6 ways to increase employee productivity

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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6 ways to more productive employeesBy - www.aircto.com

Why Productivity?

1.Every one of us will unanimously agree that employee productivity is vital for the health of a company.

2.The focus of management is to increase the employee productivity. But wait a moment!

3.When the management tries to increase the productivity of the employees, it should be in such a way that helps the employees as well and they voluntarily contribute to the development of the company and thus it becomes a win-win situation for all.www.aircto.com

Skills matter….


Skills matter and how?

When assigning tasks and when measuring the productivity of the employee, it is extremely important to do it in the right way. You cannot ask fish to climb the tree and measure how well it does that!

So before you assign tasks to the employee, understand the skills and attitude of the employee. You may even discuss the tasks with the concerned person and know his views.

If you feel there could be someone else better suited to perform a task, it is always better to assign it to him and measure his productivity.

Clear and Focused goals...

None of us can work efficiently without certain clear-cut goals...


1. So the keyword is clarity.

2. The employers should set clear and focused goals so that the employees have an unblemished idea and plan as to what to achieve and how.

3. When the goals are not realistic or are not measurable, then the employees tend to slack as they don’t feel positive and find it unattainable.

4. Let the goals be smart and specific.


Employees are humansMany a times, the tasks assigned to the employees are such that both employers and employees forget that they are human beings and they have a life outside the office :-(

A mother of two might need to leave at 4pm to pick her kids from schools. This might not sound very important to an outsider, but the employee has a life outside the workplace and we need to respect that. Once we respect their lives, they will go that extra mile to make sure the work is completed.

Celebrate small victories


We love Rewards..don’t we?

Rewards are one of the sure-shot ways to ensure productivity. If the employees are convinced that every positive contribution from their side is being recognized and acknowledged, they feel motivated and perform better. The reward need not be a fat cheque; because people value many things much more than money.


Positive and thoughtful feedbacks..

Feedback time is not a time to bash the employee for his inadequacies and shortcomings, but an opportunity to instill confidence and hope to do a better job next time. This makes the employee work harder and prove himself rather than feeling dejected and low.

Telecommuting and flexible work hours...Telecommuting was thought to be a productivity killer till recently. It was believed that productivity of the employee could be measured (and kept track of) only when he is physically present in the office. But today the employers are convinced that employees don’t need a micromanager to get their work done. It is in fact found that the productivity of employees working from home are much more productive than employees working from office.


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