7 Essential Apps For all Road Warriors

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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2.4 million U.S. jobs require business travel.

Last year U.S. residents logged 455 million business trips.

Source: https://www.ustravel.org/answersheet

How do these road warriors stay organized

while traveling well?

Organization Apps

Consolidate Expenses

Access Critical


Set Budgetary Restrictions

Toss aside your napkin scribbles. Use Certify like a digital wallet.

»Consolidate expenses and receipts in one place

»Create folders to customize expenses

»Set company travel policies


Reach your source files before the destination. Google Drive stores it all.

»Access and edit Google Sheets, Docs and Slides

»Share docs with relevant global parties

»Sync across all mobile devices

Google Drive

Gain insight on your spending. Save money while traveling with TripSaver.

»Set spending restrictions

»Track expenses»View spending

categories in charts and graphs


Travel Apps

Automate Mileage


Proactively Avoid Traffic


Translate Up to 17


Stay on track without tracking your miles. Triplog tallies, you stay on course.

» Automatically records mileage at speeds over 5 mph

» Sync and merge data between devices

» Receive stats, customize reports


With infinite options, find the smartest route. Waze delivers real time traffic updates.

»Alerts on traffic, accidents, speed traps

»Edit maps to reflect traffic pattern changes

»Message other travelers


Háblame. Parle moi . 跟我說話 . Talk to Me.

»Speak to translate into 17 different languages

»Simplifies international navigation

»Adjust app based on native speaker’s pitch and rate

Talk to Me

Travel, stay Organized

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