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Ian Piper

6.1 The problem: raised intracranialpressure after head injury


Head injury is a common form of trauma. For example,in the UK head injury occurs in more than 500 000persons per annum of which about 10% are diagnosedas severe, 15% moderate and the remainder as minorhead injury (Miller et al., 1992; Pickard and Czosnyka,1993). Head trauma is a significant cause of death anddisability, especially in young males (median age < 30)and is associated with raised intracranial pressure(ICP). Raised ICP is defined as pressure greater than20 mmHg and appears most commonly in about50–75% of patients with severe head injury whoremain comatose after resuscitation.

Over the past 50 years there has been an active andwide-ranging research into the causes and conse-quences of raised ICP which, to date, has been thesubject of nine international symposia embracing suchdiverse disciplines as neurosurgery, anesthesia, radi-ology, biophysics, electronic and mechanical engineer-ing, mathematics and computer science.

In particular, the introduction during the 1970s ofthe continuous monitoring of ICP has led to renewedactivity in both clinical and experimental research intothe physiology and pathophysiology of maintainingcraniospinal volume and pressure. This interest hasnot just been in monitoring pressure alone but also inusing information derived from pressure monitoringto help both predict raised ICP and determine theunderlying cause.

ICP is a reflection of the relationship betweenalterations in craniospinal volume and the ability ofthe craniospinal axis to accommodate added volume.The craniospinal axis is essentially a partially closedbox with container properties including both viscousand elastic elements. The elastic or its inverse, thecompliant, properties of the container will determinewhat added volume can be absorbed before intra-

cranial pressure begins to rise. So an understanding ofraised ICP encompasses an analysis of both intra-cranial volume and craniospinal compliance.

This chapter reviews the relationship of raised ICPto outcome and its significance as part of the develop-ment of the primary injury and as a superimposedsecondary insult. This is followed by a review of boththe historical and current concepts underlying ourpresent understanding of the physiology and patho-physiology of maintaining intracranial pressure andvolume.


Raised ICP has in the past been found to be associatedwith a poorer outcome from injury with the higher thelevel of ICP, particularly the peak ICP level, correlat-ing with the expected prognosis for mortality andmorbidity (Becker et al., 1977; Marshall et al., 1979;Miller et al., 1977, 1981; Pitts et al., 1980). There has,however, been controversy over the usefulness ofmonitoring raised ICP with some groups, with a ‘noICP monitoring’ policy, finding in their studies of headinjury mortality and morbidity that outcome is similarto other groups that do monitor ICP (Stuart et al.,1983). Reported differences in the utility of ICPmonitoring could be due to variability in both man-agement and monitoring protocols between differentneurosurgical centers. Variation in type of ICP pres-sure monitor, site of placement, treatment thresholds,patient referral characteristics and outcome measurescan all combine to produce a large variability in bothmeasured ICP and outcome, irrespective of whetherICP is monitored or how it is treated. Another sourceof variation in terms of raised ICP is the inherentvariability of the head-injured population, outcomebeing dependent on a number of other factors. Forexample, mass lesions are generally accompanied byelevations in ICP of greater than 40 mmHg and areassociated with poorer outcome, while diffuse injuries

Head Injury. Edited by Peter Reilly and Ross Bullock. Published in 1997 by Chapman & Hall, London. ISBN 0 412 58540 5


tend to have lower ICP levels associated with asimilarly poor outcome (Miller et al., 1977, 1981). Ageis also an important factor, with an age-dependentdistribution of ICP for both type of injury andoutcome. This is particularly so for pediatric cases(Alberico et al., 1987; Choi et al., 1991; Luerssen,Klauber and Marshall, 1988; Volmer et al., 1991). ICPcan even be raised in the absence of overt signs ofswelling or mass lesions on CT. In a small study ofseverely head-injured patients, O’Sullivan et al.(1994) demonstrated that some comatose head-injuredpatients whose initial CT scan was normal, with nomass lesion, midline shift or abnormal basal cisterns,developed raised ICP greater than 20 mmHg thatlasted longer than 5 minutes. This included a subset ofpatients showing pronounced raised ICP of greaterthan 30 mmHg.

Data from large prospective trials carried out fromsingle centers and from well-controlled multicenterstudies have provided the most convincing evidencefor a direct relationship between ICP and outcome(Narayan et al., 1981; Saul and Ducker, 1982; Mar-marou et al., 1991; Jones et al., 1994). Narayan et al.(1981), in a prospective study in 133 severely head-injured patients, demonstrated that the outcome pre-diction rate was increased when the standard clinicaldata, such as age, Glasgow Coma Score on admission(GCS) and pupillary response with extraocular andmotor activity, was combined with ICP monitoringdata. Marmarou et al. (1991), reporting on 428 patients’data from the National Institute of Health’s TraumaticComa Data Bank, showed that, following the usualclinical signs of age, admission motor score andabnormal pupils, the proportion of hourly ICP record-ings greater than 20 mmHg was the next most sig-nificant predictor of outcome. Outcome was classifiedby the Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS) at 6 monthsfollow-up. They also found, using stepwise logisticregression, that, following ICP, arterial pressure below80 mmHg was also a significant predictor of outcome.Jones et al. (1994) studied prospectively 124 adulthead-injured patients during intensive care using acomputerized data collection system capable of min-ute-by-minute monitoring of up to 14 clinically indi-cated physiological variables. They found that ICPabove 30 mmHg, arterial pressure below 90 mmHgand cerebral perfusion pressure below 50 mmHgsignificantly affected patient morbidity.

Although in the past there have been differingopinions about the contribution of continuous mon-itoring of ICP to reduction in mortality and morbidityfollowing head injury, there is now sufficient evidenceto remove doubt about the value of ICP monitoringtowards improving the prediction of outcome andallowing more informed decisions to be made aboutpatient management.


Both experimental and clinical studies have clearlyshown that, following traumatic brain injury, normalphysiological mechanisms for maintaining cerebralperfusion can become impaired (Lewelt, Jenkins andMiller, 1980, 1982; Povlishock and Kontos, 1985;Nordstrom et al., 1988; Miller and Adams, 1992).These studies demonstrate that brain injury cancause impairment or loss of autoregulation – definedas the ability of the cerebral vessels to respond tochanges in arterial gases or to arterial pressure. As aresult of these changes there can, at times, be adecrease in cerebrovascular resistance, which canlead to raised ICP in both adults and children(DeSalles, Muizelaar and Young, 1987; Jaggi et al.,1990; Muizelaar et al., 1989a, b; Uzzell et al., 1986).While brain injured patients are being managed inintensive care there are, superimposed on the pri-mary injury, periods of reduced PaO2 or episodes ofarterial hypotension often as a result of other injuriesor treatment by hypnotic drugs (Rose, Valtonen andJennett, 1977; Gentleman and Jennett, 1981; Miller etal., 1981; Miller and Becker, 1982; Marmarou et al.,1991; Jones et al., 1994). With an impaired physio-logical mechanism unable to respond adequately tothese adverse changes in physiological parameters(or ‘secondary insults’), ischemic brain damage canoccur. These secondary, chiefly ischemic brain insultsare common with Graham, Hume Adams and Doyle(1978) reporting, in a series of 151 fatal cases ofsevere head injury, a 91% incidence of ischemic braindamage found on autopsy. A second study carriedout by the same group over 10 years later found asimilar high incidence (> 80%) of ischemic braindamage despite subsequent improvements in inten-sive care of head-injured patients (Graham et al.,1989). Other studies have shown that patients whoseprimary injury was judged not to have been severe(patients who ‘talk and die’) go on subsequently todeteriorate as a result of secondary largely avoidableevents (Reilly et al., 1975; Rose, Valtonen and Jennett,1977; Sharples et al., 1990). These studies wereresponsible for the concept of avoidable brain injuryand stimulated considerable clinical and experi-mental research into both the pathophysiology ofsecondary brain damage and methods aimed atdetecting and predicting adverse physiologicalconditions.

Grossman et al. (1975), studying the relationshipbetween cortical electrical activity and cerebral bloodflow (CBF) and CPP during CSF infusion in non-head-injured primates, showed the relevance of main-taining adequate cerebral perfusion. Provided CBF


and CPP were preserved, electrical activity wasmaintained despite ICP increases above 50 mmHg.However, the cortical activity rapidly disappearedwhen CBF fell markedly, to levels below approx-imately 20 ml/100 g/min. Narayan et al. (1981) con-firmed the importance of brain electrical activity as amarker for adequate cerebral perfusion in head-injured patients. In a prospective study of 133 patientshe demonstrated that multimodality evoked poten-tials when taken together with both basic clinicalsigns and ICP formed the best predictive model ofoutcome. More recent studies of brain electricalactivity have again reaffirmed the associationbetween outcome, ICP and brain electrical activity.Park et al. (1993) studied a small group of patientsclassified as having minor, moderate or severe diffuseaxonal injury (DAI) with serial monitoring of multi-modality evoked potentials over 4 weeks. Patientswere followed up at 3 months and assessed using theGlasgow Outcome Score. Patients with both moderateand severe DAI showed marked changes in somato-sensory and visual evoked potentials, which werecorrelated with outcome. Increasingly, motor evokedpotentials elicited by transcranial electrical or mag-netic stimulation are also being studied as potentialmeasures of neurological function in neurotraumapatients. Kawai et al. (1993), in a feline model ofdiffuse brain compression, monitored the centralmotor pathways by transcranial magnetic stimulationof the motor cortex. They found that the N4 compo-nent (4.99 ms latency) of the spinal motor evoked

potential (L1–L2) was progressively prolonged anddepressed as ICP rose above 40 mmHg.

Apart from cerebral electrical measurements as anindication of neurological function, there has beenmuch interest in the relationship between ICP, CPPand CBF. The landmark study of Miller, Stanek andLangfitt (1972) produced some of the first experi-mental evidence confirming the concept that changesin intracranial pressure affect cerebral blood flow notdirectly but through changes in cerebral perfusionpressure (CPP), where CPP is defined as the differencebetween mean arterial pressure and intracranial pres-sure. Strictly speaking, the actual cerebral perfusionoutflow pressure would be cerebral venous pressure,although it is, in most situations, impractical tomeasure this pressure routinely. However it has beenestablished that over a wide range of pressurescerebral venous pressure is well approximated (within3–4 mmHg) by ICP (Johnson and Rowan, 1974; Yada,Nakagawa and Tsuru, 1973; Nakagawa, Tsuru andYada, 1974). In an experimental study of CBF asdetermined by the venous outflow technique in dogs,Miller also demonstrated that, when MAP and ICPrise in parallel so that CPP remains constant at60 mmHg, CBF increases with MAP in animals foundto be non-autoregulating. It was further shown that, asCPP drops in autoregulating animals, the breakpointat which CBF starts to decrease is at a higher level ifCPP is reduced through hemorrhagic arterial hypoten-sion than if it is reduced through intracranial hyper-tension (Figure 6.1). This work suggests that cerebral

Figure 6.1 Plot showing that the breakpoint at which cerebral blood flow (CBF) starts to decrease is at a higher level ifcerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is reduced through hemorrhagic arterial hypotension (dMAP) than if it is reduced throughintracranial hypertension (dICP).


perfusion is more sensitive to arterial hypotensionthan to intracranial hypertension.

The clinical significance of this information is that inthe management of head injury it is often necessary toemploy therapy to lower raised ICP. Therapeuticagents for reducing raised ICP often do so at theexpense of reduced MAP and as a consequence CPPmay not improve. If autoregulation is preserved, CBFshould remain unchanged despite parallel changes inMAP and ICP. However, clinically, autoregulation islikely to be impaired in those conditions in which ICPis increased such as head injury or subarachnoidhemorrhage (Harper, 1966; Muizelaar, Lutz andBecker, 1984; Muizelaar and Becker, 1986; Muizelaar etal., 1989a, b; Obrist et al., 1984; Bouma and Muizelaar,1990). Under these circumstances, it is important thatreduction in ICP should not be achieved at theexpense of lowering CBF and provoking brainischemia.

This earlier work of Miller was later extended byChan, Miller and Piper (1992) to include CPP ranges of60, 50 and 40 mmHg. At CPP levels of 50 and60 mmHg, when autoregulation was intact, CBFremained unchanged. However, with loss of autor-egulation, there was a trend for CBF to increase asMAP and ICP were increased in parallel at a CPP of 50and 60 mmHg. Absolute CBF levels were significantlydifferent between the autoregulating and non-autor-egulating groups. At a CPP of 40 mmHg CBF showeda linear correlation with BP. This work demonstratesthat, when autoregulation is impaired, there is afunctional difference between autoregulating andnon-autoregulating cerebral vessels despite similarMAP and CPP and that, when autoregulation isimpaired, CBF depends more on arterial drivingpressure than on cerebral perfusion pressure.

The importance of arterial pressure as the primefactor governing CPP-related secondary insults hasbeen well demonstrated by the recent work by Jones,Miller and colleagues (1994) who carried out aprospective study over 4 years of the frequency andseverity with which secondary insults occur to head-injured patients while being managed in intensivecare. They developed a microcomputer-based datacollection system that allows the acquisition of datafrom up to 15 monitored variables minute by minute(Piper et al., 1991). At each bedspace data collectionwas under the control of a microcomputer; seriallinks between the patient monitors and the micro-computer allow the controlled transfer of multiplechannels of physiological data once per minute. Thecontrolling software allowed medical staff to addcomments to the current active computer file at anytime, precisely annotating significant events. Thesoftware performs artifact detection, calculatesderived data and highlights valid data that falls

outside normal physiological levels. Collected datawas stored to disk and can be printed either locallyor remotely.

From the valid physiological data produced, man-ual processing of data was used to identify secondaryinsults, which are defined at one of three grades ofseverity and which must last for 5 minutes or longer tobe recorded as an insult. This permits calculation ofthe frequency, severity and total duration of insults,measured in minutes.

An analysis was made of 124 adult head-injuredpatients who were monitored during intensive careusing the computerized data collection system. Infor-mation was logged at 1 minute intervals and scannedto identify insults when values fell outside thresholdlimits for 5 minutes or longer. Three grades of insultwere defined for each variable. The duration of insultshas been analyzed in relation to the Glasgow OutcomeScore of these patients at 12 months after injury. Themonitored patients included 68 with severe headinjury (Glasgow Coma Score of 8 or less with no eye-opening), 36 with moderate head injury (GCS 9–12)and 20 with minor head injury (GCS 13–15 but withmultiple injuries, scoring 16 or more on the InjurySeverity Scale).

Insults were found in 91% of patients at all degreesof severity of head injury. 10% of patients had insultsthat were only at the lowest Grade 1 level, 31% hadinsults at both Grade 1 and Grade 2 levels and 50% ofpatients had at least one insult at Grade 3 level inaddition to Grade 1 and 2 insults. Overall, the majority(77%) of all insults detected in the ITU were at Grade1 level and these represented 85% of the total durationin minutes of insult measured.

In a subset of 71 patients (51 severe, 18 moderateand two minor), all of whom had six channelsmonitored concurrently (ICP, BP, CPP, SaO2, bodytemperature, heart rate) insult and outcome data wereanalyzed using stepwise logistic regression to deter-mine the effects of age, admission GCS score, pupilresponses, injury severity score and insult duration onoutcome scored on the Glasgow Outcome Scale at 12months. Duration of hypotension, hypoxemia andpyrexia were found to be significant predictors ofmortality. When good versus bad outcome was con-sidered (good recovery and moderate disability versussevere disability and death), the logistic regressionanalysis showed duration of hypotension and bilateralloss of pupil light response to be the most importantpredictors.

Differences in the duration of insult between out-come groups 12 months postinjury were comparedwith each grade of insult, using Kruskall–Wallis one-way analysis of variance and by Mann–Whitney Utests. Significant differences in the distribution ofhypotensive insults was found between the outcome


grades at all levels of severity of insult. Similar resultswere found for cerebral perfusion pressure insultduration. These data confirm the important adverseeffect of even moderate reductions in arterial pressure(systolic BP less than 90 mmHg or mean BP less than70 mmHg).

Miller and coworkers further considered whetherthe estimate of the burden of secondary insults wasexcessive, as a result of selection of an atypical groupof head-injured patients. This was not the case, as themortality rates for severe, moderate and minor headinjury were 31%, 11% and 5% respectively. The otherpossibility is that the computerized system is moreefficient in the detection of abnormal values inmonitored variables than the nursing staff in theintensive care unit. This was examined by an addi-tional study (Corrie et al., 1993), where the number,duration and severity of computer-identified insultswere compared with the values recorded by nursingstaff on the standard intensive care unit bedside24-hour chart. Data from computer recordings andnursing charts from 20 head-injured patients werecompared for 37 periods, each of a full 24 hours,during which data from four selected channels wereobtainable without interruption. Insults detectedusing the computer system were divided into thosecompletely identified, completely missed or partiallyidentified on the bedside nursing chart. Of 216 periodsof insult of 5 minutes or longer that were identifiedusing the computer system, 69 (32%) were missed onthe standard bedside nursing chart. The majority ofthese missed insults were at Grade 1. Insults at Grade2 or Grade 3 level were more likely to be recorded onthe nursing chart. However, of all the insult typesstudied, Grade 1 arterial hypotension was most oftenmissed (94%). Charting accuracy improved to 87%detection of computer-identified insults when thoseinsults that crossed the designated hour and half hourrecording slots in the nursing chart were considered.Insults that lasted less than 30 minutes were sig-nificantly more likely to be missed than those thatwere longer. While this study is reassuring in that thebedside nursing chart was reliable in the detection ofmost insults that involved raised ICP, it is a majorconcern that periods of mild arterial hypotensionwere frequently missed when outcome data indicatesthat even these relatively minor episodes have anadverse effect on patient outcome.

Thus secondary insults are common, result inmainly ischemic brain damage and are a majorcontribution to disablement. They are importantbecause they are common and yet so potentiallyavoidable. Clearly a critical challenge facing us is todevelop patient monitoring systems and protocolsthat will lead to rapid detection and resolution ofsecondary insults.

6.2 The principles: physiology andpathophysiology of intracranial pressure


The history of the subject of intracranial pressure hasbeen well reviewed (Masserman, 1935a, Stern, 1963;Langfitt, 1969) and starts from the doctrine named afterMonro (1783) and Kellie (1824), which proposed thatthe brain and its contained blood were incompressible,enclosed in a rigid and inextensible skull, of which thetotal volume remained constant. In its original formthe Monro–Kellie doctrine did not take into accountthe CSF as a component of the cranial compartment.The concept of reciprocal volume changes betweenblood and CSF was introduced in 1846 by Burrows andwas later extended in the early 20th century by Weedand McKibben (1919; Weed, 1929) to allow for recipro-cal changes in all the craniospinal constituents.

Kocher in 1901 translated into clinical terms the fourstages of cerebral compression proposed almost 25years earlier by the experimental studies of Duret(1878). Kocher described four stages of cerebralcompression related to the expansion of intracranialbrain tumors. In stage 1, the initial increase in tumorvolume is compensated by a reduction in volume ofthe other intracranial components, chiefly CSF andvenous blood. This spatial compensation results in nonet increase in intracranial volume or pressure andhence no clinical symptoms. In stage 2 the compensa-tory mechanisms are exhausted, ICP increases and thepatient becomes drowsy, with headache. Stage 3 ischaracterized by a considerable increase in ICP, anassociated deterioration in conscious level with inter-mittent elevations of blood pressure (BP) accompaniedby bradycardia. In the fourth and final stage, thepatient is unconscious, with bilateral fixed dilatedpupils and falling BP, usually leading to death.

Cushing (1901, 1902, 1903), then a research workerfor Kocher, described in both experimental and clinicalstudies the close relationship between increases in ICPand BP and proposed that the BP rose in order tomaintain adequate blood supply to the hindbrain, thestimulus to this vasopressor response believed to bemedullary ischemia (Jennett, 1961; Johnson andRowan, 1974).

At about this time a false confidence developed inthe lumbar CSF pressure technique (lumbar puncture)which caused Cushing’s findings to be challenged.Reports emerged (Browder and Meyers, 1936; Smythand Henderson, 1938; Evans et al., 1951) that somepatients showing clinical signs of brain compressionhad normal lumbar CSF pressures and that in otherpatients elevations in BP were found at times whenICP was well below the level of BP.


Partly because of this apparent dissociation betweenICP and clinical symptoms, emphasis switched awayfrom ICP measurement towards the relationshipbetween craniospinal volume and pressure, partic-ularly the importance of the elastic properties of thecraniospinal system. Ayala (1923, 1925) studied the fallin lumbar pressure that occurred when CSF wasremoved from patients, describing the degree ofdecline in terms of the volume of CSF removed andthe ‘elasticity’ of the meninges. ‘Ayala’s index’ devel-oped from this work and is defined as the fall inpressure divided by the volume of fluid removed. Thisindex was found to be low in patients diagnosed withbenign intracranial hypertension and high in patientswith cerebral tumors.

Weed and Flexner (1932; Weed, Flexner and Clark,1932; Flexner, Clark and Weed, 1932; Flexner andWeed, 1933) systematically studied the effect ofhydrostatic columns on the elastic properties of thecraniospinal system by observing the pressure andvolume changes during up/down head-tilting experi-ments in animals. They defined a coefficient ofelasticity based on Hook’s law (Eo = stress/strain),which failed to show any change under a variety ofexperimental conditions. Their work was criticallyreviewed by Massermann (1934, 1935a), who carriedout similar studies in patients. Ryder et al. (1951) werethe first to characterize the craniospinal volume–pressure relationship as a non-linear quantity,describing it as a hyperbolic function, which impliesan increase in elastance as pressure increases. Thiswas in conflict with the work by Weed and coworkers,although the latter group only studied the elasticproperties over a limited physiological pressure range.Furthermore, it was also partly the work of Ryder et al.(1953) that restored confidence in intracranial pressuremeasurement by demonstrating a differential pressurebetween intraventricular and lumbar CSF pressurerecording. This phenomenon was reported as early as1895 by Bayliss, Hill and Gulland, who noted that itwas impossible to obtain valid ICP measurementsbelow the tentorium during later stages of progressivesupratentorial brain compression.

It was not until the 1960s when Lundberg (1960)published his now classic monograph, that interest inclinical ICP measurement was rekindled. Using ven-tricular fluid pressure recording in brain tumorpatients, Lundberg was the first to delineate thefrequency with which raised ICP occurs clinically, attimes reaching pressures as high as 100 mmHg. Lund-berg also described three types of spontaneous pres-sure wave fluctuations: ‘A’ waves or plateau waves oflarge amplitude (50–100 mmHg) with a variable dura-tion (5–20 min), ‘B’ waves, which are smaller (up to50 mmHg), sharper waves with a dominant frequencyof 0.5–2/min, and finally ‘C’ waves, which are small

(up to 20 mmHg), rhythmic oscillations with a fre-quency of 4–8/min.

This work was then extended to include headinjuries (Lundberg, Troup and Lorin 1965; Johnston,Johnston and Jennett, 1970), intracranial hemorrhage(Richardson, Hide and Eversden, 1970), posthypoxicbrain damage (Langfitt et al., 1974) and benignintracranial hypertension (Johnston and Paterson,1972). ICP can therefore increase under an assortmentof experimental and clinical circumstances, the fre-quency often being underestimated by the lumbarpressure recording technique. This phenomenon ofpressure underestimation was fully defined by Lang-fitt and coworkers (1964a, b) in experimental studiesof extradural brain compression, where progressiveloss of transmission of ICP across the tentorial hiatusoccurred, with the pressure in the posterior fossa andlumbar subarachnoid space progressively under-read-ing the ventricular pressure and eventually returningto normal pressure.

Some of the most important work at this time wasalso carried out by Langfitt’s group (Langfitt, Wein-stein and Kassel, 1965) who redefined Kocher’s fourstages of cerebral compression under controlledexperimental conditions in Rhesus monkeys withsimultaneous measurement of arterial and intracranialpressure, jugular or sagittal sinus pressure, cerebralblood flow (CBF) and measures of brain metabolism.They defined stage 1 as the period of spatial com-pensation, with very little increase in ICP despite slowinflation of an extradural balloon. Electroencephalo-gram (EEG), CBF and brain oxygenation were normaland stable at this time. Stage 2 occurred at the end ofspatial compensation and was characterized by anexponential increase in ICP with a steady extraduralballoon inflation rate. Towards the end of this stage,ICP increased by more than 15 mmHg with 0.1 mlinjections into the extradural balloon, and sponta-neous increases in BP occurred that initiated furtherincreases in ICP. Further waves of increased ICP couldbe triggered at this time by hypercapnia and hypoxia.In stage 3, ICP was approaching the level of BP, withthe vasomotor reflexes becoming less effective indriving BP up above the ICP. EEG slowed and becameflat as ICP reached the level of BP. At this stage,altering the arterial concentration of carbon dioxide(PaCO2) had no response, an effect which Langfitttermed ‘vasomotor paralysis’. Also at this stage,induced changes in BP produced almost identicalchanges in ICP. Deflation of the balloon at this stagecould cause a return of ICP to normal levels, with apartial return of EEG. If balloon inflation continued,stage 4 was entered, where decompensation wasirreversible, BP dropped and death followed. Defla-tion of the balloon at this time resulted in only atemporary fall in ICP.



Following on from this earlier work, the researchcarried out in the 1970s and early 1980s providesmuch of the basis for our current concepts of intra-cranial pressure and craniospinal compliance.

Marmarou, interested in CSF dynamics in relationto the pathological state of hydrocephalus, was thefirst to provide a full mathematical description of thecraniospinal volume–pressure relationship. Mar-marou (1973) developed a mathematical model of theCSF system that produced a general solution for theCSF pressure. The model parameters were subse-quently verified experimentally in an animal model ofhydrocephalus. As a corollary from this study, Mar-marou demonstrated that the non-linear craniospinalvolume–pressure relationship could be described as astraight line segment relating the logarithm of pres-sure to volume, which implies a monoexponentialrelationship between volume and pressure (Figure 6.2).The slope of this relationship Marmarou termed thepressure–volume index (PVI) which is the notionalvolume required to raise ICP tenfold. Unlike elastance(change in pressure per unit change in volume dP/dV) or its inverse, compliance (change in volume perunit change in pressure dV/dP), the PVI characterizesthe craniospinal volume–pressure relationship overthe whole physiological range of ICP.

The PVI is calculated from the pressure changeresulting from a rapid injection or withdrawal of fluid

from the CSF space (Figure 6.3), and has foundwidespread use both clinically and experimentally asa measure of lumped craniospinal compliance (Mar-marou, Shulman and LaMorgese, 1975; Sullivan et al.,1977; Takagi et al., 1980; Kosteljanetz, 1985; Shapiro etal., 1985; Takizawa, Gabra-Sanders and Miller, 1986a;Maset et al., 1987). Any factor increasing in volumewithin the craniospinal axis will deplete availablecompensatory exchange space (decompensation),reduce compliance and eventually lead to increasedintracranial pressure. Shapiro and Marmarou (1982)have found a PVI reduced by 80% of control values tobe predictive of raised ICP in pediatric head injury.Tans and Poortvliet (1983), also using the PVI inpatients, state that the values of 10 ml and 13 ml arekey values, with lower values indicating that activeICP reduction and improvement in compliance arerequired.

Marmarou’s mathematical model developed animproved understanding not only of lumped intra-cranial compliance but also of the inter-relationships ofthe static and dynamic processes of formation, storageand absorption mechanisms of CSF. Clearly, thebalance between formation and storage is critical and ifthe absorption of CSF is hindered, perhaps as a result ofincreased CSF outflow resistance, this will result, oncethe storage capacity of CSF becomes exhausted, inraised ICP. There is a clear relationship between CSFpressure and cerebral venous pressure and Davson(1967) has shown that, by withdrawing CSF at theestimated rate of CSF production (approximately

Figure 6.2 Log intracranial pressure (ICP) versus intracranial volume relationship defined by Marmarou (1973). Thepressure volume index (PVI) is the notional volume (ml) which, when added to the craniospinal volume, causes a tenfoldrise in ICP.


0.3 ml/min), it is possible to determine the baselinecerebral venous pressure. This value can then besubstituted into the steady-state ICP equation:

ICP = formation rate � outflow resistance+ venous pressure.

Marmarou has extended Davson’s work and hisgeneral solution for intracranial pressure allowed thederivation of an equation for CSF outflow resistancebased on a bolus injection technique (Marmarou, 1973;Marmarou, Shulman and LaMorgese, 1975). Througha single volume injection (Vo) and noting the startingpressure (Po), peak pressure resulting from the vol-ume injection (Pp) and the pressure (P2) on the returntrajectory at a time (t2 – usually 2 minutes), theoutflow resistance (Ro) can be calculated (Figure 6.3).In head injury management, the usefulness of know-ing CSF outflow resistance stems from the premisethat increased CSF outflow resistance is one possible‘non-vascular’ cause of raised ICP. In general terms,causes of raised ICP can be categorized into ‘vascular’and ‘non-vascular’ mechanisms. Vascular mecha-nisms would include active cerebral vasodilation dueto stimuli such as increased CO2 levels or decreasedarterial inflow pressure (assuming intact pressureautoregulation) or passive distention of cerebralvessels in the absence of autoregulation or by venousoutflow obstruction. Non-vascular mechanismswould include increases in brain bulk due to increasedbrain water content (edema) or to an increasingintracerebral, extradural or subdural mass. A further

non-vascular mechanism would be an increase in CSFoutflow resistance, possibly due to obstruction in thenormal CSF pathway, which results in dilation of thechannels proximal to the site of the obstruction.

The development of a simple bolus method formeasurement of CSF outflow resistance has led towork validating the bolus method against both con-stant infusion and perfusion methods. Takizawa,Gabra-Sanders and Miller (1985) confirmed the earlierdata of Sullivan et al. (1979), indicating that, underbaseline conditions, there was a significant correlationbetween steady-state and dynamic measurements ofCSF outflow resistance, but the slope of the regressionline was less than unity so that the bolus methodprogressively underestimated CSF outflow resistancecompared to the steady-state method. However, aseparate set of measurements was obtained after theCSF system was loaded by infusion of artificial CSF sothat the baseline feline PVI decreased from 0.72–0.56.This had no effect on the linear relationship betweendynamic and steady-state measurements, but didproduce a regression line with a much better fit tounity. Thus, under those clinically relevant conditionswhere volume buffering is likely to be decreased, thebolus method provides an adequate measure of CSFoutflow resistance.

CSF outflow resistance measurement is used lessoften in head injury research but is generally acceptedas valuable in the diagnosis of diseases associatedwith disturbances in the CSF dynamics. Thus, tech-niques for measuring CSF outflow resistance have

Figure 6.3 Formulae for deriving the pressure volume index (PVI), volume pressure response (VPR) and the CSF outflowresistance (Ro) where Po is the baseline CSF pressure, Pp is the peak pressure resulting from a bolus volume injection Vo andP2 refers to the pressure point on the return trajectory at time T2 (usually selected at 2 min postinjection).


found widespread application in research into hydro-cephalus (Katzmann and Hussey, 1970; Ekstedt, 1978;Borgeson and Gjerris, 1982; Tans and Poortvliet, 1984;Borgesen et al., 1989; Maksymowicz et al., 1993), theorigin of ‘B-waves’ and as a means of timing shuntplacement (Dirnagl et al., 1989; Tans and Poortvliet,1984; Tanaka and Nishimura, 1989; Goderski andGraff-Radford, 1993). Using these bolus techniques,Marmarou has extended their utility in head injury bydemonstrating that, through measurement of the PVIand CSF outflow resistance, it is possible to calculatethe percentage contribution of CSF and vascularfactors to the elevation of ICP (Marmarou et al.,1987).

This important study has shown that the CSFcontribution to ICP in severely head-injured patientsaccounts for only about 30% of the ICP rise while themajority of ICP is attributable to vascular mecha-nisms. Recently, one of the basic assumptions under-lying ICP dynamics tests has been called into question:that venous outflow pressure, as estimated by sagittalsinus pressure, remains constant. Marmarou et al.(1993), measuring jugular bulb pressure as an estimateof sagittal sinus pressure, showed that sagittal sinuspressure may be elevated in approximately 40% ofseverely head-injured patients. Also, in those patientswith a significant correlation between jugular bulbpressure and intracranial pressure, there was a sig-nificantly higher percentage vascular contribution toICP elevation. This work shows that elevation ofvenous outflow pressure does contribute to ICPelevation and that assessment of CSF outflow resist-ance, PVI and jugular bulb pressure may, in selectedpatients, be useful to measure when targeting therapyfor raised ICP.

At about the same time that Marmarou introducedthe PVI technique, Miller and co-workers (Miller andGaribi, 1972; Miller, Garibi and Pickard, 1973) defineda further measure of the craniospinal volume–pres-sure relationship, the volume pressure response(VPR). The VPR, calculated from the intracranialpressure response resulting from a rapid bolus injec-tion of saline into the CSF space, was a directmeasure, not of compliance, but of its inverse: ela-stance. The VPR technique was in several wayspreferable to the PVI technique in that it was a simplermeasure of craniospinal volume depletion, involvingnone of the assumptions about the monoexponentialnature of the pressure versus volume relationshipinherent in Marmarou’s technique. Furthermore, theVPR increases in value as the patient’s conditionworsens, which makes it easier to understandclinically.

Miller pointed out that if there were only a singlevolume–pressure curve then no new informationwould be gained by measuring compliance or ela-

stance, and a knowledge of absolute ICP alone wouldsuffice in determining the state of a patient’s cranio-spinal volume decompensation. However, Miller andcoworkers (Miller and Pickard, 1974; Miller, 1975;Miller, Leach and Pickard, 1975) have shown that theshape of the volume–pressure relationship changesunder a variety of conditions between patients andwithin patients at different times and under differentcircumstances. In head-injured patients, the VPRcorrelated better to the degree of brain midline shift,as imaged on CT scan, than it did to absolute ICPalone. The VPR served as an indicator for surgicaldecompression, critical levels being between3–5 mmHg/ml (Miller, Garibi and Pickard, 1973; Haseet al., 1978).

Lofgren (1973; Lofgren, von Essen and Zwetnow,1973; Lofgren and Zwetnow, 1973, 1976) extended theICP range over which the volume–pressure relation-ship was studied, including a negative pressure range(relative to atmospheric pressure). In experimentalstudies in dogs using spinal block techniques, heshowed the volume–pressure curve to be the sum oftwo separate curves representing high compliancerelated to the spinal portion of the dural sac and alow compliance curve, at elevated ICP, related mostlyto the cranial portion (Figure 6.4). At the mostelevated ICP, there was a sudden decrease in elastanceas ICP approached diastolic pressure, possibly due toshifting of blood from the vascular bed when CBFceased (Lofgren, von Essen and Zwetnow, 1973).

The importance of vascular factors as a determinantof lumped craniospinal compliance was demonstratedclearly by the work of Gray and Rosner (1987a, b),who showed that, when CBF autoregulation wasintact with cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) levelsgreater than 50 mmHg, there was a linear increase inPVI with increasing CPP. However, with CPP’s belowthe autoregulatory range, CBF fell progressively fol-lowed this time by increases in the PVI again. Thiswork demonstrates that the PVI is a complex functionof CPP, the direction of the CPP–PVI relationshipbeing dependent on whether CPP is above or belowthe autoregulatory range for CBF (Figure 6.5).

Not only is craniospinal compliance criticallydependent on vascular factors but Anile, Portnoy andBranch (1987) have demonstrated that compliance isalso time-dependent. They showed that the VPRcalculated from slow, medium and rapid bolus injec-tions yields different values. They conclude thatlumped craniospinal compliance can be divided intotwo components based on the rate of injection of thevolume bolus: physical compliance and physiologicalcompliance. Physical compliance is a measure of suchfactors as expansion of spinal dura matter and of anyminute amount of brain compression and skull expan-sion that may occur (Heifetz and Weiss, 1981).


Figure 6.4 Extended craniospinal volume–pressure relationship defined by Lofgren (1973), demonstrating ‘low’ and ‘high’elastance regions.

Figure 6.5 Plot showing the pressure–volume index (PVI), as a measure of compliance, versus cerebral perfusion pressure(CPP), both within (squares) and beyond (triangles) an ‘autoregulating range’ of CPP. Autoregulation was defined as intactif cerebral blood flow measurements taken at the time of the PVI measurements were within 15% of baseline values. Notethat the lines of best fit through the PVI/CPP relationships have slopes of different direction depending on whether the CPPrange is within or beyond the autoregulating range. (Source: adapted from Gray and Rosner, 1987.)


Physiological compliance of the intracranial system isrelated to cerebrovascular alterations, particularlyvenous outflow resistance (Chopp and Portnoy, 1983).

These data show that, to understand craniospinalpressure–volume relationships, the dynamic and theviscoelastic properties of CSF, nervous tissue andvascular factors must all be considered. Zee andShapiro (1989), using a gas-bearing electrodynam-ometer and a linear variable displacement transducer,measured the relationship between brain compressionforce and displacement to study the viscoelasticproperties of the brain. They demonstrated that dogs,made hydrocephalic with intracisternal injection ofkaolin, developed brains that became less stiff (morecompliant) and more viscous than normal brain. Theypropose that this weakening of brain tissue mayaccount for the increase in brain compliance asso-ciated with hydrocephalus, although the time courseof these changes is still unknown.

Walsh and Schettini (1989) have shown that braintissue elasticity bears no relation to lumped craniospi-nal elastance as measured by the VPR. The brainelastic response was measured extradurally with acoplanar transducer recording the brain displacementsimultaneously with the pressure required to causethat brain displacement. The resulting pressure versusbrain displacement relationship is similar to thepressure versus injection volume relationship pre-viously described. The tangent of this brain elasticresponse curve is a parameter G0 which is a measureof brain tissue elasticity. They have shown in ten dogs,in an extradural balloon-inflation model of raised ICP,that the VPR increases with increasing ICP but G0remains unchanged. Upon cardiac arrest, however, theVPR decreases and G0 increases. They propose that G0increases as a result of an ion shift from the extra-cellular to the intracellular compartment, leading toincreased intracellular water and hence increasedcellular tension (Van Harreveld and Ochs, 1956).

From this work it is clear that a knowledge of apatient’s craniospinal volume–pressure relationship isan adjunct to ICP measurement for predicting states ofraised ICP. However, the use of the PVI or VPRmethods is not without disadvantages. With thesetechniques there is an increased risk of infection,usually due to Staphylococcus epidermidis, with repor-ted infection rates ranging from 0.5% up to 9%(Lundberg, 1960; Wyler and Kely, 1972; Troupp andMcDowell, 1976). Infection is a particular complicationof ventriculostomy and relates to the duration ofmonitoring. Narayan et al. (1982) found an 8.5%incidence of ventriculostomy-related infection inpatients monitored for over 5 days but no similarinfections in patients monitored for 3 days or less. Thisrelationship of duration of monitoring to risk ofinfection has not been confirmed by others, and the

rate of access to the CSF system to obtain samples or torecalibrate may be important. Other disadvantagesinclude a risk of provoking secondary pressure riseswith rapid volume injection through activation ofsecondary vasodilation (Avezaat and Van Eijndhoven,1984; Langfitt et al., 1974). Furthermore, variabilitybetween measurements is high as it is difficult tomanually inject consistent volumes of fluid rapidly ata constant rate of injection. As a result an average ofrepeated measures is usually required.

As a consequence of these limitations the PVI or VPRtests are not routinely used in neurosurgical practice. Inan effort to find a less invasive means to obtain this dataAvezaat and Van Eijndhoven (1979; Avezaat, VanEijndhoven and Wyper, 1984) systematically studiedthe ICP waveform pulse amplitude (ICPplse) as ameasure of craniospinal elastance. The rationalebehind this concept is that with each heartbeat there isa pulsatile increase in cerebral blood volume, theequivalent of a small intracranial volume injection,and the ICPplse is the intracranial pressure response tothat volume increment and should therefore be directlyrelated to the craniospinal elastance (dP/dV). That is,as craniospinal elastance increases (compliance decrea-ses) the ICPplse should increase, provided that thevolume increment remain constant. The observationthat as ICP increases so does the amplitude of theintracranial pressure pulsations is not a new one,having been first described in 1866 by Leyden.

Avezaat and Van Eijndhoven first extended themathematical description of the exponential cranio-spinal volume–pressure relationship by introducing aconstant term P0 into the pressure–volume equation(Figure 6.6). Primarily for mathematical conveniencethis term shifts the volume–pressure curve as a wholeup or down its axis, which allows correction forpressure transducer reference position and posturalchanges. Mathematically, P0 is the pressure at zeroelastance (see the equation in Figure 6.6) and musttherefore have physiological significance as a determi-nant of the normal intracranial equilibrium pressure(Peq). Lofgren and Zwetnow (1973) showed thatalterations in CVP can shift the pressure–volumecurve up or down its axis, which would suggest CVPmay be a factor determining P0.

Avezaat and Van Eijndhoven described the mathe-matical relationship between ICPplse and ICP bysubstituting the ICPplse for the elastance (dP/dV) andpulsatile blood volume for the volume injection. Thisrelationship was verified in both clinical and experi-mental studies. They found that the ICPplse increasedlinearly with ICP up to a pressure of 60 mmHg,whereupon a breakpoint occurred (Figure 6.7). Above60 mmHg the ICPplse increased more rapidly withrising ICP. They argue that the breakpoint is a markerfor loss of CBF autoregulation, postulating that onset of


vasomotor paralysis causes a decreased arteriolarinflow resistance, which results in an increased phaseshift between the inflow and outflow pulsatile bloodvolume. This translates to an overall increased intra-cranial pulsatile blood volume and will tend to increasethe slope of the ICPplse versus ICP relationship.

It is assumed that the pulsatile blood volume (dV),the input function to the elastance calculation (dP/dV), is unchanging. This is a tenuous assumption in

severely injured patients, some of whom may havecompromised or fluctuating cardiovascular function.As a consequence of the dependence of the ICPplseversus ICP relationship on the pulsatile blood volume,the clinical utility of this technique as a measure oflumped craniospinal elastance is limited unless ameasure of the pulsatile blood volume can be mon-itored simultaneously and controlled for in patients.Despite this limitation, analysis of the ICP pulse

P = Peq eE1 dVe + Po

Figure 6.6 Craniospinal volume–pressure relationship demonstrating that for the same increase in craniospinal volume(dVe) the ICP pulse amplitude (dP) increases when total craniospinal volume (Ve) increases. This is due to the exponentialnature of the curve, which is described mathematically by the equation. P = ICP; Peq = equilibrium ICP; E1 = elasticcoefficient; Ve = elastic volume (addition to total volume); P0 = constant term.

Figure 6.7 ICP pulse amplitude (ICPplse) versus intracranial pressure relationship defined by Avezaat and Van Eijndhoven(1979), demonstrating a direct linear dependence of ICPplse on mean ICP. A breakpoint occurs at an ICP of approximately60 mmHg whereupon the slope of the relationship increases.


amplitude is still widely studied clinically and may, inthe future, prove useful as an estimate of cerebro-vascular autoregulatory reserve (Laniewski, Czosnykaand Maksymowicz, 1993).

Portnoy and Chopp recognized the importance ofmeasurement of the input function in an analysis ofthe ICPplse and were the first to apply a systemsanalysis approach to the ICP waveform (Chopp andPortnoy, 1980). Systems analysis is a techniquewhereby an attempt is made to define the physicalcharacteristics of a system using only the systeminput and output signals (Marmareliz and Marmar-eliz, 1987). Portnoy and Chopp’s method assumes thatthe BP waveform is the chief input signal to thecerebrovascular system and the ICP waveform is theoutput response to that stimulus. Both BP and ICPwaveforms are converted into the frequency domainby Fourier analysis, and the resulting frequencyspectra are used in the calculation of the systemtransfer function (Figure 6.8). The system transferfunction consists of amplitude and phase components.The amplitude transfer function is a measure of howmuch pressure is transmitted through the cerebrovas-cular bed at a given frequency. The phase transferfunction is a measure of how much a pressure signal isphase-shifted as it is transmitted through the cer-ebrovascular bed at a given frequency.

Using these methods, Portnoy and Chopp (1981)found, in an experimental model of raised ICP in cats,that arterial hypercarbia and hypoxia produced anincrease in ICPplse, and an increase mainly in thefundamental of the amplitude transfer function. Thechanges induced were greater than those caused byintraventricular infusion of saline to the same ICPlevel. The VPR was less during hypercapnia thanduring intraventricular infusion at the same ICP level,which suggests that the increase in ICPplse is relatedmore to arteriolar vasodilation than to steepening ofthe craniospinal volume–pressure relationship.

Extending their model by including analysis of thesagittal sinus pressure (SSP) waveform in dogs,Portnoy et al. (1982) found that the ICP waveform andSSP waveform were almost identical, indicating thatthe ICPplse is derived from the cerebral venous bed.With the animals breathing pure oxygen it wasobserved that an attenuation of the amplitude transferfunction fundamental occurred in the transmission ofthe arterial pulse through to the CSF space underconditions of low ICP (ICP < 7 mmHg). They attrib-uted this attenuation to functional autoregulatory toneof the precapillary cerebral resistance vessels, andfurther demonstrated that a flat amplitude transferfunction (equal transmission of all harmonics) can beexperimentally induced by intraventricular infusion

Figure 6.8 Systems analysis. The input blood pressure (f(t)) and output intracranial (g(t)) waveforms recorded fromlocations across the cerebrovascular bed (CVB) can be described by spectral analysis in terms of their harmonic components(F(�) and G(�)). Spectral analysis of the BP and ICP signals resolved each waveform as a series of sine waves consisting ofa fundamental component and five harmonics of the fundamental. The transfer function (H(�)) defines how the input signalis transformed into the output signal and consists of amplitude and a phase components. The amplitude curve describeshow much pressure is transmitted through the CVB at each harmonic frequency. The phase curve describes how much eachpressure sine wave is shifted in its cycle as it is transmitted through the CVB.


of mock CSF or arterial hypercarbia. They proposethat the conversion from an attenuated low frequencytransmission to a flat amplitude transfer function isevidence for reduced arteriolar vasomotor tone.

Applying these techniques to hydrocephalic dogs,Portnoy, Branch and Chopp (1985) found that, whenICP was less than 9 mmHg, there was an attenuatedlow-frequency transmission from BP to ICP; however,when ICP was greater than 12 mmHg a flat amplitudetransfer function was present. These findings inhydrocephalic dogs were identical to non-hydroceph-alic controls, and they concluded that pressure trans-mission from BP to ICP in hydrocephalic dogs wasdetermined by the cerebrovascular bed and not by thehydrocephalic process.

Branch, Chopp and Portnoy (1989), recording thepressure waveform from a small cortical vein, pro-vided further evidence that the ICP waveform wasderived from the cerebral venous bed by demonstrat-ing that the ICP and cortical venous amplitude spectrawere identical across a variety of experimentalconditions.

Using similar techniques to Portnoy and Chopp,Takizawa, Gabra-Sanders and Miller (1987) haveshown that the first four harmonics of the ICPwaveform and the amplitude transfer function allshow a positive correlation to raised ICP and aninverse correlation to CPP. A distortion factor ‘k’ wasused to show that, as ICP increased towards 50 mmHgthe ICP waveform became more like a sine wave,changing less as ICP continued to increase. Takizawa,Gabra-Sanders and Miller (1986b) also found thatcerebrovascular pressure transmission increased withsaline infusion and arterial hypercarbia equally whenICP was recorded either in the lateral ventricle or inthe cisterna magna, but transmission was attenuatedin the lumbar space. This attenuation in the lumbarspace was decreased by saline loading of the cranio-spinal axis. They propose that the spinal sac functionsas a low-pass filter to the conduction of the ICPplse.

Also using a systems analysis approach to studyingcerebrovascular pressure transmission, but using dif-ferent methods, Kasuga et al. (1987) have demon-strated resonance within the intracranial cavity indogs. They randomized pressure pulse transmissioninto the cranial cavity through the control of animplanted cardiac pacemaker. Using the carotid pulsewaveform as an input function and the extraduralpressure waveform as the output function, theycalculated the transfer function from the autocorre-lation of the input function and the cross-correlation ofthe input and output functions by means of a leastsquares method. They showed that the amplitudetransfer function decreased between the frequencies of1 and 7 Hz, then suddenly increased to form a markedpeak at about 10–15 Hz, whereupon the phase transfer

function also changed from positive to negative. Thisshowed that the lower frequencies of the pulse wavewere suppressed during transmission through theintracranial cavity and that resonance was presentunder normal intracranial conditions. Kasuga, Nagaiand Hasegawa (1989) subsequently showed that, withboth extradural balloon inflation and intraventricularinfusion models of raised ICP in dogs, the resonantfrequency increased above the control value. Asso-ciated with this increase in resonant frequency, therewas an increased transfer of the low frequencycomponents. However, with arterial hypercarbia, ICPincreased but with no significant change in theresonant frequency, although low-frequency pressuretransmission increased in a similar fashion to bothgroups.

Bray and Robertson (Bray et al., 1986), also usingFourier analysis of the ICP waveform in patients,identified two main frequency bands in the ICPwaveform power spectrum. The centroid (power-weighted average frequency) of the low frequencyband (0.2–2.6 Hz) they correlated to cerebral bloodflow using the nitrous oxide method, while the high-frequency band centroid (4–15 Hz) they foundinversely correlated to the PVI as a measure ofcraniospinal compliance. Further clinical experience(Robertson et al., 1989) with the high-frequency cent-roid showed that the percentage of time spent with ahigh-frequency centroid greater than 9 Hz bore norelation to ICP but that the centroid frequencycorrelated exponentially to increased mortality. Casereports showed that the high-frequency centroid was abetter measure of the clinical state of the patient thanwas the absolute ICP alone. However, subsequentwork shows that the high-frequency centroid is alsoaffected by heart rate thus diminishing its predictivereliability (Contant et al., 1993).

Adapting the systems analysis method of Portnoyand Chopp to a clinical study of cerebrovascularpressure transmission, Piper et al. (1990a), in anobservational study of 1500 pressure records in 30severely head-injured patients, identified four pat-terns of amplitude transfer function. Both forms thatshowed an elevated fundamental pressure transmis-sion from BP to ICP were associated with raised ICP,whereas the remaining forms with a normal funda-mental amplitude transfer function were associatedwith ICP less than 15 mmHg. Following on from thiswork a further explanatory experimental study wasperformed in cats, demonstrating that the funda-mental amplitude transfer function can be increasedby active arteriolar vasodilation, by loss of autor-egulatory vascular tone, or through reduced cer-ebrovascular transmural pressure (Piper et al., 1993). Itmay be possible to distinguish these mechanisms,working from the observed phase shift between the


fundamental of the BP and ICP waveform. In thisexperimental model, active arteriolar vasodilation wasfollowed by an increasingly negative phase shift anddecreased transmural pressure resulted in no overallphase shift whereas impaired autoregulation showedthat an increased fundamental amplitude was accom-panied by a positive phase shift. Further studies areneeded that correlate these ICP waveform measureswith CBF and pressure autoregulation in head-injuredpatients.

Another area of research showing promise as ameans of studying the effect of intracranial hyper-tension on craniospinal compliance and autoregula-tory reserve concerns the continuous measure oftranscranial middle cerebral artery (MCA) flow veloc-ity and its correlation with CPP. Chan et al. (1993)demonstrated that, in continuously monitored head-injured patients, the MCA Doppler pulsatility index(PI; systolic–diastolic/mean flow velocity), whenplotted against CPP, showed a breakpoint at70 mmHg below which the PI increases. Simultaneousmeasurement of jugular venous oxygen saturation inthe same patients demonstrated a fall in jugularvenous saturation towards ischemic levels from thesame CPP breakpoint. This data would indicate thatbelow a CPP threshold of 70 mmHg autoregulation inthese patients was becoming exhausted (Chapter 14).This information is useful as it provides a means ofdetermining the optimal CPP threshold for treatingraised ICP at any time during the management ofhead-injured patients. If there was only one ‘critical

CPP threshold’ it would be a simple matter to treat ifCPP fell below this threshold. However, there is nowincreasing evidence, from both clinical and experi-mental studies, that as a result of the varying severityof head injury and the development of the injuryprocess with time, the critical CPP threshold changesboth between patients and within patients on differentdays (Price et al., 1994; Wong et al., 1995; Lewis et al.,1995). The development of analysis methods fordetecting changes in CPP breakpoint may have asignificant impact on the future management ofcerebral perfusion.

A similar relationship between CPP and exhaustionof autoregulation may also be identified throughanalysis of the ICP waveform (Figure 6.9). Althoughthis relationship is currently under study in head-injured patients, it confirms the earlier experimentalstudy in cats of Takizawa, Gabra-Sanders and Miller(1987), who demonstrated that the fundamentalamplitude transfer function showed a positive correla-tion to raised ICP and an inverse correlation to CPP,with the latter demonstrating a breakpoint phenom-enon as CPP exceeded 60 mmHg.

Much of the work just described shows promise inelucidating the status of cerebral autoregulation inhead-injured patients, but we are still no closer toimproving upon the methods developed by Mar-marou and Miller for assessment of the craniospinalvolume–pressure status. However, some of the limita-tions of these manual volume–pressure techniques arenow being overcome as a result of innovative applica-

Figure 6.9 Plot of the ICP-waveform-derived parameter (ICP pulse to BP pulse ratio) versus cerebral perfusion pressure(CPP). At a CPP of less than 70 mmHg, a breakpoint occurs where there is an increasing transfer of the BP pulse throughto the CSF.


tion of computer technology. For example, Smielewskiet al. (1993) reported a new method of measuringcraniospinal compliance and CSF outflow resistancein hydrocephalic patients, based on controlled CSFdrainage. This system uses an electromagneticallydriven clamp, which opens or closes the outlet of thelumbar drain under computer control, permitting on-line controlled drainage of CSF, measurement of CSFpressure and volume. This automated drainagemethod does not raise ICP and so overcomes the riskof provoking uncontrolled rises in ICP associated withthe continuous infusion or bolus techniques. Similarly,Piper et al. (1990b) reported on an automated methodfor measuring craniospinal compliance based on anelectronic square wave pressure generator triggeredunder computer control and able to produce small(0.05 ml) volume injection/withdrawal sequences intothe CSF space. The compliance is calculated with thismethod from the amplitude of the intracranial pres-sure response to this small volume increase. Theresulting pressure response itself is small (1–2 mmHg)and is isolated from background noise using com-puter-controlled signal averaging. Work is under way

developing a practical clinical device based on thistechnique for measuring craniospinal compliance inpatients at risk of raised ICP.

Also as a result of improvements in both hardwareand software computer technology, it is becomingmore practical to develop increasingly complex math-ematical models of the craniospinal system. Someinvestigators have modeled the craniospinal andcerebrovascular systems as second- or higher-ordersystems containing a series of distributed resistive,inductive and capacitive components (Takemae et al.,1987; Hoffmann, 1987; Sorek, Bear and Karni, 1988;Ursino, 1988). More recently, finite element analysishas been applied to model the viscoelastic propertiesof the brain (Nagashima, Shirakumi and Rapoport,1990; Hamano et al., 1993). Such models are becomingincreasingly useful as methods for the controlledtesting of hypotheses and simulation of physiologicalconditions that would otherwise be difficult to repro-duce in animal models. For example, Czosnyka et al.(1993) developed a mathematical model of the cer-ebrovascular bed and craniospinal compartment (Fig-ure 6.10). The electrical equivalent circuit of this model

Figure 6.10 Electrical equivalent circuit of a cerebral blood flow (CBF) and CSF circulation model developed by Czosnykaet al. (1993). The upper figure defines the model parameters and the lower figure shows the autoregulatory relationshipbetween vascular resistance (CVR) and CPP. ABP = arterial blood pressure; Pa = arterial pressure in basal cerebral arteries;Pv = cerebral venous pressure; Pi = intracranial pressure; Pss = sagittal sinus pressure; Ca = compliance of arterial bed; Cv= compliance of venous bed; Ci = complicance of CSF lumbar compartment; If = CSF formation rate; RCSF = CSFreabsorption; Rb = resistance of bridging veins; Ra = resistance of basal arteries; CVR = main cerebrovascular resistance.


comprises arterial and venous resistances, capaci-tances (or compliance), CSF formation rate, a non-linear craniospinal compliance, CSF outflow resist-ance and arterial and venous pressure sources. What isparticularly useful in this model is the non-lineararterial resistance characteristic (Figure 6.10), whichallows representation of the autoregulatory process tochanges both in cerebral perfusion pressure andarterial CO2. Using this model it was possible analyt-ically to define the CPP-dependent ICP pulse ampli-tude and transcranial Doppler flow–velocity relation-ship. This confirmed the earlier experimental andclinical data of Avezaat, Van Eijnhoven and Wyper(1979), Takizawa, Gabra-Sanders and Miller (1987),Czosnyka et al. (1990) and Chan et al. (1992).

In conclusion, current research using multimodalitymonitoring and applied computer technology is amost promising approach to the study of raised ICPand may prove to be a powerful aid in the investiga-tion of cerebrovascular pathophysiology and cranio-spinal volume–pressure relationships.

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