67024 SC QP

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  • 7/31/2019 67024 SC QP


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    Important Instructions for the

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    1) This question paper is strictly meant for the use in School Based Summative Assessment-II, March-2012 only. This question paper is not to be used for any other purpose except

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    II, 2012


    Class X / X

    Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

    3 80General Instructions :

    (i) The question paper comprises of two Sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the


    (ii) All questions are compulsory.

    (iii) There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in all the five

    questions of five marks category. Only one option in such questions is to be attempted.

    (iv) All questions of Section-A and all questions of Section-B are to be attempted separately.

    (v) Question numbers 1 to 4 in Section-A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in

    one word or in one sentence.

    (vi) Question numbers 5 to 13 in Section-A are two marks questions. These are to be answered

    in about 30 words each.

    (vii) Question numbers 14 to 22 in Section-A are three marks questions. These are to be

    answered in about 50 words each.

    (viii) Question numbers 23 to 25 in Section-A are five marks questions. These are to be answered

    in about 70 words each.(ix) Question numbers 26 to 41 in Section-B are multiple choice questions based on practical

    skills. Each question is a one mark question. You are to select one most appropriate

    response out of the four provided to you.





    (v) 1 4

    (vi) 5 13 30

    (vii) 14 22 50

    (viii) 23 25 70

    (ix) 26 41


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    1. How is glacial acetic acid different from acetic acid provided to you in laboratory ? Write itsone characteristic which gave it this name.

    2. Mention the role of pupil in a human eye ?

    3. State two advantages of paper bags over plastic bags during shopping.

    4. Which one of the following is always at the third trophic level in a food chain ?

    Carnivores, herbivores, producers, decomposers

    5. Given below is a list of elements along with their atomic numbers in parenthesis.

    A(6), B(8), C(10), D(12), E(14), F(16)

    Select the element which has :

    (a) two shells both of which are completely filled with electrons.

    (b) the electronic configuration 2, 8, 2

    (c) a total of three shells, with four electrons in its valence shell.(d) a total of two shells, with four electrons in its valence shell.

    A(6), B(8), C(10), D(12), E(14), F(16)


    (b) 2, 8, 2



    6. X is an element with atomic number 20.

    (i) Is it a metal or a non metal ?

    (ii) Which of the two X or Mg with atomic number 12 is more reactive ?

    (iii) What is the valency of X ?

    (iv) What will be the formula of its chloride ?

    X 20


    (ii) X Mg 12

    (iii) X

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    7. Define the process of fragmentation in some organisms. Which category of organisms are

    involved in this process ? Give one example.

    8. Name the process by which Planaria grows. Explain the basic feature of this process.

    9. (a) Suggest one point of a lens through which a light ray passes undeviated.

    (b) The power of a lens is 4D. Analyse this value and state any two characteristics of theimage formed by the lens.


    (b) 4D

    10. During sun-rise and sun-set sky appears red, while during the day it appears blue. Explainthese natural phenomenon.

    11. A beam of white light splits when it passes through a prism.(a) Name this phenomenon and give its reason.(b) List the colours into which it splits in the decreasing order of their bonding on

    emergence from prism.



    12. Why do we need to build large dams ? List four reasons.

    13. Burning fossil fuels is a cause of (i) acid rains and (ii) global warming. Justify this statement.

    (i) (ii)

    14. (i) What happens when ethanol is heated at 443K with excess concentrated Sulphuric acid? Write the chemical equation in the process.

    (ii) Complete the following reactions :(a)

    sun light4 2CH Cl

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    (b) 4alkaline KMnO

    3 2 HeatCH CH OH

    (i) 443K


    (a) 4 2CH Cl

    (b) 4KMnO3 2CH CH OH

    15. The position of three elements A, B and C in the modern periodic table is shown

    below :

    Giving reasons, explain the following :

    (a) Element A is a metal.

    (b) Atom of element C has a larger size than atom of element B.

    (c) Element B has a valency of 3.

    A, B C

    (a) A

    (b) B C

    (c) B 3

    16. Darw the diagram of longitudinal section of a bi-sexual flower. Label in it the male and female

    reproductive parts.

    17. (a) Differentiate between homologous organs and analogous organs.

    (b) Mention any one method to find out the age of fossils.(a)

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    18. Birds evolved from reptiles. Justify this statement by taking example on evolution offeathers.

    19. How does the process of sex determination in human beings differ from that in certain otheranimals ? Give any two examples.

    20. (a) An object 1 cm high produces a real image 1.5 cm high when placed at a distance of15 cm from a concave mirror. Calculate the position of the image and the magnification.

    (b) Write two uses of Concave mirrors.

    (a) 1 cm 15 cm 1.5 cm


    21. (a) A ray of light travelling from a medium X enters obliquely into another medium Y. If itbends away from the normal then state which one of the two is relatively opticallydenser. Why ?

    (b) Light enter from air to diamond having refractive index 2.42. Find the speed of light in

    diamond. The speed of light in air is 3108 m/s.

    (a) X Y


    (b) 2.42 3108


    22. A person cannot see objects beyond 1.2 m distinctly. Name the defect of vision he is sufferingfrom. What is the cause for this defect?With the help of the ray diagram show how this defect can be corrected.

    1.2 m

    23. (i) Explain why carbon generally forms compounds by covalent bonds.(ii) Define a functional group in a carbon compound. Identify the functional group present

    in CH3 CH2 COOH and CH3 COCH3.(iii) Draw the electron dot structure of :

    (a) Ethane (b) Cyclopentane


    (ii) CH3 CH2 COOH CH3 COCH3


    (a) (b)

    OR(i) What is saponification ? Write a chemical equation involved in this process.

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    (ii) Why are detergents more effective in washing clothes with hard water than soaps ?

    (iii) Name the following compounds -


    H H H

    H H H H H

    H C C C C C H


    H H H

    H H H O

    H C C C C OH





    H H H

    H H H H H

    H C C C C C H


    H H H

    H H H O

    H C C C C OH


    24. (a) Draw a labelled diagram of human female reproductive system.

    (b) Mention two functions of ovaries.

    (c) Mention the site where fertilization occurs in female reproductive part.




    OR(a) List any two possible health consequences of having unsafe sex.

    (b) Why is it advised to use contraceptives for safe sex ?

    (c) How are oral pills useful for contraception ? Write its major disadvantage.




    25. (a) Draw a ray diagram to show the principal focus of a convex mirror.(b) How will you decide whether a given piece of glass is a convex lens, a concave lens or a

    glass plate if you are provided with a book only ?(c) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image when an object is placed between

    focus and pole of a concave mirror. State the nature, relative size and position of theimage formed.


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    OR(a) Magnification produced by a concave mirror is 4. Find the position of the object if the

    focal length of the mirror is 50 cm.(b) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image when object is placed in front of a

    concave lens. Write the nature, position and the relative size of the image formed.What happens to the size of the image when object is moved closer to the lens ?

    (a) 4 50 cm


    SECTION - B /

    26. A strip of copper was placed in a beaker containing zinc sulphate solution. On observing thestrip next day, it was noticed that(i) the copper strip remained as it was(ii) the copper strip became thinner(iii) the copper strip became thicker(iv) the colour of the copper strip changed to grey.

    Correct observation will be _________

    (a) (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (d) (iv)





    (a) (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (d) (iv)

    27. A Student took four test tubes containing solution of different colours marked A,B,C and D asshown below. The test tube containing ferrous sulphate solution could be the tube

    (a) (A) (b) (B) (c) (C) (d) (D)A, B, C D

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    (a) (A) (b) (B) (c) (C) (d) (D)

    28. Blue litmus solution is added to acetic acid to test(a) acidic nature of acetic acid (b) basic nature of acetic acid(c) neutral nature of acetic acid (d) its saturated or unsaturated nature

    (a) (b)(c) (d)

    29. When sodium carbonate is added to acetic acid and the liberated gas is passed through limewater, it is observed that :-(a) colour of lime water remains unchanged(b) colour of lime water turns milky(c) colour of lime water turns blue(d) colour of lime water turns pink

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    30. 5 mL acetic acid is added to 10 mL of water taken in a test tube and stirred well. After sometime it would be observed that (a) a turbid solution is formed(b) acetic acid forms a layer above water(c) water forms a layer above acetic acid(d) A clear transparent solution is formed

    5 mL 10 mL





    31. In the method to determine the focal length of a concave mirror by forming image of a distantobject the screen should be placed :

    (a) perpendicular to the plane of the mirror(b) parallel to the plane of the mirror(c) inclined at any angle from the mirror

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    (d) in any direction

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    32. A student obtained an image of a tree by using a concave mirror. He observes that the imageis :(a) erect(b) inverted(c) erect or inverted depending on the position of screen(d) laterally inverted




    33. In an experiment to determine the focal length of a convex lens, a student obtained a sharpimage of a distant tree on the screen behind the lens. She then moved the lens towards thetree. In order to obtain the sharp image on screen she should move the screen.(a) away from the lens(b) to a position between object and lens(c) towards the lens(d) as well as lens so that distance between the two remains same as before.





    34. Four students showed the following traces of the path of a ray of light passing through a

    rectangular glass slab.

    The trace most likely to be correct is that of student

    (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

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    (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

    35. Four students A,B,C,D after performing the experiment of tracing the path of ray of lightthrough a glass slab marked the angles of incidence i , refraction r and emergence e asshown in the figures given below

    Which of the student has marked all the angles correctly is _(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D


    (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

    36. In the given diagram, showing a stage of binary fission in amoeba, Pseudopodia is labelled as :

    (a) P (b) Q (c) R (d) S

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    (a) P (b) Q (c) R (d) S

    37. Given below are the stages of binary fission in amoeba :

    Which one out of the following is the correct sequence of stages

    (a) B, D, A, C (b) B, D, C, A (c) B, C, D, A (d) B, A, D, C

    (a) B, D, A, C (b) B, D, C, A (c) B, C, D, A (d) B, A, D, C


    Which one of the above figures does not show budding in yeast

    (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

    (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

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    In the figures given above, two are showing budding. These are

    (a) I and II (b) I and III

    (c) I and IV (d) II and IV

    (a) I II (b) I III

    (c) I IV (d) II IV

    40. 5 raisins each were put in 3 solutions A, B, C. After 2 hrs it was seen that :- Size of the raisins did not change in solution A Raisins swelled up in solution B Raisins shrunk in solution CSelect the correct statement in reference to the 3 solutions :-(a) A is isotonic, B is hypotonic, C is hypertonic(b) A is isotonic , B is hypertonic, C is hypotonic(c) A is hypotonic, B is hypertonic, C is isotonic(d) A is hypertonic, B is isotonic, C is hypotonic

    5 A, B, C 2 :-




    (a) A , B , C

    (b) A , B , C

    (c) A , B , C

    (d) A , B , C

    41. A student immersed 2g of dry raisins in water for 2 hours and then weighed the swollen

    raisins after drying them with blotting paper. He found their weight to be 3g. The percentageof water absorbed by raisins is -

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    (a) 20% (b) 50% (c) 75% (d) 40%

    2g 2


    (a) 20% (b) 50% (c) 75% (d) 40%- o O o -