7 Rules for Picking Up Girls at the Gym

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Any guy who goes to the

gym has noticed that it’s a

great place to meet women.

But how can you approach

them without coming off like

a creep? Follow these

steps and you might just

find yourself leaving your

local gym with a couple of

phone numbers.

The first step to getting the ladies at your local gym to want

to talk to you is to be there to work out. This doesn’t just

show that you care about how you look – if all you do while

you’re there is chat up the females, the women you meet are

going to notice, and they’re not going to be impressed.

You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to

attract women, but women are just as

appreciative of a good-looking body as

you are. In between trying to strike up

a conversation, be sure to focus on

exercises to get you into the kind of

shape you have been visualizing for

years—this may require you to actually

break a sweat. Why? Because women

love confidence.

Being friendly with the gym staff accomplishes two goals: it makes you more comfortable

in your surroundings and it makes you look personable. Give a friendly nod or ―hello‖ to

the staff whenever you encounter them—the women around you are sure to notice.

As eager as you may be to introduce yourself to the hottie on the next treadmill, you

should never interrupt a woman’s workout to get her to notice you. If you do, you’ll come

off as inconsiderate or overly aggressive, both of which will put her off. Wait until she’s

switching exercises or packing up to make your move.

Every woman likes to be

complimented, but bringing up her

body usually isn’t the best

icebreaker—especially at the gym.

No matter how good you think she

looks in gym clothes, talking about

her physique is likely to make her

feel self-conscious. Instead, try to

strike up a friendly, low-key

conversation. If you’re interested

in her, she’ll get the message.

Some guys think the best gym clothes for attracting attention are tight shirts and short shorts

that show off just about everything. Unless you’re Mr. Universe, bike shorts and unitards

aren’t going to attract the kind of attention you want. Loose gym shorts and a T-shirt are fine.

If you have a physique to show off, she’ll notice without the extra help.

Just because you sweat when you work out doesn’t mean you can get away with

smelling like a slob. Covering yourself in cologne at the gym will make you appear

tacky, but a little deodorant to cover up your post-workout smell will be appreciated.

William Henry is the purveyor of designer pocket knives, men’s jewelry, and

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If you want to pick up women at the gym, you should be there to work out, avoid talking about her body, and wear flattering clothes. Read on for our top seven rules.