7 Killer Tips To Get Your Emails Read

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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A comprehensive free book on the 7 Tips To help you write killer emails which sell. Includes easy to use step-by-step processes explaining how to do it.



““““7 Killer Tips 7 Killer Tips 7 Killer Tips 7 Killer Tips

To Get To Get To Get To Get

Your Emails ReadYour Emails ReadYour Emails ReadYour Emails Read””””

by Kurt Johansenby Kurt Johansenby Kurt Johansenby Kurt Johansen

AustraliaAustraliaAustraliaAustralia’s’s’s’s Email Marketing GuruEmail Marketing GuruEmail Marketing GuruEmail Marketing Guru

7 Killer Tips to Get Your Emails Read

2 Contact Kurt for your e-marketing at kurt@johanseninternational.com.au

CONTENTS PAGE Topic Page Number Introduction 3 Killer Tip 1: “The Secret to Creating Credibility and Why

It’s A Must To Use An Email Address People Will Trust & Recognise.” 4

Killer Tip 2: “Revealing The Closely Guarded Secret

Used By Experts That’s Guaranteed To Get All Your Emails Opened.” 6

Killer Tip 3: “How To Write Attention Grabbing Headlines

Which Will Explode Off The Screen” 11 Killer Tip 4: “Discover Million Dollar Techniques To Cause

The Reader To Take Action” 16 Killer Tip 5: “How To Sneak Under The Spam Filter’s Radar -

Invisible Stealth Attack Tactics Used By Gurus To Get Past The Toughest Security Defences” 22

Killer Tip 6: “Magical Words That Will Get Your Prospects

To Behave Like A Puppet On A String” 24 Killer Tip 7: “Unleash The Full Power Of Your Email

Campaign By Knowing When To Send Out Your Emails For Best Effect” 28

SECRET SEALED SECTION------------------------------------------------- 12 Missile Marketing Must Do’s And How To Get An Unfair Advantage Over Your Competitors By Hitting The Target With These Nuclear Warhead Tips” 31

7 Killer Tips to Get Your Emails Read

3 Contact Kurt for your e-marketing at kurt@johanseninternational.com.au

“7 Killer Tips To Get Your Emails Read”

Introduction Successful email marketing contains many elements. The primary aim is to have a recipient action your email to the degree you desire. This is achieved by getting the right message to the right person at the right time. When an email arrives in a recipient’s inbox, it is an interruption. Time is a very important aspect of many people’s lives. If we are sending emails to a person during working hours, then we need to learn how to grab their attention quickly. If we are sending emails to people who may be reading them at home, then we need to learn how to fight through the clutter in front of them. If we are sending an email to a person whom doesn’t mind the interruption we still need to discover tactics to get our emails read. Grabbing a reader’s attention is crucial in email marketing. Email marketers need to gain knowledge, learn skills and develop strategies to ensure their emails are not deleted.

This report serves one purpose and one purpose only:

“How To Get Your Emails Read” Follow these 7 Tips and see your email open rates explode. I guarantee it.

7 Killer Tips to Get Your Emails Read

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Killer Tip 1: “The Secret to Creating Credibility and Why It’s A Must To Use An Email Address People Will Trust & Recognise.”

When a person’s computer chimes to indicate an incoming email has arrived a certain type of anxiety strikes. It could be excitement, apprehension, or quizzical. Whatever the emotion five quick questions will launch inside their head.

1. Who are you? 2. What do you want? 3. Why should I care? 4. What’s In It For Me? (W.I.I.F.M.) 5. What do I have to do?

We need to focus and write our emails to answer these questions. The very first part of the email message a person reads is the sender’s name or email address. This is the first process of having your emails read. Recipients will look at the email name or address and determine if they:

• know you;

• respect you; and

• are willing to continue to be interrupted. Email marketing is about having a list of people who are willing to receive your emails. It is all about the List you are sending to and the Relationship you have with your list. A crucial first step of any marketing campaign is: The recipient must know who you are.

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Regulations and Laws determine who you can send emails to you should refer to your specific State or Country. As a general rule the sender must have an ‘implied’ reason why they sent the email to the person. When sending marketing emails it is important to have your name and/or your email address quickly identifiable. Do not fall into the trap of using a strange pseudonym which does not identify yourself and or your company. It is also unwise to use a generic hosting service like “Hotmail” or “Gmail” to send email marketing messages from. These services are very good to use when soliciting information or registering for free e-books etc, however, they do not inspire confidence in the recipient in marketing email campaigns. It may indicate to a recipient the sender is not a large supplier. So, wherever possible, if you wish to be a successful email marketer use a name which your intended audience will know, respect and take notice of. One which gives the recipient a feeling they are dealing with a large and respected company or person. Use your name in the email by all means. Just align it to your business. i.e. I use kurt@johanseninternational.com.au which is readily identifiable to all recipients.

In A Nutshell

• Have an implied reason why you are contacting people.

• Try not to use generic email hosting services if marketing by email.

• Select an email address which readily identifies or represents you.

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Killer Tip 2: “Revealing The Closely Guarded Secret Used By Experts That’s Guaranteed To Get All Your Emails Opened.”

When a person receives an email it is natural for them to ask “What do you want?” The recipient will always ask themselves, “Why are you contacting me?” “What do you want?” Consider:

• Does the recipient expect your email?

• Have they a reason to receive your email?

• Have you informed them you are sending out emails? This is where the old W.I.I. - F.M. radio station clicks in by the recipient. What’s In It For Me? The recipient has recognised your email name or address and now reads the subject line of your email. The subject line should contain the “First Name” of the recipient. Over the past few years a First Name in an email subject line may have indicated SPAM. Today it is seen as polite and what a recipient expects. This is because when they recognise your address it is polite you recognise them by name. Let’s explore this further… When you are recognised in the street a person would say, ‘Hi, (Your First Name).’ and… You would respond by saying, ‘Hi, (Their First Name)’ There is nothing different with an email. Your face (address) is recognised by the recipient and they would say sublimely, ‘Hi, (First Name) even if you can’t hear them say it.

7 Killer Tips to Get Your Emails Read

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They would then expect their name to be used. This power of personalization should be used in all your emails. In fact, by simply starting your email with "Hi (recipient’s name)" instead of the impersonal, "Hi there", you can increase both your reading and click-through rates by up to 650%. Why? It's because your recipients feel like they already have a relationship with you as you've addressed them by their first name. Having passed this initial salutation stage the next step is to engage the reader with an alluring subject line. The subject line should engage curiosity in the mind of the reader. When your email arrives in the recipient’s inbox, you generally have about half a second to catch their attention. The subject line of your email should do this. The recipient will then decide to: 1. delete it; 2. ignore it; or 3. read it. In your subject line, try and specify a benefit that the recipient can expect by reading your email. For example, instead of using: “Barry’s Newsletter Issue #1”, Try instead: “Barry’s, 9 Tips To Help Paint Your House Quickly”. or Instead of: “Peter, Don’t Spell Another Word Wrong Again.” Try instead: “Peter, How Many Times Have You Spelt This Word Wrong?”

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The content of the subject line is crucial to having your emails read. The subject line is important to grab the recipient’s attention. It must be thought provoking and strong enough to make the recipient open your email to find out more. Curiosity is a major emotion which helps the reader to keep reading. Many email programs allow around 50 characters to be used in the subject line, so, there is plenty of space to be creative and attention grabbing. Generally containing about 6-8 words the subject line has only one purpose:

• To get your email opened. A subject line should grab the recipient’s attention. It should also be formatted in a certain way. Capital Letters at the start of each word should be used like:

• “Tony, Grab Your Free Email Marketing Tips At...” The art of a good copywriter is to create a headline or title which will inspire the recipient to take further action. The ‘further action’ we want at this early stage is to have your email opened. Here are some time honoured and valuable headlines which have made money over the years. Can you use any of these for your email subjects?

• Here’s How To…

• What Makes a Successful…?

• Keep It, Use It, Enjoy It !

• Valuable Gift Enclosed

• We’re Giving Away…

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• Announcing the…

• 7 Magical Tips To…

• How To Feel Fit At Any Age When You…

• How To Get Your Cooking Bragged About;

• Don’t Buy Another…Until You Read Our Free Report On…

• Great New Discovery Kills…

• How Two Natural Foods Can Prevent…

• How To Save Petrol and Beat the Oil Companies;

• How To Have Cool Bedrooms Without the Use of…

• Can You Spot these 7 Common Decorating Sins?

• Who Else Wants a…

• If You Are Not Convinced After Reading This Report Then…

• To All Mothers Who Love Their Children;

• Have You Any of These 5 Skin Troubles?

• How Many Times Have You Done This... The subject line is very important in an email marketing campaign and much time should be spent on getting it right. Most copywriters write many, many subject lines looking for the BIG ONE which will take the recipient into Step 3:

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In A Nutshell

• Always start the subject line with the recipient’s first name.

• The first name should be used to engage a person in ‘first party’ conversation. The subject line should read as if you are talking direct to the person.

• The subject line is normally only 6-8 words, or around 50 characters.

• The sole purpose of the subject line is to be strong enough to engage the recipient to open your email.

• Use emotion to make the reader open the email. Curiosity works well.

• Spend an inordinate amount of time writing a thought provoking subject line.

• Write many lines and use the one which will engage curiosity the most.

• Test your list and record results of which subject lines worked best.

• Give the reader a taste of what is coming.

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Killer Tip 3: “How To Write Attention Grabbing Headlines Which Will Explode Off The Screen”

The purpose of the first two steps in email marketing is to get your recipient to open your email. Research tells us many people read emails in the preview frame/pane of an email program. and hence... STEP 3, ‘The Email Headline’, is important as it may be the only part of your email content which gets read. An Email Headline which is read in the preview frame of an email is just as important if not more important than the Subject Headline previously mentioned in Step 2. Why? Because… If you are recognised by your email address by the recipient they may forgive your lousy Subject Headline and press forward to see what you want anyway. Therefore, the use a well-constructed primary and secondary email headline is crucial. Now the rules for these email headlines differ in the number of words which can be used compared to the number of words in an email subject line. This is because your email headlines will now determine if the recipient will continue and read the first paragraph. Many tests have been done on email headlines. Whatever works for your List is the one you should adopt. Try subscribing to many email marketing lists and see what grabs your attention.

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If you do not wish to use your normal email address to do this; open up a Google ‘Gmail’ account. The beauty about Gmail is you can then use Google docs to record and store your favourite headlines. Here is a headline from an email recently sent by Armand Morin, one of the world’s leading on-line marketing gurus.

This was the start of Armand’s email. It is what is seen in the preview frame if a recipient did not wish to click on the email but read it there. If we analyse the email:

1. Armand firstly introduces himself again, (He was originally recognised by his email address;

2. He makes a grammatical error in the subject line. This did not happen in the email subject line where the words ‘To You Websites’ were correct

3. Thirdly he uses all Capital Letters for a headline with ***

placed at each end.

4. An URL is also included to take readers straight to a site. There would be no luck here. Armand tests every email he sends and he knows how to construct ones which work. Let’s look at another Armand Morin email:

From: Armand Morin

Re: Massive Traffic To You Websites



* Want to get MASSIVE TRAFFIC to your websites?

* How about starting this week?

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In this email Armand does not reintroduce himself yet quickly gets to the point. It contains a thought provoking question and a URL to click onto. Armand knows many emails are read quickly, and in the preview frame, so he likes to include an action point very early. Can you use this technique? Will it work for you? The only way to find out is to test. Another way to grab a reader’s attention is to use the power of headlines to your advantage. Many copywriters have different views to writing headlines. Some like quick, short headlines and others like longer headlines. Here are some examples of words you can use to start a quick or short headline.

• Pay close attention;

• Turn off the phone and listen;

• Now listen closely;

• Listen closely;

• I have a problem...

• Get over here and listen to this;

• Pull up a chair and hear me out;

• Here's a secret;

• I'm Angry;

• Look here;

• Hey;

• Listen to me;

• Warning;

Do you need MORE TRAFFIC?

If you answered YES, then read this email

very quickly, because it's limited.


Click This Link For The Full Details:



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• Stop;

• Here's my confession...

• I'm ready to EXPLODE;

• Listen;

• Don't miss a word of this...

• Top Secret Information;

• Forget everything and listen;

• Beware;

Whichever way you decide to go the email headline must grab the reader’s attention and create enough curiosity to cause them to read on. A further sub-headline is often used with most copywriters likely to use around 16-22 words in this. Examples are:

I have been very successful over the years using graphics in my email campaigns. I own the international copyright and intellectual property of Belvedere the cartoon character. I have used images of Belvedere to announce special promotions and these are among my best read emails.

Mail Order Manson


It’s only 6 million dollars and comes complete with

swimming pool, tennis court and a breathtaking view.


"And I know If You Read This Email It

May Offend You"

because it contains a message which most

people will not understand

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In case you haven’t seen Belvedere here are a few images I use to great affect.

In A Nutshell

• Whether you use an email headline is debatable for achieving success. Test and find out what your list accepts.

• Many email marketers are resorting to short attention grabbing statements which lead very quickly to a URL to click onto.

• If an email headline is used, try using a secondary headline as well.

• Subscribe to email marketing lists and check what others are doing.

• Test, test, and test some more to see what works best for your list.

• More importantly know what works with YOUR LIST.

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Killer Tip 4: “Discover Million Dollar Techniques To Cause The Reader To Take Action”

Email content is KING or Is it? No matter what business you are in don’t waste anyone’s valuable time with non usable, non productive email messages to them. Quite often your email may not relate to everyone on your list and this will be expected and is acceptable for most of your subscribers/recipients. Because… They know you and will be willing to accept your contact. Email marketing is about:

• The List;

• The Relationship with your list; and

• The Offer you are making to them. It is about the right message to the right person at the right time. Not every email will be read nor absorbed by everyone on your list. You need to really understand this point. Not all your recipients will care about every email you send. But by saying this, it is important not to send out messages which do not relate to them or confuses them to why you are sending it. Your email lists should be segmented in a way you can target your specific audience. Targeted lists are so important to have. And when you decide to send marketing emails ensure they contain only one message in the email.

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This is the big difference between emailing friends and sending marketing emails. In an email to friends it is common practice to discuss many topics and generally blurb away. In a marketing email the content or message should only contain one topic and have a specific goal in mind. This goal may be to get the person to click on a link contained in the message or it may be to get them to respond to an offer or even to buy a product or service. Whatever the goal of the email make sure there is only one message within the email. A decision needs to be made at the start of your email.

• What is the purpose of this email I am sending?

• What do I wish the recipient to do? Stephen Covey wrote as habit number 2 in his 1990’s best seller, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”: Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind In other words, what do you wish to achieve by sending out your email? Let me explain… The purpose of your email may be to get the recipient to click on a link which will direct them to a website. If this is the case do you really have to provide CONTENT or just simply arouse the curiosity of the recipient to click? A method many email marketers employ today is to use the email simply to achieve an action by the recipient. In other words if a great Subject Line is the vehicle to getting your email opened then…

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the email itself can be used as the vehicle to having a link clinked and to redirect the reader to another page. When looking at content for your email ensure the curiosity is retained and allow the reader every reason to keep reading. The opening of your email should be enlightening and specific to what the recipient would expect from you. The first paragraph should contain information about why you are contacting the recipient. The recipient will be asking, “Why are you telling me this.” Most people receive far too many emails and they wish to know very quickly what the benefit to them to continue reading is. Don’t ever think people care about you or what you are saying UNLESS your message has passed the W.I.I.F.M. test. Stay away from dramatic openings like, “Bob, I just have to tell you about this – it’s far too important not to...” Your recipients will despise you for being too dramatic. Raise anxiousness and curiosity amongst your readers not exaggeration. When writing the body too much dramatisation will work against you. Yet you need to be dramatic enough to arouse the reader’s attention. Here are a few examples of how to write copy which will gain the reader’s attention:

Instead of: “How to make your copy interesting to read and avoid common mistakes.” Try: “With this one simple change your copy will be so interesting to read you’ll eliminate all the mistakes you were making.”

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Instead of: “Why it is important to make your copy relevant to your reader.” Try: “The single most important thing to remember when writing copy is...”

Instead of: “The reasons why you shouldn’t write about your private life are...” Try: “The single biggest mistake to avoid when writing emails are...

******* **************************************************************************** Do You Wish To Know Another Major Content Copywriting

Secret? **************************************************************************** Really...? Do you...? Well... It’s Known as... Are you ready...? It’s called the...

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Slippery Slide OR The Bucket Brigade and... It works just like this... Can you see what just happened? The text is written as to demand you keep reading to find out the answer. This method is used to break up large text or to keep a long email going. It is called the Slippery Slide because when you are on a slippery slide you cannot stop; you just keep sliding. This method is also called the Bucket Brigade because many years ago, before fire hoses, the only way to get water from where it laid was to form a line of people from the water source to the fire. Buckets of water would then be passed along the line. The buckets had to keep moving to ensure enough water was available to put out the fire. The Slippery Slide or Bucket Brigade is an essential tool in the email marketer’s armoury and should be used at appropriate times. Examples of other words which can used in this fashion are:

• As a result...

• Why...?

• And in other words...

• As I said...

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In A Nutshell

• In email marketing make sure you use the recipient’s name and write the content as if you are only talking to one person.

• The email itself does not have to provide content to the recipient if this is not the purpose of the email. It could contain a link to the content instead.

• First work out what do you wish the intended recipient to do once they read the email. Make this clear and distinct to the recipient. If you do not know yourself do not expect the recipient to action along the lines you desire.

• Always ask yourself, “Why I am sending this email? What do I want the recipient to do?

• When you have clear answers to these questions you can decide whether or not you are going to provide content.

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Killer Tip 5: “How To Sneak Under The Spam Filter’s Radar - Invisible Stealth Attack Tactics Used By Gurus To Get Past The Toughest Security Defences”

Emails are the subject of many filtering programs and software. The purpose of these programs and software is to prevent messages from people the program doesn’t recognise reaching their intended target. Any emails considered SPAM are filtered out and either returned to the sender or redirected away from the recipient’s email address. The majority of large Internet service providers now use rigorous spam protection mechanisms to trap unsolicited email before it gets into their customers inboxes. Spam filters generally "rank" each email by a number of different criteria, and, if that email rates above a certain level (such as 10 spam points), then it is flagged as spam and deleted. It is therefore important for email marketers to be conversant with SPAM filters and SPAM rules. Many filters allocate points to words which are considered SPAM. Your emails should be checked, prior to sending an email in an ‘email content checker’. The checker should serve two purposes:

1. Check for words which are considered SPAM and allows the sender to type another word or omit the one used;

2. The checker should be able to preview the email in different

email browsers such as Explorer and Firefox and Flock with email programs such as Hot Mail, Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook etc to see how it will format and look when received.

Emails can also be sent by two methods:

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1. HTML; and 2. Text.

A recipient may be unable to receive emails in HTML which essentially allows graphics & pictures to be viewed. They may only be able to view emails in Text (words). Therefore, emails should have the capacity to be sent as both HTML and Text. Rather than ask a recipient if they would like to receive their emails by HTML or Text (because many people would not understand) it is wise to send your email marketing campaigns as both. This will ensure the recipients who do not wish to or can’t receive graphics or pictures (HTML) the availability to still receive your emails in Text. A professional email sending program will be able to do this for you automatically.

Whatever you do I cannot emphasise enough to Test, Test, and Retest.

What worked for you just a few months ago might not work today.

In A Nutshell

• The decision whether to send an email out as a HTML message or Text should never be one to consider too long. Send the email out simultaneously as both. Use an email sendout program to do this.

• Check prior to sending emails whether the message will avoid SPAM filters and what the format of the email will look like in various programs.


• Keep accurate records of your results.

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Killer Tip 6: “Magical Words That Will Get Your Prospects To Behave Like A Puppet On A String”

Call to Action Don’t fall into the trap of sending newsletters and marketing messages via email that do not have a clear call to action. Emails beautifully designed, well written, will get your reader in the right mood to do something – make sure you let them know what it is.

Have a clear place for them to click; this could be a button or URL to follow. It could be a statement what they are to do next.

Try to avoid generic terms like “Click Here”.

Instead try words like, “Order your ....here.”


“Yes, send the report to me now.”

One of the crucial elements of an email marketing campaign is to have a clear call to action.

• decide exactly what you want the recipients of your message to do, and

• design the message to make it easy for the recipient to understand, follow and act.

Make not only the call to action clear but also what recipients can expect when they click through. i.e. "Order your free report on email marketing newsletter here."

Whatever you decide to place in the content ensure the reader can easily understand the purpose of your email. If you are selling from an email campaign ensure you use the technique in sales of creating urgency.

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• “This offer will only last only 48 hours.’

• “This is a never to be repeated offer. Once Wednesday at midnight passes you will have to pay the higher price.”

• “We only have 17 at this price; once they are gone they are gone.”

Use many links in an email campaign.

If your goal is to move readers from the email to another Web site, give them many access points, such as two or three order buttons. Sprinkle these throughout the email.

Test each email message before you send it. If you can test it in different browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Flock, etc.), do so.

If you can test how the email will look in Outlook, Lotus Notes, Gmail, Yahoo! and platforms like Macintosh and PC do so.

Click each link to make sure they work. Test your email and links by sending the email to yourself or another third party first prior to sending out in bulk.

The Effective Use of PS’s in Sales Letters/Emails Many people read an email’s or sales letter’s headline and go to the bottom to discover the price. It is a common and normal practice by readers. We call this Primacy and Recency in the world of adult learning. Let me explain... Primacy means the first thing we see, hear or read we will remember.

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Recency means the last thing we see, hear or read we will remember. We know through research that over 70% of people read PS’s at the bottom of letters. Emails are no different. It is crucial in any email campaign to include PS’s. In fact... It is best if you include at least three. That’s right... At the bottom of an email you should have a:

• PS;

• PPS;

• PPPS. Within these PS’s you should include another: “Call to Action” You could include a: “Testimonial”. You could even offer a Special discount not previously mentioned. This is a way to test your offers. and... The only way someone gets this special offer is to click on the link supplied ONLY in the PS.

At the end of every email include a forward-to-a-friend link. Give them the opportunity to let somebody else know about it.

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In A Nutshell

• Ensure you include a Call to Action in every email

• Make the Call to Action button specific. i.e. ‘Order Here’ as opposed to ‘Click Here’.

• Include at least three PS’s in every email you send.

• Offer something special in your PS’s to indentify the success rate of your offers.

• Allow them the recipient the opportunity to forward to a friend by including a button or request to do this.

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Killer Tip 7: “Unleash The Full Power Of Your Email Campaign By Knowing When To Send Out Your Emails For Best Effect”

Email campaigns are the most cost effective and ‘DIRECT” way to hit your target audience. In fact it can be likened to MISSILE MARKETING. Modern missiles are weapons which can be programmed to hit the target even if it’s moving. By crafting your email campaigns into the systematic steps discussed in this book you will be well on the track to hitting your intended target. But... Timing can be everything. The time of the week to send out your emails is a very important aspect for all email marketers to consider. When to send emails:

1. Studies conducted by online research analysts have shown that the best days to perform a mail-out to your list are Tuesday and Wednesday, as this is when people are more receptive to communication. This means they are more likely to read your content and click on links contained within the email, meaning more sales. On Monday, people may be recovering from a hectic weekend. So this day is not a first choice of days to send emails on. Except if you said something like...

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“Hi, Ron I appreciate it’s Monday morning and probably not the best time to contact you with this email. But... What I have just discovered I couldn’t wait another day to let you know because (etc.etc.)

Also consider if you really need to send out emails at the end of the week. On Thursday and Friday, people may be too busy into the working week or looking forward to their weekend to take the action you require. However, these days could be used to your advantage because nobody else is using them. For instance, consider:

“Hi, Ron I appreciate it’s the end of the week and probably not the best time to contact you with this email. But... What I have just discovered I couldn’t wait for the weekend to pass to let you know because (etc.etc.)

7 Killer Tips to Get Your Emails Read

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2. When sending a regular email campaign or newsletter to your subscribers, always make sure that it's sent on the same day, at the same time. For example, every Wednesday at 3pm. Your subscribers will come to "expect" your email to arrive in their inbox on the same day at the same time, meaning they want to read your content and are generally more receptive to any special offers or promotions you may include.

In A Nutshell

• Be consistent. Make sure you keep regular contact with your database.

• Test which days work best to send your campaigns on. It is only by testing you will really know. NEXT PAGE: SECRET SEALED SECTION

7 Killer Tips to Get Your Emails Read

31 Contact Kurt for your e-marketing at kurt@johanseninternational.com.au

SECRET SEALED SECTION-------------------------------------------------

“12 Missile Marketing Must Do’s And How To Get An Unfair Advantage Over Your Competitors By Hitting The Target With These Nuclear Warhead Tips”

1. Identify what problems your List may have. What keeps

them awake at night and then go about resolving their issues.

2. Write a series of ‘How To’s for them. Show them how to

undertake certain activities and tasks.

3. Provide tips to use a certain product or service. Present yourself as the expert or go and research areas and problems for them and let them know where to go to resolve their concerns.

4. Tell them with stories about your experiences and relate

back how you can now help them not make the same mistakes.

5. Review certain products or services for them and give them

first hand accounts on how they work.

6. Ask for feedback on what they would like you to provide them with. The results of such a survey are themselves valuable content for another issue of a newsletter. For instance you might survey your List on ‘their sleeping problems’ and then summarize the answers in a nice article a couple of issues later.

7. Let them know of seminars or events which are taking place.

Provide them with an opportunity to attend.

8. Direct people to third-party websites, articles, online tools etc. they are likely to appreciate...ideally with a short explanation of why you think these resources are worth noting.

7 Killer Tips to Get Your Emails Read

32 Contact Kurt for your e-marketing at kurt@johanseninternational.com.au

9. Quizzes are another great way to stay in contact with your

list. Provide them with a mental challenge or game.

10. If you're running a newsletter or frequent email publication, make sure you keep the look and feel consistent from issue to issue. By keeping the look and feel consistent, you help to maintain and strengthen your brand and your image to your subscribers, which again will make it easier to close sales when you need to. Create a template for your newsletter and whenever you need to create a new issue, use the template as the basis for each issue.

11. Always include a signature at the bottom of your emails, as it is one of the easiest ways to attract more traffic to your website. This signature should include your personal details, your company details. You can use your signature to link back to your website, and even to other products. Here's a sample signature: Cheers,


Kurt Johansen. Johansen International. Visit my website at http://www.kurtjohansen.com

12. Make sure ALL emails contain an unsubscribe link. If you are using an auto responder email program this feature should be built in and activated.

In A Nutshell

• Find out what your customers wish to know about and send them this information.

• Help them use the information by explaining as much as you can. i.e. give them the ‘how’ to and not just the ‘what’ to.

7 Killer Tips to Get Your Emails Read

33 Contact Kurt for your e-marketing at kurt@johanseninternational.com.au

• Understand you are not the judge whether you are an annoyance to your customers. Let them determine this. They will unsubscribe or ask you to stop sending emails if and when they wish to. Do not pre-determine this for them.

• These are a few tips, but the main message is to ensure consistency with your email marketing campaigns.

• Never be stuck with ideas on what to send – Do your homework on what your list would like to receive.

Above all enjoy the experience which email marketing will give you.

Test email campaigns, record numbers and always

look to provide value.

If used correctly Email Marketing will bring about riches for your recipients and yourself.

Follow these valuable 7 Killer Tips and 12 Missile Marketing Must Do’s and you will definitely

Get Your Emails Read.

7 Killer Tips to Get Your Emails Read

34 Contact Kurt for your e-marketing at kurt@johanseninternational.com.au

Kurt Johansen’s is internationally known as Australia’s Email Marketing Guru. His personal blog can be found at: http://www.kurtjohansen.com

Kurt Johansen (MBA)

MBA (Master in Business Administration)

Diploma in Business (Frontline Management)

Diploma in Marketing Zenger Miller International Facilitator

Kurt is an experienced and versatile Business and Training Consultant, specializing in Management, Leadership, Sales and Negotiation. He is a logical thinker and a pragmatist that takes theories and concepts and applies them into practical business use. Kurt is highly motivated and passionate about helping small to medium businesses achieve optimum success. Kurt has an extensive knowledge and background in strategic, business and operational plans and negotiated an international copyright venture between the USA and Australia. Kurt is an accomplished guest and presentation speaker.

His area of expertise includes marketing, copywriting and delivery of training programs as well as an accredited business coach. He is known internationally as Australia’s Email Marketing Guru and teaches business people a step-by-step process to get their marketing emails opened, read and acted upon. It has worked for him and many others and if you use these tips described in this book there is a good chance they will work for you too. Kurt can be contacted direct via mailto:kurt@johanseninternational.com.au