6 Ways To Be More Productive With Your Web Marketing

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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6 Ways to Be More Productive With Your Web Marketing

By: Christian “Chrissy” Dernbachwww.chrissybizsolutions.com

I. Embrace Your Unique Voice

Resist the trend of mimicking others and be confident in your way of writing things and how you convey them.

Focus on building your audience instead of the millions of other blogs on the internet.

Your gift will make room for you. Your audience will appreciate what you have to say and

how you say it.

Write down what makes your voice unique and review it frequently.

II. Be Bold But Humble. Have Faith Not Fear

“Fear is STUPID.”

Stay FocusedHumility Draws People;

Arrogance Repels Them Be aware of the tone you

use in your content. Sarcasm can be viewed as

condescending and repel the very people you hope to reach.

When you are confident in your knowledge, there is no need to compare yourself to others or make your readers feel dumb.

Kill Doubt or It Will Kill You

Doubt can be compared to weeds in a garden that choke the harvest.

Mistakes are okay and should be corrected instead of deterring you from the course.

Just as seeds are planted and must die before they produce fruit; web marketing can start off as a frustrating task but with persistence and continual improvement, produce much fruit.

III. Clean Up Your Mess Get organized by compiling logins and websites into one

document you can easily access. Create a spreadsheet for all logins, frequented websites,

bookmarked eBooks, and so forth. Delete incomplete profiles from websites you don’t intend to use

anymore. Delete account information and profiles you haven’t used in a year or more.

Go through your bookmarks and hard drive to get rid of incomplete documents and/or find new inspiration for incomplete content.

Create folder(s) for your information so you are well organized and have a clear path for your new start.

Re-read your company mission and vision

statements to make sure your strategy is properly

aligned with what you envision for your

company and/or blog.

IV. Get Organized Now, you must take action to create a more productive daily

routine: What applications are you using for your content marketing? Are

the easily accessible? Are you using a service for your social media to syndicate your

content? Are the photos in ONE photo and easy to access? Do you have a plan for when you are interrupted in your

workflow? Have you created folders on your web browser toolbar to quickly

access websites, Google documents, and other frequently accessed information?

Do you have alerts set up for transition times, responses to Google Docs, and other apps that will require your attention /response?

Do you have old content you can re purpose and make more SEO friendly?

There are few things more frustrating than wasting

valuable time on tasks we do daily because we have not properly put them in order.

V. Read the Expert Opinions but Do Not Override Your Own Unique Ideas

As a content marketer you must constantly consume content so you have fresh ideas, but switching the direction of your blog to mirror someone else is not a solution.

Your audience wants to know what you have to say, not hear you reiterate what someone else has already written about.

Be teachable and willing to implement ideas into your approach that will clearly produce results.

Give your strategies enough time to produce results before assuming they don’t work.

Never compare what works for someone else with yourself. What works in a fashion niche will not work on a business blog.

VI. Develop A Routine & Be Consistent

Sometimes what we attribute to failure of a strategy is really lack of consistency and perseverance.

Content Marketing is only one form of web marketing. Look into other forms of marketing your product or services on the web such as social media marketing and syndicating your content in micro communities like Linkedin Groups, Google Plus groups, Reddit, and forums pertaining to your niche.

Write even if you don’t feel like it. Rough drafts are better than no drafts and can often get your creative juices flowing.

Outsource tasks that you do not necessarily enjoy doing. Make sure you are accountable to someone or a group you

frequent. Accountability helps us stay on task.

-Steve Jobs“ I am convinced that

about half of what separates the

successful entrepreneurs from

the unsuccessful ones is pure


Developing Routines It is beneficial if you can develop a routine of

writing at the same time and place everyday. This will help your mind associate certain places

and times with writing so it will soon become second nature.

Writing is an essential part of web marketing, whether it be for website content, ads on search engines, blogs, or social media.

If writing is not for you, contact us at www.chrissybizsolutions.com

Follow The Leaders

“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be

afraid only of standing still.”

Chinese Proverb

Certain companies and /or people are bonafide leaders in your niche and you can be confident that their advice is tested and profitable. Adjust

your routine and strategy when necessary.(See last slide for


Bonus Tips When it comes to web marketing, there is a lot of information

available, but here are some of my favorites resources I cyber stalk online, as well as read everything they send to

my inbox. These are not paid endorsements. Hubspot Marketing and Sales Blogs – help with strategy

and provides templates, eBooks, and so much more! Backlinko – Brian Dean is an SEO specialist who proves that

quality content is much more than more content. QuickSprout – Creates massive amounts of content and freely

shares how he does it. Digital Marketer – Helpful with How-To’s & Step-by-Step

instructions ChrissyBiz Solutions – Experienced in providing outsourced

content marketing solutions and web design

Get WritingYou can do it!


