7 reasons solopreneurs fail - and how to avoid them

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Solopreneurs fail in business all of the time. Thankfully, those failures are often caused by entirely predictable reasons. Understand the reasons, and you can avoid them.


FAIL7 Reasons Solopreneurs

...And How To Avoid Them

1. Trying to invent a new category

There are no bonus points for creativity in your

business model or niche.

If people want what you are selling they will buy it.

If they don’t want it, they won’t buy no matter how

creative you are.


Instead of inventing something new, borrow

what already works, and put your own mark on it.


2. Pleasing everyone pleases no one

We all want everyone to like us. If you try to please

everyone, though, then you aren’t going to excite anyone.

In fact, if you do please most people, you are probably doing something wrong.


Instead, imagine exactly the people who would need

what you are selling. And then speak only to them.


3. Under-charging

We get apologetic when it comes to asking for money, and usually ask for less than we should for our products or services.


As long as what you offer is exceptional, there are two

simple rules to follow:

1. Raise your prices

2. Do it again


Leave competing on price to Wal-Mart.

4. Inventing the wheel

Chances are very good that someone has already

encountered every problem you run into when building

your business - and are willing to talk about it.


Before you try to figure out a problem for yourself, first look for a solution. It’s the internet - chances are the

solution is out there somewhere.


5. Failure to market

I don’t care what your niche is.

Your biggest, most important job is marketing.

If you don’t market, you don’t have a business. You might not like it, but you can’t change it.


Don’t avoid it. Get advice.

Make a plan. Make it a habit.

Marketing pays off. Literally.


6. Being busy, not productive

It can be easy to fall into the habit of doing what we

want to do, or avoiding what we don’t want to do.

We can be so busy that we don’t have time to do the

things that actually create revenue.


You don’t get a medal for looking busy.

Value your own time.

If something doesn’t move you forward towards your goals - in a real way - then don’t do it.


7. Over-investing

When you are starting out you don’t need new equipment.

Or fancy, automated software.

And you sure don’t need exotic business cards.


Spend as little as you possibly can to get started.

Later, you can spend some of your revenue on things you

know you actually need.


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