'5h.i b1ii pian - Phillipian Archivespdf.phillipian.net/1907/01121907.pdf · * '5h.i b1ii pian VOL....

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* '5h.i b1ii pian

VOL. XXIX;. Nio. .23. Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., Saturday, January 12, 1907. Price 5 Cents


AcademyTeam -Plays BostonCollege in The weekly meqtinZ of Forum Andovers Wins Firt Game of Year Manager Washburn Announces Lis ofthte Gym. on~~ed~ Winnig, ~from English Bigh on Wednesday, TODAY Games for ThIs Year-Nine In All

et onedndywiwas held last evening in'the Arch- Score,81 1.00 - High jumpand Many Good Ones-29-15 I.OO--High jumpers, shot pute

aeology building, and a very inter-Andover won the first basket- The first hockey game this year ters, and pole vaulters report' at The hockey schedule has been

ball game of the season'by defeat- w as enj oy e d by a was played on Wednesday after- "gyn." completed by Manager Washburnpresent..30-Make up

ing Boston college on Wednesday After irmi had rendered noon with the English High schoolMake up gymnasium and is printed below. There are

afternoon, 29-15. 'Captain Blu- "Topicsof the Week," the regular team of Boston, Andover winning classes. nine games in all, one of which

ede o And h idebate was taken up.. The ues by a score of 8 to i. T Thegame 2.05 - Special gymnasium class has.already been played. Amongmenwuer, Richmo n d Thomson debate wa taken up. e ques b a score of to . The game

played well for Andover;hile on for discussion was Resolved,was, called at 3.45, and .English for track, baseball, hockey and the more important are those withCapt. Flattery and Supple .excelled that the divorce las should be High won the tss, choosing the basketball squads. Harvard 'Varsity at Cambridge,

for the visitors. The game, whilethates. west goal. 'The game went rather 245 - Baseball practice. o Jan. 23, with Dartmouth, at

fast and exciting, was rather rough madcket and slowly the first half, and' English 3.30 - Hockey game with New. Andover, on Feb. 9., Newtone APickett and Pratt. upheld the slowly the first half, and, Englishclub.A.

and there were many fouls.ffirmative, whie Grly andHigh was the first to score. The town club. /C. and Roxbury Latin School.affirmative, while eGreey .a ndsecond half was fast in comparison 5.00 - Gymnastic team. As shown by the score in the

FIRST HALF ~wtParks supported the negativeMatn7.00 - Basketball game . with game on Wednesday, AndoverhasThe ball was put in play at 3.45 Before the argument, the affirm- with the first. Martin, Hincks,and Sartenber- did well for Conn. Aggies. a team-as strong, i not stronger,

and Boston College soon fouled, ative was given the vote on the and.a Sthartt of last yea: In Capt.Blumeicauer making the first score merits of the question; but the Andover. SUNDAY than that of last year" In Capt.

of the game. Flattery shot thenegative won the debate on the puck between Hincks and Mc- Society Hall. player and a good leader, and annext basklet and followed it with a merits of the arguments presented. puck betwee n Hicks and wse an

goal from Andover's foul. -Blu- Aftersssome time, although the puck i s assur ed -menauer soon tied the score, and had spoken extemporaneously on some time, a4.ooHockey practice.s assured

was usually in Andover's posses- The schedu'e:-Thomson added another' basket. the question,. Magowan gave a sion in front of English High's 4.5 - Practice on board track.12, Newtone A. C. at An-Boston fouled a third time, and short address on " The Matter of o in front of English High's got 30 - lee club in SocietyBlumenauier shot the goal. The Co-education in Our Higher .In- goal. Finally, English High got

next scor was.madeby Thom nsa rg" Tethe puck, and McClain shot' by Hall. Jan. i6, Arlington High at An-next score was made by Thomson, stitutions of Learning. The 6.45 - Banjo club rehearsal.

-.Mcginnis and Supplel also getting meeting was then.adjourned. Mitchell for a goal. Score: ng- 5 - Basketball practice..An-oneapiece._Onadoublefoullish Uigh,;t Andover, o. 7.15 - Basketball practice. Jan. ig, Dean Acadetfay at An-

' one apiece. On a double .foul=== =========Andover seemed to recover TLUESDAY -dover.F l a t t e r y f a i I e d to score, P1hio somewhat, and Shartenberg made 4.oo00-Hockey practice. Jan. 23, Harvard at Cambridge.but Blumenauer shot the goal.but Blumenauer sho t w e goalntwo goals in succession, Hincks 4.15 - PPractice on' boardtrack. Jan. 30,' Demeritte School at

Rlumetwo goals, The re'gular meeting of Philo two goals in succession, HincksBlutnenauingfouleder shot gnoanwal s held elatit in o also making a goal after some 6.45 - Mandolin club rehearsal. Andover.Boston having fouled again, andwas held last night in Society a m a goa afte s o me

followed .them by two baskets. Hall. The following officers were fast work. Time wa s called hAndover.Time was called soon after anotherelected for the winter term: Pres- Score: Andover, 3 Egl a e.

basket had been thrown by Thom, id en t, Hincks; ,ice-president, High, I. Track Squad Feb. 6, Robury Latin Schol----------core-;Andover i8, Boston Goodhue;. secretary, A. Stevens; Andover continued to play well at Andover.

Colleg-.coreer. 18, Bstreasurer, Averill. HinckSteven the-s nd-ha Below is given a list of the men Feb. 9, Dartmouth at Andover..Colt-ire 7__ ___-- -itreasurer, Averll. Hincks then S"ECOD HALF made a short speech. made a -long shot for a goal. now composing the track squad. --

E N- aAs decided that the regAr After a few more scrimmages This does not mean that only Basketball Game Tonight

After a ten-mblnults ermpstsin-Philo-banquet be' held- during the{Maclhiyre ~cued. SoreA- these men crn come out on the _____- - - -: . . . . _ _

the-ball awas put into play. dover, 5; Englsh Hig,. _ board 'tr ack ut-eve mani Tonghtat -7.30-.oclck-And--

on shoa basket and Supple the playwas-begun-againr -s chool- 'that. has ve-ilon .any-"oer-wit-EfaY2-r_4bs ketal-gae. ..no a n , last year. It was also decided to eve.n the pay wsbegun-gai

another, and again, in turn, they ave another mock trial i theMartin took the puck from the track work at all is urged to come with the Connecticut Aggies in

each got one more. e n . start anu went down the rink for out and try. the gymnasium. This game will

Mcginnis, and Blumenauer each a goal. After some quick work, The' squad: Capt. Kilpatrick, be one the hardest of the season

scored one in the order named. Foster started at one end of the Adams, Bickell, Cook, Dain, S. as the Aggies are all older than

Then Supple shot a basket, fol- Vaudeville Rehearsals rink and took the puck down S. Day, Dearborn, Dowling, Drew, the Andover men, and their team

lowed by one by Knox. - A fast almost to the goal, where Martin R. T. Fisher, S. Freeman, R. A. is one of the best in the country.play which nearly brought another Owing to the short time left almost to the goal, wheplay w·hich nearly brought another took it on a neat pass, and scored. Gardner, Goss, H. P. Greenough, The fellows are all urged to at-

basket for Boston was blocked,before the vaudeville peThen Martin again got the puck Hamilton, Huhbard, Hopkins,tend this game and give the team

and Blumenauer followed this with all the actors are requested toThis was theHurley, G. C. Logan, E.C. Lewis, the support of their presencea basket. Neither side scored on attend rehearsals regularly, if pos- and h g is se

f be as folloss: final scoring and time was called. McCreadie, R. G. McKay, Mears, and cheering. The game is sure

fouls in this half, althouh several ble They will be as follows Score: Andover, 8; English W. R. Orr, jr., F. F. Patton, Pfau, to be exciting and well worth at-

men tried No substitutes were Chorus of musical sketch- Robinsonndae, tending. The line-up will be asTuesday, Jan. 8, 7 p.m., Society T he lin e-up :

used in the game.Tuesday, Jan. 8, 7 .m. S ety The line-up: - Stuart, Shannon, H. Taylor, A. follows: Forwards, -Blumenauer,

Final score; Andover 29, Bos- Hall; Thursday Jan 1 7 p.m ANDOVER. ENGLISH HIGH. 0. Thompson, West, H. B. Wilson. Capt.; Richmond, Hcndel, Kissam.ton College r5.Society Hall; Saturday, Jan. 12, Mitchell g. Pfau Centre, nno.

ton College i5. Mitchelg_. Pfau - Centre, Knox.

The line-up was as follows: 7 P".., Society Hall. Jewett p. James Guards, .Thompson, Belford,OSTO COLLE NDOVER Principals in musical sketch- Foster c.p. Butler Pres. Eliot to be Here Roberts.

Supple If Richmond Mondas, Jan. 7, 4 p.m., Abbott to; Hincks r.c. Schrieve Robert

Flattery, rf Blumenauer, Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2 p.m., Abbott Martin I.c. McClain The speaker at the regular ves-Fl(Capt.) (Cpt.) rf Blumenauer FridayJan. p.m.,Abbot Shartenberg r.w. McNaught per services Sunday afternoon HoCkey Game Today

Sullivan c - Knox 1o; Saturday, Jan. 12, 7 p.m., So- Macntyre l.w. Reedin Bartlet chapel will be President Andover will pLty the New-Mcginnis Ig Thomson Hall. Goals': Shartenberg, 3; Mar- Eliot of Harvard University. As towne A. C. on Rbbitts pond atO Kane rge Belford - tin,'3; Hincks, 1; Maclntyre, . he is one of the ablest speakers in

Ceereeey Ti. Orchestra - Wednesday, Jan. Umpire, Dunne ; time-keeper,he a in 3.3 this afternoon. As the visi-Rleferee-Reilly. Time' 9, 7 p.ni., Society Hall; Saturday, Washburn; time of hlves, he couty d very much tors have unusually strong

keepers - Peet and F a v or it e. mand by college men, the students is rom-LengthofhalveJan. I', 7 P.M., Socie Hall. minutes.team, a excitin me s pro-Length of halves; 15 min. Goals Malequartet Tuesday Jan. 8, should consider thmslvs fo is The Andover line-up is asfrom the fild - Blumenauer, 6; 7.45 p.m,, Society Hall. .Ethan W. Judd, P. A. '01, is tunate in being able to hear him follows : Mitchell, g.; Jewet, p.;Thomson, 5; Knox, ; Supple, 4; _ ____ with the law firm of Cary and tomorrow afternoon. Foster, c.p, ; Shartenberg r.w.;

Mcginni, 2 ; Flattery, I. Goals OMcrnifos ; -Blumenur, Go Fsaith Leonard s cdancing Hastinlls, Olean. N. Y.- Hincks, r.c.; Mcintyre, l.c.; Mar-

Flattery, 1 -B nclass will be held at Pilgrim hall: Lonard S. Tyler, '. A 'oo, Tickets for Fall Concertin. ._________________ The class will meet every. Tuesday. mly be addressed at 8 28th --

Btevening from 7 to 8.30 o'clock, street, New York City. Iic is R. Mott will commence aboutI Class basketball will start nextbtty Pcticeinning on JAnuiry . The engaged in the telephone busine ss, the middle of next week to week and as usual the games will

1Pitchers and eatchers report at terms are ten lessons for $7.00. lJames Will.rd Williams. P. A. canvass the school with tickets for be arranged in a series. Each

the gyn. at -.30 sharp this after- PIrivate lessons may be had by 'o04, Yale 'o, has been electedthe Musical Concert to be given clss wi elect a captain and nan-

noon. special appointment.' president of the Freshmen' Navy. on Jan. . .o an..

/ij"'~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' . - *:. W..- .' .''- ' -'* -.: .,~: ^

Pr '- .THE PHIILLIPIAN ' ' % " --' ,: : . .. '-Ithe P b bUtpian F .l I Dresed Hndover: en ba'e tbeir Cltbhes ma: yIF.be pbitlipin F, L DUNNE & Co,

'; 3E BOARD O DITORS · UN & .II1C. THOtAS. '08 .o-.-A. STEVENS.- '07 Boston

~I. ,~,·~. '·A. K. BELL, '07

S. A. HARRIS Transcript Building

rublIshed every Wedne-daY and Saturday -ND-

,rng tile es,,oo,-. hinSiyASehooi yea?, t'hi be pbilips Hcademy tailor and Outfitter im SqaureTerms: per Year. Single Copies 5 cts Ne York

The Pt1ILiA Will b) <leVOted l to miatters 17 W. 30t St. ---

of Interesttl ,he members of the Aeademy ' i;' _|B-,ntihe gradllllts.

All mnitter litenille for Ipblieation 1nAustbe signed by the writer's name. I [BANK o

Notice to Advertisers

To insure cllE:une f :adverti.'lncnll, oly FIN' itst lie reelv iel for Wvtdiil»dY, not iter · 'thallAlnl Tilesiday iInoon T for Saturtoy noAt I r '

Al l ii ClI~flllllnnIlit tOflq qhould bt'1d lId CLOT H ES.]res't I to I htt' anaginig edilor, J. I1 a.


MR. GREENE ' 1 . '-7Saturday, January 12, 9071

at French's every 'weeh | |1 WHO WAITThe PHILLIPIqAN wishes to con- often win. It is certainly true of those

gratulate Capt. H. Merritt and Hopkins; shooting, Yale; swim- ll U who defer buying HABERDA'SHERY

the hockey team, and also Capt. ming, Pennsylvania; tennis, Yale; till they have seen our offering. If youBlumenauer and the basketball wrestling, Yale; ~vater pole, Penn- ~ I~AI LO RS I want what is proper in all the best circles

ear ndte wrestling, Yale ; water pole tr rt of society,, you will find it in the hands ofteam for winning their first games sylvania." our representative when he calls. of the season last Wednesday West - Baseball, Michigan; and. Importers of

afternoon, track, Michigan; football,Woolen Novelties AANcross-country, Nebraska; golf, for-Youn ASECOM PAen

Especial attention is called to Michigan; basketball, Minnesota; 1018-1020 Chapel Street NEW HAVEN, CONN.the basketball game -with Con- tennis, Chicago, Cornell. 101 TREMONT ST.necticut Agricultural college, to Harvard Hockey team defeatedBOSTONbe played in the gymnasium to- Technology, last Thursday, 8.0, r VAL wnie pht a 7-0 It is i * erativeMr. A. McMillan at French's every week B. lR, night, at 7.30. It is imperative and the basketball team defeatedthat as large a number as possible Tufts, 15-14, in' a very fast an d and TAILORS TO THE COLLEGE TRADEattend the game, which withoutclose ame. Foot Ball ...... THE LAW BUILDING, 259 FIFTH AVENNE, NEW YORK.,doubt will be a fast one. _____________________

In defeating Boston College Interclass Meet of Technology T rack -ood$

last Wednesday the basketball was won by It asvery A U G U STteam exhibited unusual strength close, not being decided until the A U G U ST of T am bridge

r *-last two events went to goS. .lifor a team so early in the season, lastmans Kodahs and Supplieso .W. Orr, P A. '04, 'M. I. T. 'o9, Owing to advancement of Raw Silks, English Knitted will be $1.75

, and assuredly deserves the heartyanassup of t w e hl, 'got second place in the pole vault.support of the whole school. LA

"'*---___________ -- G-Charles A. Robinson, Ph.D., P. -H. F. CHASEhere seems to b t e A. '90, Princeton '94, is principal MUSGROVB BLOz K A . L. S T A RI N

here seems to be someof the Peekskill Military Academy. ..

rehearsals on the musical club. Trs r;-T_-fl7 '77, is atn JYE* wee

The-concert which was-postponed editor of the Providenrc Tribune, - Hig- Grade Photographs-- .1050 Chapel Street, Opposite-nrbHaIN- AVEN CONNe ---- ~ " - TiLCO~n~cerL W Ii~cl~wd -- bp l - - - ~an d Port,.aits....

from last term, .will probably be and resides at 96 South Angell....

held on the 22nd of this month: street, Providence, R. I. 146 Tremont St. - Boston TELEPHONE

As now there are a good manyconditions on the club, this datemay have to be changed again ifthe fellows do not settle down and get their conditions off. . THE ,

Also this term a stricter attend-

ance will be required. The re-"OLD YALE STORE" hearsals must be attended no mat-

ter how many conditions a fellow NEW AVEN.CONN.has. Mandolin rehearsals will be The Christmas-Tide "Bookery" is NEW HAVEN CONN.

rich in its selections of handsome il-held regularly on Monday and lustrated gift- volumes, and attrac- MAKER MADT COIIFfE CLOTHFSThursday. Banjo rehearsals on tively bound sets of standard authors. sOF SMART COLLEGE CLOTHES.Tuesday and Fridiay, and Glee When you visit New Haven itis'worth Our Mr. M. H. Orenstein will be at French's every other uweekrehearsal on MIondav and Thurs- your while to stop in at the "Bookery". "HoEstE 1866day also. - -Or let us seril you. a little list of the

If any change is made a notice latest copyright friction by mail.to that effect will be read in Yale men are always interested in

the stylish Men's Haberdashery at ' IIl®) [ Chael. the Temple Street corner. KNIOM5 or COLUMBUS BUILDIN

Recent arrivals are Christmas ideas W N. CONNCollege Notes in House Coats, Bathrobes, Scarfs --

and Sweaters. Our New Styles in Dress and Din- DESIGNERS ANDHere are the later collegiate Yale flags, steepresenitie at Hotel Imperial, New ner Suit. are distinct in genteel appear. MAKERS OF

championships in the various tionery. artistic originals. Sorting York, every WVednesday. ance and bear the originality of well de-championships m the variousionery. artistic originals. Sporting signed new ?eatures,harmonizins with the

sportsduring the season of 1906: goods and athletic requisites, reliable new materials of res Coating in blue, East - Baseball, Pri n c e t o n ; makes, at much under usually askedi black, and Oxford grey. M n S -Wel

track, Cornell; rowing,. Cornell; prices. OUR SPECIALTY 1%1V3

football, Yale; soccer football, SHO SHaverford , basketball, Pennsyl.i 7A 1 CC'Cvania; bowling, Columbia; chess Opp VADERILT HALL(quadrangular), Columbia; . chess Chapel, Temple, and Centre Streets .(triangular), Pennsylvania, Brown; HAVEN433 Washington and Winter Ss. N -

cricket, ennsylvania, Haverford BUSTON'Cornell; cross-country, Cornell ; Mr. Lyman at Frenoh's every weekfencing, West Point; golf, Yale ;

gymnastics, N. Y. University; .

hockey, Harvard; lacrosse. John I Please mention the Phillptan Ploa* mention the Philllpian Ple mntionthe PhllUplam

.1 -'- - i -; -.

' U RR'E' S' .- .THE L COMMON 'lonsicn. ;e. ... e. Coe'itsee. . o e tyuxr y L mop f str-7: 1· iS~ai~br~ei~biL : ·;~.;~" BiASTA LE'

Psia; died last Tuesdayt,`after a'long-sickness. ,f'ie~'"the - a s s ',

sination of hiis fatherhe succeeded is ct were , New Yo:rto the monarchy o s'May 2, j 896. ' s Fl e., New York

During his rule he .reduced the Blok above Holland House.

taxes on food' and awarded all -__


public offices on the basis of meritrather than wealth. Probably his frih s

most important act was the grant-

ing of a constitution to the people.While on a trip, to Paris, a few

.years ago, he narrowly, escapedassassination. The successor to

the throne is Prince Mohammed

Ali Mirza, the eldest son of the High GradeClothes,late Shah. made trom the newest. ad most rtist

.ae , .'' . proaumon ot ti ~oom, sore atgrieuo ,ser

Now H Ious cluon Bill for Chineste~. ' than any necessaryer high oldgagrpand attend- In later years studentsad. oafIO* ih her even od ttlo n Bo n oo

'Important changes in the Chi- Discount to students.

Important cn t a anges -ai an fee , wi ll : x: Business, Sportin g and Evening Dress. C

nese exclusion law were advocated - The ctireswere'Simle,. . L prttlentios

today in the report of a sub-com- StBoton

mittee of the House Committeen The disappearance of' the last ,at the southern extremity of the most'famous sors. Surroundings

of Foreign Relations. The sub- of the old Commons buildings Iold campus on the northerly edge of this character were well' calcu-

committee has held extensive during the past summer, marks &f Phillips street just across the lated to develop in those -who en-ood

hearings, during the past year almost an epoch in the history of street from the present Bancroft joyed them strong and rugged .. Good Thingb~:=^ o inEasten comer cial beny And thee wasahu-otaepch i t h o f re rp s tboth in Eastern commercial cen- Phillips Academy. - Many an old cottage. The other was laced manhood. And there'-was a hu- AT

tres, where the boycott is felt, and Andover boy will find it hard to on the northern extremity of the morous side also to the free dem-

in San Francisco, where any len- realize what the old campus can campuson a linewith the present ocratic life so prominent there. R ig ht rices..iency in the immigration laws is look like without the protecting Draper Cottage. The former The traditions of the old Corn-

felt. The bill provides that in- wails furnished for so many years was called the Latin Commons mons teem with stories full of Confectionery Spanish Olives

spectors of the department of by the Latin' Commons on the row, the latter English Commons rough and rugged but wholesome English Biscuits

commerce and labor be placed in South and the English- Commons row. Theoretically the Latin fun. English Jams French Sardines'

Canton and other Chinese centres on the North. For years these Commons were for the accommo- With the changes in modern French Cheeses

so that emigrants for the United buildings have occupied the centre dation. of the-students of the Class- life the unsightly structures that Nut Meats (Freshor Salted)

are Mayor Schmit for Jellies, &c..States may be examined there and of the stage. If not the most ical or Latin Department, while had played for so long a. promi- Jellies, .

not have to be transported'all the beautiful they have been at least the English Commons fulfilled nent' part. in the life of the school

way back after reaching here. the most conspicuous objects on the same mission for the English, were gradually supplanted by

Whether finally adopted by the Andover hill. Their loss made now the Scientific Department. modern dormitories of brick. Butobb

New tevices on r 7ench Coinds aaeverywhere who in looking backsimple and npretntious as it But the wear and tear of years J. M. FENCH & SON

iance, of the French Republic, these structures as the buildings modern conveniences or luxuries made necessary the final de- Ice Cream. Fudges.House or nat thN. sssion ill ncesa r y by old age and attend- In later years tudents'f both de- Sppliese o theAlastl Ksso .

hasgiven directions to the author- in which and around which cen- were enjoyed by the occupants, struction and removal of the old S e f A indE

tis ofunts-t. m ne ofu oms,-three landmarks, and- he substitution-of-i -.

all coins the wordsim "Literyt rife-&tiousachools- - iBu dohe e r year or -eaChs-tfdtfa J./omd Aons. -R-FNr-'-C-kONEquality, Fraternity". in place of .Phillips Academy has never nicid fma k e l purposem N of e the ithrheimifes andrdemadsof -theR A n - L O /

the old device, yod prated been blessed with a superabund- buildings. Each building con- time. ie. AN in

France." ance of material equipment. tained sixdouble suites,- a narrow We give in this issue pictures - P. A. BarberGrdft in SanFrancisco Whenin the year 1836 the trus- spiral stairway furnishing the of the old Commons as they ap POST OFFICE BLOCK - ANDOVER·

During -the period after the tees erected two rows of three- means of access to the two upper peared in the dasrs of their prime,

earthquoke and fire, much politi- story wooden -buildings to furnish floors. Here for over seventy and the journey across the cam- C. H. M IJRPIYcal graft has been brought to accommodations for its students years a large proportion of the pus of the last of, these historic

light and a thorough houseclean- it was felt that the school had students roomed, and in the long structures now serving as a tene- Barbering in thatdepartment is expected. taken a great step forward. One list of occupants will be found the ment house on the outskirts of 9 Main Street Andover

Among the high officials indicted row of six buildings was located names of many of'the Academy's fthe town.

are Mayor Schmitz for alleged -THE METROPOLITAN

extortion, the chief of police for ad- dOVER'S CANDY STORE

alleged conspiracy and. "Boss" r -

Home-made Food, Ice Cream, Soda and

Abe Reed. Just what action the Candies

Grand Jury may take is hot known MISS HOLT 4 M ST.

but the local press seems to be of F. as'- tya- P . HIGGCTNS

the opinion that Reed will be in- -

dicted to -appease- the people, BA KE B...while Schmitz will be spared. . o Musgrove Block

Germany Ready for Peace Conference

The German government has THE PHILLIPS INN

ready for months to hold a second nbeo s HRan mO to YE.m.

peace conference at the Hague. Lueben ront 23 to 2 p.m.She seems to be waiting, how- Banquets Iervcl to Clube sad Sooletles

ever, for the United States or l e

Great Britain to take the initiative - -, The Last of the Commons Andover Pgesin the matter. o olie r

erson, P. A. 889, entered Yale Legislature for the special ses and broker. He is a member of nAluumf Notes- in the class of 1893, but resigned sionof 196, and re-elected for the-Yale club and University club er .

on account of sickness. He re. the regular term Of '07-'8. of New York city, and also of the

P. A. '83-Samuel -Abbott, P, ceived the degree of L.L B. from - P.A. ' 9 .- Daniel C. Adams, P. Fort Schuyler club of Utica, N. tO

A. 1883, can now be found at 117 the New York Law School in A. 18g, graduated from Yale in Y.

No. 9 street, Newark, New Jersey. 1892. Mr. Emerson has been the class of t895, and can now be In the October it number of -btllips

He graduated-from Williaims Col. actively engaged in politics and addressed at 2 Wall street, New the Iniidpentlnat is an article by

gw in the- clas of 18sh and ssalafi in Titusville, Penn., York City. For six years he was Gardner A. Richardson, P. A.'o, B cadel yoTow engaged in publshing; where he lives. He was elected engaged in iron manufacturing, entitled aDifficulties of the Sub-JOHN N CLE W.

P. A.'89-John- Leonard Em. a member of the Pennsylvania and for four he has been a banker scription Department." Pls mton the PhliUpan

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'^..**:*:,N ^^l/l'd '..,,i*f~&..,[: ::':., . -. , _ Because of. the. cataloguing ofbodks n 'the library now going on, C B

,/v',V.---::;·:"UllUi::. .U none- win ,be allowed:to be taien-' 0:"* . -" " balo ' -",Which, wll include Mens , Shirts, Pajas, Sale out for the present. N -_ E Days s :

:Hosiery, Underwear, Blanket Wrappers,, Storm Through the courtesy of Philo i. s:Coats, Steamer.Rugs, House Coats,' Neckwear and the Society of Inquiry, the - 0.Fancy Vests, Flannel Suits, Golf Clubs, Sweaters, OI '- history libraryhas been increased oes & oung's NCaps; Golf Bags,'Handkerchiefs, Sleeve Studs,. by about two hundred volumes, Y

,Cravat Pins, Umbrellas.. Also. Ladies' Model, idd Ino and a number of valuable English Shoes Mand Sample Waists, Neckwear. Stocks, Belts, 'books' have been handed over to A -

Sweaters, Kimonas and Lounging Wraps. th'e English library. Also about A

N SONE-THIRD-TO-ONE- a-l ' twenty-five volumes of',Shakes- ' 'HALF USUAL ]PRICE = s speare aid'other authors have been TWENTY SCHOOL STREET s

ordered and will arrive in a short,, - - ' .'* - .*time. A complete list of' new

PiBnUM Ahl;- btiin : books will be published at an early . REPRESENTATIVESF ih nne0.~~~~~~~~ Ahhin ic~ d~oos date. ~~ W."~ E. DAWSON ~HERMAN ELIOTT, P. A. '07

Lan'Te-nn.is . . " g_ ..y^ A complete list of all new'addi.-FootBall,Ba Sket LOT tions will be published in the OUR LEADER

Ballnhockey W. ^/ ^U ! en llmrt ~nialti l~_o a PHILLIPIAN from time to time, so Gruener Brothers te Next s i t Weeks Full~nSkateh, HoIeyf ,l' ^^ ^ Ttc t e Dreis or Double Breasted .S Skiates, Hockey .O^ROADWAY c.t -'c s that the school can keep in touch - Frock Suits, Silk Lined,

Sticks, Skating with the library. at $50.00Shoes, Sweaters I Eton, Tuxedo and Dress Suits, Ask to see it. We make them from.00

Je s and, Dress Overcoats, Hats, Shoes, Columbia Wins Interollegiate a40. to 85.00.Jeis , ksof Gloves and Hosiery, -Knickerbocker Chess Championship .

Athletic aothing Suits, fr Rid and Outdoor NEW HAVEN HOUSE BLOCK and tbletio Sports, Skating Caps and Sweaters. Columbiaswon the fourth annual NE W HAVEN, CONN. B CO., Tailors

Caddlogn Fre to y - - intercollegiate chess tournament iS shool St.,i 84Wlahington st.--- S. Catalogue with Illustrations and Price which was held at the West Side p o.on Bo.tou

WRIGHT & DITSON Bston, tas. List mailed-on request. Republican club, New York, Dec- WAILTrRi Bd1g f iK in fith car. " s

Harvurd Square, Cambridge. Marn. WPILII C. KUUIIJ H V. I__________r __d__s_, --------rh-ge. a-. ember 20 to 22. Harvard, Prince- SHREVE, CRUMP & LOW CO.W A A IIN PhG' -ton, Yale, and Columbia were each Trmontand WestStreets

W, As ALLEN,1 ril, , .P Irepresented by a team of four Tallors BOSTONPrescription Druggist.-. crB ptPo DrFUIGE SUAE - men. Columbia took the lead onB.-. B. PIPES FUDGE SUNDAE t S .carf Pins, Cuff Links, FobsAPOLLO COCOLMSI t the first day and held it through. Old South Building- Goo StyIes, Moderate Prices

Musgrove Building,' -ndover ' ' out, winning every.game but one',, EIOSTO.NINE LINE OFFE.IL:N -J , BE LOS.. which resulted in a tie. This FRANK E. GLEASON'.I

i . . .-... .A.ve s.os z r.- score of winning I I1-2 games out Our Mr. Nickerson will be in pOAL AND WOOD ' KNDLIMen's urnishing Goods of a possible 12 is the highest in Andover frequently. COAL AND WOOD xNDLINGS

ew Store J. WM. DEAN ..THE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL. the history of the tournaments. Delivered in Rooms -

Main Street, Andove aNEW HAVE N, CONN. Harvard has won 9 games of the Lane ll Offce:ain St. Yard: Railrad St-Street,-Andover-series, Princeton , and Yale i.School Year, Oct. , 106, to July T, 1907, series, Princeton 5, and Yale . ALBERT 'W. LOWE

with Christmas and Easter vacations. Re- The Columbia team was composedview Term.Druggist..

April 1, 907, to July , 1907. For rapid of: J. R. Capablonca, 1910, first Druggist..-review of the most important subject preparaory for Junth e exmost important subject pr- board; L. J. Walff, 908, second T aors MAIN STREET ANDOVER---

Summer Session. August 7, 1907, to Sept. board ; H. Blumberg, I9o8, third i-25 1907. For September examinations. - r-- SIl clases, strict attention' to business, board; and .- Brown,--1907 S.,-prts. TFor T informat ionaddes' - ort board. i I lltzS-

-IeSign: and make : EOoR- E LFD-.. : ------ -- - . - Manicu.re, Pedicure, Chiropody-Academy and Class - New Haven, Conn. Dr. W. F. Grenfell delivered an BOSTONFacial MassagePins, Fraternity illustrated lecture on "Life in ffice Hours:9tol,2to.and Club Devices, SEND YOUR NAME I utae etreo ,Lf nEvening' by appointmen Telephone 1625dCuvpcs, Medls Fobs Ya NAE?,~ Labrador" in the Harvard Union R1oom 00, tsay btate Building, LawrencMass.Cups, Medals, Fbs Ji TO-

Lockets, Rings. etc. ':; last Tuesday evening. ,GLDBAUM & RAPOPORT,,,for Andover .... .: Spalding J-f D Rokfle ge -arito A v... lJohn D. Rockefeller gave ANDOVER NATIONL BANK

15 SCHOOL STREET For a Catalogueof $2,917,000 to the University of ICUniversity Hours-!) to 1 m.. 2 to 3 p.m.BOSTON, MASS. Spalding Atbletic Goods Chicago as a New Year's gift. tailors Close Saturday att 12 m.Bosm o ss. Spalding Atlhleti. Goods " l ; CaflorsPI~~~~ ~Two hundred and forty-Eix men

Mention what asport you are interested n and H . --ask for a ibt f ollege and schoolt suppies. reported for the Harvard track ' 1073 CHAPEL STREET ON

The Spalding Athletic Library team and one hundred and SONty New H Co NText books Gn every athletic sport 10c per copy team and one hundred and sixty- New Haven,Con.Shirts, Collars, Neckwear Msedtorc, list.five for the Pennsylvania team. ___ I

MAIl ORDEK EPT.and General Furnisbhings A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Calors

Our representative, who will visit And '6 NassMu s., New York g49 Wabash Ave., Chicago At the Theatres ASTOR HOUSE. N. Y.Our representative, who will isit And- - Wednesdays

over this year as formerly, will have anassortment of these articles from which COTREL & LEONARD Hollis St. -John Drew in "His 978 CHAPEL STREETit will be possible for our patrons to A.AN. N. . House in Order." FLANDERS' LUNCoors Be Ne Haen Houseselect, not approximately, but exactly, orru LUNCHssC...Makers kandwhat they wish. .... krs of 'OW Park- Lulu Glaser in "Aero 11 MAIN STRET

aPSCGowns Club."

w. 1. OO\wDY & CO. PhilipsdExeter, Ja - . Boston- Marlowe and South- A N D O V E R New Haven, Conn.o.pSt New Haven, Conn. cob Tome Institute ern in repertoire:VrI...4 ear ern in repertoire'

and the American HEWINS & HO LLI1Colleges and Uni- Majestic -James T. Powers in HEWINS & IOLL1. Dr. M. B. IcTEiNENversitts from the 'The Blde Moon."t I' Ait antl o the Pa-Lew Dockstader MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS

/1~!1J\f] l cific. .Tremont-Lew Dockstader. **fD I.. entlt..AfOllliu'l~ M CLASS CONTRACS A SPECAIZiY ' Colonial - H. B. Irving in re- 4 Hamilton Place, Boston

__________________________________[; ~~~~~~~~~ ~[MAIN STREET - - AN)VRf-Rich Gowns for'Pulpit and Bench pertire. ._[AI_ j --

!Aui\tlVtB~~afve your CEoto en IcInf W, H, GUILLEMETTEi' Have our* . , til III UUILLLtil IXADE INEHveW YORK ur Pocket Knives, Curtain Fixtures,

_ADE W KEW XUKA. Th~r~fr\/^ I> ^ HM CHardware, Farming Tools,OTOGRAPHoM3~ i~Paints, Ols TAILORII pHOTOGR APUII iH. M. LEVINE Main Street T, 0 Andover ___

made at the

I..SH~ERMAN STUDIO.~... ~ TAILOR 50f ad 1k T il a a PpS REPAIRING and PRESSING.... SHERMAN STUDIO.... DOst a ew M una., paps I " " ' ' "Tolb-(q, l. alttn. ~ lu ' kinds Cnrettc*-

Pictures of all I'. A.-Groups may intuin'cl Miall. il, Phillp ln orri'?g Mur.ntbe obtained at short notice.. 'OpP k a, (hurh. 3.¶ Tremnt t. .Ses, Egy1itl..h'tih..gl Nnturus MAIN SI. ANDOVER

etosToN CHASE'S NEWS STAND vp maMain Street, near orton .ANOVm . Mver lpe' MarketS

--Plues IiWI~itl al Plas mention ltePtllhP~ hUl Pleean'" PIM- the Phlhllllpla Please mention the Philliplan Please mention the Philliptanr~~~llk~~~~loa the phillipla" Please mention the Phlllt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lan~2


HANNON'S CLOTHES _W. C. CDiOWLEY The Andover Bookstore °. A. a'0

The following men were chosenS H!TT O E SC! as captains, leaders, and assistant P. A. Students' Headquarters for SCHOOL BOOKS,__________ ~ leaders of the "gym." classes in STATIONERY and PERIODICALS

MAIN ST., ANDOVER the trials held on Monday and Tuesday: Class A, captain, H. S. IF YOU LIKE TO WEAR YOURCopley SqvarCe otel Day ; leaders, Blanchard, S. Brown GLOVES LONG, WEAR . . J B

Cor. Huntington Ave. Exeter and and Chesebro; asistant leaders,Cor. Huntington Ave. Exter and Burch, Weissbrod, V. H. Wilson,E L Bragdn Sts., OSTON Tonkin, Swift, and Goodrich.

Recognized Headquarters for all College Class B, captain, Flagg; leaders, , t t THEY WEAR LONGER

Boston. First-class Hotel wit assistant leaders, Burns; L. Allen,Moderateprices. oos, up.OE S ODD

Gesner, Gardner, Burnside, and OE zso ne rlinsjisl copl.-flipte

120_ ewr us sSeelye. --

AMOS H. WHIPPLE, Prop. Class C, captain, C. E. Conway; FOR ThRTEEN YEARSeaIders, D. Dunn, Daniels, and

Lundgren as ; assistant leaders, TIIF IA IN pnitiGE SHOE HOUSEA. DIRWOtL DESS s IT D Fraser, Lancashire, L. Robinson, ,,

WHO \ / 1( 11 L1 4 1o

H u u n g t o n a v e-u

B 0 t o n.

M a"- -

4 1 6.. ut.on Ave.T BoLAonN M se.IY

NEATNESS, AND-COMFORT Root, Gemmer, and Mueller. SO

WTHE RECO IZED cinii c and practical medicine. tr. boorydcieti c courses ve s l

Class -D Bennett, captain, Clouangdon, oh 14 School Street. Boston, M.D..bU leaders, Sinclair, Wright, ndMonda, ednesda, andTLIES NTTO THEGMason; assistant e e leaders, Morri su-..son, Vieta, Brainerd, h ase, Tufts College Medical School Tufs Cellege Dental SchoolDAni RTRh ' WShafer, and Gillen. 416 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mas. . 416 Huntington Ave., Boston, M Us.SR T EER1CO..n cClass E, captain, . Dunn; Offe a four yea' graded course icludigall Three yr gae or. or all branches of iz branches of scientific a nd practical medic nn scent vine.e arbotor a Sie llea r.

basDall^^arry.g bra try and "sientific I co "urse s veln

RECOCNIZED STANDAR leaders, Biddle, H. 'Freeman, Large and well-equipped laboratories Clinical tSni ic

lnRa~cl<-.,iNITklrrsslleGtEiretaryoflneFlulty I 1;15S D- KEaptai.K SPORTI~mnna Ii he r.t1 S huwre.C Ciica - of and-- -A--

l -_e_ Name Isfacilities un urpa sed, 30,0o . treatments being mades C't ped o n every Thurston assistant leaders, Hall, facilities unsurpassed. annually in the Infirmary. Graduats o thi shool admed thout aminton. For all nformation or for a catalog IlOop- H. Bennett, Bixby, Langdon, of eitherschool, address FREDERIC M. BRIGGS, M.D.. HSecretary Tufts College Medical and Dental School, oston Mass.est cash price s pai for Castoff

Crawford, and Webster. Clotihes. Leave orders at French's. In~n~~a ord; manager b Mlasonver every Monday, Vednesday, and

UHON Gy Noe --- A Succession of Honors _ing law, he served as districtTmay inot b atrney fo e Wila Hwarenry ofIoody ine for theastern district of ANS.OV KEEZEee SLIPS place toet t ASTher Su Classits, ACaptain, H. Blanch .1 e Sreset IIAnoLEVbe

~~~~~~~~~~~~Overoat Hat. Necsear, { .cessive c ongresses, became Secre- Dh. ABB

' irSk.0oon ard; mmanager, Buch. tPhiloathean i *ir -rr .....Duing _ t f-i-__--At rn-e. -Q Old Phillipians know that year he was also p resident of t oa fe.. ALL l y ' ieos Tll...to be dressed man Philo-and captain of the Phillips General, and has recently beenHOLT .fom it is necessary to.,.A. get Flagg. Lancshirappointed by the President, to 3 nd 6to S pm.

baseballnine. Gradtuatingin 1872at Shuman's. A Class C- Captain GemClintoer; No dropper. associate - justice--of----the-- United ry n Grere

manag'Ier, iorrison. Nothingtotakeapat.g JOn STEWiRT 'rlvknr . l» .Aclllty

T RINIT YmCO L L E G E - -ae entexicl Harsra-dS ates-S up rem e C ourt. ..

TheShuman C LarmLEEntshave' Class D-Captain Clough man- i in . Afte sty mDt. LI'rCIl' will receive a4 limitedTRINITY'COLLEGEI_ , number of patients at his huse, corner ofOffr-ra ui1tir~-. ii. AI.Uli-iit anti 3lixlni-ia Lait. ager, Barker.

- .-. ______ -- - - - Main and Locke streets. Patients will,

that snap and uality pciar aA Le ,----to the well-dressed college B- ,,t keicr.sS 1 -t *>"*- Alv &

anly's. clothins. CCs A-Capta'in 1ll at all times, be under the care of a trainedolog', (eology, Vlil)ollhy, Ecohion Its,h Solal ClsE pain a; maa- nurse.

(, And the Shumn prices le n;Lrw .EtICE CREAM and SHr.RBETS tsteule Trade peciltEngiloe-. i-rIrltig». | Iti 'tllt l ( l '4 .tibii tl tuI1 tf 's lt-it t

Engirivering awl Ci~n~tiginetring. c15tudelits ger, 1`..no. .J. A , LEITCH, M.D.

lars, et-.,atldre-sTli~SeeretaryoftleFaetilty GREEKS 8PORTING :BaxRCHESsClass A - Captain V,. . Wil- AND" M». asMiurai TILORS ... DEN TIS ..

s on; m anager, W. A.- Harris. I LO MARERS

classM B-o « Captain , Dougherty;|M nt h P p i-

Sz ~L a -p ComeC ain I B ANK BLOCK . ANDOWvR.man/ger. Bacheldo. .4 x AO

manager, Clark. N1.1.1v YORK Phillip's SealsClass D-Captain, R. W. Gay- J.E WHITING

nor; manager, ason. . . _ ___________________ _____Jeweler and ¢ll OpicaimClass h' - Captain, Crawford, R Auo..may not be aware of the cor- assge - Crosby's ANestauaAt

rect place to 'get their S manager, Goodhue.Suits

Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery C,and Shoerw . P.127 MAIN STREET, ANDOVERClass B-Captain, Piza; mana- FBOillinq Old Phillipians know that ger, Smith. For busy people. SHOES OF ALL KINDS...to be dressed in good college Class C.- Captain, Lundgren'; No bother. T_ _A. HOLT _ _ (;O.form it is necessary to outfit manager, Lancashire. Fills itself. - ANDOVER, ' : MASS. ieu'eri it

Cleans itself. - Dry Gooiand Groceriesat Shuman's. Class D - Captain Clinton o dropper..manager, Morrison. Nothingtotakeapart.STc

Nothing to spill. aAsoovE AND NOlt AovnuThe Shuman garments have Class E'- Captain, R. Hatch tClothes ress ed -,,,. I ^o,-Nm, A. othat snap and quality Peculiar manager, Belt,

to the well -dressed college Bu to nickel cres. Buchan & Frisman's clothing. Class A-Captain Ii. S. Day; cent an the A !,LEN I INTON r'aln.lsrsll Fu.nltu e l..ahern

q1 Athpen is fuar4j And the Shuman prices are IntldNUl, 10m.hready mto ritey.' ICE CREAM and SHI/RBETS 'tu entTrade s Specialtycollege men's prices. Cl,t.ss 1 -- Capitain Thomas; w w I 10 ,A.K ritTuonCT, At'(3V,,11#o

college men'rpCicns- PM Jowtl,,fiibanifle Residence - 8unset Rook"

Class C- Captain, .h n. , BOSTON & A IN E I¢. IC.C a ptain, 1) .n ie]$ ; 1 ' = h' m ,e- W m le r y trig eu t In e Ttff ett utieber 19manager, la}CO]li). ,.., t'.,,,..h to 'l r KEATTY FUEL CO. To l..,tn-4,, 7'. m.3T 7.43, S2t.9.iU, 0.47,.

Class D--.Captain Chase; an- tam nCOAL andpWOOD la..L14,.?. )t,, . .d): l,s Mi.la'..-. 44,1.', AaI. 40. 0, IN Fes, V-..r AiPstv.-a-er, Donaldso,.. COAL and WOO D I"'' "°' "" a' :4-

Class E-Captain, 0. Dunn ; stwt. A111141

ltPar P ibas mention the Phillplan Pl eau I entlon the Philliplann P le m en tfon th e Ph~lllplan