ................... 197 TRUNK CALl ..... ....... ..... ... ........................................ 19D COLLEGE AND K.P. ............................................ 203 RfT\.IIIN OF ABSCONDED TOlW'lG 11[AAQ.f Of STEI.l..AA ASTROLOGy ......... ... ....... ........... . 207 APl'Al SUCCESSfU.. OR NOT .... " ............... ... .... ............. 217 ON ATTAINING PUBEfm" .............. . ...................... ..... 221 WHEN I SHAll. HAVE MNmAL BUSS' IS IT OR lOVE'....... ....... .. . ... 227 SUOCfSS IIj EX.\M1NATIO ... ................................................. 235 YOUNG BROTHER'S ADMISSION .......................................... 243 PlJACHAS ,\,,'10 ARRIVAL Of COW WHEN? .. ............ ....... 149 WHETHER MY PRESE'H POS"!"WU,l BE CONFI RMED? IF SO WHEN? ................................ .. ...................... .. ... .... 2SS FQ;!f IGN ASS1GNt-lENT ......... ... ........................ ......... ........ 259 CHANGE OF JOB - 10' K,P, Ayanar:r;a 2711987 XII2S'SO'2I)" 23'34'23' Mer 22'57'00-S'J 1,J"O'j:lI.r -XI 26'01'14' IX 5'10'OT "' 2e'2Q'2O" "" 0'2"'44' 9' 12'55' S'Vo\'ZO-'" X 1'50'38" S arid r.f first, A'I 'j"ti s indi cate, that homeopathic wi ll :lOt the contrar{ it will create some So i told hi m not tc wc.ste money in 110meop'lith the longevity of anybody, the pro!)em Is solved free of cost, no change is needed there. At this she smiled and left the room. The number was taken at 6-30 a.m. 1ST on 29-11-91 for judgemnet. The (usPS and planets were set as following . In the fourth issue this son was born. So XI house indicates the lagna of the 500. Our Gurujee h ~ s adlJised in K.P. Redaer VI Page NO.160, take that house which represents the relationship. For father and for strangers take only the 9'" house. XI Cusp Sublord is Saturn. III Cusp sublord is Jupiter. Planet Detail Planet Kethu Moon Star lord 5ublord Rahu Sun Venus Mars " RUJ NGPLANT Jupiter Venus rahu Venus Mars Sdturn Soo Seturn Satur:1 MereuI)' Mercury Kethu Kethu Saturn Sco Venus Rahu Venus Mars '" . ! " , 19'f"d, the houses will have to be re-arranged takirlo;J the 7"ic house as t he lagna, t he Bth house as the 2", the gt as the 3"' and so on for our purpose. On tl'is basis, the number given in bRckets indicates the with respect to her husband. Fa; b'Jying land or house, we are told in Krishnamurti padhdhali, the houses Lo be considered are 4, 11 and 12. In ast rological symbology, one's residence, house, property (immovable property as distingu;shcd from movable assets or cash) are placed under the control of lhe 4' " house. The 11'" house has reference ,0 desi re arK! its real izalion, and tI1e 12.'h has relation to lass, expenses including u,ose connected with invest'llents. If the is to buy a house al ready constructed and readi ly available, then in such a in addiUon to the houses, 4, 11, and 12. spoken of lhose of the 6"' and the 9th will also have lo be perused. Why? The 7' starlds far the sei ler or lhe person from whom YOll are going to buy. TI'.e 6"" becomes twelfth counted from the 7"; and the 9" stands as the twelfth to the 4th In:.,,,:) t he 7'" house, and so his parting away with his house, logically, il ' .... ould appear that the 5th (which Is the 11'" assuming the to be the lagna) as well as the 8th (the 2"" or finandal gain from the; 7"') should also be associated, standing as it does for the gain of the person descrit>ed by the /"'. Now, what is the conditiOl'1, astrologically, for one to lard or house? According to the Krishnamurti Padhdhati theory, the sub-lord of the cusp of the 4'" house should not be retrograde and placed in lhe nakshillra a rebn]rooe planet and further, the sub-lord should be sig nlfi Ciltor of houses, 4, 11 12 and hav:ng some corlilection with Mars, the 'grlh 2T 4ll' ",,"210'15 ';' W" [ " , \,.,, 21)"09 Sun 1!!'S'(2). _.'.i'5\r(:;) 1'1 ,' 1T46".O"l f, ----Kethu21' "4' ! "p ,52' \'. "7'59' t,Lmlier ,1/ 112) , Cotie"5-1g7" : Da,: Flid8y V j,'59' T;rT!e'4-4:;o", Sal(R: 13' 56' (I:: - X] 17'59' Rat! 21 ' 14' :61 --.-f-, '" " 11 r46"'0' 16'59' 11,,', 17'59.1"1 mH,:Si 1'1 Balance Mercury Dasa (8y-11m 3d) MoOl'1 bhuklhi (Sm-3d) untiI7101979. In like fashion, if a vehicle (personal is to be bought, such sub-lord should have connection 'Nith Venus, the 'Vahana karaka'" 5? JWLlJI.'G PI..NIT l1'Ie Ho",ry CharI rOlTfling :he basis for DU' }OOgemen1 of the query, f ra by Hoon as star lord; tells to move very fast and the same at t'w woment \"las beposiled i:l Ar;es, a Cardinal s:gn (chara rasi) which trl ls ot matters that move very is tile reas(n why I took the> :1('ar('l d,loon, star lord is sani and sublord is 3'"', housoa is Kanya ruled Iyy eudla is In sr.cond in the star of Sukra and sub of Sukra. Sukra is lord of 4 and II .Budha is Nltrograde. The ocrupant of 3" house is Rahu. Rahu is in t he star of Mooll al'ld sub 01 Sukra Sukra 1510:0 of'; al'ld 11 in the star of Sal'll and sW of GtJru. "loon Is lo'erlul, _ _ _ '""" beoluse is posited in the constell ation of represents Salum. So Kelhu IS pov..erfullhao Satum. Be;ilies il oc(Upies the sub portkm of Mm::ury. Rahu Is 10 the Star of saturn lInd sub of Merwry. Sa t he power1l.J1 Ruli ng acwrdiog 10 Ifleir order of Sl rength are Kethu, Mars, Sawrn and Rahu. Mars an(! Sawm are ilspeaing eCl( h Besi des t1 MS !tIrows his aspect to and Jupiter. Jupiw' forms trine aspect to Kethu. hall(! to fix a sensitive point in ,..tlich is governed by the above ruling matter win matcrialire when tile luminaries wi ll pass through this poinL Since Saru-o a delaving (s!o'. ... Il)()"o,1ng) planet aspectJng Xllh house, some drlay 15 indkated. Among the I\lling Kcthu was ilS one. So Ihe event ShOUld take place in a Kethu Star day. date of analysis was on i\.'l Aswini Star day. Next comes Makham star in Leo. ruled by Sun. Since sun is not a st ro:Jg ruli ng planet we can confidently avoi d fts sign. Next comes Mooiam Star In Silgittarlus. It is by Jupiter (I ruling Plan!'t:. Sloee a delay is Indicated as Stated earlier, 'hl' event ( an not happen on this Star day. On Septe'llber 16, ]981, i:l In Aries ruled bv 50 I d!'dded lhat I eM my friend only on 16-91981. To my surpri se My friel"J(\ came to me on 16-9-1981 itself at 7-05 p.m. I.S.T. Being an cnmuSiastic admirror of K.P. 1 worked out !tie r Jling plal1ts to the above time for study purpose. The rising 12"35' pisces, Jupiter sign, SaLum's Star and Mars Sub. Moon ,,as posited in ArI es ruled bV Mars In Aswini Star lord of l"otlich is Kelhu. RULING PLANETS NEVER FAIL A gentleman had given the following birth particulars of his wife for the erection d her horoscope as per Krishnamurti Born on 7-12-1943, Tuesday at 10-28 a.m. Place of Birth - SRlRANGAM(Near Trichy) No other particulars were supplied. Here, a doubt arose as to the birth t ime. During 1942-1945 Indian Standard Time was advanced by one hour for war purposes. Any recorded time should tI1erefore be redLlCed by one hour to get the (orrect Indian Standard Time. f>s no information, about this was given to me, I wanted La fIX the correct time of the preson by the K.P.Method of Ruling Planets Defore the erection of the horosoope. Now 10-28 a.'l1. must be either-war time or present Indian Standard Time. These are the only two possibilities. Taking lO-28a.m. as war Lime we have to find lhe Ascendant. Reducing the t ime by one hour and after subtracting the correction time for Sri Rangam as per Longitude, '/Ole get one local Mean Time. When the k:,c. is worked out it comes to 4"6' in Makara Rasi(Capticorn). It is in sat sign, sun star and sat sub. Let this be marked as l. Taking 10"28 a.m. as Stdndard Time and applying the correction for Sti Rangam, we get: the Local Mean Time. When Asc. is worked out, it comes to 19032' in Makara Rasi. Its position as per K.P. is, Sat Signs, Moon Star and Mercury sub. This can be marked as II. 1. The I ~ g n a combini:luOfl for I Mi:l rs - JupltEr-Mercury-Saturn-Sun 2. The I ~ g n a combination tor II Mars-Jupitcr-Mf'rCIJry-Saturn-Moon RUUNGPlANT The birth particulark!rcury Day Lord - Jl4Jite1 SiJ, the Ruling Planets are Mercury. Moon, Mars, Jupiter. Journey generally tilkes 1I 00ut 7 hours. SO Moon star or Mars star in sign Virgo Is ruled out. The next Lagna is Utva rtJled oy Venus loIIho is not a Ruling P1anet. Then follows 5cof"p!0 Lagnil rul ed by Mars, Who is Ruli ng Planet . So Wf!I: have to reach home in Scorpio liIgna. We ffiily tXI: 2J.3345da, 2().(l5.2a s. 1. 1-- OU: 23-31 43 S.IO " 19-2(100 . MMras 1704-42 . , ... I I\' ,:1)(1( ..... 2 . 21-4.26 S:l1 (R) "'''' , " VI n:-42 14-'- JJ 5.-62 '0 18: 4042 Lagna SW Lord Moon in Mars star and Mars !Ul. The position of hou= and plMe\!; are not fuml$hed as the same mett10d 15 t o t ake a preferably from 1 to 249 or any number as lhey like and divide the number by 12. If the remainder Is 0, 2,5 and 11 the result is f2'/O:.Irable. 1,3,7 and 9 the result is late. 'I,S,Sand 10 t'Je result is I n th,s case, 1M 77 wi"K!n divided t y 1:, the rcmi ndC'r is five. The result indicated for S is unfavorsable for the qut'ry. Taking 11 11 the abO'Je factors Into considerat ion, It W,)$ condulkd that t he setdemenr. l>.iU not materialize. The seems to be to a great extent, as t he conclusion is not ilnticipatc:-d by them. 1 requested my fri end nor to be upset fur thi s and do whetever we have to do to maximum extent and leave tnc le5ult to got iii per the teachings of l ord Sri KrishN In Gcethol. We have to 00 our KRISHNAMURTI PACHDHATl '" karma ;!J 28'29' , l' '00' 71WE "= AYIIil'TlSa: n,3SI(,P. 8' 49 i -. '" , 'len ;&.r 112("1" )(10;:"32' t l 21'36 SilI. 2;;'Ji" I(eIoJ 19'58' XII 1'24' Among the three one gentleman named lanart harllln is roo obsti nate to accept the K.P. method and the of prediction. Inspite of my adllOCIv,l t.!o l\l .. n T .... I Di1l!26-* . ..., XI 2{ ,l' Nl ,121-!{'() , ; " X 245(..j) .... 11 IX [ S;-{ er; it used to be thougM th"t a ru: illg pli!net deposited ill a relTogrnde nakshatra woulo not be t:K.illt has rcH COlT'e to light that such a plancl is not ent irely Ineffective, espaia:ly if It be a strong slgnificator 01 the houses hailing a bearing on the matter ullder consideration. I would plaLe the strellgth of the ruliog In the fallo ... desccflding order : 1. Lagn" sub lord 2. Lagn" star lord 3. Lagl"la sign lord 4. Moon sub lord S. MOOfI StDr lord 6. Moon sign 10m 7. lord Here, I should like to offer " few commeots on the manfle/" or chosI n; the Bhuktni and "nlhrax lords after weighing the strer"lg:.h c( me ruling I have observed that some p'actltloners give up those which are in the 12'" (slgo) to that occupied by the dasa lord or Bhuk1;ni lord i.e . ..... hen the 8huk1;hi klrd Is io the 12'" to the lord Of when the KRlSliNAMURll P-'Dtf";JtW! 149 anthra lord is stationed In the 12'" (sign) redmned from the sign oocupled by the Bhukthl101t1. This plindple, I must say, Is faulty. WhWler the Bhuicthl lord or anthr.il lord is in the 12'" S!gn to dasa lord or BhtJ:.thllord respativcly has no direct bearing on the hor and the third which Is at 12 to it deoo:es joJ tnel' lelcu!), venus 214"25' "",m Sarurn Rahu 94'15' Silt\Jrn Saturn Kethu 27415' ,"0 Saturn , ;;'11" j 11!'S':l2"II' WlTl1"8' ---t-a..o... .. u' = .. fb>rJ*-""'" . . ,r""'f' ":C-I;H" ...... n,. - -."' $&: ' 1'" ..,-tiT Ul'l2'1' ..... -" ... z. .... ,W:IS'nr KRISHNAMURTI rMlHDHATI '" Query is rather indicated and how to proceed? At tllis junL.:llre, let me re!terate the follolving information to the reae'ers and the studnts of Krishnamurti Padhdhati When a person had queried regarding his finilncial matter, the 2,d cusp house tells ilbout his financiill matter (i.e. money of the querent). 4" cusp and house tells about the money of lhe younger brother or sister. Simi larly, the S" cusp anc' house, tells about the money matters of hismother. 6'1> cusp house tells the money matters of his children. 7'h cusp and house tells about ttle money matters of his servant, maternal uncle etc. 8'h cusp nae' house tells ,")bout the money matters of his wife or his business partner. And the Hl'" cusp and house tells aboutthe money matters of his father; and 50 on. VJith this background, I proceeded with this case. As t.tre query is pertaining to the money matter of hb f?tner, 9i" cusp is as Lagna of his filther, and so, tlw 10'h cusp is to be ta (i.e. 10th cusp) sub lord is looked into. It is Jupiter. The position and signifi cators of Jupiter wi ll clearly portray the status position 01 his father's money dealings, under reference. Here Jupiter is on the 7"' cusp from the querent's lagna. So it can be initial ly vi'>Ualized that money has gone out of his hand!; finally; since Jupiter on the 7th cusp, posited without any plimet in its stars and t/1LiS getting full signification of 7" . 172 R1000 IV Moon Jupiter V Suo Ket u Venus VI Mercury Suo "'vm Vll ,,"v --,., '!UUNG PLANT VIll Mars Saturn Venus IX Jupiter XI121& XI 12,11 -House Sign lord Star lord Sublord I Mars SOrum Venus II Jupiter Kethu ll'(liteJ III Sawm So" Venus IV Saturn Rahu Jupiter V Satum "'" VI Mars Kcim Mercury VII ""'"' So" Venus VI!! MerOJry """ "'"" IX Moon Saturn Venus X So" Kethu Sat .... n XI Mercury -" Rahu XII VelltJs """ 50"'" KRISHrlMlURTl PAl The pOSit ion of at time of Question is as fcNlows> I ''' .. ::0...,' I 2330 Kclh.o 10)..1 --, -S" 1&-elow. The R.F'. at 1130 a.m. on 92-81 at 11-39N & 78-12E. Weekday Monday Mooo R." Meena "''-St" Revathi Mercury "''''' Mesha lISt" Venus The RF' at 8.31 a.m. on 112-61 Weekday Mercury ""I Mesha Mars st" Bharani Venus Lagnll Meella "",,", UStllr P. BhilO'"o/I Jupiter Us. lord M,,," Mooo The name of Shri K.5. Kristmamurti will live as 101"19 as mankind cldsts on this Earth, and his padhdhilti adored as best one In predIctiVe side. Good luck ( 'TRUNKCALL' J A) A Trunkcall was booked by me to Kilncheepuram at 8-15 p.m. I.ST. here at Bangalore on 18-4-1978. Along with me to speak on the phone witJl her husbank was my elder si:;ter. To know whether the call Vlould mCiteriaiize or not. 500rler or later, I resorted to the world known K.P. Method. 1. For the material isation of trunk call houses 3,9 and 11 are examined. Consider the sub-lord of the 11th cusp and find out if the lord of t he coostellCilion in which the sub-lord is positioned is direct or ret rograde. If the loed of the stllr is retrograde, no purpose wil l be served by that mil. If the lord rJ the constellCitlon in which the sub lord rXthe 3rd cusp is deposited is retrograde, then the cal l wil l not materia lize. Next, if ttle lord of the constellation of the 9th cusp sublord is retrograde, the called party cannot be contacted. But if they are in direct motion, the call would materiali ze oc." 2Il'17" S;,gItI;riJs Ju p-Ier ,.. "" c." 2M Gemin, -. JUpiler" """ 11th CUsp 1"21" Vir'O'l) -. .. ." . 201 IV. For the realiSCltion of a deSire, the sul>-!otd 01 the t Uh cusp shoUld not be retrograde. And fur the of a trunkcall the j"I-cdrtO:1S and wJI sorely help astrology in ref!d lilYW:: 26'55'NJ U.l.l 5Ido;""" 1C', 2", 2'l, , , 11';; 5' 23'23' ' :.I.r:c ,'McSf- "'" :in< 0' Urd III 6", , ' "1 ' iii 'oi ----WlfS ,3':;9-Mer 2'10' KelJ 2; ':19' h o. ':3T N: p '-0' 09' 11 1'35'00' '" ' 0'40' ! su- 19' , 5' . B) Position iter owns t'lc .,... house a'so .n addition to 6"' . RULING PLANT Similarly Mercury owns 12' house als.o in ilddition to thi:> Ascendant. rules be sub of the LUSPS 5 end 12 besides its lord sh:p over star of the 2'"' lUSP end sub cl the 11'" cusp, Mercury is in Its own star. Jupiter is in the s:ar of Me rcury, Jupiter is in th sub of Si'turn who rules the evi l 8" house as wei! the unfavourilbk": 5th ClJSpc;1 star, Silturn is ilspectinr; 4,9 il nc 11. EVrthough Saturn is lord of the 9'"' hou5, it is the lord of 3'" also. On aCCOlint of cfects or vils the bey s:lould as a [ratter of fect be des:inEd to fail in the Examir at; c'l. But (lr Crtain vit al factors to Lontribute to the of the boy. Mercury as the sLb lord of the 11"' is deciding planet whEther the boy ... ,il l be crowned with success or not. Mercury is in the sub ofVen:Js, the greatest benefic being lord of4 and 11 als.o thE sub lord of the 6" cusp which is an essential hou'i for winning over the opponents. Jupiter as lord of 6 is in the star of such il Jupiter is in the sub of Silturn who is in the st ar of Venus. Thus they to offer thE boy SUCCESS only. the lords of 4,9,11 and 6 are in the favourable 2'"' house. Yet 0fI a.:'count of the Evil Elements inherited by Jupiter and Mercury, they wi: 1 nat allow thE boy to scure good numbEr- of Marks and better rank. This sort of observation f rom he chart m2de mE to the cuerent that his san would ,;u-ely get through t he examination but \'llth minimum marks only. BeforE coming t o SUUl il corn. lusion ... I hilVC to check up the validity of Bhuk:i, Arthra running duri:lg thO' days of Examiration to give thE same verdict. According to the Horary th boy was to run lhi": Dasa of Venus, Bhukti Anthre of Satun and Sookshma of Moon from 5-9-1979 to 20-9,1979 Dasa lord Venus is lord of 4 and 11 in 2 in the star of KO'tu and sub of Rahu. These tvo.ro Nodes in the sub of Venus. Also represent Venus, Sun, Sat um and Moon ai l in 2. Bhukti and Anthra lord Silturn is in ttle stHDHilTI Here the X cusp SJb Lord is Jupiter is in the X. This suggests that the Officer ,s well and commands a lot of there being no in tlle stars of Jupiter. JJpiter i5 in the constellation of Ri:lhu. Rahu is in V. This is not desirable as V suggests, and lass, loss especidlly when you have a competit or. Jupiter is in the Sub of in Xl, , .... hich affairs of XII. XI! is essential in this Query. Moon is a feeble Signif;catar of the XII we h.!ve planels tenanti ng Moon's conste'lations. Further to deny the prestigious at lucrative foreign assignment tt1e X cusp st.:b lord occupied t''Ie Sub of Moon which in turn signi:ies the V occupying a star. SatclrrJ is retrograde. 1l1U1" , "",-, . 6'40' kl 2lr No.90S , 5.30 p,m. i 3D-68 Balance of Venus" 16-6-9 Analysis of the chart: Jupol", 3.-13 \k.u. ;:SO] - indicates the mind 0( l:le querist. is posited in the constellc.tion of Venus, who is lord of 9'''. Ninth house long joumeys, sea voyage, air travel etc. This RUUNG PI.AtfT c:onnection of Moon .... ' t n the go ' Sha';'a, Justifies the querist rr; lnd. TIle houses to be judged are :;,9 and 12. Houses 3,9 and 12 are Vaotors. So this is the fl1Jitful periOd. Agal fl during the allern.1tlve ( 19-5-70 to 25-5-70) the SUfi will be p.'lSSing in the sign l'Ioulc cml'fgt' out from Sun. There must be al'l exp()sion. 1he heat wollie be tremendous. AU living beings woul e be burnt to ash. We are to know, when his eXp!..'Ct and 11" houses frem 11'" hovse, I.c. 12:h, 5 ti1, and 9 tho To sec w:'etlocr onc wil l many or not is shown by the 7'" ru5P, sub- lord . Se take 7'" from 11'" house, i.e., 5'" rusp. 5" fal 15 in rlled by Jupiter. Constellation i5 ruled by retrogradc Saturn and sub is ruled by Rahu and Jupter. RahL is in Jupiter"s sign 2nd as such very powerful. Rahu is directly on 5'" rusp and marriage is prom'sed. It wi ll be under tile in'luence of Ra l1l1. As Saturn is als.o in 5"' house it will delay tile marriage. Let us find out tile planets in 12 th, 5 til and 9 th houses from Horary Lagna (and not from 11"'.) Hou5e 12th is House 5 t'" is occupied by Rahu and Sdturn @. House 9 ti1 is occupied by :'-:ars. No PlanEt Is i'"l the conste: lation at Rahu Saturn CoO. Ke:hu is in r.astha by and W! rcury and Venus in Chitra ruled by SignJicators are Rahu, @, KetllU, Me-rury and Venus. Here KdllU is stronger than Merclry as it is in the sign of Virgo ruled by Mercury. Rahu, Satun @ , Kethu and Venus are signifICators. Keti1u DaS"2(r I-lep! S'({' ),p 3'00 Urn 11 ,5' Planets Stilr Lord Sub lord Sun JJPITer Jupitl'r M[)Q:1 Rahu Mars Juptter &m Mercury JJp[tl'r Jupler Jupiter Mars VenL;s Venus Saturn Sit;nificatofs are besides As Mereu,'Y is on the sUlr of Ranu alld aspee is udha. As all the tra ns its 1'1C1"C' agrrong for the 9" Jur)" 1980, I told t he boy hewould ge: 0'1 the 9" 1980. In last I'leek 0; Jl ne 1980 the 00',' agair came to my ard with a very face conveyed the news that his parcrls have at le