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Post on 14-May-2015

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Response to Crisis: Absolutism

By:Enrique BasauriAlondra Palacios

Chiara Carmelino

Do Now:

How would you like if there was only one person in charge of this

community? Country?

A Response to Crisis

Europeans wanted to seek, in the 17th century, more stability by increasing the power of the monarch. The ending result was:

Absolutism - a system in which ruler holds total power.

It is tied to the idea of divine right of kings: rulers receive their power from God and were responsible to no one except god.

Abilities:◦Make laws◦Levy taxes◦Administer justice◦Control officials◦Determine foreign policy

Louis XIVHis reign was known as the best example

of absolutism of the 17th century.His court was imitated throughout all of


Before LouisGovernment was trying their best to avoid

the breakdown of the state.When Louis XIII and Louis XIV were only

kids when they came to throneTherefore the government was put in the

hands of royal ministersThere were two ministers that played

important roles in in preserving authority.

Two Important MinistersCardinal Richelieu Cardinal Mazarin

Cardinal Richelieu

Louis XIII’s chief minister and strengthened the monarchy’s power.

He took away the Huguenots political and military rights because they were seen as a threat to the king.

Then he crushed the conspiracies and executed the conspirators.

Cardinal MazarinChief MinisterTook control of the

government due to Louis XIV being young of age

And crushed a revolt led by noble.

When he died Louis XIV took over at the age of 23 and took supreme power.

Government and Religion Louis XIV had supreme power over nation wide policy

making. Ex: foreign policy, church, and taxes. However nobles had more influence over the local

government. The king had bribed important people in the provinces to

watch over that his laws are being carried out. As for religion, he wants to eliminate the Huguenots,

French protestants, from his land and turn is country to Catholicism.

He sent for people to destroy their churches and close down the schools.

Over 2000 Huguenots have fled to England, United provinces, and German states.

Economy and WarIn the economy, Louis XIV increased

exports and decreased imports of goods. He also created roads and canals, that way he can improve communication.

He wanted to increase his royal power, therefore he held 4 wars between 1667 and 1713 and had an army of 400,000 men.

Louis XIV dies in 1715, leaving France in debt and surrounded by enemies.

Two Great European PowersAustria


Emergence of PrussiaFrederick William the Great Elector was the

leader and laid the foundations of the Prussian state.

Since the state had weak natural defenses, he had built an army of 40 thousand men to protect themselves.

In order to keep his army growing, he set up a General War Commissariat to levy taxes. It had become an agency for civil government and also the elector’s main instrument to govern the state.

Austrian EmpireThe Austrian Hapsburgs were not able to take/win

German lands after losing the ‘Thirty Years’ WarThe Austrian empire was made up of modern day

Austria, Czech Republic, and Hungary. After winning the war against the Turks, they took control of Transylvania, Croatia and Slavonia.

The never gained centralized power. They only have the ideal of service to Hapsburgs, held by military officers and government officials.


Russian Times The first czar was Ivan

IV known as Ivan the Terrible.

Czar – the Russian word for Caesar

Ivan IV had crushed the boyars.

Boyars –the Russian nobility

His dynasty ended in 1598

A period of anarchy also known as the Time of Troubles followed

It then led to the national assembly of choosing Michael Romanov as the new czar in 1613 to 1917.

In 1689 Peter the Great became czar and claimed the divine right to rule.

He wanted to westernize or Europeanized Russia and was more eager to borrow European technology to turn the army and navy into a great power.

Peter the Great died in 1725

He left Russia having a great military power and being an important European state.

Peter’s Changes for Russia

Peter created the first Russian Navy He created an army of 210 thousand soldiers. Divided up Russia into provinces. Want to have a well ordered community governed by law. Introduces western customs, practices and manners. He got prepared the first Russian book of etiquette to teach

western manners And he also acquired the land he sought to to get after a

war with Sweden In 1703, Peter started the construction of St. Petersburg on

the Baltic Sea which became the capital of Russia until 1918.