59sec - How to Boost Your Conversion Rates

Post on 23-Jul-2016

226 views 3 download


59sec helps companies follow up leads under 59 seconds, boosting conversion rates and generating WOW factor among potential clients. It's composed of a web app and mobile apps (iOS, Android, Windoes Phone). Installation is easy: you connect 59sec app to your site, all sales agents install 59sec app on their mobile phones and connect the two. When a lead is generated, the sales agents are instantly notified. First one available grabs the lead and calls the lead. The potential client is WOWed. After that, the agent goes to CRM (either company existing CRM, either 59sec simple CRM) If a lead is not taken in a specific amount of time, the agents gets reminders. If a lead is still not taken in 30 minutes, the boss receives a notification Also, nice statistics are available (which agent is faster).


+ Powerful mobile apps for instant notifications Backend, API integration, procedures and a CRM to boost conversions

- Launched in June 2014 - 400+ companies using the system (+ 2, 3 new per day)

2nd place at Webstock 2014 September 26th, 2014

1st place at Startup Sauna September 2nd, 2014

Semifinalists at:

2nd place at Mobile Awards May 26th, 2014
