6 creative and unique & diy interior design ideas

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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The recession has forced consumers to prioritize their spending. As a result home decor expenses have been forced to go on the back burner. However, it has inspired the creative artist in many to think of DIY projects to spruce the interiors at minimum added costs. Yuge Design presents 6 Creative and Unique DIY Interior Design Ideas which can help you a lot in redesigning your home. For more info vist : http://www.yuge.ca/moncton-interior-designer-yuge/


6 Creative and Unique DIY Interior Design Ideas

Yuge Design

Ideas By :

Surf Board

For those who live on the coast, if you are looking for a new coffee table, don’t despair and fish out an old surfing board. Paint it in any color that matches with the decor of the room you want it in. Look for an old frame of wrought iron legs and fix it on top of that. It makes a stunning table and goes with the owner’s personality too.

High Gloss Painting

For people who are looking for an easy option to brighten up the dining space, go grab a tin of high gloss paint of your favorite color. Painting the door to the kitchen in high gloss will add instant chic and style to the dining space and make entertaining more fun. Tray and pick the most prominent color in the room and paint the door of the same bold color.

Canoe BarWhen designing a bar, look for ideas that make it look unique and inviting. Quite a few users who live on the coast line or happen to travel a lot have opted for fixing a small canoe upside down from the ceiling. It becomes the highlight of the room and takes the bar to a different level altogether. Remember to polish it deep mahogany or any color that matches the grain of the wood before fixing it permanently.

Mirror-Mirror On The Wall

This one is for users who are redesigning a small wash room and would really like to put a large mirror in it. This is a great idea for those who cannot find a wall that is free and the window takes up most of the free space. Go one step further and hang a large shaving old style mirror upside Down from the ceiling.

Painters Easel

A painter’s easel lying free at home can be converted into a TV stand with wheels for the modern age idiot box. Just get it polished and fix a sturdy set of wheels under it and you have your Shakespearean era TV stand ready for use.

Rope on the rails

If you are redesigning on a shoe string budget then when you come to the stairs don’t look for rails, go buy a long length of sailors rope. Fix it on the side of the stairs with clamps and you have your own version of railings, in these times of low spending. The rope looks very vintage and is sturdy nevertheless.