7 qualities of highly effective people by Stephan R.covey

Post on 27-Jan-2016

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this is a presentation on a book named "7 qualities of highly effective people" by Stephan R.covey


7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Role of Habits in

our LIVES…

We are what we repeatedly do.Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit

What is a paradigm?

Frame of reference, The way we perceive, understand andinterpret the world.

Like a map in our head,The way things really are or the way they shouldbe.

Does everyone use the same paradigm?


What is a paradigm shift?

Way of looking at something differently.

We are stepping “outside the box”.

When we make a paradigm shift we can see, think, feel and behave differently.

Maturity Continuum

From Dependence to Interdependence

the paradigm of “you” the paradigm of “I” the paradigm of “we”

3 Kinds of AssetsPhysical



Habit 1

• Be Proactive

Habit 2

• Begin with the End in Mind

Habit 3

• Put first things first

Private Victory

1:Be Proactive



• Responsible  for  our  own  lives

• Responsibility (response-ability)

• Our behavior is a function of our decisions not our


• Circle of concern

• Circle of influence

We have wide range of concerns, but not all of them fall into our circle of influence

Circle of influence

Circle of concern

Proactive people focus their efforts in their circle of influence , causing the circle of influence to increase

Reactive people focus their efforts in their circle of concern. The negative energy generated by that focus

causes the circle of influence to shrink

Anytime we think the problem is out there, that thought is the problem

2: Begin With the End in Mind

Personal Planning

3 Aspects of personal and business management


Management qualities




Put First Things First • Personal management• Time management

Notes and checklists

Calendars and appointment


Prioritizing, clarifying values

Managing ourselves but not managing


Time Management

Critical skillFor personal management is delegation

There are two types of delegation: 1) Gofer Delegation 2) Stewardship Delegation

Stewardship Delegation

Requires a clear, up front mutual understanding of and commitment to expectations in five areas:

Desired Results


Resources Accountability

Emotional Bank Account

Emotional Bank AccountDescribes how trust is built on a relationship

Understand individual

Attend to the little things

Keep commitment

Clarify expectations

Show personal integrity

Apologize sincerely


Habit 1 - I am the Programmer.Habit 2 Write the Program. Habit 3 Execute the Program.”

Habit 4

• Think Win/Win

Habit 5

• Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Habit 6

• Synergize

Public Victory


What is meant by Win/Win

• Cooperation vs. competition.

• It is a frame of mind and heart.

• Win/Win or no deal – agree to disagree

• In developing an organizational culture avoid inadvertently rewarding win/lose behavior.

3 Characteristics of Win/Win

1. Integrity2. Maturity3. Abundance Mentality

Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Seek first to understand, then to be understood

• Shifting your paradigm.• Empathy and compassion• Understand the real

question, before you answer it.

• “ To others we are not ourselves, but a performer in their lives, cast for a part we do not even know that we are playing."

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts".Creative cooperation.

Value differences.

6: Synergize


• If everyone thought like you did, there would be no conflict and our jobs would be really easy. There would also be no plumbers, artists, astronauts, etc.

• The best music has harmony. And you don't get harmony, when everyone is singing the same note.

• Don't lose the forest, looking at the trees. And don't lose the trees, looking at the forest.

• Interconnectedness.

• We are just a small part of the whole thing

"To see the universe in a grain of sand." (Sandberg)

• To see in the universe,all the grains of sand.

7 : Sharpen the Saw

Sharpen the Saw

• A habit of renewal – physical, mental, social/emotional and spiritual.

• Importance of professional development.

• "What did you learn in school today?"

• Self-reflection gives you the ability to know when to sharpen your saw.

• You need to know when and how to sharpen your saw. And sometimes you need help from the most unlikely of helpers…


"Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before how infinitely rich and

beautiful life is in every way and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no

importance whatsoever." (Isak Denison)

When over worked, smile or laugh, because it is all small stuff.

How we live our days is ultimately how we live our lives.